49 research outputs found

    Ernährung bei angeborenen Stoffwechselerkrankungen — ein Spagat zwischen Genuss und Therapie

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    For many inborn metabolic diseases, a lifelong diet is a crucial part of the therapy since pharmacological therapy is available for only a few conditions and patients. The implementation of a low natural protein diet with a reduced intake of natural protein and the complementary use of synthetic amino acid mixtures is described using the examples of phenylketonuria and urea cycle disorders focusing on children and adolescents. For phenylketonuria, the amino acid supplement is free of phenylalanine whereas for urea cycle disorders, it exclusively consists of essential amino acids. The dietary treatment aims to maintain metabolic stability and to prevent accumulation of toxic metabolites. At the same time, the nutritional requirements to ensure growth and development must be met. Therefore, patients need to follow strict rules regarding the choice of food products. This restrictive therapy interferes with the desire for autonomy and the joy of eating and often results in a reduced quality of life.Following the diet is crucial for a favorable outcome. To meet its requirements, patients and their families are provided with training. It is a~great challenge not only to support the patients and their families in all practical aspects of dietary management, but also to motivate them to lifelong adherence in order to ensure the best possible outcome.Bei vielen angeborenen Stoffwechselkrankheiten ist eine lebensbegleitende Diät von Geburt an fester Bestandteil der Therapie. Alternative medikamentöse Therapieansätze stehen erst für einige wenige Patienten zur Verfügung. Am Beispiel der Phenylketonurie und der Harnstoffzyklusstörungen wird das Prinzip der eiweißdefinierten Diät mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Kinder und Jugendliche erläutert. Die Herausforderungen, die sich bei dieser Ernährungstherapie ergeben, werden aufgezeigt. Bei der eiweißdefinierten Diät erfolgt eine verminderte Zufuhr von natürlichem Protein, ergänzt durch die Gabe spezieller Aminosäuremischungen. Diese enthalten bei der Phenylketonurie kein Phenylalanin, bei den Harnstoffzyklusdefekten ausschließlich essenzielle Aminosäuren. Mithilfe der Diät soll zum einen eine gute metabolische Einstellung erreicht und die Anhäufung toxischer Metabolite vermieden werden. Zum anderen muss eine bedarfsdeckende Energie- und Nährstoffversorgung für das adäquate Wachstum und die Entwicklung des Kindes gewährleistet sein. Für die Patienten bedeutet dies, sich an restriktive Vorgaben bei der Lebensmittelauswahl halten zu müssen. Diese konkurrieren oft mit dem Bedürfnis nach Freiheit/Spontaneität und dem Genuss bei der Nahrungsaufnahme. Viele Patienten empfinden ihre Diät daher als drastische Einschränkung der Lebensqualität. Eine konsequente Umsetzung der Diät ist entscheidend für die Prognose der Erkrankungen. Hierfür bringen die Patienten und ihre Familien oft unterschiedliche Voraussetzung und Fähigkeiten mit. Für Therapeuten stellt es eine große Herausforderung dar, die Patienten nicht nur bei der praktischen Umsetzung ihrer Diät in allen Lebensabschnitten zu unterstützen, sondern auch zu einer langfristigen Adhärenz zu motivieren, um ein bestmögliches Outcome zu erreichen

    Weaning practices in phenylketonuria vary between health professionals in Europe

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    Background: In phenylketonuria (PKU), weaning is considered more challenging when compared to feeding healthy infants. The primary aim of weaning is to gradually replace natural protein from breast milk or standard infant formula with solids containing equivalent phenylalanine (Phe). In addition, a Phe-free second stage L-amino acid supplement is usually recommended from around 6 months to replace Phe-free infant formula. Our aim was to assess different weaning approaches used by health professionals across Europe. Methods: A cross sectional questionnaire (survey monkey (R)) composed of 31 multiple and single choice questions was sent to European colleagues caring for inherited metabolic disorders (IMD). Centres were grouped into geographical regions for analysis. Results: Weaning started at 17-26 weeks in 85% (n=81/95) of centres, > 26 weeks in 12% (n=11/95) and 26 weeks. First solids were mainly low Phe vegetables (59%, n=56/95) and fruit (34%, n=32/95). A Phe exchange system to allocate dietary Phe was used by 52% (n=49/95) of centres predominantly from Northern and Southern Europe and 48% (n=46/95) calculated most Phe containing food sources (all centres in Eastern Europe and the majority from Germany and Austria). Some centres used a combination of both methods. A second stage Phe-free L-amino acid supplement containing a higher protein equivalent was introduced by 41% (n=39/95) of centres at infant age 26-36 weeks (mainly from Germany, Austria, Northern and Eastern Europe) and 37% (n=35/95) at infant age > 1y mainly from Southern Europe. 53% (n=50/95) of centres recommended a second stage Phe-free L-amino acid supplement in a spoonable or semi-solid form. Conclusions: Weaning strategies vary throughout European PKU centres. There is evidence to suggest that different infant weaning strategies may influence longer term adherence to the PKU diet or acceptance of Phe-free L-amino acid supplements; rendering prospective long-term studies important. It is essential to identify an effective weaning strategy that reduces caregiver burden but is associated with acceptable dietary adherence and optimal infant feeding development.Peer reviewe

    Early feeding practices in infants with phenylketonuria across Europe

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    Background: In infants with phenylketonuria (PKU), dietary management is based on lowering and titrating phenylalanine (Phe) intake from breast milk or standard infant formula in combination with a Phe-free infant formula in order to maintain blood Phe levels within target range. Professionals use different methods to feed infants with PKU and our survey aimed to document practices across Europe. Methods: We sent a cross sectional, survey monkey (R) questionnaire to European health professionals working in IMD. It contained 31 open and multiple-choice questions. The results were analysed according to different geographical regions. Results: Ninety-five centres from 21 countries responded. Over 60% of centres commenced diet in infants by age 10 days, with 58% of centres implementing newborn screening by day 3 post birth. At diagnosis, infant hospital admission occurred in 61% of metabolic centres, mainly in Eastern, Western and Southern Europe. Breastfeeding fell sharply following diagnosis with only 30% of women still breast feeding at 6 months. 53% of centres gave pre-measured Phe-free infant formula before each breast feed and 23% alternated breast feeds with Phe-free infant formula. With standard infant formula feeds, measured amounts were followed by Phe-free infant formula to satiety in 37% of centres (n = 35/95), whereas 44% (n = 42/95) advised mixing both formulas together. Weaning commenced between 17 and 26 weeks in 85% centres, >= 26 weeks in 12% and <17 weeks in 3%. Discussion: This is the largest European survey completed on PKU infant feeding practices. It is evident that practices varied widely across Europe, and the practicalities of infant feeding in PKU received little focus in the PKU European Guidelines (2017). There are few reports comparing different feeding techniques with blood Phe control, Phe fluctuations and growth. Controlled prospective studies are necessary to assess how different infant feeding practices may influence longer term feeding development.Peer reviewe

    Embracing open innovation to acquire external ideas and technologies and to transfer internal ideas and technologies outside

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    The objective of this dissertation is to increase understanding of how organizations can embrace open innovation in order to acquire external ideas and technologies from outside the organization, and to transfer internal ideas and technologies to outside the organization. The objective encompasses six sub-objectives, each addressed in one or more substudies. Altogether, the dissertation consists of nine substudies and a compendium summarizing the substudies. An extensive literature review was conducted on open innovation and crowdsourcing literature (substudies 1–4). In the subsequent empirical substudies, both qualitative research methods (substudies 5–7) and quantitative research methods (substudies 8–9) were applied. The four literature review substudies provided insights on the body of knowledge on open innovation and crowdsourcing. These substudies unveiled most of the influential articles, authors, and journals of open innovation and crowdsourcing disciplines. Moreover, they identified research gaps in the current literature. The empirical substudies offer several insightful findings. Substudy 5 shows how non-core ideas and technologies of a large firm can become valuable, especially for small firms. Intermediary platforms can find solutions to many pressing problems of large organizations by engaging renowned scientists from all over world (substudy 6). Intermediary platforms can also bring breakthrough innovations with novel mechanisms (substudy 7). Large firms are not only able to garner ideas by engaging their customers through crowdsourcing but they can also build long-lasting relations with their customers (substudies 8 and 9). Embracing open innovation brings challenges for firms too. Firms need to change their organizational structures in order to be able to fully benefit from open innovation. When crowdsourcing is successful, it produces a very large number of new ideas. This has the consequence that firms need to allocate a significant amount of resources in order to identify the most promising ideas. In an idea contest, customarily, only one or a few best ideas are rewarded (substudy 7). Sometimes, no reward is provided for the selected idea (substudies 8 and 9). Most of the ideas that are received are not implemented in practice

    Dietary practices in isovaleric acidemia:A European survey

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    Background: In Europe, dietary management of isovaleric acidemia (IVA) may vary widely. There is limited collective information about dietetic management. Aim: To describe European practice regarding the dietary management of IVA, prior to the availability of the E-IMD IVA guidelines (E-IMD 2014). Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire was sent to all European dietitians who were either members of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism Dietitians Group (SSIEM-DG) or whom had responded to previous questionnaires on dietetic practice (n=53). The questionnaire comprised 27 questions about the dietary management of IVA. Results: Information on 140 patients with IVA from 39 centres was reported. 133 patients (38 centres) were given a protein restricted diet. Leucine-free amino acid supplements (LFAA) were routinely used to supplement protein intake in 58% of centres. The median total protein intake prescribed achieved the WHO/FAO/UNU [2007] safe levels of protein intake in all age groups. Centres that prescribed LFAA had lower natural protein intakes in most age groups except 1 to 10 y. In contrast, when centres were not using LFAA, the median natural protein intake met WHO/FAO/UNU [2007] safe levels of protein intake in all age groups. Enteral tube feeding was rarely prescribed. Conclusions: This survey demonstrates wide differences in dietary practice in the management of IVA across European centres. It provides unique dietary data collectively representing European practices in IVA which can be used as a foundation to compare dietary management changes as a consequence of the first E-IMD IVA guidelines availability. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Early feeding practices in infants with phenylketonuria across Europe

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    Background: In infants with phenylketonuria (PKU), dietary management is based on lowering and titrating phenylalanine (Phe) intake from breast milk or standard infant formula in combination with a Phe-free infant formula in order to maintain blood Phe levels within target range. Professionals use different methods to feed infants with PKU and our survey aimed to document practices across Europe. Methods: We sent a cross sectional, survey monkey (R) questionnaire to European health professionals working in IMD. It contained 31 open and multiple-choice questions. The results were analysed according to different geographical regions. Results: Ninety-five centres from 21 countries responded. Over 60% of centres commenced diet in infants by age 10 days, with 58% of centres implementing newborn screening by day 3 post birth. At diagnosis, infant hospital admission occurred in 61% of metabolic centres, mainly in Eastern, Western and Southern Europe. Breastfeeding fell sharply following diagnosis with only 30% of women still breast feeding at 6 months. 53% of centres gave pre-measured Phe-free infant formula before each breast feed and 23% alternated breast feeds with Phe-free infant formula. With standard infant formula feeds, measured amounts were followed by Phe-free infant formula to satiety in 37% of centres (n = 35/95), whereas 44% (n = 42/95) advised mixing both formulas together. Weaning commenced between 17 and 26 weeks in 85% centres, >= 26 weeks in 12% and <17 weeks in 3%. Discussion: This is the largest European survey completed on PKU infant feeding practices. It is evident that practices varied widely across Europe, and the practicalities of infant feeding in PKU received little focus in the PKU European Guidelines (2017). There are few reports comparing different feeding techniques with blood Phe control, Phe fluctuations and growth. Controlled prospective studies are necessary to assess how different infant feeding practices may influence longer term feeding development

    Dietary practices in propionic acidemia:A European survey

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    Background: The definitive dietary management of propionic acidaemia (PA) is unknown although natural protein restriction with adequate energy provision is of key importance. Aim: To describe European dietary practices in the management of patients with PA prior to the publication of the European PA guidelines. Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey consisting of 27 questions about the dietary practices in PA patients circulated to European IMD dietitians and health professionals in 2014. Results: Information on protein restricted diets of 186 PA patients from 47 centres, representing 14 European countries was collected. Total protein intake [PA precursor-free L-amino acid supplements (PFAA) and natural protein] met WHO/FAO/UNU (2007) safe protein requirements for age in 36 centres (77%). PFAA were used to supplement natural protein intake in 81% (n = 38) of centres, providing a median of 44% (14-83%) of total protein requirement. Seventy-four per cent of patients were prescribed natural protein intakes below WHO/ FAO/UNU (2007) safe levels in one or more of the following age groups: 0-6 m, 7-12 m, 1-10 y, 11-16 y and > 16 y. Sixty-three per cent (n = 117) of patients were tube fed (74% gastrostomy), but only 22% received nocturnal feeds. Conclusions: There was high use of PFAA with intakes of natural protein commonly below WHO/FAO/UNU (2007) safe levels. Optimal dietary management can only be determined by longitudinal, multi-centre, prospective case controlled studies. The metabolic instability of PA and small patient cohorts in each centre ensure that this is a challenging undertaking

    Achieving the "triple aim" for inborn errors of metabolism: a review of challenges to outcomes research and presentation of a new practice-based evidence framework

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    Across all areas of health care, decision makers are in pursuit of what Berwick and colleagues have called the “triple aim”: improving patient experiences with care, improving health outcomes, and managing health system impacts. This is challenging in a rare disease context, as exemplified by inborn errors of metabolism. There is a need for evaluative outcomes research to support effective and appropriate care for inborn errors of metabolism. We suggest that such research should consider interventions at both the level of the health system (e.g., early detection through newborn screening, programs to provide access to treatments) and the level of individual patient care (e.g., orphan drugs, medical foods). We have developed a practice- based evidence framework to guide outcomes research for inborn errors of metabolism. Focusing on outcomes across the triple aim, this framework integrates three priority themes: tailoring care in the context of clinical heterogeneity; a shift from “urgent care” to “opportunity for improvement”; and the need to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of emerging and established therapies. Guided by the framework, a new Canadian research network has been established to generate knowledge that will inform the design and delivery of health services for patients with inborn errors of metabolism and other rare diseases.This work was supported by a CIHR Emerging Team Grant (“Emerging team in rare diseases: acheiving the ‘triple aim’ for inborn errors of metabolism,” B.K. Potter, P. Chakraborty, and colleagues, 2012– 2017, grant no. TR3–119195). Current investigators and collaborators in the Canadian Inherited Metabolic Diseases Research Network are: B.K. Potter, P. Chakraborty, J. Kronick, D. Coyle, K. Wilson, M. Brownell, R. Casey, A. Chan, S. Dyack, L. Dodds, A. Feigenbaum, D. Fell, M. Geraghty, C. Greenberg, S. Grosse, A. Guttmann, A. Khan, J. Little, B. Maranda, J. MacKenzie, A. Mhanni, F. Miller, G. Mitchell, J. Mitchell, M. Nakhla, M. Potter, C. Prasad, K. Siriwardena, K.N. Speechley, S. Stocker, L. Turner, H. Vallance, and B.J. Wilson. Members of our external advisory board are D. Bidulka, T. Caulfield, J.T.R. Clarke, C. Doiron, K. El Emam, J. Evans, A. Kemper, W. McCormack, and A. Stephenson Julian. J. Little is supported by a Canada Research Chair in Human Genome Epidemiology. K. Wilson is supported by a Canada Research Chair in Public Health Policy

    Pathogen quantitation in complex matrices : a multi-operator comparison of DNA extraction methods with a novel assessment of PCR inhibition

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    Background: Mycobacterium bovis is the aetiological agent of bovine tuberculosis (bTB), an important recrudescent zoonosis, significantly increasing in British herds in recent years. Wildlife reservoirs have been identified for this disease but the mode of transmission to cattle remains unclear. There is evidence that viable M. bovis cells can survive in soil and faeces for over a year. Methodology/Principal Findings: We report a multi-operator blinded trial for a rigorous comparison of five DNA extraction methods from a variety of soil and faecal samples to assess recovery of M. bovis via real-time PCR detection. The methods included four commercial kits: the QIAamp Stool Mini kit with a pretreatment step, the FastDNA® Spin kit, the UltraCleanTM and PowerSoilTM soil kits and a published manual method based on phenol:chloroform purification, termed Griffiths. M. bovis BCG Pasteur spiked samples were extracted by four operators and evaluated using a specific real-time PCR assay. A novel inhibition control assay was used alongside spectrophotometric ratios to monitor the level of inhibitory compounds affecting PCR, DNA yield, and purity. There were statistically significant differences in M. bovis detection between methods of extraction and types of environmental samples; no significant differences were observed between operators. Processing times and costs were also evaluated. To improve M. bovis detection further, the two best performing methods, FastDNA® Spin kit and Griffiths, were optimised and the ABI TaqMan environmental PCR Master mix was adopted, leading to improved sensitivities. Conclusions: M. bovis was successfully detected in all environmental samples; DNA extraction using FastDNA® Spin kit was the most sensitive method with highest recoveries from all soil types tested. For troublesome faecal samples, we have used and recommend an improved assay based on a reduced volume, resulting in detection limits of 4.25 x 105 cells g-1 using Griffiths and 4.25 x 106 cells g-1 using FastDNA® Spin kit