79 research outputs found


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    One of the factors that determine performance in sports is the physical work capacity. To improve physical work capacity required training programs that meet the aerobic-anaerobic metabolic elements that proportion depends on the metabolic pathways of energy systems. Means to determine the metabolic pathways of energy systems is the intensity of exercise in accordance with the predominant energy system (ATP-PC, ATP-PC-LA, LA-O2). The intensity of exercise that most effectively improves the physical work capacity is still unknown. To measure the physical work capacity is used indicator of the anaerobic threshold. The purpose of this study was to prove the effects of various kinds of exercise intensity on the anaerobic threshold. This experimental study using the design of randomized control group pretest-posttest design on 100 respondent students boarding school al-Mukmin Ngruki, Solo, which is divided into four groups, namely the intensity of the intensive group (ATP-PC), extensive intensity group (ATP-PC-LA), moderateintensity group (LA-O2) and the control group. From the results of paired t-test found that the three types of exercise intensity can increase anaerobic threshold significantly (p <0.01). Increased anaerobic threshold is marked by a shift value of lactate 4 mmol/L to a heavier workload, which means an increase in physical work capacity. Anacova test results, showed a highly significant difference between the intensity of the intensive group with extensive intensity group (p < 0.01), there are significant differences between groups of intensity intensive with moderate intensity group (p 0.05). Exercise load achieved by an extensive group of the most effective intensity increase anaerobic threshold, then follow the moderate intensity exercise group. Intensity exercise group intensive increase anaerobic threshold, but less effective

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    Kontribusi Sistem Respirasi terhadap VO2 MaksStudi Korelasional Pada Atlet Berbagai Cabang Olahraga di Surakarta

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    Background : Multifactorial influence on VO2 max e.g respiratory, cardiovascular, O2 transport and tissue-biochemical system. The purpose of this study to explore contributional respiratory system to VO2 max on variety of sport. Method : The study were done from June to August 2008 among 155 sport athletes of 7 sport fields using simple random sampling based on minimal sample size. There are 85 athletes met the defined inclusive and exclusive criterion who were measured accordingly with; (1) spirometric, tidal volume (2) hemoglobin consentration with cyanmethemoglobine measured (3) Astrand Step Test, VO2 max followed by (4) pulsmeter heart rate determination. Data analysis were done by regression and ANAVA. Results : The results shows that contributional levels of respiratory, O2 transport and cardiovascular system are 12,32%; 36,97% and 45,51% accordingly. Conclusions : The respiratory contributional levels is under the contributional levels of cardiovascular or O2 transport system. Keywords : VO2, cardiovascular, O

    Efek Diuresis Ekstrak Propolis pada Tikus Putih Jantan (Rattus Norvegicus)

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    Background:Diuretics are medicine that increase the amount of urine volume. Propolis has 150 compounds that have biological activities, one of the is flavonoid. Flavonoid known to has diuretic effect. Methods:The research is a laboratory experimental analytic study using randomized controlled trial done at Laboratory of Setia Budi University Surakarta in June 2012. The research subject is a number of 35 male white rats of Wistar strain. They were divided into five treatment groups, each group consists of seven rats. Simple random sampling is used for sampling technique. Before the treatment, rats were adapted for 7 days and fasted for 48 hours but still provided with drinking water. Propolis extract was given orally. Group I was given aquadest 2.5 ml as negative control, group II was given hydrochlorothiazide 0.3 mg/2.5 ml as positive control, group III was given propolis extract at dose 30 mg/2.5 ml as dose I, group IV was given propolis extract at dose 60 mg/2.5 ml as dose II, and group V was given propolis extract at dose 120 mg/2.5 ml as dose III. Rats urine volume was measured every 6 hours for 24 hours. Results:Result of statistic calculation using Anova test with p < 0.05 shows that there is significant difference in total rats urine volume between group I, II, III, IV, and V. The Post-Hoc test result between group I compared with the others group was significant difference.Group II has the largest urine volume from all groups. Group III has the largest urine volume among the groups that given propolis extract. Group IV has larger urine volume than group V and group V has the least urin volume among the groups that given propolis extract. Conclusions:Through observing amount of urine volume and statistic calculation, it can be concluded that propolis extract has diuretic effect in the male white rats.The increase of propolis extract dose cause the decrease of urine volum


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    The current study aims to identify 1) the developmental history of Paraga game in South Sulawesi, 2) the way how to play Paraga game by the communities, 3) the movement skill aspects, and 4) the physical ability aspects. The research was conducted in center cultural exhibition that foster and preserve the game located in South Sulawesi. The current study used qualitative descriptive method using the research subject of Paraga game as the traditional sport of Bugis Makassar Tribal Communities in South Sulawesi. It contains movement skill and physical ability aspects in playing Sepak Raga attractions. The data were collected by using several techniques such as observation, documentative recording and interview. The results of Paraga game as a traditional sport of Bugis Makassar tribal communities in South Sulawesi Indonesia can be concluded as follows: 1) The history of Paraga game of Bugis Makassar tribal communities in South Sulawesi since past until today has shifted its functions, even among communities in South Sulawesi who had already considered it as traditional sports and cultural heritage which should be well preserved. Based on the history of Lontara, this game was performed as an entertaining media, event for the inauguration of the king (somba) of Gowa kingdom to entertain the royal guests. The first Bola Raga was played when the game was being discovered and performed by "To manurung" a sport derived from heaven, and made of gold (raga bulaeng). Along with the development of this game in the communities, a village named Paraga was found in Dusun Kaemba that is Ujung Bulo that had been visited by a king (karaeng) of Gowa kingdom. He spread Islam and introduced traditional musical instruments, especially drum (ganrang) and gong which made a Paraga appearance was no longer displayed with common movements, but it has been now accompanied by traditional musical instruments. It was certainly used as a medium to distribute Islam in Kaemba since then. Once upon a time, there were only certain people of Gowa from aristocratic family who could play the game, but it had been popular and played by the communities as time goes by. Also, it had been often performed in marriage events, and cultural festivals at provincial level and at the international level considered as traditional sports. 2) The procedure of the implementation of paraga game consists of several step and preparation. The preparations are physical preparation and psychological preparation. Other than that, the paraga players should also prepare the requirement tools such as traditional uniform, traditional music instrument which will be used to accompany the show of paraga game, and bola raga that is used to do the show of paraga game. 3) Some aspects of skill movement that must be mastered by the players is Movement skills in juggling the bola raga when standing up, sitting down, and when the player does a stack formation, Movement skills when playing the bola raga on the foot or with the hand and Movement skills when doing the last formation which is forming three stack formation, and the top most player juggle the bola raga from foot to the head with a perfect execution, that is when the bola raga sit motionlessly on top of the head of the player without falling to the ground. 4) The Physical ability aspect contained in the paraga game, there are aspect of physical ability which is the skill from the player when playing the bola raga. The forms of physical ability that exists in the game are speed, skills, accuracy, and coordination.  Article visualizations

    Interest of basic school students on mini volley balls

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    This study aims to find out what factors support the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Sragen Subdistrict in the learning process in mini volleyball games and how much these factors cause students of class V to take an interest in learning mini volleyball games. This type of research is descriptive research. This research includes survey research. The population in this study included the fifth grade students in the State Elementary School in Sragen Subdistrict, totaling 255 students. The research instrument uses a questionnaire or questionnaire. Data analysis used in this study uses quantitative descriptive statistics with percentages. The results of the study concluded that internal factors including physical, psychological and student and external levels of fatigue which included teachers, subject matter and infrastructure that supported the interest of mini volleyball learning in fifth grade elementary school students in Sragen sub-district were quite influential in supporting interest Class V students to learn mini volleyball

    The Effect of Dayak Onion Extract (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr) on Swimming Time and Oxidative Stress Levels in Mice with the Forced Swimming Test Model

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    Excessive physical exercise can increase the occurrence of oxidative stress, which is characterized by cell damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants found in Dayak Onion such as flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and vitamin C can be used as alternative ingredients to neutralize free radicals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of dose and duration of administration of Dayak onion extract on malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in a rat model of the forced gum test, extraction of Dayak onions using 96% ethanol. The type if research is Randomized Pre and Post Test Control Group Design. Male Sprague Dawley rats aged 2 months (weighing 150-200g) were divided into 5 groups: K- (control group, rats not given Dayak Onion extract but underwent forced swimming test), K+ (rats given xanthine and forced swimming test), P1 (rats given Dayak Onion extract at a dose of 50 mg/200 rats body weight/day), P2 (rats given Dayak Onion extract at a dose of 100 mg/200 rats body weight/day), P3 (rats given Dayak Onion extract at a dose of 200 mg/200 rats body weight/day). Dayak Onion extract was administered for 21 days with for 21 days with forced swimming test treatment, and changes in MDA levels were observed. The results showed that the administration of Dayak onion extract at a dose of 50 mg/200 rats/day, 100 mg/200 rats/day, and 200 mg/200 rats/day had an effect on preventing the increase in MDA, but at a dose of 200 mg/200 rats mice/day is the optimal dose. The conclusion is administration of Dayak Onion (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr) significantly decreased MDA levels in male Sprague Dawley rats with forced swimming test model

    Latihan Strategi Serangan Olahraga Futsal Untuk Akademi Futsal Surakarta (Studi Pengembangan Futsal Pada Akademi Futsal Surakarta)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan karena adanya kebutuhan untuk menyusun latihan strategi serangan yang baik, pelaksanaan uji coba model strategi serangan pemain futsal, dan mengetahui efektifitas model strategi serangan yang disusun pada pemain futsal Akademi Futsal di Surakarta. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode penelitian Research and Development yang dilakukan menggunakan 4 tahap yaitu studi pendahuluan tahap pengembangan strategi serangan, tahap uji coba produk, dan uji efektivitas produk. Hasil dari evaluasi futsal dalam penelitian ini berupa data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif.&nbsp; Hasil evaluasi ahli futsal untuk data kuantitatif berupa hasil persentase yaitu 83,48%, Uji coba kelompok kecil dilaksanakan menggunakan 30 subjek. Hasil persentase dari uji kelompok kecil sebesar 78,23. Uji coba kelompok besar dilaksanakan menggunakan 50 subjek Hasil persentase dari uji kelompok besar sebesar 82.59%. Hasil uji efektifitas menunjukkan&nbsp; ada perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara metode latihan strategi serangan dan metode latihan konvensional dalam peningkatan kemampuan serangan pemain futsal. Simpulan terakhir produk dinyatakan terbukti efektif meningkatkan kemampuan strategi serangan pemain


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    Purposes: (1) To know the difference of influences towards physical fitness between students who were taught using movement education approach with ones who were taught using traditional approach as well as the impacts on high class student groups, low class student groups. (2) To know the interaction of physical education learning approach towards physical fitness of student groups. (3) To know which one is the most effective advancement traditional approach or movement education. This research is experimental. The population: students of SD N 01,02,03 Kemiri. 160 samples were collected (purposive sampling). Free variables: traditional approach, movement education approach. Bound variables: Physical fitness and problem solving capabilities. Data collection: randomized group pre-test-post-test designs. Data analysis used (ANOVA). Conclusions: (1) There were different impacts between physical fitness of students being taught using movement education approach with students being taught using traditional education with significance value 0.000 is 0.05 of F=1.491 as well as differences of impacts on the high class group and low class group with significance value 0.0000 is = 0.05 F=1.7773 (3) There were interactions of physical education learning approach towards the physical fitness of a group of students. (4) There were differences of impacts on the problem solving capabilities between students being taught using movement education approach and students being taught using traditional approach. (5) There were interactions of physical education learning approach towards problem solving capabilities. Movement education approach student group was more advanced than traditional approach probability 0.002 from the Table of between subjects effects Fhitung.  Article visualizations
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