787 research outputs found

    The Policy of Substance Abuse in Liberia: Analysis and Recommendations

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    Countries all over the globe are affected by substance abuse. Substance abuse is a traumatic issue that people around the world battle. Substance use has occurred for many years and seems to keep increasing. According to Parekh, “Substance use disorder (SUD) is complex a condition in which there is uncontrolled use of a substance despite harmful consequence.” (Parekh, 2017). Substance abuse has a significant effect on health, an individual’s well-being, families, relationships, and the post-war community. However, with the information on Liberia, little is known about the substance abuse cases. Liberia is a country that has no health, and there are no programs put in place to support people who have been struggling with substance abuse


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana  sanksi  hukum  apabila  salah  satu  pihak  melakukan  wanprestasi dan bagaimanakah tinjauan yuridis terhadap pelaksanaan perjanjian sewa-menyewa rumah di mana dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Unsur dan syarat perjanjian sah menurut ketentuan KUHPerdata, khususnya Pasal 1320 harus memiliki 4 (empat) unsur dan pada setiap unsur melekat syarat-syarat yang ditentukan undang-undang. Perjanjian yang sah dan mengikat diakui dan memiliki akibat hukum. Adapun unsur dan syarat yang dimaksud adalah persetujuan kehendak atau kesepakatan para pihak, kewenangan berbuat /cakap melakukan perbuatan menurut undang-undang, adanya objek (prestasi) tertentu berupa memberikan suatu benda bergerak atau tidak bergerak, berwujud atau tidak berwujud, melakukan suatu perbuatan tertentu atau tidak melakukan perbuatan tertentu serta apa yang ingin dicapai pihak-pihak itu harus memenuhi syarat, tujuan perjanjian yang akan dicapai pihak-pihak itu sifatnya harus halal, tidak dilarang oleh undang-undang, tidak bertentangan dengan ketertiban umum dan kesusilaan. 2. Perjanjian sewa menyewa rumah pada pelaksanaannya merupakan perjanjian konsensuil yang artinya sudah ada apabila telah ada kesepakatan mengenai unsur pokoknya yaitu rumah dan harga sewa. Perjanjian sewa menyewa rumah bertujuan untuk memberikan hak kebendaan, tapi hanya memberikan hak perseorangan terhadap orang yang menyewakan, karena kewajiban pihak yang menyewakan adalah menyerahkan rumah untuk dinikmati dan bukannya menyerahakan hak milik atas rumah.Kata kunci: rumah; sewa menyewa

    Differential evolution technique on weighted voting stacking ensemble method for credit card fraud detection

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    Differential Evolution is an optimization technique of stochastic search for a population-based vector, which is powerful and efficient over a continuous space for solving differentiable and non-linear optimization problems. Weighted voting stacking ensemble method is an important technique that combines various classifier models. However, selecting the appropriate weights of classifier models for the correct classification of transactions is a problem. This research study is therefore aimed at exploring whether the Differential Evolution optimization method is a good approach for defining the weighting function. Manual and random selection of weights for voting credit card transactions has previously been carried out. However, a large number of fraudulent transactions were not detected by the classifier models. Which means that a technique to overcome the weaknesses of the classifier models is required. Thus, the problem of selecting the appropriate weights was viewed as the problem of weights optimization in this study. The dataset was downloaded from the Kaggle competition data repository. Various machine learning algorithms were used to weight vote a class of transaction. The differential evolution optimization techniques was used as a weighting function. In addition, the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) and Safe Level Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SL-SMOTE) oversampling algorithms were modified to preserve the definition of SMOTE while improving the performance. Result generated from this research study showed that the Differential Evolution Optimization method is a good weighting function, which can be adopted as a systematic weight function for weight voting stacking ensemble method of various classification methods.School of ComputingM. Sc. (Computing

    Use and value of library's electronic resources by academics and postgraduate students at Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)

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    Includes bibliographical references.As libraries are in the transition of moving from print to electronic resources, the purpose of the study was to investigate the use and value of library's e-resources by academics and postgraduates at Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). There is evidence from previous studies that today's users have their information needs met via a number of options. They need not physically come to the library; they can stay at home or at their offices to access e-resources. The study focused on the use and value of the library's e-resources in two departments (Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering) in the Faculty of Engineering. The main aim was to determine whether academics and postgraduates use e-resources, the purpose for which they used e-resources in the process of teaching, learning and research, the extent to which they were aware of the e-resources, the value they regarded as the benefit from using e-resources and the problems they encountered in their use of e-resources. The study population consisted of 251 academics and postgraduates. A questionnaire was used as data collection instrument. The questionnaire was distributed to 82 academics, 135 MTech and 34 DTech students. The results of the study are based on the data from 60 returned questionnaires from academics and postgraduates. The study found that the majority of the respondents used e-resources, but a few respondents did not use e-resources because they were not aware of them. Respondents who used e-resources used them for a variety of purposes, including gathering information for a specific topic; doing literature reviews, getting answers to specific questions, and gaining general information. The study also encountered respondents who had problems when using e-resources. These problems included internet connections, slow downloading of articles; time constraints and the need for training in the use of e-resources. The majority of respondents from the study thought that they benefited from using the library's e-resources

    Age Perceptions, Knowledge, and Preventive Behaviors Regarding Cervical Cancer: Analysis from the 2005 Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS).

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    Cervical cancer is considered to be the third most common type of cancer in women, and the second largest cause of deaths in women. Its toll is greatest in population that lack screening programs to detect precursor lesions (Roden, 2006). Almost all cervical cancer is caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus), a common virus that is spread through sexual intercourse (Roden, 2006). It is widely believed among experts that most women who are diagnosed with cervical cancer today have not had regular pap smears or they have not followed up on abnormal Pap smear results. But the question is how knowledgeable are women regarding this deadly disease which is curable when detected early. We used a national representative sample of women in an exploratory analysis to shed light on how age differences characterize the perceptions, knowledge and prevention behaviors of cervical cancer. The five classes of women we investigated were women ages 18 – 34; 35 – 49; 50 – 64; 64 – 74; and 75+. The results indicate that women ages 50 – 64 were the most opinionated regarding the characteristics of cervical cancer
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