37 research outputs found

    Cross-sectional associations between sleep duration, sedentary time, physical activity, and adiposity indicators among Canadian preschool-aged children using compositional analyses

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    Abstract Background Sleep duration, sedentary behaviour, and physical activity are three co-dependent behaviours that fall on the movement/non-movement intensity continuum. Compositional data analyses provide an appropriate method for analyzing the association between co-dependent movement behaviour data and health indicators. The objectives of this study were to examine: (1) the combined associations of the composition of time spent in sleep, sedentary behaviour, light-intensity physical activity (LPA), and moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) with adiposity indicators; and (2) the association of the time spent in sleep, sedentary behaviour, LPA, or MVPA with adiposity indicators relative to the time spent in the other behaviours in a representative sample of Canadian preschool-aged children. Methods Participants were 552 children aged 3 to 4 years from cycles 2 and 3 of the Canadian Health Measures Survey. Sedentary time, LPA, and MVPA were measured with Actical accelerometers (Philips Respironics, Bend, OR USA), and sleep duration was parental reported. Adiposity indicators included waist circumference (WC) and body mass index (BMI) z-scores based on World Health Organization growth standards. Compositional data analyses were used to examine the cross-sectional associations. Results The composition of movement behaviours was significantly associated with BMI z-scores (p = 0.006) but not with WC (p = 0.718). Further, the time spent in sleep (BMI z-score: γ sleep  = −0.72; p = 0.138; WC: γ sleep  = −1.95; p = 0.285), sedentary behaviour (BMI z-score: γ SB  = 0.19; p = 0.624; WC: γ SB  = 0.87; p = 0.614), LPA (BMI z-score: γ LPA  = 0.62; p = 0.213, WC: γ LPA  = 0.23; p = 0.902), or MVPA (BMI z-score: γ MVPA  = −0.09; p = 0.733, WC: γ MVPA  = 0.08; p = 0.288) relative to the other behaviours was not significantly associated with the adiposity indicators. Conclusions This study is the first to use compositional analyses when examining associations of co-dependent sleep duration, sedentary time, and physical activity behaviours with adiposity indicators in preschool-aged children. The overall composition of movement behaviours appears important for healthy BMI z-scores in preschool-aged children. Future research is needed to determine the optimal movement behaviour composition that should be promoted in this age group

    Healthy Hearts – A community-based primary prevention programme to reduce coronary heart disease

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    Background The ten year probability of cardiovascular events can be calculated, but many people are unaware of their risk and unclear how to reduce it. The aim of this study was to assess whether a community based intervention, for men and women aged between 45 and 64 years without pre-existing coronary heart disease, would reduce their Framingham scores when reassessed one year later. Methods Individuals in the relevant age group from a defined geographical area were sent an invitation to attend for an assessment of their cardiovascular risk. Individuals with pre-existing cardiovascular disease or terminal illness were excluded. The invitation was in the form of a "Many Happy Returns" card with a number of self-screening questions including the question, "If you put the enclosed string around your waist, is it too short?" The card contained a red 80 cm piece of string in the case of women, or a green 90 cm piece of string in the case of men. At the assessment appointment, Framingham scores were calculated and a printout was given to each individual. Advice was provided for relevant risk factors identified using agreed guidelines. If appropriate, onward referral was also made to a GP, dietician, an exercise referral scheme, or to smoking cessation services, using a set of guidelines. Individuals were sent a second invitation one year later to return for re-assessment. Results and discussion 2031 individuals were asked to self-assess their eligibility to participate, 596 individuals attended for assessment and 313 of these attended for follow-up one year later. The mean reduction in the Framingham risk score, was significantly lower at one year (0.876, 95% CI 0.211 to 1.541, p = 0.01). The mean 10-year risk of CHD at baseline was 13.14% (SD 9.18) and had fallen at follow-up to 12.34% (SD 8.71), a mean reduction of 6.7% of the initial 10-year Framingham risk. If sustained, the estimated NNT to prevent each year of CHD would be 1141 (95% CI 4739 to 649) individual appointments. Conclusion This community intervention for primary prevention of CHD reduces Framingham risk scores at one year in those who engage with the programme

    To treat or not to treat: comparison of different criteria used to determine whether weight loss is to be recommended

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    Background: Excess body fat is a major risk factor for disease primarily due to its endocrine activity. In recent years several criteria have been introduced to evaluate this factor. Nevertheless, treatment need is currently assessed only on the basis of an individual's Body Mass Index (BMI), calculated as body weight (in kg) divided by height in m2. The aim of our study was to determine whether application of the BMI, compared to adiposity-based criteria, results in underestimation of the number of subjects needing lifestyle intervention. Methods: We compared treatment need based on BMI classification with four adiposity-based criteria: percentage body fat (%BF), considered both alone and in relation to metabolic syndrome risk (MS), waist circumference (WC), as an index of abdominal fat, and Body Fat Mass Index (BFMI, calculated as fat mass in kg divided by height in m2) in 63 volunteers (23 men and 40 women, aged 20 – 65 years). Results: According to the classification based on BMI, 6.3% of subjects were underweight, 52.4% were normal weight, 30.2% were overweight, and 11.1% were obese. Agreement between the BMI categories and the other classification criteria categories varied; the most notable discrepancy emerged in the underweight and overweight categories. BMI compared to almost all of the other adiposity-based criteria, identified a lower percentage of subjects for whom treatment would be recommended. In particular, the proportion of subjects for whom clinicians would strongly recommend weight loss on the basis of their BMI (11.1%) was significantly lower than those identified according to WC (25.4%, p = 0.004), %BF (28.6%, p = 0.003), and MS (33.9%, p = 0.002). Conclusion: The use of the BMI alone, as opposed to an assessment based on body composition, to identify individuals needing lifestyle intervention may lead to unfortunate misclassifications. Population-specific data on the relationships between body composition, morbidity, and mortality are needed to improve the diagnosis and treatment of at-risk individual

    The "lipid accumulation product" performs better than the body mass index for recognizing cardiovascular risk: a population-based comparison

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    BACKGROUND: Body mass index (BMI, kg/m(2)) may not be the best marker for estimating the risk of obesity-related disease. Consistent with physiologic observations, an alternative index uses waist circumference (WC) and fasting triglycerides (TG) concentration to describe lipid overaccumulation. METHODS: The WC (estimated population minimum 65 cm for men and 58 cm for women) and TG concentration from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (N = 9,180, statistically weighted to represent 100.05 million US adults) were used to compute a "lipid accumulation product" [LAP = (WC-65) × TG for men and (WC-58) × TG for women] and to describe the population distribution of LAP. LAP and BMI were compared as categorical variables and as log-transformed continuous variables for their ability to identify adverse levels of 11 cardiovascular risk factors. RESULTS: Nearly half of the represented population was discordant for their quartile assignments to LAP and BMI. When 23.54 million with ordinal LAP quartile > BMI quartile were compared with 25.36 million with ordinal BMI quartile > LAP quartile (regression models adjusted for race-ethnicity and sex) the former had more adverse risk levels than the latter (p < 0.002) for seven lipid variables, uric acid concentration, heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Further adjustment for age did not materially alter these comparisons except for blood pressures (p > 0.1). As continuous variables, LAP provided a consistently more adverse beta coefficient (slope) than BMI for nine cardiovascular risk variables (p < 0.01), but not for blood pressures (p > 0.2). CONCLUSION: LAP (describing lipid overaccumulation) performed better than BMI (describing weight overaccumulation) for identifying US adults at cardiovascular risk. Compared to BMI, LAP might better predict the incidence of cardiovascular disease, but this hypothesis needs prospective testing

    Achados clínicos e polissonográficos em pacientes com obesidade classe III Clinical and polysomnographic findings in class III obese patients

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    A Síndrome da apnéia/hipopnéia obstrutiva do sono (SAHOS) apresenta estreita correlação com a obesidade, porém não está estabelecida uma relação linear de gravidade principalmente em relação aos extremos como na obesidade mórbida. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os achados clínicos e polissonográficos em pacientes com obesidade classe III e correlacionar esses achados com a presença da SAHOS. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados consecutivamente 45 pacientes com índice de massa corpórea superior a 40Kg/m2. Todos foram submetidos a anamnese, exame físico antropométrico e polissonografia. Os achados foram comparados entre os pacientes com e sem SAHOS. RESULTADOS: 68,9% dos pacientes eram do sexo feminino e 31,1% do masculino. A idade média foi de 46,5 DP 10,8 anos, a média do IMC foi 49 DP 7Kg/m2 e a média da circunferência cervical foi 43,4 DP 5,1cm. Todos os pacientes eram roncadores habituais e 48,9% tinham queixa de hipersonolência diurna. Os achados polissonográficos mostraram que 77,8% apresentaram índice de apnéia/hipopnéia superior a cinco. Apresentaram correlação com a presença da SAHOS: idade mais jovem (p=0,02) e maior circunferência cervical (p=0,004). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de SAHOS foi elevada, ressaltando a importância da sua investigação em pacientes referenciados para cirurgia bariátrica. O principal marcador da SAHOS foi a circunferência cervical.<br>The Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hipopnea Syndrome (OSAHS) is closely related to obesity; a linear relation, however, has not been established, particularly in morbid obesity patients. AIM: To evaluate clinical and polysomnographic findings in a group of class III obese patients, and to relate these findings with the presence or absence of OSAHS. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Forty five patients with body mass indexex (BMI) over 40Kg/m2 were selected consecutively. A clinical history, the anthropometric examination and polysomnography were undertaken in all patients. The results of a study group and a control group (with no OSAHS) were compared. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 68.9% female and 31.1% male patients. The average age was 46.5 years (SD - 10.8 years); the average BMI was 49 (SD - 7 Kg/m2) and the average neck circumference was 43.4 cm (SD - 5.1 cm). All subjects were habitual snorers and 48.9% had daytime drowsiness. Polysomnography showed that 77.8% had an apnea/hipopnea index over 5. The findings associated with OSAHS were: younger age (p=0,02) and an increased neck circumference (p=0.004). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of OSAHS was very high, which emphasizes the importance of investigating this syndrome in patients sent for bariatric surgery. The neck circumference was the best OSAHS marked in this group of patients

    Consumo de bebida alcoólica e adiposidade abdominal em doadores de sangue Consumo de bebida alcohólica y adiposidad abdominal en donadores de sangre Alcohol consumption and abdominal fat in blood donors

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e adiposidade abdominal. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com uma amostra de homens doadores de sangue (N=1.235), de 20 a 59 anos, em Cuiabá (MT), realizado de agosto/1999 a janeiro/2000. Os indicadores de adiposidade abdominal foram circunferência da cintura e relação cintura/quadril, ajustados pela adiposidade total. As medidas aferidas foram: peso, estatura, circunferências da cintura e do quadril. O consumo de álcool foi avaliado utilizando-se um questionário sobre tipo, freqüência e quantidade da bebida consumida. A associação entre o consumo de álcool e adiposidade abdominal foi analisada por regressão linear múltipla, com os modelos ajustados para idade, atividade física, tabagismo e adiposidade total. RESULTADOS: Após ajuste, a circunferência da cintura e a relação cintura quadril mantiveram-se associadas positivamente ao consumo de cerveja (p=0,02) e ao total de álcool consumido (p=0,01 e 0,03, respectivamente). O consumo de aguardente mostrou associação somente com a circunferência da cintura (p=0,04). CONCLUSÕES: O consumo de álcool, particularmente de cerveja, associou-se com a localização abdominal de gordura.<br>OBJETIVO: Analizar la asociación entre el consumo de bebidas alcohólica y adiposidad abdominal. MÉTODOS: Se efectuó estudio transversal con una muestra de hombres donadores de sangre (N= 1.235), de 20 a 59 años, en Cuiabá (Centro-Oeste de Brasil), realizado de agosto/1999 a enero/2000. Los indicadores de adiposidad abdominal fueron circunferencia de la cintura y relación cintura/cuadril, ajustadas por la adiposidad total. Las medidas verificables fueron: peso, estatura, circunferencias de la cintura y del cuadril. El consumo de alcohol fue evaluado utilizándose un cuestionario sobre tipo, frecuencia y cantidad de la bebida consumida. La asociación entre el consumo de alcohol y adiposidad abdominal fue analizada por regresión lineal múltiple, con los modelos ajustados para la edad, actividad física, tabaquismo y adiposidad total. RESULTADOS: Posterior al ajuste, la circunferencia de la cintura y la relación cintura/cuadril se mantuvieron asociados positivamente al consumo de cerveza (p=0,02) y al total de alcohol consumido (p=0,01 y 0,03, respectivamente). El consumo de aguardiente mostró asociación solamente con la circunferencia de la cintura (p=0,04). CONCLUSIONES: El consumo de alcohol, particularmente de cerveza, se asoció con la localización abdominal de gordura.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between alcohol consumption and abdominal fat. METHODS: Cross-sectional study carried out in a sample of male blood donors (n=1,235), aged 20-59 years, in the city of Cuiabá, Central-West Brazil, between August 1999 and January 2000. Waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio were indicators of abdominal fat, adjusted for total adiposity. Weight, height, waist and hip circumferences were measured. Alcohol consumption was evaluated using a questionnaire collecting information on type, frequency, and amount of consumption. The association between alcohol consumption and abdominal fat was assessed through multiple linear regression models adjusted for age, physical activity, smoking, and percent of body fat. RESULTS: After adjustment, waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio were positively associated with beer (p = 0.02) and total alcohol consumption (p=0.01; p=0.03, respectively). Waist circumference was positively associated with spirit consumption (p=0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol intake, particularly beer, was positively associated to abdominal fat