221 research outputs found

    Advisory Opinion On Responsibilty And Liability For International Seabed Mining (ITLOS Case No. 17) And The Future Of NGO Participation In The International Legal Process

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    On February 1, 2011, the Seabed Disputes Chamber of the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) issued an advisory opinion in Case No. 17, Responsibilities and Obligations of States Sponsoring Persons and Entities with Respect to Activities in the Area (Case No. 17)

    Democracy in the Post Soviet Landscape

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    The citizens of Georgia have been empowered with new opportunities to participate in their own governance through fair elections and the right to hold political demonstrations. I contend that the production of a new type of urban \u27theater\u27 can invoke a new political activity. This version of place making requires the ability to \u27assemble\u27 at a local and national scale for social and political expression. The program must absorb traditional customs as well as provide the \u27playing field for new opportunities to voice political goals

    A New Interpretation of a Man and Its Function in the Teaching of Sophists (from the Modern Point of View)

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    Some Phenomenological and Metaphisycal Aspects of Human Creativity

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    The author gets human creativity to bridge phenomenology and metaphysics. He examines closely the poetical principle of Edgar Allan Poe and considers the artwork (poem) as a phenomenon appealing to the metaphysical beauty. He also considers the problem of free-dom in phenomenological and metaphysical aspects of creativity. To harmonize the freedom and phenomenology the author offers to differentiate two kinds of intentionality: “intentionality to” and “intentionality from”. The first is reducible to the purposefulness of events and refers to the constitutive function of consciousness, the latter implies the human creativity and freedom as an act of differentiation of phenomenon from its previous limits. The incipient point of the second form of intentionality seems to be a metaphysical object, which is worth considering as an inexhaustible source of the world of phenomena.The author gets human creativity to bridge phenomenology and metaphysics. He examines closely the poetical principle of Edgar Allan Poe and considers the artwork (poem) as a phenomenon appealing to the metaphysical beauty. He also considers the problem of free-dom in phenomenological and metaphysical aspects of creativity. To harmonize the freedom and phenomenology the author offers to differentiate two kinds of intentionality: “intentionality to” and “intentionality from”. The first is reducible to the purposefulness of events and refers to the constitutive function of consciousness, the latter implies the human creativity and freedom as an act of differentiation of phenomenon from its previous limits. The incipient point of the second form of intentionality seems to be a metaphysical object, which is worth considering as an inexhaustible source of the world of phenomena.El autor considera la creatividad humana pare tender un puente entre fenomenología y metafísica. Examina de cerca el principio poético de Edgar Allan Poe y considera la obra de arte (el poema) como un fenómeno que apela a la belleza metafísica. Considera el problema de la libertad en relación a los aspectos fenomenológicos y metafísicos de la creatividad. Para armonizar la libertad y la fenomenología, el autor propone diferenciar dos tipos de intencionalidad: “intencionalidad a” y “intencionalidad de (desde)”. La primera es reducible a la intencionalidad (purposefulness) de los hechos y se refiere a la función constitutiva de la conciencia; la segunda implica la creatividad humana y la libertad como un acto de diferenciación del fenómeno de sus límites anteriores. El punto de partida de la segunda forma de intencionalidad parece ser un objeto metafísico, el cual merece la pena considerar como una inagotable fuente del mundo de los fenómenos

    Overview of the Georgian Research into Byzantine and Medieval Georgian Patristic Theology

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    Christliches und Hellenisches in der Epistemologie des Origenes

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    Promise and Perils of the International Human Right to Property

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    Der Begriff des Freien Willens als Gegenstand der origeneischen Hermeneutik

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    EU Sanctions Policy towards Russia: The Sanctioner-Sanctionee’s Game of Thrones. CEPS Working Document No. 402/January 2015

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    Since Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula and the start of the conflict in the Donbass region, the EU has introduced three waves of restrictive measures against Russia, which are regularly updated. Having thus expanded from measures targeting individuals to entire sectors, the current EU sanctions policy impacts Russia’s financial markets, energy sector and defence industry. On top of this, new bans affect EU investments, services and trade in Crimea and Sevastopol. While they hurt the Russian economy, the EU sanctions also have a boomerang effect, especially in conjunction with the countersanctions imposed by the Kremlin on EU food imports. In this lose-lose situation, the usefulness of the EU sanctions has been called into doubt, in particular in those EU member states that are the most economically intertwined with Russia. How successful has the EU been so far in pushing its case with the Kremlin and what moves are left for the two main actors in the sanctioner-sanctionee ‘Game of Thrones’? This Working Document offers a SWOT analysis of the EU sanctions policy towards Russia and identifies the Strengths for the EU to cultivate, Weaknesses to minimise, Opportunities to seize and Threats to counteract

    The Logic of Language in Gregory of Nyssa's Treatise "Against Eunomius"

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