23 research outputs found
The purpose of this article is the observation of biogas production process, environment temperature and comparison of mixture rates of waste with water. Defined mixture reports are 1:1 and 1:2 (water-waste cattle). The average temperature set in experimental conditions is 24°C, ie within the limits mesophilic development process, ie between 20°C and 35°C. The experimental system of biogas production set up in the Didactic Experimental Economics, at the Agricultural University of Tirana. At the same time, unlike the conditions thermophilic requiring external power in the form of heat, to reach a temperature (55°C - 60°C), this experiment does not require 'extra cost' energy but could be created from an greenhouse (GH) environment type. Six (6) vessels used in the experiment are simple and modified with a plastic pipes communication system adapted to appeal to experiment. The average percentage of methane gas in the amount of biogas produced by the ratio 1:1 is 44.4% and the ratio of 1:2 is 37.5%. The impact of the mixture ratio and temperature constitute key factors associated with the process of fermentation and then the production of biogas. Comparing them will give us a clearer picture about the behavior of minidigesters reports under the influence of these conditions
“Entering the age of the hypermarket cinema’: the first five years of the multiplex in the United Kingdom’
The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.During the first five years of its development from the opening of The Point in Milton Keynes in 1985 the multiplex cinema radically changed the previous exhibition landscape, modernising the business of cinema exhibition, and shifting the site of film consumption to new, out-of-town shopping and leisure centres. This article considers some key developments in the first five years of the multiplex cinema’s introduction in the UK, with particular emphasis on three aspects of multiplex diffusion: the importance of regeneration and enterprise; the multiplex’s role in stimulating associated leisure and commercial developments; and out-of-town and regional shopping developments. In order to illustrate these themes, the article will consider the opening of four complexes: The Cannon in Salford Quays, and the AMC multiplexes in Telford in Shropshire, Sheffield and Dudley Merry Hill, in the West Midlands
Targeting tumours with particles using Monte Carlo simulations with SRIM
The aim of this report is to cover the work done during my placement at CERN as a Summer Student. The main part of my studentship was dedicated to a project called “Targeting tumours with particles using Monte Carlo simulations with SRIM” ( Stopping Range of Ions in Matter). I have used this software to calculate the energy of protons and Carbon ions that are used in targeting tumours and the efficiency of this method in tumour treatment
Edukimi është element kritik për zhvillim. Mos edukimi dhe mos njohja e kulturës ndikon në krijimin e një shoqërie të zbrazët dhe të pakompletuar.Një nga objektivat primare të artit është edukimi rreth kulturës dhe vetë njeriut në shoqëri. Galeria e artit modern me theks të veqant po tenton të vertetoj atë se ne mbajm mend më shumë atë që shohim se sa atë që lexojmë.Përveq faktit që galeria e artit modern ndikon në pasurimin dhe njohjen tonë me kulturen,skulpturen,pikutren dhe shumë arte të bukura,shumë njerëz e vizitojn për tu larguar nga stresi,depresioni dhe problemet që po shkakton jetesa bashkëkohore.Prizreni siqendra e artit ne Kosovë ka nevojë për objekte që do tërheqnin vizitorë nga vendet e ndryshme,e në të tilla raste do të ndikonin në zhvillimin e turizmit.Punimi im është bazuar në hulumtime të ndryshme që lidhen me “shpirtin” e vendit, në këtë rast Prizreni,si element primar kam pasur njeriun përballë kulturës,krijimin e një objekti që në radhë të pare do ju shërbente të pasionuarve pas artit,një objekt që në të njejtën kohë” është” dhe “nuk është” aty, një objekt që do të bëj të harrosh që është strukture e do t`bëj t`ja ndjesh shpirtin,një arkitekturë minimaliste por jo sterile,një lojë e veqantë me dritë-hije. Projekti do të përbëhet nga dy pjesë,ajo tekstuale dhe grafike,do të paraqes një zgjidhje të një objekti që ndikon në përmbushjen e gjithë asaj që ceka më lart
The Standardization Vs. Customization Debate Continues for PCI DSS Compliant Products
When it comes to cloud services, security has many a times been the hot topic. This has been especially relevant within the payment card industry and the secure handling of payment card data. The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (the council) was formed in order to ensure a global enhancement of payment card data. The council has issued requirements that all companies that handle payment card data are obliged to follow. However, the council has become much more strict as of recently, creating an urgency to become compliant. Thus, cloud service providers (CSP) have constructed standardized, PCI DSS compliant products so as to relief such customers. Since this emerging market is somewhat new, this thesis has researched how CSPs should relate to products within that market and the potential customer base. The case study for this research was conducted at Tieto, an IT service company, and its standardized, PCI DSS compliant product TiCC. The study collected empirical data in the form of qualitative interviews as well as quantitative telephone interviews with companies within the payment card industry. The study came to the conclusion that there is a demand that is not being met within the payment card industry related to products that aid organizations to become PCI DSS compliant. Standardized products have been constructed so as to fit financial customers while overlooking the demand of another large customer base, retail. Additionally, the products are being tweaked and features are being added, thus providing customization. CSPs are striving for both standardization as well as customization, something that has been considered counterproductive. The existing demand is thus not met with the current supply in the market, which has both multiple competitors and heterogeneity in market demand. The above mentioned thus leaves room for market seizure, to create own rules and thus making all competitors irrelevant. A potential way of doing that is through mass customization by standardizing higher levels of cloud computing
Language development in social studies subjects for students with a second language
Syftet med den här studien är att ta reda på hur språkutvecklingen kan anpassas för elever med ett andraspråk inom de samhällsorienterande ämnen. Vi vill ta reda på hur SO-lärarens arbete kan gynna andraspråkselevers språkutveckling. Forskning inom ämnet språkutvecklande arbetssätt samt vetenskapliga artiklar inom arbetssätt i SO-ämnen ligger till grund för studiens viktigaste resultat. Resultat visar på att dagens skolor består av en större mångfald vilket leder till större utmaningar för lärare. Utmaningar som uppstår då språkbrister finns i de svenska språket hos andraspråkselever begränsar lärarens undervisningsform. Det framkommer även att det från elevens sida är utmanande att utvecklas i ämnena. Det som gynnar ämnesutvecklingen för dessa elever i SO-ämnena är lärarens förståelse för elevens språkliga bakgrund. Det anses även positivt om modersmålet tas tillvara på i lektionstid. En annan viktig aspekt för att minska utmaningarna är vikten av stöttning även att läraren förstår elevernas kulturella bakgrund och visar förståelse och engagemang