97 research outputs found

    Assessment of options of determining the flash point of flammable liquid mixtures

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    Dolníček, Petr, Posouzení možností stanovení teploty vzplanutí směsí hořlavých kapalin. Ostrava 2018. Disertační práce. VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství. Vedoucí práce: doc. Ing. Ivana Bartlová, CSc. V dnešní době je kladen velký důraz na dodržování pravidel v oblasti bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví lidí i životního prostředí. Moderní doba a neustálý vývoj nových technologií nutí člověka používat velké množství chemických látek a směsí. Chemické látky a směsi pomáhají zvýšit životní úroveň lidí všech průmyslových odvětví, ale ne všechny tyto látky jsou bezpečné. Nebezpečné vlastnosti jsou u většiny chemických látek dobře známy, to se však netýká jejich směsí. Evropská unie pro snadnější získávání potřebných vlastností nebezpečných chemických látek a směsí vydala nařízení evropského parlamentu a rady č. 1272/2018 o klasifikaci, značení a balení chemických látek a směsí (nařízení CLP). Velkou část nařízení představují informace o hořlavých kapalinách, které se vyskytují snad v každém odvětví. Pro klasifikaci hořlavých kapalin do kategorií dle nařízení CLP jsou potřebné údaje o teplotě vzplanutí a počáteční teplotě varu. Stejně tak je nutné znát teplotu vzplanutí z důvodu jejich zařazení do tříd nebezpečnosti pro zajištění požadavků prevence technologických zařízení. Tyto údaje lze stanovit experimentálně, nalézt v literatuře nebo určit predikčně. Pro stanovení teploty vzplanutí se používá metoda uzavřeného a otevřeného kalíšku, přičemž závisí na hodnotě předpokládané teploty vzplanutí. Teplota vzplanutí stanovená v uzavřeném kalíšku je přísnější - nižší, proto se pro zatřídění hořlavých kapalin dle nařízení CLP používá uzavřený kalíšek. Z uvedených důvodů je disertační práce zaměřena na možnosti stanovení teploty vzplanutí alternativních paliv – směsi alkoholů a alkoholů s vodou – experimentálně i predikčně a jejich vzájemné srovnání pro co nejefektivnější použití v praxi.Dolníček, Petr, Assessment of options of determining the flash point of flammable liquid mixtures. Ostrava 2018. Dissertation thesis. VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Safety Engineering. Thesis supervisor: doc. Ing. Ivana Bartlová, CSc. Today, great emphasis is placed on compliance with rules governing safety and protection of human health and the environment. The modern era and continuous development of new technologies is forcing humans to use a vast amount of chemical substances and mixtures. Chemical substances and mixtures help improve the living standard of humans in all industrial areas, but not all these substances are safe. The hazardous properties of most chemical substances are well known; however, this cannot be said of their mixtures. To facilitate the acquisition of the necessary properties of hazardous chemical substances and mixtures the European Union issued the European Union Parliament and Committee Regulation No. 1272/2018 on the classification, labelling and packaging of chemical substances and mixtures (CLP Regulation). The predominant part of this regulation provides information about flammable liquids which occur in perhaps every field. To classify flammable liquids into categories subject to the CLP Regulation it is necessary to know the flash point and initial boiling point. Also, one must know the flash point to enable classification into hazard classes to comply with requirements for prevention of technological equipment. These parameters can be determined experimentally, from literature or by prediction. The flash point is determined by using the open cup and closed cup methods, whereas it depends on the presumed flash point. The flash point determined by the closed cup method is stricter - lower, therefore the closed cup method is used for classifying flammable liquids according to the CLP Regulation. For this reason, the dissertation thesis focuses on the options of determining the flash point of alternative fuels – mixtures of alcohols and alcohols with water – experimentally and predictively and their comparison for the most efficient use in practice.040 - Katedra bezpečnosti práce a procesůvyhově

    Linux user interface using camera

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    Cílem projektu bylo vytvořit plně funkční program v jazyce C++, který je schopen detekce objektů a ovládání kurzoru myši v operačním systému Linux. Tato detekce je založena na rozpoznávání objektů požadované barvy a tvaru ze vstupu webkamery, v tomto případě sledování červeného kruhu. Hlavní část kódu byla psaná v programu Harpia, který je pro účely zpracovávání obrazu speciálně vytvořen. Většina použitých funkcí je z knihovny OpenCV, která se zabývá počítačovým viděním. V mé práci naleznete informace o způsobech detekce hran, filtraci obrazu a vyhlazovacích filtrech. Program splňuje stanovené zadání, na základě zjištěné polohy detekovaného objektu v obraze ovládá pohyb kurzoru myši.The goal of this was to create a fully functional program coded in C++, which is capable of real time object detection and mouse positioning in operating system Linux. Object detection is based on recognizing desired color and shape from webcam input. In this case it was a red circle. The main part of source code was generated via application Harpia. This is an application especially created for purposes of object tracking, border detection and picture processing. Most of used functions belong to OpenCV library. This library, as well as Harpia application, was created for computer vision, so it has many functions especially for purposes of my program. You can find many information about edge detection, color filtering and noise reduction in this document. I have also managed to control mouse cursor according to data that program detects. My program fulfils its purpose.

    Technical terminology in everyday life

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    Tato práce se zaměřuje na historii technické terminologie, její dopad na každodenní život a metody, kterými lze zkoumat historii technické terminologie a její dopad na každodenní život. Tato práce se rovněž zaobírá některými omezeními takového výzkumu a pravděpodobnými vysvětleními pro získaná data.This work focuses on the history of technical terminology, its impact on everyday life and the different ways in which the history of terminology and its impact on everyday life can be researched. This work also discusses some of the limitations of such research and the probable explanations of the obtained data


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    A fine-grained siderite rock was found to form a younger stage of subvertical NNW-SSE trending polymetallic post-Variscan Zn-Pb vein hosted by the Lower Carboniferous greywackes in the Hrabůvka quarry. The rock is formed mainly by sparitic Fe-rich carbonate (siderite to Mg-siderite) containing small admixture (~15 wt. %) of detritic component composed of clay, and fragments of older hydrothermal minerals and host greywacke. Except of siderite, the authigenic phases are represented also by minor framboidal pyrite and sphalerite. Bulk chemical composition is characterized by high both FeO (40.6 wt. %) and CO2 (32.6 wt. %) contents. Rare earth element abundances and stable isotope data are similar to those of local Tertiary sediments and different from those characterizing the post-Variscan vein dolomite. It is concluded that the studied siderite probably originated during sideritization of carbonate-rich Tertiary sediment, which sink into the reactivated fault that has been already earlier (during the post-Variscan period) cemented by Zn-Pb mineralization

    Perfusion image processing

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    Cílem této diplomové práce bylo vytvořit skript pro program MATLAB, který je schopen načíst obrázky DICOM standardu, přečíst informace v jejich hlavičce a zvolit správnou sérii snímků pro perfuzní analýzu. Tato analýza je založena na detekci kontrastní látky v lidském těle a správné interpretaci změn kontrastu této látky v čase. Celá práce se snaží popsat cestu ke tvorbě systému schopného automatické analýzy a kvalifikace nádoru. Nakonec je vytvořeným skriptem provedena analýza poskytnutých DICOM snímků.The goal of this diploma thesis was to create a script in MATLAB, which is capable to load DICOM pictures, read the data in their headers and then select the right series for perfusion analysis. This analysis is based on detection of contrast fluid in bloodstream and tissue and right interpretation of concentration changes of this fluid in time. This work is trying to describe a way of building an ultimate system capable of autonomous tumor analysis and classification. In the end, there is an analysis of DICOM sample performed by created script.

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    V rámci mé bakalářské praxe ve firmě Webvalley s.r.o. jsem řešil více dílčích úkolů na více projektech. Tento dokument obsahuje popis splněných úkolů během mé praxe a postup jejich řešení. Hlavními úkoly bylo testování aplikace pomocí funkcionálních a akceptačních testů, migrace dat ze staré webové aplikace do nové v uživatelsky přívětivém prostředí.As part of my bachelor's degree in Webvalley s.r.o. I have solved more partial tasks on multiple projects. This document describes the accomplished tasks during my practice and how to deal with them. The main tasks were to test the application using functional and acceptance tests, to migrate data from an old web application to a new one in a user-friendly environment.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    A find of dense CO2 fluid inclusion in zircon from the Quaternary fluvial gravel-sands at Hulín

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    High density CO2 fluid inclusion was found in one zircon crystal separated from commercial gravel-sand supplied from sand-pit at Hulín, where the Quaternary fluvial sediments are exploited. The prismatic, slightly rounded 19x10 μm large fragment of a zircon contained single elongated 6 μm long fluid inclusion which appears to be monophase at room temperature. The microthermometric measurements revealed presence of almost pure CO2 (melting temperature as low as -56.9 °C) that homogenized to liquid phase at -49.2 °C. The corresponding density for pure CO2 system is 1.152 g/cm3. Yet, fluid inclusions with similar characteristics are not known from the possible source area, from which the clastic material could have been derived. Theoretically, the dense CO2 fluids could be bound to high-grade metamorphic rocks (amphibolite facies or higher) or to low-grade metamorphic rocks in areas of low geothermal gradient.High density CO2 fluid inclusion was found in one zircon crystal separated from commercial gravel-sand supplied from sand-pit at Hulín, where the Quaternary fluvial sediments are exploited. The prismatic, slightly rounded 19x10 μm large fragment of a zircon contained single elongated 6 μm long fluid inclusion which appears to be monophase at room temperature. The microthermometric measurements revealed presence of almost pure CO2 (melting temperature as low as -56.9 °C) that homogenized to liquid phase at -49.2 °C. The corresponding density for pure CO2 system is 1.152 g/cm3. Yet, fluid inclusions with similar characteristics are not known from the possible source area, from which the clastic material could have been derived. Theoretically, the dense CO2 fluids could be bound to high-grade metamorphic rocks (amphibolite facies or higher) or to low-grade metamorphic rocks in areas of low geothermal gradient


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    Xenotime occurs within polymetallic vein in dump material of former silver prospect at Zlatý důl near Hlubočky. The sample is formed by brecciated host Lower Carboniferous Culmian shales and siltstones, which are cemented by hydrothermal phases (quartz, siderite, carbonate of dolomite-ankerite series, chalcopyrite, dickite). Isometric grains of xenotime, up to 15 μm big, cut in form of a veinlet the hydrothermal quartz. Electron microprobe analyses showed that the studied phase is stoichiometric xenotime-(Y) containing 20 at. % of MREE and HREE instead of Y. Xenotime from Zlatý důl represents the first occurrence of MREE-HREE enriched REE-phase from hydrothermal veins in the whole Moravian-Silesian Culm. As such, its occurrence is a manifestation of (i) mobility of REE+Y under low-temperature conditions, and (ii) significant fractionation of REE in hydrothermal fluids hosted by low-grade Culmian metasediments

    Kompozičně neobvyklé struskové hmoty z polykulturní archeologické lokality Boršice v podhůří Chřibů

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    We present results of laboratory investigation of slag-like artifacts, found on an archaeological site near Boršice, known by occurrence of artifacts from the Early Neolithic (5700–5000 BC), Bronze and Early Medieval Ages. The grey-coloured foamy slag-like artifacts reach up to 5 cm in size and often display original lava-like surface. These slags are formed especially by strongly potassic (15–23 wt. % K2O) silicic (54–72 wt. % SiO2) glass with elevated contents of Ca (4–15 wt. % CaO), P (1–5 wt. % P2O5) and Mg (1–5 wt. % MgO) and only traces of Al, Mn and Fe (below 0.14 wt. % of oxides of each of these elements). Glass phase is partly altered due to weathering, which caused the glass hydration and almost complete loss of K. Sparse minute crystals of wollastonite (CaSiO3) and an unidentified Ca-K-Si-P-O phase (with highly variable compositions and poor stoichiometry) occur in places in the glass phase. We suggest that the origin of the studied slag-like artifacts is probably connected with either modern or ancient production of glass. However, it is certainly not modern foam glass, industrially produced worldwide from used waste glass. Based on average chemical composition of glass, we suggest that the studied artifacts could originate by smelting of a mixture of quartz sand, potash, bone ash, calcitic limestone (or calcitic marble) and dolomite in weight proportions equal to 58.9, 24.6, 4.9, 3.3, and 8.3, respectively.We present results of laboratory investigation of slag-like artifacts, found on an archaeological site near Boršice, known by occurrence of artifacts from the Early Neolithic (5700–5000 BC), Bronze and Early Medieval Ages. The grey-coloured foamy slag-like artifacts reach up to 5 cm in size and often display original lava-like surface. These slags are formed especially by strongly potassic (15–23 wt. % K2O) silicic (54–72 wt. % SiO2) glass with elevated contents of Ca (4–15 wt. % CaO), P (1–5 wt. % P2O5) and Mg (1–5 wt. % MgO) and only traces of Al, Mn and Fe (below 0.14 wt. % of oxides of each of these elements). Glass phase is partly altered due to weathering, which caused the glass hydration and almost complete loss of K. Sparse minute crystals of wollastonite (CaSiO3) and an unidentified Ca-K-Si-P-O phase (with highly variable compositions and poor stoichiometry) occur in places in the glass phase. We suggest that the origin of the studied slag-like artifacts is probably connected with either modern or ancient production of glass. However, it is certainly not modern foam glass, industrially produced worldwide from used waste glass. Based on average chemical composition of glass, we suggest that the studied artifacts could originate by smelting of a mixture of quartz sand, potash, bone ash, calcitic limestone (or calcitic marble) and dolomite in weight proportions equal to 58.9, 24.6, 4.9, 3.3, and 8.3, respectively

    Risk Assessment of Trading in Enjoy Trade Ltd. Company on International Markets

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    DOLNÍČEK, D. Zhodnocení rizik obchodování společnosti Enjoy Trade, s.r.o. na mezinárodních trzích. Diplomová práce. Brno: 2016. Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou rizik a přínosů, které mohou nastat při obchodování na vybraných zahraničních trzích. Cílem práce je prostřednictvím výsledku navrhnout vhodná opatření k odstranění rizik. Teoretická část vymezí problém mezinárodního obchodování, dále budou vysvětlovány důležité výrazy z oblasti řízení rizik. Praktická část obsahuje analýzu vnitřního a vnějšího prostředí podniku, postavení na trhu a srovnání s konkurencí. Dále bude zhodnocena situace na trhu z ekonomického, politického, legislativního a sociálního hlediska. Analýzy využijí metody z oblasti managementu, ekonomie a hodnocení rizik. Podle výsledků budou trhy seřazeny od nejvhodnějšího až po nejméně vhodné trhy pro mezinárodní obchod.DOLNÍČEK, D. Risk assessment of trading in Enjoy Trade Ltd. company on international market. Diploma thesis. Brno: 2016. This Diploma thesis deals with the analysis of risks and benefits that may occur when trading in selected international markets. The aim of this thesis is to suggest appropriate measures to eliminate risks. In the theoretical part, problem of international trade is defined and important concepts of the risk management are explained. The practical part analysis the internal and external environment of the company and its market position compared to the competition. Furthermore, the situation on the market is evaluated in economic, political, legal and cultural perspective. Various economic and risk-management methods are beeing used for the evaluation. Based on the results of analysis the markets are ranked from the most suitable to the least suitable for international trade.