9 research outputs found

    Managerial decisions in logistic systems of milk provision on variable production conditions

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    The study of the influence of variable production conditions and the work in logistics milk harvesting systems on the value indicators of their functioning has been carried out. A method that enables to solve the task of coordinating the content of work with variable production conditions is proposed. It has been established that there are seven variants of the content of work in logistics milk harvesting systems, each of which has its own specifics. Computer experiments were carried out using the developed simulation model of logistics processes implementation. On the example of the production conditions of the Brody district in the Lviv region, trends in changing the cost performance of logistics operations for various content during the year are established. On the basis of the defined cost indicators, specific costs of funds for the execution of logistic works for each of the variants of their content are determined. It is substantiated that effective performance of work in logistic systems of milk harvest requires operational planning of their content for each of the days of milk harvest season. The conducted studies will be useful for managers who perform operational planning in logistics milk harvesting systems

    The Development of Creative Thinking as a Tool of Social Adaptation of Teenagers with Behaviour Deviation

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    The purpose of this study was to examine whether the activities aimed at developing creative thinking had rendered the social adaptation of adolescents with deviant behaviour smooth and evaluate the changes which had resulted from that engagement. The research data were collected through the use of project checklists, student learning outcomes analysis, interviews with teachers and parents, questionnaires. This study used SPSS and SmartPLS statistical analysis tools to analyze the above data and Textalyser application to process the focus group responses. The study found that the participation of the secondary school students with behaviour deviation in legacy projects make their social adaptation easier, improves their social skills and creative thinking style. This study confirms that there is a positive relationship between socially important creative activities, learning motivation and development of creative thinking styles. It has been found that, despite the considerable amount of research regarding the use of creative activity to develop social adaptation skills in adolescents, the problem of social adaptation of adolescents with behaviour deviation has not been sufficiently explored through engaging them in activities aimed at developing creative thinking. The process of social adaptation of adolescents with behaviour deviation is complex and the creative component is in place there, since it supplies the educational process with irreplaceable pedagogical tools that have the potential to "restart" the student's physiological and psycho-motivational spheres

    Мотиваційні механізми розвитку емоційного інтелекту у практичних психологів

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    The article deals with the features of emotional intelligence and analysis of factors that influence its development. Classical theories that give rise to the study of emotional intelligence and the latest developments of modern researchers are considered. Emotional intelligence is an important component of the personality of workers of helping professions, including psychologists. Although the issue of the development of emotional intelligence is quite well studied, only a small part of research covered the motivational factors that affect its level. The article draws attention to the motivational components of personality, as possible factors in the development of emotional intelligence. The novelty of the study is the identification of motivational factors that affect the emotional intelligence of practical psychologists. The aim of the article was to find out the features of emotional intelligence of practicing psychologists and the factors that affect its level in this group of subjects. The study was conducted through an electronic anonymous survey. A set of diagnostic methods was chosen, with quantitative and qualitative methods used for their processing (Statistica 16). It was found that the medium and high level of development of components of emotional intelligence dominate in subjects, and its development is significantly influenced by the components of prosocial motivation of an individual. We see the prospect of further research in a more detailed study of the peculiarities of the development of emotional intelligence of workers of various helping professions.У статті розглядаються особливості емоційного інтелекту та аналіз факторів, що впливають на його розвиток. Розглянуто класичні теорії, які поклали початок вивченню емоційного інтелекту, та останні розробки сучасних дослідників. Емоційний інтелект є важливою складовою особистості працівників допоміжних професій, у тому числі психологів. Незважаючи на те, що питання розвитку емоційного інтелекту досить добре вивчене, лише незначна частина досліджень охоплює мотиваційні фактори, що впливають на його рівень. У статті приділено увагу мотиваційним компонентам особистості, як можливим чинникам розвитку емоційного інтелекту. Новизна дослідження полягає у виявленні мотиваційних факторів, що впливають на емоційний інтелект практичних психологів. Метою статті було з’ясувати особливості емоційного інтелекту психологів-практиків та фактори, що впливають на його рівень у даної групи досліджуваних. Дослідження проводилося шляхом електронного анонімного опитування. Було обрано набір діагностичних методів, для їх обробки використано кількісні та якісні методи (Statistica 16). Встановлено, що середній та високий рівень розвитку компонентів емоційного інтелекту домінують у досліджуваних, а на його розвиток суттєвий вплив мають компоненти просоціальної мотивації особистості. Перспективу подальших досліджень ми вбачаємо в більш детальному вивченні особливостей розвитку емоційного інтелекту працівників різних допоміжних професій

    Cognitive Models of Loneliness in Women in Early and Middle Adulthood

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    The problem of loneliness is caused by a disunity and alienation of modern society, dissatisfaction with the basic social needs for acceptance and support. The fact that the subjective feeling of loneliness does not coincide with the real degree of social isolation determines the need to study the cognitive aspects. The aim of this study is to show the role of cognitive structures in loneliness in women. A survey of 144 women aged 26-55 years was conducted. Using the UCLA Loneliness Scale and the Differential Loneliness Experience Questionnaire, loneliness was measured as a global experience, positive and negative attitudes towards it. Cognitive models were studied using the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale, Young Schema Questionnaire, the author’s questionnaire that reveals cultural myths and gender stereotypes about loneliness. A comparative analysis of the groups showed no differences in the perception of loneliness among women with different family situations; it also does not depend on having children and their number. Age was found to be a significant determinant of perceptions of loneliness and family circumstances. Cognitive models influence women’s loneliness to a greater extent than family situation. The publication describes correlations between perceived loneliness and individual dysfunctional attitudes, and builds regression models of predictors of loneliness in different age groups. The study shows the prevalence of cultural stereotypes about the need for marriage and motherhood, and a special female vulnerability in relationships. The construct “tolerance to loneliness” is proposed and described, which reveals the positive potential of this experience for self-knowledge and self-development.</p


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    The present work addresses the problem of modern information technologies implementation into the process of technical colleges students ESP English teaching. It is defined that the using of the Internet resources in the learning process extends the individual activity of each student. The focus of the study is designation of methodological advantages of ESP learning using specially designed electronic tutorial for "Computer Sciences" bachelors training. It is proved that specially designed computer educational technologies for foreign language courses have a high degree of interactivity, provide opportunity for individual learning, increase students' motivation to obtain information

    System of Exercises for the Formation of English-Speaking Competence in Reading and Speaking of Future Specialists in Information Technologies

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    У статті обґрунтовано систему вправ для формування в майбутніх фахівців інформаційних технологій англомовної компетентності в читанні та говорінні. Для реалізації поставленої мети використано такі загальнонаукові методи дослідження, як аналіз, синтез, системний аналіз порівняння та узагальнення. Виокремлено принципи формування в майбутніх фахівців інформаційних технологій англомовної компетентності в читанні та говорінні (інтегрованого навчання, системності й послідовності навчальних дій, автономії, формування стійкої позитивної мотивації); особливості відбору навчального матеріалу, який використовуватиметься у вправах, зокрема, критерії відбору фахових текстів; запропоновано систему вправ, яка передбачаю чотири підсистеми і спрямована на взаємопов'язане формування в студентів навичок та вмінь читання і говоріння.The article substantiates a system of exercises for the formation of English-speaking competence in reading and speaking of future specialists in information technologies. To achieve this goal, such general scientific research methods as analysis, synthesis, systematic analysis, comparison and generalization were used. The requirements for the creation of the exercise as the main smallest element of the organization of educational activities were considered, which allowed to determine their types according to certain criteria. When developing the system of exercises for the interconnected formation of English-speaking competence in reading and speaking of future computer engineers, we took into account modern general didactic, methodological principles and the principles of the learning process. Creation of a rational system of exercises will enable formation in future specialists in information technologies of English-speaking competence in reading and speaking at the appropriate level. The principles of the formation of English-speaking competence in reading and speaking of future specialists in information technologies are highlighted (comprehensive training, systematization and sequence of educational actions, autonomy, formation of sustainable positive motivation); features of the selection of learning material for use in exercises, in particular, the criteria for the selection of professional texts. It should be emphasized that all the presented didactic principles of teaching are interconnected, interdependent and complementary, forming a system of positions that determine the strategy of the process of interconnected formation of English-speaking competence in reading and speaking of future specialists in information technologies. Each system, and namely the system of exercises for learning English, has a number of properties that can be divided into the following groups: 1) goals and functions; 2) features of the structure; 3) resources and features of interaction with the learning environment. A system of exercises is proposed, which provides for four subsystems and is aimed at the interconnected formation of students' reading and speaking skills. A promising direction for further research can be development of a model of the formation in future specialists in information technologies of English-speaking competence in reading and speaking

    Managerial decisions in logistic systems of milk provision on variable production conditions

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    The study of the influence of variable production conditions and the work in logistics milk harvesting systems on the value indicators of their functioning has been carried out. A method that enables to solve the task of coordinating the content of work with variable production conditions is proposed. It has been established that there are seven variants of the content of work in logistics milk harvesting systems, each of which has its own specifics. Computer experiments were carried out using the developed simulation model of logistics processes implementation. On the example of the production conditions of the Brody district in the Lviv region, trends in changing the cost performance of logistics operations for various content during the year are established. On the basis of the defined cost indicators, specific costs of funds for the execution of logistic works for each of the variants of their content are determined. It is substantiated that effective performance of work in logistic systems of milk harvest requires operational planning of their content for each of the days of milk harvest season. The conducted studies will be useful for managers who perform operational planning in logistics milk harvesting systems

    Place of Geography in the System of Sciences About the Earth in the Context of New List of Knowledge and Profession Fields

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    Розглянуто місце географії у системі наук про Землю та у новому переліку галузей знань спеціальностей, за якими здійснюється підготовка здобувачів вищої освіти. Наголошується на необхідності виокремлення географії у окрему спеціальність.The place of geography in the structure of earth sciences, and in the new range of disciplines and specialties, by which are teaching the candidates of higher education. The necessity of isolating of geography in the separate specialty was given