1,056 research outputs found

    Fission barriers in actinides in covariant density functional theory: the role of triaxiality

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    Relativistic mean field theory allowing for triaxial deformations is applied for a systematic study of fission barriers in the actinide region. Different pairing schemes are studied in details and it is shown that covariant density functional theory is able to describe fission barriers on a level of accuracy comparable with non-relativistic calculations, even with the best phenomenological macroscopic+microscopic approaches. Triaxiality in the region of the first saddle plays a crucial role in achieving that.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Fission barriers in covariant density functional theory: extrapolation to superheavy nuclei

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    Systematic calculations of fission barriers allowing for triaxial deformation are performed for even-even superheavy nuclei with charge number Z=112120Z=112-120 using three classes of covariant density functional models. The softness of nuclei in the triaxial plane leads to an emergence of several competing fission pathes in the region of the inner fission barrier in some of these nuclei. The outer fission barriers are considerably affected by triaxiality and octupole deformation. General trends of the evolution of the inner and the outer fission barrier heights are discussed as a function of the particle numbers.Comment: 24 pages, 8 tables, 12 figure

    Compactness for Holomorphic Supercurves

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    We study the compactness problem for moduli spaces of holomorphic supercurves which, being motivated by supergeometry, are perturbed such as to allow for transversality. We give an explicit construction of limiting objects for sequences of holomorphic supercurves and prove that, in important cases, every such sequence has a convergent subsequence provided that a suitable extension of the classical energy is uniformly bounded. This is a version of Gromov compactness. Finally, we introduce a topology on the moduli spaces enlarged by the limiting objects which makes these spaces compact and metrisable.Comment: 38 page

    Lower Bounds for Heights in Relative Galois Extensions

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    The goal of this paper is to obtain lower bounds on the height of an algebraic number in a relative setting, extending previous work of Amoroso and Masser. Specifically, in our first theorem we obtain an effective bound for the height of an algebraic number α\alpha when the base field K\mathbb{K} is a number field and K(α)/K\mathbb{K}(\alpha)/\mathbb{K} is Galois. Our second result establishes an explicit height bound for any non-zero element α\alpha which is not a root of unity in a Galois extension F/K\mathbb{F}/\mathbb{K}, depending on the degree of K/Q\mathbb{K}/\mathbb{Q} and the number of conjugates of α\alpha which are multiplicatively independent over K\mathbb{K}. As a consequence, we obtain a height bound for such α\alpha that is independent of the multiplicative independence condition

    Metabolome Analysis of the Interaction Between Perennial Ryegrass (\u3cem\u3eLolium Perenne\u3c/em\u3e) and the Fungal Endophyte \u3cem\u3eNeotyphodium Lolii\u3c/em\u3e

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    Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) frequently contain endophytic fungi (Neotyphodium lolii in perennial ryegrass and N. coenophialum in tall fescue). The presence of the endophyte has been shown to improve seedling vigour, persistence and drought tolerance in marginal environments as well as provide protection against some insect pests. Endophyte-infected grasses also produce a wide range of metabolites, including ergopeptine alkaloids, indole-isoprenoid lolitrems, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, and pyrrolopyrazine alkaloids. In contrast to information on alkaloids and animal toxicosis, the beneficial physiological aspects of the endophyte/grass interactions have not been well characterised. The physiological mechanisms which lead to increased plant vigour and enhanced tolerance to abiotic stresses unrelated to the reduction in pest damage to endophyte-infected grasses are unknown. Recent technological advances in metabolomics enable dynamic changes in the metabolome of an organism under varying experimental conditions to be studied. This provides opportunities for the investigation and validation of each and every detected metabolite, investigation of known metabolic pathways through searching of databases of known metabolites, molecular formula determination of unknown metabolites and creation of pathways from novel metabolites

    Analogies between optical propagation and heat diffusion: applications to microcavities, gratings and cloaks

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    International audienceA new analogy between optical propagation and heat diffusion in heterogeneous anisotropic media has beenproposed recently [S. Guenneau, C. Amra, and D. Veynante, Optics Express Vol. 20, 8207-8218 (2012)]. A detailedderivation of this unconventional correspondence is presented and developed. In time harmonic regime, all thermalparameters are related to optical ones in artificial metallic media, thus making possible to use numerical codesdeveloped for optics. Then the optical admittance formalism is extended to heat conduction in multilayeredstructures. The concepts of planar micro-cavities, diffraction gratings, and planar transformation optics for heatconduction are addressed. Results and limitations of the analogy are emphasized

    Radiation from Excited Vortex in the Abelian Higgs Model

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    Excitation of a vortex in the Abelian Higgs model is investigated with the help of a polynomial approximation. The excitation can be regarded as a longitudinal component of the vector field trapped by the vortex. The energy and profile of the excitation are found. Back-reaction of the excitation on the vortex is calculated in the small κ\kappa limit. It turns out that in the presence of the excitation the vortex effectively becomes much wider - its radius oscillates in time and for all times it is not smaller than the radius of the unexcited vortex. Moreover, we find that the vector field of the excited vortex has long range radiative component. Bound on the amplitude of the excitation is also found.Comment: Latex, 20 pages. 2 figures attached as .uu file to be decoded and used as input for epsfbox command which is already included in the main Latex fil

    Continuous selections of multivalued mappings

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    This survey covers in our opinion the most important results in the theory of continuous selections of multivalued mappings (approximately) from 2002 through 2012. It extends and continues our previous such survey which appeared in Recent Progress in General Topology, II, which was published in 2002. In comparison, our present survey considers more restricted and specific areas of mathematics. Note that we do not consider the theory of selectors (i.e. continuous choices of elements from subsets of topological spaces) since this topics is covered by another survey in this volume

    Future Directions in the Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf

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    Key points Molecular breeding of forage and turf plants and their endosymbionts has entered the post-genomic era with a large amount of structural genomics information and genomic resources available for key forage and turf species and relevant model systems. A primary future challenge is the conversion of this information into useful functional knowledge for the development of molecular breeding technologies and products that address a range of high impact outcome scenarios in forage and turf. High-throughput approaches for spatial and temporal analysis, from genome to phenome, and the respective data integration in a systems biology context will be critical for the establishment of stringent gene-function correlations. Translational genomics will permit results obtained using model systems to have major impact on the understanding of the molecular basis of plant processes and direct application to the molecular breeding of forage and turf plants. These developments will be enhanced through applications of transgenesis and functionally-associated genetic markers in forage and turf molecular breeding building on genomic and post-genomic discoveries in these target species