550 research outputs found

    EMU: A giant with feet of clay?

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    Right from the beginning, the process of European integration has been influenced by the events of the international scene.This is why the memebers of the European Community soon raised the possibility of creating and consolidating a zone of monetary stability,protected from the vicissitudes of the International Monetary System. After more than twenty years of pursuing this goal,the Treaty of Maastricht included Monetary Union as a priority objective for the European Union. However, the fact that we are currently immersed in the process of Monetary Union has meant that the Union has had to put other fundamental aspect of consolidating and strengthening overall integration on the back burner. What is more,if these latter aspect are not given the importance they deserve and are not treated at a suitable level, the whole unique project of co-operation between national states could be put in jeopardy. The aim of this paper is to provide a more detailed review of the increasingly evident cracks that are appearing in the process of European integration, cracks that have been highlighted by the advance toward Monetary Union. The review is based on a study of the evolution and the influence international events have had on the different monetary aspects that have been addressed by the European Union, on the one hand, and an analysis of the main features of Monetary Union,on the other. Finally,we address the criticism and shortcomings of a process which, in its current fundamental guise,leads us to wonder if we are dealing with a giant with feet of clay, an economic giant but a political dwarf.

    Creating an Online Concrete Masonry Course for Accessibility

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    An online undergraduate course in masonry design was created for an asynchronous delivery format and to fulfill web accessibility requirements. This report outlines the process of the course creation with Canvas as the host platform. Emphasis is placed on how content including lecture presentations, assignments, and course modules were developed with strong graphic software and communication skills. For accessibility, the content creation was guided by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA Standards. Lastly, the significance of learning masonry design in undergraduate structural engineering curriculum is discussed in addition to the structural engineering industry practices used to complete this project

    Los grupos multimedia españoles. Análisis y estrategias [Reseña]

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    Anticuerpos irregulares en donantes que asisten al Banco Nacional de sangre de Managua, Nicaragua.

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    Nuestra investigación tiene como objetivo principal la documentación de describir la frecuencia de anticuerpos Irregulares en donantes de sangre, definir anticuerpos frecuentes y de mayor importancia clínica para el donante. Es una investigación documental. Para la recolección de los datos e información fue obtenida de fuentes secundarias, utilizamos libros de Inmunohematología, Revistas científicas, Páginas de internet, artículos y publicaciones donde se aborda todo lo relacionado a los Anticuerpos irregulares, se elaboró una entrevista dirigida al responsable de Inmunohematologia del banco nacional de sangre de Managua Lic. Ramón Medrano. El procesamiento de la información fue acorde a cada uno de los objetivos propuestos, para lo cual se planteó lo siguiente: un esquema de trabajo en el cual incluyó la búsqueda de la información, registros de datos y análisis de la información. Los anticuerpos irregulares de mayor importancia clínica en Managua-Nicaragua es el anti D,c y E. Los D son más inmunogénicos que los demás antígenos eritrocitarios y hubo mayor frecuencia de anticuerpo anti-D con 42% 36 casos, Anticuerpo anti-E 15.2% 13 casos, Anticuerpo anti K con casos que corresponde al 10.5%., Anticuerpos indeterminados con 7 casos (8%), anti-C 5 casos (6%), anti-M con 4 casos (5%), anti-c, anti-Duffy (a) y anti-P con 3 casos cada uno (3.5%) y anti-Lea con 2 casos (2.4%).. Según la bibliografía consultada Aragón S., Flores A., y Gómez H. (Enero 2009- Julio 2010). Frecuencia de Anticuerpos de Grupos Sanguíneos de significancia clínica en donantes.. UNAN-MANAGU