1,845 research outputs found

    Interior Structures and Tidal Heating in the TRAPPIST-1 Planets

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    With seven planets, the TRAPPIST-1 system has the largest number of exoplanets discovered in a single system so far. The system is of astrobiological interest, because three of its planets orbit in the habitable zone of the ultracool M dwarf. Assuming the planets are composed of non-compressible iron, rock, and H2_2O, we determine possible interior structures for each planet. To determine how much tidal heat may be dissipated within each planet, we construct a tidal heat generation model using a single uniform viscosity and rigidity for each planet based on the planet's composition. With the exception of TRAPPIST-1c, all seven of the planets have densities low enough to indicate the presence of significant H2_2O in some form. Planets b and c experience enough heating from planetary tides to maintain magma oceans in their rock mantles; planet c may have eruptions of silicate magma on its surface, which may be detectable with next-generation instrumentation. Tidal heat fluxes on planets d, e, and f are lower, but are still twenty times higher than Earth's mean heat flow. Planets d and e are the most likely to be habitable. Planet d avoids the runaway greenhouse state if its albedo is ≳\gtrsim 0.3. Determining the planet's masses within ∼0.1\sim0.1 to 0.5 Earth masses would confirm or rule out the presence of H2_2O and/or iron in each planet, and permit detailed models of heat production and transport in each planet. Understanding the geodynamics of ice-rich planets f, g, and h requires more sophisticated modeling that can self-consistently balance heat production and transport in both rock and ice layers.Comment: 34 pages, 3 tables, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics -- final version including corrections made in proof stag

    The tidal parameters of TRAPPIST-1b and c

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    The TRAPPIST-1 planetary system consists of seven planets within 0.05 au of each other, five of which are in a multiresonant chain. These resonances suggest the system formed via planet migration; subsequent tidal evolution has damped away most of the initial eccentricities. We used dynamical N-body simulations to estimate how long it takes for the multiresonant configuration that arises during planet formation to break. From there we use secular theory to pose limits on the tidal parameters of planets b and c. We calibrate our results against multilayered interior models constructed to fit the masses and radii of the planets, from which the tidal parameters are computed independently. The dynamical simulations show that the planets typically go unstable 30 Myr after their formation. Assuming synchronous rotation throughout, we compute k_2/Q ≳ 2× 10^{-4} for planet b and k_2/Q ≳ 10^{-3} for planet c. Interior models yield (0.075-0.37) × 10-4 for TRAPPIST-1b and (0.4-2) × 10-4 for TRAPPIST-1c. The agreement between the dynamical and interior models is not too strong, but is still useful to constrain the dynamical history of the system. We suggest that this two-pronged approach could be of further use in other multiresonant systems if the planet's orbital and interior parameters are sufficiently well known

    GLADE: A galaxy catalogue for multimessenger searches in the advanced gravitational-wave detector era

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    We introduce a value-added full-sky catalogue of galaxies, named as Galaxy List for the Advanced Detector Era, or GLADE. The purpose of this catalogue is to (i) help identifications of host candidates for gravitational-wave events, (ii) support target selections for electromagnetic follow-up observations of gravitational-wave candidates, (iii) provide input data on the matter distribution of the local Universe for astrophysical or cosmological simulations, and (iv) help identifications of host candidates for poorly localized electromagnetic transients, such as gamma-ray bursts observed with the InterPlanetary Network. Both being potential hosts of astrophysical sources of gravitational waves, GLADE includes inactive and active galaxies as well. GLADE was constructed by cross-matching and combining data from five separate (but not independent) astronomical catalogues: GWGC, 2MPZ, 2MASS XSC, HyperLEDA, and SDSS-DR12Q. GLADE is complete up to dL=37+3−4Mpc in terms of the cumulative B-band luminosity of galaxies within luminosity distance dL, and contains all of the brightest galaxies giving half of the total B-band luminosity up to dL=91Mpc. As B-band luminosity is expected to be a tracer of binary neutron star mergers (currently the prime targets of joint GW+EM detections), our completeness measures can be used as estimations of completeness for containing all binary neutron star merger hosts in the local Universe

    Long-term tidal evolution of the TRAPPIST-1 system

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    The ultracool M-dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 is surrounded by seven planets configured in a resonant chain. Transit-timing variations have shown that the planets are caught in multiple three-body resonances and that their orbits are slightly eccentric, probably caused by resonant forcing. The current values of the eccentricities could be a remnant from their formation. Here we run numerical simulations using fictitious forces of trapping the fully-grown planets in resonances as they migrated in the gas disc, followed by numerical simulations detailing their tidal evolution. For a reduced disc scale height h∼0.03h\sim 0.03--0.05, the eccentricities of the planets upon capture in resonance are higher than their current values by factors of a few. We show that the current eccentricities and spacing of planets d to h are natural outcomes of coupled tidal evolution wherein the planets simultaneously damp their eccentricities and separate due to their resonant interaction. We further show that the planets evolve along a set of equilibrium curves in semimajor axis--eccentricity phase space that are defined by the resonances, and that conserve angular momentum. As such, the current 8:5--5:3--(3:2)2^2--4:3--3:2 resonant configuration cannot be reproduced from a primordial (3:2)4^4--4:3--3:2 resonant configuration from tidal dissipation in the planets alone. We use our simulations to constrain the long-term tidal parameters k2/Qk_2/Q for planets b to e, which are in the range 10−310^{-3} to 10−210^{-2}, and show that these are mostly consistent with those obtained from interior modelling following reasonable assumptions.Comment: Accepted in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    A CVD diamond detector for (n,alpha) cross section measurements

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    Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike LicenceIn astrophysics, the determination of the optical alpha-nucleus potential for low alpha-particle energies, crucial in understanding the origin of the stable isotopes, has turned out to be a challenge. Theory still cannot predict the optical potentials required for the calculation of the astrophysical reaction rates in the Hauser-Feshbach statistical model and there is scant experimental information on reactions with alpha particles at the relevant astrophysical energies. Measurements of (n,alpha) cross-sections offer a good opportunity to study the alpha channel. At the n_TOF experiment at CERN, a prototype detector, based on the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond technology, has been recently developed for (n,alpha) measurements. A reference measurement of the 10B(n,alpha)7Li reaction was performed in 2011 at n_TOF as a feasibility study for this detector type. The results of this measurement and an outline for future experiments are presented here

    ATLAS Pixel Module Assembly in Dortmund

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    The ATLAS Pixel detector is the inner- most substructure of the multi-purpose LHC ex- periment ATLAS at CERN and part of the track- ing system. The Pixel vertex system will consist of 1744 hybrid pixel modules, about 280 of them have been assembled at the University of Dortmund. This work provides a detailed description of the ATLAS Pixel module assembly procedure executed at the University of Dortmund. Effort had been put into the developement of a laboratory and testing environment to fulfill all technical demands of a se- rial production of fully efficent pixel modules

    Serologic response to culture filtrate antigens of Mycobacterium ulcerans during Buruli ulcer disease.

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    Buruli ulcer (BU) is an emerging necrotic skin disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. To assess the potential for a serodiagnostic test, we measured the humoral immune response of BU patients to M. ulcerans antigens and compared this response with delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to both Burulin and PPD. The delayed-type hypersensitivity response generally supported the diagnosis of BU, with overall reactivity to Burulin in 28 (71.8%) of 39 patients tested, compared with 3 (14%) of 21 healthy controls. However, this positive skin test response was observed primarily in patients with healed or active disease, and rarely in patients with early disease (p=0.009). When tested for a serologic response to M. ulcerans culture filtrate, 43 (70.5%) of 61 BU patients had antibodies to these antigens, compared with 10 (37.0%) of 27 controls and 4 (30. 8%) of 13 tuberculosis patients. There was no correlation between disease stage and the onset of this serum antibody response. Our findings suggest that serologic testing may be useful in the diagnosis and surveillance of BU

    Integrative medicine for chronic pain

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    © 2016 the Author(s). Introduction: Integrative medicine inpatient treatment has been shown to improve physical and mental health in patients with internal medicine conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a 2-week integrative medicine inpatient treatment in patients with chronic pain syndromes and the association of treatment success with patient-related process variables. Methods: Inpatients with chronic pain syndromes participating in a 2-week integrative medicine inpatient program were included. Patients' pain intensity, pain disability, pain perception, quality of life, depression, and perceived stress were measured on admission, discharge, and 6 months after discharge. Likewise process variables including ability and will to change, emotional/rational disease acceptance, mindfulness, life and health satisfaction, and easiness of life were assessed. Results: A total of 310 inpatients (91% female, mean age 50.7 ± 12.4 year, 26.5% low back pain, and 22.9% fibromyalgia) were included. Using mixed linear models, significant improvements in pain intensity, pain disability, pain perception, quality of life, depression, and perceived stress were found (all P < 0.05). Ability to change and implementation, disease acceptance, mindfulness, life and health satisfaction, and light heartedness/easiness likewise improved (all P < 0.05). Improved outcomes were associated with increases in process variables, mainly ability to change and implementation, disease acceptance, life and health satisfaction, and light heartedness/easiness (R 2 = 0.03-0.40). Conclusions: Results of this study suggest that a 2-week integrative medicine inpatient treatment can benefit patients with chronic pain conditions. Functional improvements are associated with improved ability to change and implementation, disease acceptance, and satisfaction

    The Effects of Tai Chi and Neck Exercises in the Treatment of Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    © 2016 American Pain Society This study aimed to test the efficacy of Tai Chi for treating chronic neck pain. Subjects with chronic nonspecific neck pain were randomly assigned to 12 weeks of group Tai Chi or conventional neck exercises with weekly sessions of 75 to 90 minutes, or a wait-list control. The primary outcome measure was pain intensity (visual analogue scale). Secondary outcomes included pain on movement, functional disability, quality of life, well-being and perceived stress, postural and interoceptive awareness, satisfaction, and safety. Altogether, 114 participants were included (91 women, 49.4 ± 11.7 years of age). After 12 weeks Tai Chi participants reported significantly less pain compared with the wait list group (average difference in mm on the visual analogue scale: −10.5; 95% confidence interval, −20.3 to −.9; P = .033). Group differences were also found for pain on movement, functional disability, and quality of life compared with the wait list group. No differences were found for Tai Chi compared with neck exercises. Patients’ satisfaction with both exercise interventions was high, and only minor side effects were observed. Tai Chi was more effective than no treatment in improving pain in subjects with chronic nonspecific neck pain. Because Tai Chi is probably as effective as neck exercises it may be considered a suitable alternative to conventional exercises for those with a preference toward Tai Chi. Perspective This article presents results of a randomized controlled trial comparing Tai Chi, conventional neck exercises, and no treatment for chronic nonspecific neck pain. Results indicate that Tai Chi exercises and conventional neck exercises are equally effective in improving pain and quality of life therefore representing beneficial interventions for neck pain

    Probing Spectroscopic Variability of Galaxies & Narrow-Line Active Galactic Nuclei in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    Under the unified model for active galactic nuclei (AGNs), narrow-line (Type 2) AGNs are, in fact, broad-line (Type 1) AGNs but each with a heavily obscured accretion disk. We would therefore expect the optical continuum emission from Type 2 AGN to be composed mainly of stellar light and non-variable on the time-scales of months to years. In this work we probe the spectroscopic variability of galaxies and narrow-line AGNs using the multi-epoch data in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 6. The sample contains 18,435 sources for which there exist pairs of spectroscopic observations (with a maximum separation in time of ~700 days) covering a wavelength range of 3900-8900 angstrom. To obtain a reliable repeatability measurement between each spectral pair, we consider a number of techniques for spectrophotometric calibration resulting in an improved spectrophotometric calibration of a factor of two. From these data we find no obvious continuum and emission-line variability in the narrow-line AGNs on average -- the spectroscopic variability of the continuum is 0.07+/-0.26 mag in the g band and, for the emission-line ratios log10([NII]/Halpha) and log10([OIII]/Hbeta), the variability is 0.02+/-0.03 dex and 0.06+/-0.08 dex, respectively. From the continuum variability measurement we set an upper limit on the ratio between the flux of varying spectral component, presumably related to AGN activities, and that of host galaxy to be ~30%. We provide the corresponding upper limits for other spectral classes, including those from the BPT diagram, eClass galaxy classification, stars and quasars.Comment: AJ accepte
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