278 research outputs found

    Familias migrantes : reproducción de la identidad y del sentimiento de pertenencia

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    En aquest article s'ha volgut establir l'articulació entre vincles familiars, relacions socials i construcció de la identitat, en el cas dels col·lectius immigrants de classe obrera instal·lats en els barris perifèrics de Tarragona. El centre del nostre treball esta constituït per l'anàlitsi dels mecanismes pels quals els universos simbòlics, que serveixen de suport a la identitat individual col·lectiva, es reprodueixen o es transformen en estreta relació de dependència respecte als vincles socials que els immigrants estableixen en el seu procés d'inserció en la societat receptora. Les condicions d'extrema pobresa en els grups socials estudiats donen lloc, en els primers anys d'adaptanó a la nova vida urbana, a una situació de crisi personal i familiar. En aquestes condicions de dificultat reproductiva, es produeix en el si dels grups domèstics una tendència cap a la fusió de les estructures parentals, que adopten la forma del que hem denominat conglomerats familiars. També les relacions de paisanatge i de veïnat serveixen de filtre per atemperar les difcutats que tenen els individus en l'àmbit econòmic, laboral, relacional i simbòlico-cultural.En este artículo se ha querido establecer la articulación entre vínculos familiares, relaciones sociales y construcción de la identidad, en el caso de los colectivos inmigrantes de clase obrera instalada en los barrios periféricos de Tarragona. El centro de nuestro trabajo está constituido por el análisis de los mecanismos por los que los universos simbólicos, que sirven de soporte a la identidad individual colectiva, se reproducen o se transforman en estrecha relación de dependencia respecto a los lazos sociales que los inmigrantes establecen en su proceso de inserción en la sociedad receptora. Las condiciones de extrema pobreza en los grupos sociales estudiados dan lugar, en los primeros años de adaptación a la nueva vida urbana, a una situación de crisis personal y familiar. En estas condiciones de dificultad reproductiva, se produce en el seno de los grupos domésticos una tendencia hacia la fusión de las estructuras parentales, que adoptan la forma de lo que hemos denominado conglomerados familiares. También las relaciones de paisanaje y de vecindad sirven de filtro para atemperar las dificultades por las que atraviesan los individuos, en el ámbito económico, laboral, relacional y simbólico- cultural.In this article we have tried to establish the articulation between familial ties, social relations and identity construction, in the case of worker immigrant groups living in the peripherical suburbs o Tarra gona. The main point of our work is the analysts of the mechanisms bu which symbolic universes, which support individual and collective identity, are reproduced and transformed in a close relationship of dependence towards the social ties that the immigrants settle in their process of insertion into the receiving society The conditions of extreme poverty within the social groups that we have studied provoke during the first years of adaptation to the new urban life situation of personal and familial crisis. In these conditions of reproductive difficulty, a tendency to the fusion of parental structures is generated in order to construct what we have called familial conglomerates. The neighbourhood and fellowship relations act also as a filter to temper the difficulties by which individuals came through, in the economical, working, relational and symbolic- cultural contexts

    Exploring value differences across family firms : The influence of choosing and managing complexity

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    Altres ajuts: Formation of University Researchers (FPU)Stewardship is considered a distinctive feature of family firms, and it is associated with a set of values, including altruism, collectivism, trust, identification, loyalty and commitment. However, the extent to which these values actually prevail in different types of family firms has not often been explored, especially in relation to the types of complexity found in family firms. In this study, we address this gap in the literature and explore the existence of potential differences among family firms. Additionally, we investigate the possible reasons for these differences with regard to the levels of management complexity in the family firms and the processes related to such complexity, such as succession, pruning and complexity management options. We use a multiple case-study methodology involving 22 long-established family firms in northeast Spain. Based on the empirical results from our dynamic and multidimensional approach, this article primarily contributes to the existing literature by providing a conceptual model of the influence complexity has on values in family firms

    Exchange bias effects in Fe nanoparticles embedded in an antiferromagnetic Cr2O3 matrix

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    Powders consisting of ferromagnetic (FM) Fe nanoparticles, of about 7 nm in size, embedded in an antiferromagnetic (AFM) Cr2O3 matrix have been obtained by high-temperature reduction under a hydrogen atmosphere of a mixed Cr–Fe oxide. This FM–AFM system exhibits exchange bias effects, i.e. a loop shift (HE) and coercivity enhancement (ΔHC), when field-cooled through the N´eel temperature, TN, of Cr2O3. The exchange bias properties were measured as a function of temperature. HE and ΔHC are found to vanish at about TN(Cr2O3), indicating a good quality AFM matrix. Hence, high-temperature reduction of mixed oxides is demonstrated to be a suitable technique to develop new types of FM–AFM exchange-biased nanoparticles, from which novel applications of this phenomenon may be developed

    Combined Effect of Temperature and Oil and Salt Contents on the Variation of Dielectric Properties of a Tomato-Based Homogenate

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    Tomato-based processed foods are a key component of modern diets, usually combined with salt and olive oil in different ratios. For the design of radiofrequency (RF) and microwave (MW) heating processes of tomato-based products, it is of importance to know how the content of both ingredients will affect their dielectric properties. Three concentrations of olive oil and salt were studied in a tomato homogenate in triplicate. The dielectric properties were measured from 10 to 3000 MHz and from 10 to 90 °C. Interaction effects were studied using a general linear model. At RF frequencies, the dielectric constant decreased with increasing temperature in samples without added salt, but this tendency was reversed in samples with added salt. The addition of salt and oil increased the frequency at which this reversion occurred. At MW frequencies, the dielectric constant decreased with increasing temperature, salt, and oil content. The loss factor increased with increasing salt content and temperature, except in samples without added salt at 2450 MHz. Penetration depth decreased with increasing frequency and loss factor. Salt and oil contents have a significant effect on the dielectric properties of tomato homogenates and must be considered for the design of dielectric heating processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of Pasteurisation Temperatures for a Tomato–Oil Homogenate (salmorejo) Processed by Radiofrequency or Conventional Continuous Heating

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    © 2023. The authors. This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the published version of a published work that appeared in final form in Foods.Salmorejo is a viscous homogenate based on tomato, olive oil and breadcrumbs commercialised as a “fresh-like” pasteurised–chilled purée. Due to its penetration, dielectric heating by radiofrequency (RF) might improve pasteurisation results of conventional heating (CH). The objective was to val-idate the pasteurisation temperature (70–100 °C, at 5 °C intervals) for salmorejo processed by RF (operating at 27.12 MHz for 9.08 s) or conventional (for 10.9 s) continuous heating. The main heat-induced changes include: orangeness, flavour homogenisation, loss of freshness, thickening, loss of vitamin C and lipid oxidation. Both CH and RF equivalent treatments allowed a strong re-duction of total and sporulated mesophilic microorganisms and an adequate inhibition of the pectin methylesterase, peroxidase and, to a lesser extent, polyphenol oxidase but did not inhibit the pol-ygalacturonase enzyme. Pasteurisation at 80 °C provided a good equilibrium in levels of microbi-ological and enzymatic inhibition and thermal damage to the product. Increasing this temperature does not improve enzyme inactivation levels and salmorejo may become overheated. A “fresh-like” good-quality salmorejo can be obtained using either conventional or radiofrequency pasteurisers

    Un estudi sobre la transició secundària - Universitat

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    La present comunicació presenta algunes reflexions i resultats obtinguts fruït de l'estudi de camp realitzat a partir del projecte La transició secundària universitat i incorporació a la universitat. L'acollida dels estudiants de primer curs (MQD convocatòria 2004, resolució UNI/371/2004 de 19 de gener)

    Validation of Pasteurisation Temperatures for a Tomato–Oil Homogenate (salmorejo) Processed by Radiofrequency or Conventional Continuous Heating

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    Salmorejo is a viscous homogenate based on tomato, olive oil and breadcrumbs commercialised as a “fresh-like” pasteurised–chilled purée. Due to its penetration, dielectric heating by radiofrequency (RF) might improve pasteurisation results of conventional heating (CH). The objective was to validate the pasteurisation temperature (70–100 °C, at 5 °C intervals) for salmorejo processed by RF (operating at 27.12 MHz for 9.08 s) or conventional (for 10.9 s) continuous heating. The main heat-induced changes include: orangeness, flavour homogenisation, loss of freshness, thickening, loss of vitamin C and lipid oxidation. Both CH and RF equivalent treatments allowed a strong reduction of total and sporulated mesophilic microorganisms and an adequate inhibition of the pectin methylesterase, peroxidase and, to a lesser extent, polyphenol oxidase but did not inhibit the polygalacturonase enzyme. Pasteurisation at 80 °C provided a good equilibrium in levels of microbiological and enzymatic inhibition and thermal damage to the product. Increasing this temperature does not improve enzyme inactivation levels and salmorejo may become overheated. A “fresh-like” good-quality salmorejo can be obtained using either conventional or radiofrequency pasteurisers.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain under the project No. RTI2018-098052 and by the CERCA programme from the Generalitat of Catalunya.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio