75 research outputs found

    The Comparison of RES Sustainable Development in the Main Sectors of Economy

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    Energy consumption in different sectors is responsible for more than 75 % of total EU greenhouse gas emissions. Energy is a priority when it comes to achieving climate goals and keeping greenhouse gas emissions low. The Green Deal is based on the need to use renewable energy sources in the energy sector while ensuring the replacement of fossil fuels and reducing energy dependence. The comparison of sustainable development trends in renewable energy sources (RES) is carried out for all sectors analysed in the study, such as industry, services, agriculture, transport and households. The aim of the study is to find out which of the types of RES is the most promising and sustainable in each sector and which factors influence this the most. The study develops a model that combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods to obtain the most objective and descriptive results possible on RES technologies in different sectors of the economy. In addition to a separate comparison of RES types by sector, a joint sectoral comparison was also made to evaluate the differences in development trends between the sectors considered. The highest rating level for sustainable development was achieved by the potential of biomass use in the agriculture and transport sectors. According to the obtained results, both solar energy and biomass have a high development potential in all analysed sectors, which is also reflected in the higher average values of the overall results

    Multidimensional Factors Influencing Renewable Energy Storage Deployment: PESLTE Analysis

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    The share of renewable energy in heat and power generation is expected to increase significantly and reach record levels in the coming decades. As a result, emerging energy storage technologies will be key elements in balancing the energy system. Compared to power generation technologies, storage technologies are considered one of the most complicated and least understood technologies for decarbonizing the energy system. There is still lack of understanding among scientists and policymakers about the choice of optimal integration of energy storage in carbon-neutral energy systems, as there are many multidimensional factors that influence this. In this study, the PESLTE analytical framework and composite index methodology is applied to examine the multidimensional factors that influence the deployment of renewable energy storage technologies: political (national and international level policy targets, appropriate regulation), economic (CAPEX, LCOE), social (public acceptance, knowledge and on-site capacity on RES storage in local energy supply enterprises), legal (level of bureaucracy and time of approval), technological (TRL, response time, efficiency level of complexity for technology to be integrated in the existing grid), and environmental (specific need for specific geographical condition, landscape friendliness, potential environmental risk, potential creation of environmental benefits, lifetime of technology, environmental impact)

    Pyridine as novel substrate for regioselective oxygenation with aromatic peroxygenase from Agrocybe aegerita

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    AbstractAgrocybe aegerita peroxidase (AaP) is a versatile extracellular biocatalyst that can oxygenate aromatic compounds. Here, we report on the selective oxidation of pyridine (PY) yielding pyridine N-oxide as sole product. Using H218O2 as co-substrate, the origin of oxygen was confirmed to be the peroxide. Therefore, AaP can be regarded as a true peroxygenase transferring one oxygen atom from peroxide to the substrate. To our best knowledge, there are only two types of enzymes oxidizing PY at the nitrogen: bacterial methane monooxygenase and a few P450 monooxygenases. AaP is the first extracellular enzyme and the first peroxidase that catalyzes this reaction, and it converted also substituted PYs into the corresponding N-oxides

    Ranking of Electricity Accumulation Possibilities: Multicriteria Analysis

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    The pace of implementation of renewable electricity storage in Europe is disappointingly slow due to several factors. There is a need to speed up the rate and increase the volumes in order to promote a 100 % transition to renewable energy resources, expand the practice of using renewable energy, and contribute to the improvement of the user’s quality of life. In addition, a significant reduction of the global impact on the environment and climate change is an important factor. Electricity from renewable energy sources, such as the sun and wind, has a seasonal nature that cannot provide the necessary electricity for consumption and cannot cover peak loads. Also, the so-called 'energy resource crisis' is a topical issue, which reinforces the global need to increase the share of renewable energy resources in the overall balance of primary energy resources. It is precisely the wider integration of renewable electricity storage in practice that can help stimulate this. The availability of renewable electricity is constantly increasing, and the level of technological innovation is rapidly developing. Therefore, it is crucial to analyse both phenomena and actively search for overlaps in developing technologies, not forgetting the main differences in the types of accumulation, to promote accessibility, starting from a private house to the national and European scale. This article analyses and compares the options for renewable electricity storage – from small batteries to large storage systems. The authors consider the best solutions to satisfy individual and collective needs of the consumer. In this article, a multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) and TOPSIS are used as analysis tools. After comparing nine criteria, such as the investment required, existing power density, efficiency, duration of operation, and others, in both groups, it is concluded that lithium-ion batteries are currently the best solution among batteries; while in the group of large accumulation systems pumped hydro storage secures a superior position

    Energy Audit and Energy Management Systems: Review of International Energy Auditing Practice

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    This research combines the analysis of international knowledge in energy audit practices with information on the nature of energy audit and its involved parties on the path to fulfil the goals set by the European Union policy and Latvian national policy. The article also analyses the publicly available information about the energy sector in Latvia, industry statistics, and legislative acts that have a direct impact on the implementation of energy audits. Although the European Union aims to reduce EU emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and to reduce gas demand by 15% by May 2023, sustainable energy use requires not only increased renewable energy production but also an efficient and competent use of this energy.The article first assesses the institutional basis, by EU regulations, to promote energy audits in the country. International energy audit and energy efficiency practices are also reviewed, focusing on government policy, energy audit standards, tools and methods.As each member state of the European Union has independently interpreted and adapted the EU requirements related to energy efficiency, especially the Directive of the European Parliament and of Council no. 2018/844, which amends Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy efficiency of buildings and Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency, points 6 and 9, then the exchange of information between member states on their knowledge and experience should be considered an essential aspect of the policy, so that in the future countries together could achieve European energy security, independence, competitiveness and sustainability by adopting the best examples there are.The result achieved in the research is a summary of the energy audit experience of the EU and other countries, a description of energy consumption and their prices in Europe, as well as an extract of the most important regulatory acts

    Increasing Sustainability in Vocational Education System: Latvia Case Study

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    Promoting sustainability in educational systems is crucial for preserving resources and diminishing negative impacts on the environment. A key aspect of this is enhancing energy efficiency within educational institutions. By implementing energy-efficient building systems, advancing the use of renewable energy sources, and incorporating sustainable practices into the curriculum, educational institutions can decrease their environmental impact and conserve resources for future generations. Active participation from all stakeholders, including managers, teaching staff, and students, is essential for the success of these efforts. Providing students with a comprehensive education on sustainability equips them to apply this knowledge in their future professions, thus contributing to a more sustainable society. This research paper aims to explore ways to increase sustainability in Latvia's vocational education system, with a specific focus on reducing energy consumption in buildings and increasing the use of renewable energy sources. A study of 23 professional schools has been conducted to understand the current state of sustainability in the educational system, including data collection on energy consumption and surveying the schools on their current energy efficiency practices, renewable energy sources, and environmental policies. The energy efficiency and renewable energy production measures have been optimized for each school. A composite indicator has been developed to rank and compare schools based on their sustainability, promoting the use of energy-efficient and renewable energy sources within a limited budget. Results of the study show that by implementing mandatory and optional measures, the schools can significantly decrease primary energy consumption by 32% and greenhouse gas emissions by 33%

    Characterization of Volatile Compounds and Flavor in Spirits of Old Apple and Pear Cultivars from the Balkan Region

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    This study was conducted with the aim of developing fruit spirits by utilizing old (autochthonous) apple and pear cultivars that can be attractive to both consumers and producers. Consumers of spirits could enjoy the unique flavor, and producers could gain an opportunity for brand development. In total, eight old apple cultivars (Sarija, Ćœuja, Samoniklica, Prijedorska zelenika, Bobovec, Masnjača, Lijepocvjetka, and Ć arenika) and three pear cultivars (Budaljača, Krakača, and Kalićanka) from Bosnia and Herzegovina were used for the spirits production and for characterizing the flavor of distillates. Golden Delicious was used as a representative of commercial apple cultivar. The aroma profile was conducted through the identification of minor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the sensory perception of spirits. Analysis of the VOCs was performed by gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) techniques after enrichment via solid-phase microextraction (SPME). Sensory evaluation was performed by 12 trained panelists. Overall, 35 minor volatile compounds were found in spirits: 13 esters, 7 alcohols, 6 acids, 5 terpenes, and 4 aldehydes. Significant differences were detected in the distribution and quantity of the VOCs, which were fruit cultivar-dependent. Spirits made from Ć arenika apple cultivar showed the largest amount of all acids, especially short- and medium-chain fatty acids; however, this richness was not correlated with pleasant sensory attributes. Spirits obtained from Prijedorska zelenika and Masnjača apple cultivars had the best sensory attributes. Budeljača and Krakača pears are promising cultivars as flavoring in spirits production

    AnstÀllningsbarhet hos elever i gymnasiets industriprogram en intervjuundersökning med företag och lÀrare

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    Syftet Ă€r att söka ta reda pĂ„ om gymnasieskolans industriprogram hĂ„ller en bra nivĂ„ eller om den behöver förbĂ€ttras pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt. För att ta reda pĂ„ om utbildningen behöver förbĂ€ttras eller om den hĂ„ller en bra nivĂ„ har jag följande frĂ„gestĂ€llning: Var tycker företagen att de före detta eleverna stĂ„r kunskapsmĂ€ssigt gentemot vad som krĂ€vs av dem pĂ„ deras respektive arbetsplatser? Har den utbildning de fĂ„tt haft rĂ€tt nivĂ„? Har utbildningen prioriterat rĂ€tt moment? KĂ€nner företagen att de har möjlighet att pĂ„verka gymnasieskolans utbildning? Hur tycker lĂ€rarna att utbildningen Ă€r? Vad gör lĂ€rarna för att eleverna ska bli anstĂ€llningsbara? Jag har valt att anvĂ€nda mig av halv-strukturerade intervjuer som jag genomfört med hjĂ€lp av en frĂ„geguide. Mina respondenter pĂ„ företagen har jag sökt efter kriteriet att de ska ha anstĂ€llt nĂ„gon frĂ„n gymnasiets industri program under de senaste tvĂ„ Ă„ren. BetrĂ€ffande mina intervjuer med lĂ€rare, har jag valt lĂ€rare ifrĂ„n kommunala gymnasieskolor. Detta för att andra gymnasieskolor inte arbetar pĂ„ samma sĂ€tt, utan riktar sin utbildning mot egenproduktion. Jag har kommit fram till att dagens utbildning har flera brister. Företagen hade mycket positivt att sĂ€ga om utbildningen och de individer som de anstĂ€llt. Det fanns ocksĂ„ negativa synpunkter. LĂ€rarna och företagen hade kritik pĂ„ flera punkter som kan förbĂ€ttras. Bland annat kunde kontakten mellan företagen och skolan bli bĂ€ttre. Företagen tyckte att eleverna saknade produktionstĂ€nket och kunde bli bĂ€ttre pĂ„ materiallĂ€ra. BĂ„de lĂ€rarna och företagen tyckte att eleverna behöver mer tid i verkstaden vid maskinerna. Företagen tyckte Ă€ndĂ„ att eleverna var anstĂ€llningsbara, och kriterierna för att en före detta elev skulle kunna anstĂ€llas överensstĂ€mde hur lĂ€rarna trodde att elev skulle vara. Om en elev var intressered, social och kunde grunderna, dĂ„ Ă€r eleven anstĂ€llningsbar. ÄndĂ„ tycker jag personligen att vi borde stĂ€lla högre krav pĂ„ utbildningen

    Expression and function of transglutaminase 1 in the brain

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    The transglutaminases family includes calcium-dependent cross-linking enzymes catalysing a transamidation reaction between a protein-bound glutamine residue and a small primary amine or a protein-bound lysine residue. Transglutaminase 1, a member of this family, is expressed in different epithelial and endothelial tissues. Recently transglutaminase 1 was also identified in the brain. Here its activity was found to be up regulated in correlation with neurodegenerative diseases. However, little is known about the distribution and the function of transglutaminase 1 in the nervous system. The aim of this study was the characterisation of the expression of transglutaminase 1 in the brain and the analysis of transglutaminase activity in neural cell cultures. To investigate the distribution of transglutaminase 1 in the central nervous system, cryostatic slices of mouse brains were immunohistochemically stained against transglutaminase 1 and neuronal, as well as glial markers. Transglutaminase 1 expression was found in scattered astrocytes throughout the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum, in few neurons inside the granular layer of the cerebellum, the caudoputamen and in parts of different fibre tracts, like the corpus callosum and the external capsule. The function of transglutaminase 1 in these cell types remained enigmatic. Transglutaminase 1 was also found in endothelial cells of the brain vascular system and in parts of the ependymal lining of the ventricular system. Transglutaminase 1 is associated with adherens junctions in endothelial and epithelial cells of other tissues. Therefore we assume that the transglutaminase 1 found in the vascular and ventricular system of the brain is also involved in the stabilisation of intercellular junctions. To clarify the role of transglutaminase 1 in the murine brain, a construct for a conditional knock-out mutant of transglutaminase 1 was cloned and successfully transfected into mouse stem cells. Unfortunately the knock-out mouse was not finished in time. To investigate the activity of transglutaminase 1 two primary cell cultures, murine cerebellar granule cells and chicken telencephalic cells were established. Neurons and astrocytes of the granule cell culture were shown to partly express transglutaminase 1, but the enzyme was inactive in this culture. In the telencephalic cultures a membrane bound transglutaminase 1 staining was detected and a transglutaminase activity located in synaptic endings was found. In addition ÎČ-actin was found to be a substrate for this synaptic transglutaminase activity. This finding was supported with the expression of a recombinant transglutaminase 1, which was able to cross-link a small primary amine to beta-actin. A model was proposed for the activation of transglutaminase 1 via calcium influx following synaptic activity and for the stabilisation of F-actin through transglutaminase 1 catalysed intramolecular cross-links between glutamine 41 and lysine 50 of beta-actin. In this way transglutaminase 1 could stabilise the morphology of synaptic endings in a neuronal activity dependent fashion
