108 research outputs found

    Spline histogram method for reconstruction of probability density function of clusters of galaxies

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    We describe the spline histogram algorithm which is useful for visualization of the probability density function setting up a statistical hypothesis for a test. The spline histogram is constructed from discrete data measurements using tensioned cubic spline interpolation of the cumulative distribution function which is then differentiated and smoothed using the Savitzky-Golay filter. The optimal width of the filter is determined by minimization of the Integrated Square Error function. The current distribution of the TCSplin algorithm written in f77 with IDL and Gnuplot visualization scripts is available from http://www.virac.lv/en/soft.htmlComment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to be published in "Galaxies and Chaos: Theory and Observations", eds. N.Voglis, G.Contoupoulos, conference proceedings (CD version), uses Springer Verlag svmult.cls style file

    Fine-structure infrared lines from the Cassiopeia A knots

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    Aims: Archival observations of infrared fine-structure lines of the young Galactic supernova remnant Cassiopeia A allow us to test existing models and determine the physical parameters of various regions of the fast-moving knots (FMKs), which are metal-dominated clouds of material ejected by the supernova explosion. Methods: The fluxes of the far-infrared [O i] and [O iii] lines are extracted from the previously unpublished archival ISO data. The archival Spitzer data are used to determine the fluxes of the O, Ne, Si, S, Ar and Fe ion fine-structure lines originating in the FMKs. The ratios of these line fluxes are used for the plasma diagnostics. We also determine the infrared line flux ratios to the optical [O iii] 5007 A line in the knots having previously measured reddening. Additionally, we analyze several optical and near-infrared observations of the FMKs to obtain clearer insight into the post-shock photoionized region (PIR) structure. Results: We show that the infrared oxygen line flux predictions of all existing theoretical models are correct only to within a factor of several. For the models to reproduce the observations it is essential to include the electron conductivity and effects of the dust. Detailed analysis of the diagnostic line flux ratios allows us to qualitatively confirm the general model of the FMK emission and to determine observationally the physical conditions in the PIR after the shock front. We infer that the pre-shock cloud densities most probably constitute several hundred particles per cm^3. We also determine the Cas A luminosities in the infrared continuum and lines. We show that accounting for the charge exchange processes in the post-shock PIR allows us to reproduce most of the relevant spectral line ratios even in the frame of a single-temperature model of this region. We also estimate its plasma parameters, thickness, and carbon abundance.Comment: Version accepted by A&A, 21 page, 10 figures. v2: major changes, Section 5 added with analysis of charge-exchange process influence

    Spectroscopy of high-Z ions as a way to understanding the nature of Cas A knots and intergalactic shocks

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    Disertācija izstrādāta un aizstāvēta Minhenē.The goal of the studies comprising this thesis is a survey of prospective spectroscopical methods of highly-charged ion observations from hot astrophysical plasmas that have not been widely studied before. The first main task that one needs to carry out in this case is a review of different types of spectral lines and matching types of astrophysical objects. This review is then followed by the development of the theoretical description and determination of the best observable parameters in the promising direction and application of the method to the specific objects. Two results of such study (combinations of spectral line type and object type) are presented in the thesis. The hyperfine structure lines of highly-ionized metal atoms (primarily the line of 14N VII at 5.652 mm) are shown to be observable with modern radio telescopes.The astrophysical objects responsible for appearance of these lines either in emission or in absorption are hot interstellar medium in the Galaxy and other galaxies, hot intracluster medium in clusters of galaxies, supernova remnants, gas around quasars and the warm-hot intergalactic medium, being the most interesting object for the application of the proposed method. The highly-ionized metal recombination lines in the optical and near-infrared ranges constitute another promising result of our studies. We have shown that the lines of this previously unstudied type should be strong enough to be observable even in moderate time on the modern ground-based optical telescopes from the dense knots of ejecta of the young Galactic supernova remnant Cassiopeia A. Such prospective observations will allow to identify all abundant ions present in the ejecta being crossed by the reverse shock wave of the supernova explosion, thus increasing our knowledge both on the ejecta composition and details of the shock wave interaction with the metal-dominated dense clouds. In the course of the work, it was realized that the physical conditions in the emitting regions of these dense ejecta clouds (so-called fast-moving knots) of Cassiopeia A and other young oxygen-dominated supernova remnants are rather unconstrained with predictions of different models for the line intensities varying by orders of magnitude. To make better estimates of these conditions from the existing data, we have utilized the archival observations of ISO and Spitzer space observatories to determine the diagnostic fine-structure line ratios. Analysis of this observational data set has resulted in understanding of relative importances of various processes proposed in different theoretical models, as well as in determination of physical parameters in some of previously observationally unexplored regions of the fast-moving knots. This study is also included in the thesis


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    The paper deals with the problem of the verbal sign as mental structure. The correlation between graphic and sound representations, percept and meaning is in the focus of attention


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    The paper investigates variability of nature images among senior children, Tartar village dwellers and Russian urban dwellers, living in one and the same region in Russia. On the basis of comparative analysis of associative-verbal networks, constructed on the bilingual material, the degree of closeness of associative fields of Russians and Tartars is revealed; the functions of universal, variable and specific semantic links in organizing images of the surrounding world and in cross-cultural communication between different social groups (village and urban dwellers) and ethnos (Tartars and Russians) are determined

    The coupling of the X1Σ+^{1}\Sigma ^{+} and a3Σ+^{3}\Sigma ^{+} states of KRb

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    A comprehensive study of the electronic states at the 4s+5s asymptote in KRb is presented. Abundant spectroscopic data on the \astate state were collected by Fourier-transform spectroscopy which allow to determine an accurate experimental potential energy curve up to 14.8 \AA . The existing data set (C. Amiot et al. J. Chem. Phys. 112, 7068 (2000)) on the ground state \Xstate was extended by several additional levels lying close to the atomic asymptote. In a coupled channels fitting routine complete molecular potentials for both electronic states were fitted. Along with the line frequencies of the molecular transitions, recently published positions of Feshbach resonances in 40^{40}K and 87^{87}Rb mixtures (F. Ferlaino et al. Phys. Rev. A 74, 039903 (2006)) were included in the fit. This makes the derived potential curves capable for an accurate description of observed cold collision features so far. Predictions of scattering lengths and Feshbach resonances in other isotopic combinations are reported.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Implementation of the Principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Activities of Commissions on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights

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    The article examines the role of the Commission for Juvenile Affairs and the protection of their rights as a coordinating body of the subjects of the system of prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors.В статье рассматривается реализация государственной политики в области охраны прав детей