32 research outputs found


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    In their research, the authors of the comments have focused on the Late Paleoproterozoic rims of zircons, but ignored many important details of their own data. Their comments are based on a misconception that eclogite zircons have unique geochemical (REE, Th/U) and isotopic (Lu-Hf, δ18O) characteristics that do not depend on rock types and pressure rates (that were high or ultrahigh) during metamorphism. This idea leads to false unambiguous dating of the eclogite facies metamorphism based on single samples of the rocks


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    A critical discussion of competing models of the geodynamic nature (oceanic or continental subduction) and age (Meso-Neoarchean or Late Paleoproterozoic) of the eclogite facies metamorphism in the Belomorian eclogite province (BEP) is based on the systematic analysis of the sum of previously known and newly obtained data characterizing the geological structure of the Salma eclogite association and features of zircons from eclogites, including the isotopegeochronological and geochemical characteristics, composition and distribution of mineral inclusions. Regular changes in the REE trends and crystallization-recrystallization temperature of porous zircons in eclogite-metagabbro illustrate the sequence of magmatic and metamorphic events in the Meso-Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic. The susceptibility to recrystallization of zircons is due to partial metamictness and porous structure. The earliest (~2.9 Ga) zircon zones retain mag-matic-type REE trends. The microinclusions of the prenite-pumpelliite and greenschist facies minerals and the increase in the LREE and MREE concentrations indicate hydrothermal metamorphism in the spreading ridge and on the ocean floor at 2.9–2.82 Ga. Prenite, pumpelliite, albite, actinolite, chlorite, diaspore and saponite also form inclusions in the eclogitic garnet. An increase of LREE and MREE, the disappearance of the Ce positive anomaly, a change from negative to positive Eu anomaly at 2.82–2.78 Ga indicate that plagioclase was removed during the formation of the ‘garnet + omphacite’ eclogite association and the replacement of sphene with rutile. The eclogite facies metamorphism linked with subduction of the oceanic crust is also indicated by the microinclusions of garnet and rutile in zircon. The crystallization temperature in 700–900 °C range of the round-oval zircons from eclogites-metagabbronorites records the Neoarchean granulite facies metamorphism at 2.77–2.70 Ga, the negative Eu anomalies in the cores and rims of zircons indicate the participation of plagioclase in the metamorphic crystallization. Late (2.1–1.7 Ga) rims of porous zircons that occurred at 600–680 °C are distinguished by minimal REE concentrations, a change from a positive Eu anomaly to a negative one, and the appearance of a negative Ce anomaly, which indicates the presence of plagioclase, reducing type of fluids and, accordingly, low water activity that is characteristic of high-temperature metamorphism under stretching condition and mantle-plume activity. The deep Sm-Nd system reworking in the Belomorian tectonic province, including BEP, at ~1.9 Ga was caused by the crustal heating that spread from the Lapland granulite belt border in the west-south-westward direction. The Lu-Hf system in zircon reworking with a significant increase in radiogenic Hf indicates the recrystallization of a long-existing garnet, in which a significant amount of radiogenic 176Hf accumulated by 1.9 Ga as a result of the 176Lu decay. This contradicts the earlier suggestion of the eclogite garnet primary crystallization in the late Paleoproterozoic (1.94–1.89 Ga).Критическое обсуждение конкурирующих моделей геодинамической природы (океанская иликонтинентальная субдукция) и возраста (мезонеоархей или поздний палеопротерозой) эклогитового метаморфизма ассоциации Салма в Беломорской эклогитовой провинции опирается на систематический анализ обширной базы данных, полученных сторонниками обеих моделей. Имеющиеся данные характеризуют геологическое строение ассоциации Салма и особенности цирконов из эклогитов: изотопно-геохронологические и геохимические параметры, состав и особенности распределения минеральных включений. Закономерные изменения трендов REE и температуры кристаллизации – рекристаллизации пористых цирконов в эклогитах-метагаббро иллюстрируют последовательность магматических и метаморфических событий в мезонеоархее и палеопротерозое. Восприимчивость к перекристаллизации цирконов обусловлена частичной метамиктностью и пористой структурой. Наиболее ранние (~2.9 млрд лет) зоны цирконов сохраняют тренды REE магматического типа. Микровключения минералов пренит-пумпеллиитовой и зеленосланцевой фации и рост концентраций LREE и MREE свидетельствуют о гидротермальном метаморфизме в зоне спрединга и на океанском дне 2.90–2.82 млрд лет назад. Пренит, пумпеллиит, альбит, актинолит, хлорит, диаспор и сапонит образуют включения также и вэклогитовом гранате. Увеличение концентраций LREE и MREE, исчезновение положительной Ce-аномалии, смена отрицательной на положительную аномалию Eu 2.82–2.78 млрд лет назад предполагают удаление плагио-клаза при образовании эклогитовой ассоциации «гранат + омфацит» и замещение сфена рутилом. На эклогитовыйметаморфизм указывают микровключения граната и рутила в цирконе. Неоархейский метаморфизм гранулитовой фации 2.77–2.70 млрд лет назад зафиксирован округло-овальными цирконами из эклогитов-метагабброноритов: температурами кристаллизации 700–900 °С и отрицательными аномалиями Eu в ядрах и каймах цирконов, которые указывают на участие плагиоклаза в процессе метаморфической кристаллизации. Поздние (2.1–1.7 млрд лет) каймы пористых цирконов, возникшие при 600–680 °С, отличаются минимальными концентрациями REE, сменой положительной на отрицательную аномалию Eu и появлением отрицательной Ce-аномалии, что указывает на присутствие плагиоклаза, восстановительный тип флюидов и низкую активность воды, характерную для высокотемпературного метаморфизма в обстановках растяжения и мантийно-плюмовой активности. Глубокая перестройка Sm-Nd системы пород Беломорской тектонической провинции, включая БЭП, ~1.9 млрд лет назад вызвана прогревом коры, который распространялся от границы с Лапландским гранулитовым поясом в ЗЮЗ направлении. Перестройка Lu-Hf системы в цирконе со значительным приростом радиогенного Hf указывает на перекристаллизацию длительно существовавшего граната, в котором к 1.9 млрд лет в результате распада 176Lu накопилось значительное количество радиогенного 176Hf. Это противоречит ранее выдвинутому предположению о первичной кристаллизации эклогитового граната в позднем палеопротерозое 1.94–1.89 млрд лет назад


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    In their research, the authors of the comments have focused on the Late Paleoproterozoic rims of zircons, but ignored many important details of their own data. Their comments are based on a misconception that eclogite zircons have unique geochemical (REE, Th/U) and isotopic (Lu-Hf, δ18O) characteristics that do not depend on rock types and pressure rates (that were high or ultrahigh) during metamorphism. This idea leads to false unambiguous dating of the eclogite facies metamorphism based on single samples of the rocks.Авторы Комментариев, определив в качестве главного объекта своего исследования позднепалеопротерозойские каймы цирконов, проигнорировали многие важные детали ими же полученных данных. Комментарии базируются на ложной идее, будто бы эклогитовые цирконы обладают уникальными геохимическими (REE, Th/U) и изотопными (Lu-Hf, δ18O) характеристиками, которые не зависят от типа породы и высокого или сверхвысокого давления при метаморфизме, что позволяет однозначно датировать эклогитовый метаморфизм по единичным образцам

    Differentiation markers of neurodegeneration (Aβ40, Aβ42, PrP27-30) in Alzheimer's disease and prion diseases on the designed silicon biochips

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    В работе представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований по конструированию нанотехнологических платформ для управляемой адсорбции, детекции и идентификации с использованием атомно-силовой микроскопии маркеров нейродегенерации – β-амилоидов Аβ40, Aβ42, прионного PrP27-30 белка. Полученные результаты важны для оценки степени выраженности дегенеративно-дистрофических изменений в ЦНС, усовершенствования методов диагностики и прогнозирования скорости развития патологического процесса в зависимости от концентрации и конформационной структуры амилоидогенных белков.The article presents the experimental results on design of nanotechnological platforms for controlled adsorption, detection and identification using atomic force microscopy markers of the neurodegeneration – β-amyloids β40, β42, prion PrP27-30 protein. The obtained results are important for assessing the severity of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the central nervous system, improving the methods for diagnosis and predicting the rate of development of the pathological process, depending on the concentration and conformational structure of amyloidogenic proteins

    Nonlinear gap junctions enable long-distance propagation of pulsating calcium waves in astrocyte networks

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    A new paradigm has recently emerged in brain science whereby communications between glial cells and neuron-glia interactions should be considered together with neurons and their networks to understand higher brain functions. In particular, astrocytes, the main type of glial cells in the cortex, have been shown to communicate with neurons and with each other. They are thought to form a gap-junction-coupled syncytium supporting cell-cell communication via propagating Ca2+ waves. An identified mode of propagation is based on cytoplasm-to-cytoplasm transport of inositol trisphosphate (IP3) through gap junctions that locally trigger Ca2+ pulses via IP3-dependent Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. It is, however, currently unknown whether this intracellular route is able to support the propagation of long-distance regenerative Ca2+ waves or is restricted to short-distance signaling. Furthermore, the influence of the intracellular signaling dynamics on intercellular propagation remains to be understood. In this work, we propose a model of the gap-junctional route for intercellular Ca2+ wave propagation in astrocytes showing that: (1) long-distance regenerative signaling requires nonlinear coupling in the gap junctions, and (2) even with nonlinear gap junctions, long-distance regenerative signaling is favored when the internal Ca2+ dynamics implements frequency modulation-encoding oscillations with pulsating dynamics, while amplitude modulation-encoding dynamics tends to restrict the propagation range. As a result, spatially heterogeneous molecular properties and/or weak couplings are shown to give rise to rich spatiotemporal dynamics that support complex propagation behaviors. These results shed new light on the mechanisms implicated in the propagation of Ca2+ waves across astrocytes and precise the conditions under which glial cells may participate in information processing in the brain.Comment: Article: 30 pages, 7 figures. Supplementary Material: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Эффективность терапии олокизумабом у пациентов с COVID-19 легкого или среднетяжелого течения с факторами риска прогрессии

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    The COronaVIrus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a common infectious disease characterized by hyperactivation of the immune response and the development of a “cytokine storm” upon progression. The aim of this study was to obtain additional information about the efficacy of the drug olokizumab in comparison with the Janus kinase inhibitor upadacitinib in real clinical practice in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 and combined risk factors for disease progression. Methods. A single-center, non-interventional, prospective study was conducted in specialized day hospital patients (n = 125) who received therapy with olokizumab (n = 62) (64 mg once intravenously) and the Janus kinase inhibitor upadacitinib (n = 63) (orally, according to selected dosing regimen). The primary endpoint was the frequency of hospitalizations in the 24-hour hospital over the entire observation period. We also analyzed the frequencies of intensive care unit (ICU) transfer, prescription of respyratory therapy, use of “rescue” therapy (monoclonal antibodies/therapeutic proteins acting on interleukins (IL) and their receptors: IL-6 receptor inhibitors and Janus kinase inhibitors (baricitinib, tofacitinib, upadacitinib, etc.)), mortality, dynamics of laboratory and instrumental parameters, as well as frequency of negative and positive changes according to the clinical progression scale of the World Health Organization. Results. All study subjects showed rapid clinical improvement and recovery. Patients in both groups did not experience any negative clinical events, such as admission to a 24-hour hospital, prescription of respyratory therapy, use of “rescue” therapy, etc. Thus, the hyperinflammatory reaction and adverse clinical outcomes are effectively prevented by the timely use of both drugs. Those who received olokizumab had slightly higher levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) at baseline than those who received upadacitinib (p < 0.001). The median CRP value returned to normal on the 4th day in both groups. Patients treated with olokizumab showed a more pronounced change in CRP levels relative to baseline values. A similar trend was also established in body temperature. Conclusion. The study confirmed that early administration of olokizumab in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 with several risk factors for the severe course is as effective a method of preemptive anti-inflammatory therapy as the use of Janus kinase inhibitors but more stronger suppression of markers and symptoms of intoxication.Новая коронавирусная инфекция является распространенным инфекционным заболеванием, прогрессирование которого характеризуется гиперактивацией иммунного ответа и развитием «цитокинового шторма». Целью исследования явилось получение дополнительных сведений об эффективности применения препарата олокизумаб по сравнению с использованием ингибитора янус-киназ – препарата упадацитиниб в условиях реальной клинической практики у пациентов с COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) легкого и среднетяжелого течения при наличии у них комбинированных факторов риска прогрессии заболевания. Материалы и методы. Проведено одноцентровое неинтервенционное проспективное исследование с участием пациентов специализированного дневного стационара (n = 125), которые получали терапию препаратом олокизумаб (n = 62) (64 мг однократно внутривенно) и ингибитором янус-киназ препаратом упадацитиниб (n = 63) (перорально в соответствии с выбранным режимом применения). В качестве первичной конечной точки оценивалась частота госпитализации пациентов в круглосуточный стационар за весь период наблюдения. Проанализированы также данные о частоте перевода в отделение реанимации и интенсивной терапии, назначении респираторной терапии, применении терапии «спасения» препаратами моноклональных антител / терапевтических белков к интерлейкинам (IL) и их рецепторам (ингибиторы рецептора IL-6: тоцилизумаб, левилимаб, сарилумаб); ингибиторами IL-1 или его рецептора, а также ингибиторами янус-киназ (барицитиниб, тофацитиниб, упадацитиниб и т. п.), летальных исходах, динамике лабораторных и инструментальных показателей и частоте отрицательной и положительной динамики состояния по шкале клинического прогрессирования Всемирной организации здравоохранения. Результаты. У всех субъектов исследования отмечены быстрая положительная клиническая динамика и выздоровление. У пациентов обеих групп не выявлено негативных клинических событий, таких как госпитализация в круглосуточный стационар, назначение респираторной терапии, применение терапии «спасения» и т. п. Таким образом, при своевременном применении обоих препаратов эффективно предотвращается развитие реакции гипервоспаления и неблагоприятных клинических исходов. У получавших олокизумаб исходно наблюдался несколько более высокий уровень С-реактивного белка (СРБ) по сравнению с таковым у получавших упадацитиниб (р < 0,001). У пациентов обеих групп медиана показателя СРБ нормализовалась уже на 4-й день. У пациентов, получавших олокизумаб, отмечено более выраженное изменение уровня СРБ относительно исходных значений. Также установлена аналогичная тенденция изменения температуры тела у пациентов. Заключение. По результатам исследования подтверждено, что раннее назначение олокизумаба у пациентов с COVID-19 легкого и среднетяжелого течения при наличии нескольких факторов риска развития тяжелого течения болезни является столь же эффективным методом упреждающей противовоспалительной терапии, что и применение ингибиторов янус-киназ, но с более мощным подавлением маркеров и признаков интоксикации

    Astrocyte networks and intercellular calcium propagation

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    International audienceAstrocytes organize in complex networks through connections by gap junction channels that are regulated by extra-and intracellular signals. Calcium signals generated in individual cells, can propagate across these networks in the form of intercellular calcium waves, mediated by diffusion of second messengers molecules such as inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. The mechanisms underpinning the large variety of spatiotemporal patterns of propagation of astrocytic calcium waves however remain a matter of investigation. In the last decade, awareness has grown on the morphological diversity of astrocytes as well as their connections in networks, which seem dependent on the brain area, developmental stage, and the ultra-structure of the associated neuropile. It is speculated that this diversity underpins an equal functional variety but the current experimental techniques are limited in supporting this hypothesis because they do not allow to resolve the exact connectivity of astrocyte networks in the brain. With this aim we present a general framework to model intercellular calcium wave propagation in astrocyte networks and use it to specifically investigate how different network topologies could influence shape, frequency and propagation of these waves


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    A critical discussion of competing models of the geodynamic nature (oceanic or continental subduction) and age (Meso-Neoarchean or Late Paleoproterozoic) of the eclogite facies metamorphism in the Belomorian eclogite province (BEP) is based on the systematic analysis of the sum of previously known and newly obtained data characterizing the geological structure of the Salma eclogite association and features of zircons from eclogites, including the isotopegeochronological and geochemical characteristics, composition and distribution of mineral inclusions. Regular changes in the REE trends and crystallization-recrystallization temperature of porous zircons in eclogite-metagabbro illustrate the sequence of magmatic and metamorphic events in the Meso-Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic. The susceptibility to recrystallization of zircons is due to partial metamictness and porous structure. The earliest (~2.9 Ga) zircon zones retain mag-matic-type REE trends. The microinclusions of the prenite-pumpelliite and greenschist facies minerals and the increase in the LREE and MREE concentrations indicate hydrothermal metamorphism in the spreading ridge and on the ocean floor at 2.9–2.82 Ga. Prenite, pumpelliite, albite, actinolite, chlorite, diaspore and saponite also form inclusions in the eclogitic garnet. An increase of LREE and MREE, the disappearance of the Ce positive anomaly, a change from negative to positive Eu anomaly at 2.82–2.78 Ga indicate that plagioclase was removed during the formation of the ‘garnet + omphacite’ eclogite association and the replacement of sphene with rutile. The eclogite facies metamorphism linked with subduction of the oceanic crust is also indicated by the microinclusions of garnet and rutile in zircon. The crystallization temperature in 700–900 °C range of the round-oval zircons from eclogites-metagabbronorites records the Neoarchean granulite facies metamorphism at 2.77–2.70 Ga, the negative Eu anomalies in the cores and rims of zircons indicate the participation of plagioclase in the metamorphic crystallization. Late (2.1–1.7 Ga) rims of porous zircons that occurred at 600–680 °C are distinguished by minimal REE concentrations, a change from a positive Eu anomaly to a negative one, and the appearance of a negative Ce anomaly, which indicates the presence of plagioclase, reducing type of fluids and, accordingly, low water activity that is characteristic of high-temperature metamorphism under stretching condition and mantle-plume activity. The deep Sm-Nd system reworking in the Belomorian tectonic province, including BEP, at ~1.9 Ga was caused by the crustal heating that spread from the Lapland granulite belt border in the west-south-westward direction. The Lu-Hf system in zircon reworking with a significant increase in radiogenic Hf indicates the recrystallization of a long-existing garnet, in which a significant amount of radiogenic 176Hf accumulated by 1.9 Ga as a result of the 176Lu decay. This contradicts the earlier suggestion of the eclogite garnet primary crystallization in the late Paleoproterozoic (1.94–1.89 Ga)

    Mesoarchean mafic dykes of the Belomorian eclogite province (Gridino Village Area, Russia)

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    Archean processes of eclogitization in the Gridino metamorphic association (the Belomorian eclogite province) developed in mafic dykes, boudins, and acidic rocks of the Archean continental crusts. To determine the U-Pb age of the intrusion of the latest dykes, the geochronological samples were taken from the dyke of ferriferious metagabbro that cross-cuts the dyke of eclogitzed and granulitized olivine gabbronorite. The igneous zircons were dated by the SHRIMP II technique. The zircons showed a concordia age of 2846 ± 7 Ma, which is considered as the time of intrusion of a mafic melt. The younger low-thorium zircon rims of 2.78-2.81 Ga age around the igneous cores are typical formations that appeared under metamorphic conditions in equilibrium with a migmatite melt, and may characterize the time of formation of the granite leucosome under metamorphism, probably of eclogite facies.7 page(s

    The Belomorian eclogite province : unique evidence of Meso-Neoarchaean subduction and collision

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    Original Russian Text © M.V. Mints, A.N. Konilov, K.A. Dokukina, T.V. Kaulina, E.A. Belousova, L.M. Natapov, W.L. Griffin, S.Y. O’Reilly, 2010, published in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2010, Vol. 434, No. 6, pp. 776–781.6 page(s