43 research outputs found

    Digital Economy and Financial Inclusion

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    The digital economy is quickly creating worldwide as the bigger of development, rivakry, and development. Despite the fact that numerous individuals have been rejected, huge open doors are accessible for the digital to help budgetary incorporation for maintainable financial improvement. Financial inclusion is conveying the financial administration to the more fragile and low salary area of society the goal that an ever increasing number of individuals can use the financial administration. We have seen little however noteworthy advances being taken by the administration, towards computerized strengthening of the individuals

    Explaining state development: Indonesia from its pre-independence origins to contemporary democracy.

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    Explaining State Development: Indonesia from Pre-Independence Origins to Contemporary Democracy. This thesis uses the Indonesian case to present a new paradigm for explaining the state development of new or relatively new (post-World War II) states. The first chapter describes this paradigm of organic and mechanical types of state development, argues that the development of the Indonesian state from the 1950s to 1990s is a good example of the mechanical type of development and shows how this can be confirmed by assessing and comparing the capabilities of the four different versions of a modern state developed by Indonesia since independence. The next chapter examines Indonesia’s pre-independence debates about the form of state to be adopted, which led to Indonesia accepting a Western model of the state that has since undergone a development process involving four different versions of a ‘modern’ state. These four versions of the state are defined according to their type of regime and policymaking institutions: I) parliamentary democracy, II) Sukarno’s civilian presidential monarchy, III) Suharto’s military presidential monarchy and IV) presidential democracy. Chapters Three to Six assess and compare these four versions’ capability in three key areas: 1) achieving legal legitimacy, 2) control of the military and 3) dealing with political disorder – a crucial area of state capability that requires two chapters. Then Chapter Seven examines and explains the pre-democratic origins of the present version of the Indonesian state, the presidential democracy of Version IV. The Conclusion collates the findings of Chapters Three to Six on capabilities and summarises the arguments of Chapters Two and Seven regarding the 1940s acceptance of the Western model of the state and the late 1990s opportunity for democratisation. Finally, there is a concluding assessment of the potential of the organic/mechanical typology as a new paradigm for studying state development in other countries, regions and eras

    Does the Balinese Tri Hita Karana Culture Affect the Adoption and Usage of Information Technology Systems?

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    Hotel Information System (HIS) is defined as technological implementation in developing information for hotel industry. HIS is intended to increase operational efficiency, time efficiency, and improvement in service to guest. It is especially important as a strategic weapon to compete in the hotel industry. This study is intended to examine factors influencing the willingness to adopt and implement HIS, and conditions that facilitate the adoption and willingness to adopt and implement UTAUT model of technology-based AIS. The study is conducted in Tri Hita Karana cultural context as a substitute for social construct in original UTAUT model. Data are collected using questionnaire-aided survey to gather opinions of knowledge workers. This research uses purposive sampling and each hotel are represented by three knowledge workers. Total respondents in this study are 143 individuals on hotels in Bali. Data are further analyzed using partial least square. Results of the study empirically support UTAUT model in Tri Hita Karana culture context as organizational socio-cultural factor. Results of the analysis shows performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and socio-cultural factor  affect  intention to adopt and use. Facilitating conditions and intention to adopt and use affect adoption and implementation of AIS based IT. Gender moderates performance expectancy and  socio-cultural factor to intention to adopt and use. Also, age moderates performance expectancy to intention to adopt and use AIS based IT in Bali. Key words: AIS based IT adoption and usage, UTAUT Model, Tri Hita Karana, and socio-cultural factor

    Analisis Kinerja Internal, Balance Scorecard Dan Pengembangan Keuangan Mikro Berkelanjutan (Studi Pada Lembaga Perkreditan Desa Di Provinsi Bali)

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    Starting in 1984 Bali\u27s village micro financial institutions, which are called Lembaga Perkreditan Desa(LPD), were set up at the level of the customary village. These villages own, finance and govern the LPDs asan integral part of Balinese culture. The final say in every matter lies with the assembly of indigenousresidents (“krama”), the ultimate authority in every village. This research is aimed to analyze the relationshipbetween LPD and contribution of LPD in order to reduce % percentace of population below the poverty line(%PBL). The independent variable Return on Asset (ROA) has contribution to reduce PBL. ROA is internalperformance of LPD. Additonal analysis is conducted by field experiment to explore improvement internalperformance of LPD with Balance Scorecard. Balance Scorecard is not only measurement tools but strategictools in order to reduce %PBL

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Pemanfaatan dan Penggunaan Sistem Online Travel Agent di Industri Perhotelan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk  menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat pemanfaatan dan penggunaan sistem online travel agent di industri perhotelan. Penjelasan faktor minat pemanfaatan dan penggunaan sistem online travel agent pada 19 hotel di kawasan ITDC Nusa Dua, Bali menggunakan Model Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of technology (UTAUT). Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan  jawaban 76 karyawan yang menjadi responden. Responden ditentukan dengan metode nonprobability serta teknik sampling jenuh. Menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. UTAUT yang diuji dalam penelitian ini disusun atas 2 variabel terikat yaitu minat pemanfaatan dan perilaku penggunaan sistem serta 4 variabel bebas yaitu ekspektasi kinerja, ekspektasi usaha, faktor sosial serta kondisi yang memfasilitasi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan ekspektasi kinerja, ekspektasi usaha dan faktor sosial berpengaruh positif terhadap minat pemanfaatan sistem. Kondisi yang memfasilitasi dan minat pemanfaatan sistem berpengaruh positif terhadap perilaku penggunaan sistem. Kata kunci: UTAUT, sistem online travel agent, minat pemanfaatan, perilaku penggunaa

    Pengembangan Konsep Desain Kemasan Produk Lealoe dengan Pendekatan Kansei Engineering

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    Persaingan dalam pemasaran produk sabun mengharuskan para pemilik usaha memiliki keunggulan atau diferensiasi produk agar tetap diminati konsumen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu merancang model bisnis untuk sabun cair pencuci tangan dari minyak biji mimba dan minyak atsiri sereh menggunakan kanvas model bisnis. Elemen penyusun kanvas model bisnis terdiri atas 9 elemen diataranya customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue stream, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, dan cost stuctures. Segmentasi pelangan dalam model bisnis ini yaitu masyarakat kalangan menengah ke atas serta masyarakat pengguna produk natural. Hal ini sesuai dengan proporsi nilai yang ditawarkan yaitu produk dengan tren back to nature. Produk ini aman digunakan karena bahan natural sebagai komposisi produk. Peran segmentasi yang mendukung sangat diperlukan dalam perancangan model bisnis agar produk dapat bersaing dan sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen terhadap produk sabun cair. Kanvas model bisnis dengan pendekatan social emterprises diharapkan memberikan nilai keberlanjutkan dalam usaha sabun cair berbahan baku minyak biji mimba dan minyak atsiri sereh. Perancangan model bisnis social enterprises diperoleh berdasarkan hasil analisis kondisi saat ini dan analisis modifikasi elemen kunci kanvas model bisnis

    “Koh Ngomong” and a Desire to Do Whistleblowing: An Experimental Study

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    The issue of whistleblowing has attracted attention several decades ago until now. The interesting trigger for whistleblowing issues is the increase in the frequency or number of violations of organizations around the world and massive media coverage. The aim of the study is to analyze the influence of the Koh Ngomong attitude towards the intention to do whistleblowing. The study also examined the effect of the Koh Ngomong attitude on the tendency of employees to choose internal or external reporting channels. Subjects in this study were students in Magister of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Bali. The subject acts as a surrogate of a management accountant who reports a fraud (whistleblower). This study uses the between subject experimental method, with 2x2 factorial design manipulation. Analysis tool using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results of the study show that there is no difference in the reporting path between Koh Ngomong and non Koh Ngomong groups to become a whistleblower.</p

    Implementation of UTAUT and D&M Models for Success Assessment of Cashless System

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    This study discusses the success of applying the Cashless System using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT) model and the DeLone &amp; McLean (D &amp; M) model to assess human factors and technological factors in behavioral intention and influence them on individual performance. This study was designed to discuss the application of technology after the Cashless System was implemented for two years. The Cashless system is a special non-cash payment system for premium payment and insurance claims systems that used agents as payment agreements. Cashless systems are implemented based on the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank of Indonesia Regulations (PBI) regulations concerning payment system services and consumer protection payment system services. The research location was chosen at AJB Bumiputera 1912 in Bali Province which was the first insurance company and invited in Indonesia. The research sample used purposive sampling with the criteria of all active users using the Cashless System, which is as many as 45 people. Data collection used a questionnaire distributed to 15 offices of AJB Bumiputera 1912 in Bali Province. Data analysis used Partial Least Square (PLS) with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The test results used the UTAUT model show that the performance of expectations, social influences apply positively to behavioral intentions of using the Cashless System. Expectations of effort were not applied to behavioral intentions of using the Cashless System. The test results used the D &amp; M model that shows the information quality, the information systems quality, service quality that had positive effect on behavioral intention of using Cashless System. The intention of behavior of using the Cashless System has positive effect on individual performance. Keywords: UTAUT, Delone &amp; McLean, Cashless System DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-12-16 Publication date:June 30th 201


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    The study aims to determine the effect of variables on the performance competence and independence of auditors with auditor ethics as a moderating variable. Data obtained in the form of primary data from (KAP) throughout Bali that are already registered in the (IAPI) in 2015 which is entirely located in the city of Denpasar. Elections were conducted with a purposive sampling method, so it was chosen by 46 respondents. In this case the researchers came to direct the public accounting firm and provides direct questionnaires. The test results showed that together (simultaneously) variable competence, independence and ethics auditor significant effect on the performance of auditors, while partial competence variable significant effect on the performance of auditors, variable independence significant effect on the performance of auditors, ethics auditor strengthen the relationship between the competence of the performance auditor, auditor ethics strengthen the links between the independence of the auditor performance