8 research outputs found

    Quality control aggregate for building purposes according to valid specification ČSN EN.

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    Import 02/09/2009Výroba kvalitního kameniva podléhá náročně nastaveným parametrům. Do roku 2004 se kvalita kontrolovala podle ČSN 721510, 721511, 721512. Vstupem České republiky do Evropské unie, došlo k zásadním změnám v uplatnění evropských norem, jejichž skladba i parametry, jsou podstatně rozdílné oproti starým ČSN. Cílem této bakalářské práce je seznámení s jednotlivými normami ČSN EN a z nich vyplívajícími povinnostmi pro výrobce kameniva, které musí splňovat a zároveň dodržovat k tomu, aby mohli své výrobky prodávat nejen v ČR, ale i na trhu evropského hospodářství. Práce shrnuje zkušenosti získané účastí na odborných seminářích, školeních, zavedením Systému řízení výroby, včetně Systému řízení jakosti podle ISO 9001, ale především prací v centrální zkušební laboratoři firmy Kámen a písek spol. s r.o..Production of a quality aggregates of stones is under exactly given parameters. By the year 2004 the quality of the aggregates of stones used to be controlled by the CSN 721510, 721511, 721512. There had to be some changes made as the production of a quality stone has been under the European Norms since the Czech Republic jointed the European Union. Purpose of this study is to familiarize with particular norms and requirements included in these norms, which has to be fulfilled by the producers of the aggregates of stones to enable them to sell their products in the Czech republic as well as on the European market. This work summarizes my experience gained through professional seminars, estabilishment of the Production Control System, including the Quality System ISO 9001 and my job experience in the copany`s central laboratory of Kamen a pisek spol. s.r.o.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivýborn

    Secure high level communication protocol for CAN bus

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    The Controller Area Network (CAN bus) is a bus based on differential signalling originally developed for automotiv industry. The bus was later standardized under ISO 11898 and the standard describes data link layer as well as physica signalling. CAN bus allows precise settings of bus timing and sampling points, which makes it usable for varying range and baudrates. It also has a number of properties such as: message acknowledgement, collision avoidance, messag filtering and automatic retransmit of faulty messages. These properties make it suitable for many applications Furthermore, the bus is also well supported on microcontrollers and can even be found on larger SoCs. This makes th CAN bus ideal for microcontroller networks in buildings Unfortunately, the CAN protocol itself has no support for node authentication and message encryption so thes requirements has to be solved on higher layer. We present a high-level protocol for CAN bus that supports authenticatio and encryption and therefore allows usage of CAN bus in security dependent systems such as an access managemen system or in industrial automation

    Context sensitive fire protection system

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    This paper deals with design of context sensitive fire protection system, which should be able to detect and localize fir in industrial areas, especially in large factory halls. The "context sensitive" means that the system will be able to detec the fire, but also recognize the fire type and decide whether the detected fire is intended (as a part of standard productio process) or it is an accident. Moreover, a remote controlled master stream device is part of the designed system; therefore the system can directly start fire-fighting. The main feature of this system will be extremely low level of false positiv actions and minimal collateral damage to the environment surrounding the fire

    The life and times of Zia-ul-Haq

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    ln my thesis I have been dealing with one of the most outstanding figure of the Pakistani history, general and president Zia-ul-Haq. Haq's origins were in Ju/lundhur City, he studied mi/itary school in Delh i, a nd after the pa rtition of Pakista n h e moved together with his family to Peshawar. Haq rose successfu/ly in the military ladder, ti/l the rank of General. Prime minister Bhutto chose him as a Chief of Army Staff believing, that this youngest of the generals would be easily manipulated. This proved to be fatal for Bhutto. Haq in a coup ďétat took over the rule of the country, and later in a fabricated process had hanged Bhutto. Haq took hold of the power for long eleven years. He stuck to the power by repressing the democracy, postponing the election and substantial changes of the constitution in his own benefit. Zia-ul-Haq 's regime is interesting in the domestic politics point of view, and especia/ly in the area of foreign politics

    Influence of Aggregate Properties on Railway Structures

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    Import 04/07/2011Výroba kameniva dodávaného na drážní stavby podléhá náročně nastaveným parametrům. Do roku 2004 se kvalita kontrolovala podle ČSN 721510, 721511, 721512. Vstupem České republiky do Evropské unie došlo k zásadním změnám v uplatnění evropské normy na toto kamenivo, jejíž skladba i parametry jsou podstatně rozdílné oproti starým ČSN. Cílem této diplomové práce je seznámení s jednotlivými požadavky ČSN EN a souvisejícími předpisy, které musí výrobce splnit, aby mohl dodávat kamenivo pro drážní stavby jak v České republice, tak v Rakousku. Práce vychází z praktických zkušeností společnosti Kámen a písek, spol s r.o.Production of an aggregate delivered for railway structures is subject to exactly given parameters. By the year 2004 the quality of the aggregate used to be controlled by the CSN 721510, 721511, 721512. There had to be some changes made as the production of a quality stone has been under the European Norms since the Czech Republic jointed the European Union. Purpose of this thesis is to familiarize with particular norms and related requirements, which has to be fulfilled by the producers of the aggregate to enable them to deliver their products in the Czech Republic as well as in Austria. This thesis is based on practical experience of the Kamen a pisek, spol. s r.o. company.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivýborn

    The life and times of Zia-ul-Haq

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    ln my thesis I have been dealing with one of the most outstanding figure of the Pakistani history, general and president Zia-ul-Haq. Haq's origins were in Ju/lundhur City, he studied mi/itary school in Delh i, a nd after the pa rtition of Pakista n h e moved together with his family to Peshawar. Haq rose successfu/ly in the military ladder, ti/l the rank of General. Prime minister Bhutto chose him as a Chief of Army Staff believing, that this youngest of the generals would be easily manipulated. This proved to be fatal for Bhutto. Haq in a coup ďétat took over the rule of the country, and later in a fabricated process had hanged Bhutto. Haq took hold of the power for long eleven years. He stuck to the power by repressing the democracy, postponing the election and substantial changes of the constitution in his own benefit. Zia-ul-Haq 's regime is interesting in the domestic politics point of view, and especia/ly in the area of foreign politics

    Obstacle detection for robotic systems using combination of ultrasonic sonars and infrared sensors

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    An obstacle detection became one of the most important tasks in a robotic system development. DistanceDetector is a device which can detect large obstacles by utilizing a combination of ultrasonic sonars and infrared sensors. This paper deals with the DistanceDetector description and reveals its hardware and firmware structure, used technologies and provides a simple use case scenario

    Implementation and optimization of stereo matching algorithm on ARM processors

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    This paper analyses possibility of implementation of stereo matching algorithms on ARM based processors with special attention on the final algorithm performance. Semi global block matching and Block matching algorithms were chosen as a base of this research. First, the technologies used in the implementation are described, then the optimization approach is discussed. The main part of this paper deals with algorithms performance depending on the chosen optimization. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015