98 research outputs found

    "Why Is Economics Not an Evolutionary Science?" New Answers to Veblen's Old Question

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    Addressing the question why Economics as a discipline is not subject to evolutive processes itself, we explain the paradigmatical dominance of neoclassical theories in Economics as a path dependent process. Recognizing economics as "locked into neoclassical thinking," we first identify three positive feedback mechanisms leading to strong barriers to paradigmatic change: coordination, complementarity, and learning mechanisms. In a second step, we show how actors strategically enforce these mechanisms via distinct "amplifiers." We then try to use this theoretical perspective to cursorily describe potentially path-breaking strategies

    Epistemic Communities and Social Movements: Transnational Dynamics in the Case of Creative Commons

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    While the existence of transnational communities is increasingly recognized in globalization studies, very little is yet known about their impact on global governance. Studies investigating the role of transnational communities in international rule setting tend to specialize in specific types, such as epistemic communities, social movements, or policy networks, and narrow down their effects to agenda setting or issue framing. In this paper, we choose a broader view. We examine the regulatory effects which arise when different types of transnational communities with a common goal operate in concurrence through all phases of the rule-setting process. The empirical research of this papers focuses on the transnational governance field of copyright. More specifically, we study transnational communities aiming to overcome limitations to the prevalent transnational copyright regime in the face of new information technology. On the basis of a longitudinal case study, we show how an epistemic community and a social movement came to interact around the non-profit organization “Creative Commons” in ways which provided unforeseen momentum for their rule-setting project. This impetus generated both functional and latent effects. While the rapid growth of the social movement enabled Creative Commons to successfully disseminate its private licenses among producers of digital intellectual goods, bypassing classical regulators and policy makers, it also threatened the goals and internal decision making of Creative Commons itself. Following the division of Creative Commons into two separate, but still connected, organizations, it remains to be seen how the interaction of the epistemic community and social movement will evolve in the future.Obwohl die Existenz transnationaler Gemeinschaften in der Globalisierungsforschung immer mehr anerkannt wird, bleibt deren Einfluss auf globale Steuerung und Regulierung immer noch größtenteils im Dunkeln. Studien über die Rolle transnationaler Gemeinschaften im Bereich internationaler Regulierung konzentrieren sich meist auf spezifische Typen, wie epistemische Gemeinschaften, soziale Bewegungen oder politische Netzwerke, und beschränken deren Effekte auf Agenda-Setting oder Framing von Themen. In diesem Papier wählen wir eine breitere Perspektive. Wir untersuchen regulatorische Effekte, die entstehen, wenn verschiedene Typen von transnationalen Gemeinschaften mit einem gemeinsamen Ziel gleichzeitig sämtliche Phasen des Regulierungsprozesses durchlaufen. Der empirische Teil des Papiers konzentriert sich auf transnationale Regulierung im Bereich des Urheberrechts. Konkret untersuchen wir transnationale Gemeinschaften, die Beschränkungen des vorherrschenden Urheberrechtsregimes angesichts neuer Informationstechnologie zu überwinden suchen. Auf Basis einer Längsschnittstudie zeigen wir, wie eine epistemische Gemeinschaft und eine soziale Bewegung rund um die gemeinnützige Organisation "Creative Commons" interagieren und so unvorhergesehenen Schwung in ihrem Regulierungsprojekt auslösen. Diese Dynamik erzeugte funktionale ebenso wie verborgene Effekte. Während das schnelle Wachstum der sozialen Bewegung die erfolgreiche Diffusion von den privaten Lizenzen von Creative Commons – vorbei an klassischen Regulierern und politischen Akteuren – unter Erzeugern von digitalen intellektuellen Gütern ermöglichte, bedrohte es Ziele und interne Entscheidungsstrukturen von Creative Commons selbst. Wie sich das Zusammenwirken von epistemischer Gemeinschaft und sozialer Bewegung nach der Teilung von Creative Commons in zwei getrennte, aber immer noch miteinander verknüpfte Organisationen weiterentwickelt, wird erst die Zukunft zeigen.1 Introduction 2 Conceptual framework: Transnational epistemic communities and social movements 3 Method and data 4 Technological and political context: The internet challenge to the traditional regulation of copyright 5 Creative commons: Epistemic community concurring with social movement Birth of an epistemic community and formation of a non-profit organization in the United States Transnationalization of epistemic community and organization Unexpected effects of success: Social movement organizations joining in Organizational decoupling: A split-up for unity 6 Conclusions Reference

    Von Open Access zu Free Knowledge: erste Schritte zu freiem wissenschaftlichen Wissen

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    Interorganisationale Netzwerke und digitale Gemeinschaften: Von Beiträgen zu Beteiligung?

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    In diesem Papier untersuchen wir anhand der Beispiele Wikimedia und Creative Commons das Management der Beziehung zwischen formal-vernetzten Organisationen und informaldigitalen Gemeinschaften. Die beiden Fälle stehen für die wachsende (auch: wissenschaftliche Anerkennung der) Bedeutung von Beiträgen aus größtenteils organisationsexternen Gemeinschaften für die Leistungserbringung von Organisationen. In einer vergleichenden Längsschnittstudie kontrastieren wir, wie zwei Franchisenetzwerke durch Abgrenzung (Creative Commons) oder Einbindung (Wikimedia) diffus-prekäre Grenzverhältnisse zwischen Organisation und Gemeinschaftsumwelt handhaben. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass sowohl Einbindungs- wie auch Abgrenzungsstrategien auf eine Formulierung von Gemeinschaftsgrenzen angewiesen sind, die anschlussfähig an die für die Gemeinschaft konstitutiven Beitragspraktiken ist. Dem interaktiven und historisch kontingenten Charakter dieser Grenzziehung wiederum scheint eine pragmatistische Strategie „korrigierbarer Vorläufigkeit“ am ehesten Rechnung zu tragen

    Auf dem Weg zu einer Wissensallmende?

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    The Vienna history Wiki: a collaborative knowledge platform for the city of Vienna

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    The Vienna City Archive and the Vienna City Library have joined forces with several other institutions in Vienna, Austria to create the "Wien Geschichte Wiki" (Vienna History Wiki), a knowledge platform for the history of Vienna with more than 34,000 articles and 120,000 visits per month. The wiki is powered by Semantic MediaWiki and serves not only as an online encyclopedia, based on a digitized printed publication for everybody to use and contribute to, but also as a central knowledge base for several administrative departments of the city administration. In a peer-review process, wiki edits are checked before they become visible. The paper highlights the unique aspects of the Vienna History Wiki related to content creation, governance structures and technology choices. A usage log analysis and an online survey have been carried out to gain first insights after six months of operation

    Flipping Journals to Open: Rethinking Publishing Infrastructure

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    The resignation of the editorial board of an Elsevier-owned linguistics journal and its open access reorganization could get the ball rolling for other journals to follow suit. This case is a reminder that open access means more than just providing access to an article; it means rethinking the whole process of publishing. Open access also raises important questions about who owns the critical information infrastructure for online publishing

    Facilitating Organisational Fluidity with Computational Social Matching

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    Striving to operate in increasingly dynamic environments, organisations can be seen as fluid and communicative entities where traditional boundaries fade away and collaborations emerge ad hoc. To enhance fluidity, we conceptualise computational social matching as a research area investigating how to digitally support the development of mutually suitable compositions of collaborative ties in organisations. In practice, it refers to the use of data analytics and digital methods to identify features of individuals and the structures of existing social networks and to offer automated recommendations for matching actors. In this chapter, we outline an interdisciplinary theoretical space that provides perspectives on how interaction can be practically enhanced by computational social matching, both on the societal and organisational levels. We derive and describe three strategies for professional social matching: social exploration, network theory-based recommendations, and machine learning-based recommendations.Striving to operate in increasingly dynamic environments, organisations can be seen as fluid and communicative entities where traditional boundaries fade away and collaborations emerge ad hoc. To enhance fluidity, we conceptualise computational social matching as a research area investigating how to digitally support the development of mutually suitable compositions of collaborative ties in organisations. In practice, it refers to the use of data analytics and digital methods to identify features of individuals and the structures of existing social networks and to offer automated recommendations for matching actors. In this chapter, we outline an interdisciplinary theoretical space that provides perspectives on how interaction can be practically enhanced by computational social matching, both on the societal and organisational levels. We derive and describe three strategies for professional social matching: social exploration, network theory-based recommendations, and machine learning-based recommendations.Peer reviewe
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