106 research outputs found

    Effects of sintering temperature and finishing procedure on surface roughness of different ytrria content in zirconia

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    Introduction: Zirconia-based ceramics have been successfully used to fabricate dental prostheses using the dental Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system. Fabrication and finishing of new generation zirconia ceramics is an important issue for the success of restorations. It is necessary to investigate whether these processes affect the surface properties of zirconia materials. Aim: To investigate the effects of different sintering temperatures and finishing procedures on the surface roughness of zirconia. Materials and Methods: This in-vitro study was carried out in the Erciyes University research laboratory in from 7th January to 4th April 2021. Katana Ultra Translucent Multi Layered (KT10; Kuraray Noritake Dental Inc., Tokyo, Japan) and Zolid High Translucent+Preshade (AmannGirrbach AG, Herrschaftswiesen, Austria) were the two types of zirconia materials used this in-vitro study. Total 40 samples (20 in each group) were produced using the dry program in the InLAB MC X5 milling machine (Dentsply Sirona, Bensheim, Germany). Total 20 specimens (10 from each group) were sintered in a furnace for 2 hour at 1450 degrees C and the remaining 20 specimens (10 from each group) were sintered at 1650 degrees C. The two surfaces of the specimens were divided into two groups; one surface of the specimens underwent polishing and the other underwent glazing. A profilometer was used to analyse the surface roughness of the specimens. Three-way analysis of variance was used to assess significant differences in the average roughness values based on the material, sintering temperature, finishing procedure. Results: The surface roughness values differed between specimens that underwent the glazing and the polishing process at high sintering temperatures (1650 degrees C). The glazed samples (1.154 mu m) had higher surface roughness values than the polished samples (0.808 mu m) at 1650 degrees C. Conclusion: The polishing process is recommended instead of glazing as a finishing procedure for zirconia materials


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    Underwater visual census (UVC) is a commonly used approach for assessing fish density and biomass. Iskenderun Bay, comprising the Samandağ coast in Turkey, is the most important introduction pathway of alien species in the northeastern Mediterranean. In this study, the density, abundance, distribution and interaction of invasive lionfish or devil firefish Pterois miles were assessed using the UVC method on the Samandağ coast. The total transect area monitored on the Samandağ coast was 4.500 m2. Species richness, Shannon\u27s diversity index and rate of biomass were 25, 1.81 and 73.5 m2, respectively. Reduced diversity was observed with increasing depths. The sandy seafloor was a limiting factor for lionfish distribution. There was a significant positive correlation between lionfish total density and both the Shannon diversity index (r = 0.99, P<0.001) and Shannon evenness index (r = 0.99, P<0.05). A high number of significant positive correlations (P<0.05) were detected between the occurrence of lionfish and the occurrence of both the native species and other alien species. The first stock assessment study of lionfish by the UVC method in Turkish marine waters revealed that native species are under very high pressure from lionfish species, especially Chromis, Sparids and Wrasses, indicating negative effects of lionfish on regional native biodiversity.Podvodna vizualizacija (UVC) je uobičajeni pristup za procjenu gustoće ribe i biomase. Zaljev Iskenderun, kojeg okružuje obalno područje Samandağ u Turskoj, najvažniji je put unošenja stranih vrsta u sjeveroistočni Mediteran. U ovoj studiji, gustoća, brojnost, distribucija i interakcija invazivnog prugastog kokota Pterois miles procijenjene su UVC metodom na obali Samandağ. Ukupna promatrana površina transekta na obali Samandağ iznosila je 4.500 m2. Bogatstvo vrsta, Shanonov indeks raznolikosti i stopa biomase iznosili su 25, 1,81 i 73,5 m2. Uočena je smanjena aznolikost s povećanjem dubine. Pješčano morsko dno bilo je ograničavajući čimbenik za distribuciju ove vrste. Postojala je značajna pozitivna korelacija između ukupne gustoće vrste i Shannonovog indeksa raznolikosti (r = 0,99, P<0,001) i Shannonovog indeksa ravnomjernosti (r = 0,99, P<0,05). Utvrđen je veliki broj značajnih pozitivnih korelacija (P<0,05) između pojave prugastog kokota I pojave domaćih i drugih stranih vrsta. Prva studija procjene zaliha ove vrste metodom UVC u turskim morskim vodama otkrila je da su autohtone vrste pod vrlo visokim pritiskom od stranih vrsta, posebno rodova Chromis, Sparids I Wrasses, što ukazuje na negativne učinke prugastog kokota na regionalnu autohtonu biološku raznolikost

    Perde olarak kullanılan dokuma kumaşların seçilmiş dayanım ve estetik performans özelliklerinin araştırılması

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    Ev tekstili Türkiye'de tekstil üretiminin ve ihracatının en önemli kalemlerinden biridir. Perdelik kumaşlar ev tekstili sektöründe oldukça geniş bir paya sahiptir. Tüketicilerin perdelik kumaşlardan beklentisi hem estetik olarak hoş görünmesi ve kullanım ömrünüm uzun olmasıdır. Bundan dolayı bu kumaşlar için en önemli iki parametre dayanıklılık ve estetik olmasıdır. Perdelik kumaşlardan beklenen en önemli estetik özellik dökümlülüktür. Kumaşların esnekliği ve ağırlığı bu özelliğin kazandırılmasında etkilidir. Bunun yanında buruşmazlık özelliği de perdelik kumaşlar için önem taşır. Ancak, bunların yanında tüketici yüksek dayanım performansı da beklemektedir. Kumaş mukavemeti, kumaşların kullanım sırasında gösterdiği performans ve dayanıklılığının belirlenmesinde önemli bir unsurdur. Bu çalışmada perdelik olarak kullanılan, farklı elyaf tiplerindeki kumaşların dökümlülük, mukavemet ve buruşma özellikleri araştırılmıştır.Home textile is one of the most important items of textile production and export in Turkey. Curtain fabrics have a large share in the home textile industry. The expectation of consumers from curtain fabrics is that they look aesthetically pleasing and have a long service life. Therefore, the two most important parameters for these fabrics are durability and aesthetics. The most important aesthetic feature expected from curtain fabrics is drapeability. The flexibility and weight of fabrics are effective in gaining this feature. In addition, crease racovery propetes is also important for drapability of fabrics. However, besides these, the consumer expects high endurance performance. Fabric strength is an important factor in determining the performance and durability of fabrics during use. In this study, drapability, strength and wrinkling properties of fabrics of different fiber types used as curtains were investigated


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    Türk toplumunu ümmetten millete dönüştürmek Cumhuriyet'in temel amaçlarındanbiriydi. Bu doğrultuda Cumhuriyet rejimine uygun bir ulus inşa etmek ve yurttaş yaratmakgirişimleri de yeni rejimin öncelikleri arasında yer almaktaydı. Cumhuriyet'in değerlerinibenimseyecek yeni yurttaşı oluşturmada şüphesiz ki eğitim en etkili araç olacaktı. Amaçlanandeğişimler öncelikle resmi eğitim kurumlarıyla gerçekleştirilmeye çalışılırken, aynızamanda genç kuşaklarda ulusal bilinç ve yurttaşlık sorumluluklarının geliştirilmesindedönemin basınından da yararlanılmıştır. Araştırmanın temel konusu olan çocuk dergileride bu amaç doğrultusunda etkili biçimde kullanılmışlardır. Bu dönemde yayınlanan çocukdergileri öğrenmenin ve bilgi paylaşımının sağlandığı eğitsel medya niteliğindedir. Buçalışmada, 1930-1950 dönemindeki çocuk dergilerinin, "Türk çocuğu-Cumhuriyet çocuğu"tanımlamaları ya da ön adları ile Türkiye'de bireylerin topluma yurttaş olarak katılımı sürecindekikatkıları araştırılmıştır.Transforming Turkish society from a Muslim community to nation is one of the mainaims of the Republic. In accordance with this aim building a nation appropriate to the Republicanregime and attempts of creating citizenship are among the priorities of the new regime.No doubt that when constructing the new citizen who will adopt the Republic's values, themost effective tool was going to be education. The planned changes were tried to be realised through the official educational institutions, at the same time media of the time was usedto develop national consciousness and citizenship responsibilities among the young generations.Children's magazines, which are the subjects of the research, were used effectively inorder to achieve this goal. Children's magazines of the time were of the educational mediaquality where learning and data exchange were provided. In this work, "Turkish child-Republicanchild" definitions or contributions of individuals in Turkey to the society as citizenswith forenames, in children's magazines between 1930-1950 were researched

    Importance of reinjection in sustainability of geothermal resources and reinjection well locations in Türkiye

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    Sustainability of geothermal energy is related with the type of geothermal resources (natural springs, well), usage situations (thermal, residential-greenhouse heating, energy, etc.), amount of use (optimal flow, appropriate pressure-temperature changes), conservation of resources, and is mostly achieved by reinjection of the geothermal fluid returning from usage. It is important to take measures to prevent adverse changes in temperature and pressure conditions in the reservoir to properly remove the fluid returning from use in geothermal areas from the environment and recharge the reservoir. Reinjection should be carried out under appropriate conditions for the protection of resources. In the operation of geothermal resources, reinjection/discharge conditions and obligations are also specified in the provisions of the Law No. 5686 and the implementing regulation. Various studies within the scope of exploration activities in geothermal fields, determining the production-reinjection areas and determination the location of the reinjection wells in conditions that will not adversely affect the productio

    A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms and Feature Sets for Automatic Vocal Emotion Recognition in Speech

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    Vocal emotion recognition (VER) in natural speech, often referred to as speech emotion recognition (SER), remains challenging for both humans and computers. Applied fields including clinical diagnosis and intervention, social interaction research or Human Computer Interaction (HCI) increasingly benefit from efficient VER algorithms. Several feature sets were used with machine-learning (ML) algorithms for discrete emotion classification. However, there is no consensus for which low-level-descriptors and classifiers are optimal. Therefore, we aimed to compare the performance of machine-learning algorithms with several different feature sets. Concretely, seven ML algorithms were compared on the Berlin Database of Emotional Speech: Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP), J48 Decision Tree (DT), Support Vector Machine with Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO), Random Forest (RF), k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Simple Logistic Regression (LOG) and Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR) with 10-fold cross validation using four openSMILE feature sets (i.e., IS-09, emobase, GeMAPS and eGeMAPS). Results indicated that SMO, MLP and LOG show better performance (reaching to 87.85%, 84.00% and 83.74% accuracies, respectively) compared to RF, DT, MLR and KNN (with minimum 73.46%, 53.08%, 70.65% and 58.69% accuracies, respectively). Overall, the emobase feature set performed best. We discuss the implications of these findings for applications in diagnosis, intervention or HCI

    Pojava plavog dugmeta Porpita porpita (Linnaeus, 1758) zaljev Iskenderun, sjeveroistočna mediteranska obala Turske

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    The blue button Porpita porpita (Linnaeus, 1758) was observed for the first time in July 2018 in the Iskenderun Bay, Northeastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. This is the third record of this species for Turkish marine waters, while it is the first record for Iskenderun bay. The presence of P. porpita in the northeastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey shows its extension from northwestern Mediterranean coast (Antalya Bay) of Turkey.Plavo dugme Porpita porpita (Linnaeus, 1758.) prvi je put primijećen u srpnju 2018. u zaljevu Iskenderun, sjeveroistočna obala Mediterana u Turskoj. Ovo je treći zapis ove vrste za tursko more, a prvi je zabilježeni nalaz za zaljev Iskenderun. Prisutnost P. porpita na sjeveroistočnoj mediteranskoj obali Turske pokazuje njezino proširenje od sjeverozapadne mediteranske obale (zaljev Antalya) u Turskoj

    A Checklist of the Non-indigenous Fishes in Turkish Marine Waters

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    A checklist of non-indigenous marine fishes including bony, cartilaginous and jawless distributed along the Turkish Marine Waters was for the first time generated in the present study. The number of records of non-indigenous fish species found in Turkish marine waters were 101 of which 89 bony, 11 cartilaginous and 1 jawless. In terms of occurrence of non-indigenous fish species in the surrounding Turkish marine waters, the Mediterranean coast has the highest diversity (92 species), followed by the Aegean Sea (50 species), the Marmara Sea (11 species) and the Black Sea (2 species). The Indo-Pacific origin of the non-indigenous fish species is represented with 73 species while the Atlantic origin of the non-indigenous species is represented with 22 species. Only first occurrence of a species in the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara and Black Sea Coasts of Turkey is given with its literature in the list

    Threatened brill species in marine waters of Turkey: Scopthalmus rhombus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Scopthalmidae)

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    Scopthalmus rhombus is rarely occurred and restricted to marine and estuarine sites in the eastern Marmara Sea and western Black Sea coast of Turkey. S. rhombus is occasionally caught in low numbers and continuously decreased in abundance due to overfishing and habitat degradations. This species should be considered to be threatened for Turkish marine waters. This species might also be recorded in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as Near Threatened (NT)

    First record red lionfish Pterois volitans (Linnaeus, 1785) in the Mediterranean Sea

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    A single male specimen of red lionfish Pterois volitans was recorded for the first time in 13 May 2016 from the Iskenderun Bay, North-eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. The present paper also reports the first record of the red lionfish P. volitans along the Mediterranean Sea