5 research outputs found

    Оптимизация конструкции захвата для детали «Барабан»

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    Грузозахватные приспособления обычно применяются при производстве работ по подъему и перемещению грузов с применением грузоподъемных машин. Использование приспособлений позволяет реализовать максимальное удобство и безопасность производственного процесса. Грузозахватные приспособления конструируются для определенного этапа технологического процесса, для конкретного изделия. При проектировании таких приспособлений необходимо учитывать основные показатели оптимальности конструкции: прочность, надежность, простота, удобство и безопасность при эксплуатации, эргономичность. Кроме того, нужно стремиться к наименьшей массе и, соответственно, металлоемкости захвата. Конструкция грузозахватного приспособления, в основном, будет зависеть от назначенных технологом поверхностей, за которые можно крепиться и от максимальной высоты подъема крюка крана. В статье описана задача по конструированию захвата для детали «Барабан¬ в новом технологическом процессе. Рассмотрена конструкция существующего захвата, взятого за прототип. Приведен анализ различных вариантов конструктивных решений, созданных в процессе проектирования. Выбран вариант конструкции захвата, который в наибольшей степени соответствует требованиям технического задания. Конструкция этого модернизированного приспособления представляет собой захват с тремя лапами, удерживающими деталь, и подвес в виде траверсы. Разработанная конструкторская документация утверждена производством и отделом промышленной безопасности

    Comprendre comment les propriétaires forestiers pensent la gestion forestière. Enquête dans sept pays européens

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    International audiencePrivate forest owners' involvement in forest management has been frequently examined through the attitudes, values, beliefs, objectives and motivations associated with owning and managing forestland. Owners' views on forest management do not always align with those of policymakers who believe forest owners do not actively manage their forests. However, empirical studies on forest owners' conceptualisations of forest management are scarce. To determine how private forest owners in Europe conceptualise forest management, a survey (n = 1140) was undertaken in seven European countries (Portugal, France, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia and Romania). The owners were asked to indicate their level of agreement with 19 pre-tested statements defining forest management on a five-point Likert scale. Classification and regression trees were used to explain the major factors that influenced owners' conceptualisations. Owners primarily conceptualised forest management as preserving forests for future generations and considered “a good business opportunity”, “an opportunity to earn additional money” or a “source of subsidies” less important. Their understanding of forest management as a mixture of forest maintenance, ecosystem stewardship and economic activity does not match with alleged policy makers’ views. Property size, age and Eastern/Western countries were the most relevant predictors of definitions of forest management. Small-scale forest owners from Western Europe considered ecosystem orientation more important, while owners from Eastern Europe considered economic aspects and forest maintenance more important. These differences might be associated with the socio-political system dynamics in Europe in the 20th century and changing values in post-modern society. Policymakers must be aware of the different forest management paradigms among forest owners in Eastern-Central and Western Europe when designing European forest policies

    Le concept de gestion forestière selon les propriétaires forestiers privés: Une enquête menée dans sept pays européens

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    International audienceThe involvement of private forest owners in forest management has been frequently examined through attitudes, values, beliefs, objectives and motivations for owning and managing forestland. It has been noticed that owners’ views on forest management do not always align with those of policy makers. However, empirical studies on forest owner’s conceptualisation of forest management are scarce. To determine how private forest owners in Europe conceptualize forest management, a survey (n = 1140) was undertaken in seven European countries (Portugal, France, UK, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia and Romania). The owners were asked to indicate their level of agreement with 19 pre-tested statements defining forest management on a five-point Likert scale. Classification and regression trees were used to explain owner conceptualisation in regard tomajor factors influencing property size, age, education, gender and a divide into the eastern/western European countries owner conceptualizations. Owners primarily conceptualised forest management as preserving forests for future generations and considered that “a good business opportunity”, “an opportunity to earn additional money” or a “source of subsidies” were less important. Forest management was understood as a mixture of forest maintenance, ecosystem orientation stewardship and economic viabilityactivity. Property size, age and eastern/western countries were the most relevant predictors of forest owners’ conceptualisations. Small-scale forest owners from western European countries considered ecosystem orientation more important while owners from eastern European countries considered economic aspects and forest maintenance more important. The differences were attributed to the social-political systems dynamics in Europe in the 20th century and changing values in post-modern society. Policy makers must be aware that the forest management paradigm pendulum swinging along a commodity/non-commodity continuum is unsynchronized between Eastern-Central and Western Europe