2,816 research outputs found

    User guide : Aquifer Productivity (Scotland) GIS Datasets. Version 2

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    This report describes a revised version (Version 2) of the aquifer productivity (Scotland) datasets produced by the British Geological Survey (BGS). There are two maps: bedrock aquifer productivity and superficial deposits aquifer productivity. Version 1 of these datasets was produced in 2004. Version 2 uses updated geological linework and a slightly modified methodology. The aquifer productivity maps describe the potential of aquifers across Scotland to sustain various levels of borehole water supply, and the dominant groundwater flow types in each aquifer. The bedrock aquifer productivity map has five aquifer productivity classes (very high, high, moderate, low and very low); and three groundwater flow categories (significant intergranular flow; mixed fracture/intergranular flow; and fracture flow). The superficial deposits productivity map has four productivity classes (high; moderate to high; moderate; and a category to signify that a deposit is ‘not a significant aquifer’). All superficial deposits aquifers in Scotland are assumed to have primarily intergranular groundwater flow. The aquifer productivity maps are a tool to indicate the location and productivity of aquifers across Scotland. They have been used to help characterise groundwater bodies as required by the Water Framework Directive, and may have several other uses, including in policy analysis and development; to prioritise aquifer and site investigations; to inform planning decisions; and to improve awareness of groundwater in general. The complexity and heterogeneity of geological formations means that the maps are only a guide. They are designed to be used at a scale of 1:100,000, and not to assess aquifer conditions at a single point

    Aspectos psicológicos de los cuidados de enfermería en la paciente con depresión postparto

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    La depresión mayor es una enfermedad que afecta a 300 millones de personas a lo largo de todo el mundo, presenta mayor incidencia en mujeres, siendo en ellas la primera causa de discapacidad a nivel mundial. Cuando un episodio depresivo se produce tras el parto se denomina depresión postparto. Actualmente su prevalencia se estima en torno al 13%, debido a su magnitud es considerado un problema de salud pública. Su origen radica en el embarazo o en las primeras cuatro semanas tras el parto, pese a poder presentarse hasta 30 semanas después del mismo. La depresión postparto es un trastorno que afecta a la calidad de vida de la madre y del resto de componentes de la familia. Desde enfermería debemos abordar a estas pacientes desde un punto de vista holístico, donde poder identificar distintos factores de riesgo que propician su desarrollo y actuar sobre ellos cuando sea aún sea posible. Este trabajo consta de una revisión bibliográfica de la información disponible de la depresión postparto, así como de la elaboración de un proceso de atención de enfermería para un hipotético caso de una paciente en concreto, identificando las necesidades alteradas y desarrollando en su función dos diagnósticos de enfermería muy comúnmente afectados en esta situación (ansiedad e insomnio). Tras ello se procederá a la elaboración de un plan de cuidados para cada diagnóstico bajo la taxonomía NANDA, NOC y NIC, con intención de mejorar tanto los cuidados de enfermería como la educación para la salud que se presta a estas pacientes.Grado en Enfermerí

    Mechanisms of tolerance induction to foreign proteins

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    Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Imunologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2013Several immune mediated diseases, such as autoimmunity and allergy or transplant rejection are consequence of inappropriate immune responses towards specific antigens. The therapeutic induction of robust immune tolerance has, therefore been considered the Holy Grail of immunology since the pioneering work of Medawar and colleagues who have demonstrated the feasibility of tolerance induction. Immune tolerance is defined as the unresponsive state to a set of antigens by an immune system that remains immune competent to respond to unrelated antigens. A wealth of mechanisms has evolved to achieve immune tolerance to self as well as many environmental antigens. These mechanisms include negative selection in the thymus together with the production of regulatory T cells dedicated to the prevention of auto reactivity; cytokines like IL-10; immune privileged sites; and peripheral control of effector T cells by apoptosis, anergy, competition, and differentiation of several types of regulatory immune cells. In the last twenty years much emphasis has been given to a powerful regulatory T (Treg) cell population initially characterized by the high expression of CD25 (the alpha chain of the IL-2R), that express the transcription factor Foxp3. Over the years a significant amount of information on Tregs has been acquired which empowered the immunologists to devise new strategies to differentiate and expand these cells and ultimately to use them as cellular therapies. One strategy known to induce immune tolerance takes advantage of biological agents such as monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that can specifically target certain molecules modulating immune responses. Several studies in different animal models of immune disorders have shown the efficacy of MAbs at inducing long term specific immune tolerance. Non depleting anti-CD4 MAb has been shown able to induce immune tolerance in transplantation and autoimmunity by inducing a specific Treg population. In the work presented in this thesis we have shown that non depleting anti-CD4 can induce robust tolerance to soluble antigens in a mouse model of allergic asthma – a Th2-driven pathology. CD4-blockade at the time of allergen exposure can lead to antigen-specific tolerance therefore sparing the immune response to other antigens. Based on these findings, where the allergen is administered together with an adjuvant, we revisited immune tolerance to therapeutic proteins using a mouse model of hemophilia. It had been reported that tolerance induced with MAbs (such as anti-CD4) was difficult to induce to proteins like factor VIII. We hypothesized that an adjuvant, such as alum, that in the animal models of allergy allows tolerance induction to model antigens and allergens, may be useful to facilitate tolerance to FVIII. We confirmed that indeed tolerance induction to FVIII can be induced when alum is used as an adjuvant – a counter-intuitive finding given the tendency of adjuvants to boost, rather than inhibit, immune responses. We believe that for proper tolerization of antigen-specific cells it is essential to have adequate antigen presentation. Therefore an adjuvant can facilitate the process. This hypothesis will be addressed in future studies. Finally, we investigated the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the induction of tolerance to proteins using non-depleting anti- CD4. We anticipated that induction of Foxp3+ T cells would be a major mechanism given prior studies that have clearly established induced Foxp3+ Tregs in tolerance induction in transplantation and autoimmunity. However, we found that tolerance to proteins in alum could be induced in Foxp3-deficient mice, but not in the absence of IL-10. In addition to the dominant tolerance mechanism IL-10-dependent we found evidence for a recessive mechanism based on the activation-cell death and anergy of antigen-specific cells following activation under the cover of anti-CD4. We believe it may be possible to take advantage of both Foxp3- independent and Foxp3-dependent mechanisms to achieve a more robust state of immune tolerance.Várias doenças causadas pelo sistema imunitário, como doenças autoimunes, alergias ou rejeição de transplantes, são causadas por uma resposta inadequada a alguns antigénios. Uma possível forma de tratar estas doenças consiste na indução de tolerância específica e robusta. A tolerância imunitária é definida como a ausência de resposta por parte do sistema imunitário a um dado antigénio, mantendo-se competente para responder a antigénios distintos. Existem vários mecanismos que asseguram tolerância imunitária a antigénios do próprio e vários antigénios ambientais, tais como a selecção negativa no timo de linfócitos autorreactivos juntamente com o desenvolvimento de células T reguladoras (Treg) que suprimem autorreactividade; locais imunoprivilegiados como a placenta; citoquinas imunorreguladoras como a IL-10; e o controlo na periferia de linfócitos maturos através de apoptose, anergia, competição e diferenciação de diferentes populações celulares reguladoras. Nos últimos vinte anos tem sido dada muita ênfase a uma população de células T reguladoras caracterizada pela elevada expressão de CD25 (a cadeia alfa do receptor de IL-2) e de Foxp3 (um factor de transcrição). Com a aquisição de informação sobre as Tregs, os imunologistas têm tido a capacidade de desenvolver novas estratégias para diferenciar e expandir esta população celular, sendo inclusivamente utilizadas Tregs como terapia celular em ensaios clínicos. Uma forma eficaz de induzir tolerância imunitária em modelos animais consiste na utilização de anticorpos monoclonais (MAbs), dirigidos a moléculas envolvidas na activação de linfócitos. Vários estudos em modelos animais de patologias do sistema imunitário demonstram a eficácia destes MAbs na indução de uma tolerância robusta a longo prazo. O anti-CD4 não depletante, em particular, é bastante eficaz na indução de tolerância imunitária em transplantação e autoimunidade induzindo uma população de Tregs. No trabalho descrito nesta tese demonstrámos que o anti-CD4 não depletante é capaz de induzir tolerância num modelo animal de asma alérgica, que é uma patologia dependente de uma resposta imunitária do tipo Th2. O bloqueio do CD4 concomitante com a exposição ao alergénio leva à indução de um estado de tolerância específica para esse antigénio, mantendo-se a competência do sistema imunitário para responder a outros antigénios diferentes. Com base nestes resultados, onde para a indução de tolerância utilizámos antigénios administrados juntamente com um adjuvante (alum), decidimos estudar a indução de tolerância a outras proteínas. Com efeito, estudos prévios mostraram ser particularmente difícil induzir tolerância a factor VIII (FVIII) em modelos animais de hemofilia, utilizando anti-CD4 ou outros anticorpos indutores de tolerância. Decidimos reavaliar a indução de tolerância a FVIII em hemofilia com base na hipótese que um adjuvante poderia facilitar esse processo. Com efeito verificámos que a administração de FVIII com alum permite a obtenção de tolerância robusta ao factor de coagulação com anti-CD4. Estes resultados poderão parecer contra-intuitivos pois os adjuvantes são conhecidos pela sua capacidade de potenciar respostas imunitárias e não de as inibir. No entanto é provável que para indução terapêutica de tolerância seja necessário que o antigénio a tolerar seja apresentado de forma eficaz à maioria de células T efectoras específicas durante o período em que o anti-CD4 se mantém em níveis terapêuticos. Um adjuvante poderá assim facilitar a apresentação de antigénios pelas células dendríticas durante este período. Esta hipótese será avaliada em experiências futuras. Finalmente, procurámos identificar os mecanismos celulares e moleculares associados à indução de tolerância imunitária a proteínas em adjuvante. Como está descrito na literatura que o anti-CD4 promove, em transplantação e autoimunidade, a diferenciação de Tregs Foxp3+, assumimos que o mesmo mecanismo estaria envolvido na indução de tolerância a proteínas em alum. Contudo, verificámos ser possível indução de tolerância em animais deficientes em Foxp3. No entanto o estado de tolerância depende de IL-10, pois não é possível induzir tolerância em animais na ausência desta citoquina. Para além deste mecanismo de tolerância dominante dependente de IL-10 também está envolvido um componente recessivo, que depende da anergia e apoptose de células efectoras específicas É possível que a combinação de estratégias que promovem mecanismos indutores de tolerância independentes de Foxp3 e outras estratégias que promovam tolerância mediada por Treg possam ser explorados de um modo sinergético para alcançar um estado de tolerância mais robusto e em situações mais estringentes.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, SFRH/BD/49093/2008


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    Rumusan masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kinerja Pajak Daerah , retribusi daerah, bagian laba BUMD dan Lain – Lain Pendapatan Asli daerah yang sah Terhadap Rata – Rata Pendapatan Asli daerah  ( PADrata-rata )  pada Pemerintah Daerah Kota Kupang,  bagaimana kinerja pertumbuhan  Pajak Daerah , retribusi daerah, bagian laba BUMD dan Lain – Lain Pendapatan Asli daerah yang sah Terhadap Total  Pendapatan Asli daerah  ( PADTotal )  pada Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Lembata.  Teknik  analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah   teknik deskriptif kuantitatif yakni penulis  mengolah data keuangan dengan rumus selanjutnya dilakukan  penjelasan dalam bentuk narasi  berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Kinerjan komponen  Pendapatan Asli Daerah untuk tahun 2013  yakni pajak daerah, retribusi daerah, hasil pengelolaan daerah yang dipisahkan dan lain – lain  pendapatan Asli daerah yang sah memiliki kinerja paling buruk, kinerjan komponen  Pendapatan Asli Daerah untuk tahun 2014  yakni pajak daerah, retribusi daerah, hasil pengelolaan daerah yang dipisahkan memiliki kinerja  cukup. Sedangkan  lain – lain  pendapatan Asli daerah yang sah memiliki kinerja paling buruk, kinerjan komponen  Pendapatan Asli Daerah untuk tahun 2015  yakni pajak daerah, retribusi daerah, hasil pengelolaan daerah yang dipisahkan dan lain – lain  pendapatan Asli daerah yang sah memiliki kinerja cuku

    Regulatory T Cells and the Control of the Allergic Response

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    Semi-automated mapping and characterisation of coral reef mounds : Mingulay Reef proof of concept

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    This report describes a new approach to map coral reef mounds. The study area used for this mapping exercise is located approximately 13 km east of the island of Mingulay (56°50′N, 7°30′W) and is known as the Mingulay Reef Complex. The approach adopted consists on the combination of the Bathymetric Position Index tool for habitat mapping and the semi-automated mapping method developed initially to map pockmarks at seabed. During this exercise, 354 coral reefs were successfully mapped. The results of this test-of-concept supported the creation of a customised tool for semi-automated mapping of cold-water coral reefs, to derive coral mound attributes from multibeam datasets without interpreter bias

    User guide : Aquifer Productivity (Scotland) GIS Datasets. Version 2, revised report

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    This report describes a revised version (Version 2) of the aquifer productivity (Scotland) datasets produced by the British Geological Survey (BGS). There are two maps: bedrock aquifer productivity and superficial deposits aquifer productivity. Version 1 of these datasets was produced in 2004. Version 2 uses updated geological linework and a slightly modified methodology. The aquifer productivity maps describe the potential of aquifers across Scotland to sustain various levels of borehole water supply, and the dominant groundwater flow types in each aquifer. The bedrock aquifer productivity map has five aquifer productivity classes (very high, high, moderate, low and very low); and three groundwater flow categories (significant intergranular flow; mixed fracture/intergranular flow; and fracture flow). The superficial deposits productivity map has four productivity classes (high; moderate to high; moderate; and a category to signify that a deposit is ‘not a significant aquifer’). All superficial deposits aquifers in Scotland are assumed to have primarily intergranular groundwater flow. The aquifer productivity maps are a tool to indicate the location and productivity of aquifers across Scotland. They have been used to help characterise groundwater bodies as required by the Water Framework Directive, and may have several other uses, including in policy analysis and development; to prioritise aquifer and site investigations; to inform planning decisions; and to improve awareness of groundwater in general. The complexity and heterogeneity of geological formations means that the maps are only a guide. They are designed to be used at a scale of 1:100,000, and not to assess aquifer conditions at a single point

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