84 research outputs found
The Lemon Table as a Collection of Stories of Absence
In his collection of short stories, Julian Barnes mainly focuses on the themes of loss and death. Through their stories, Barnes’ characters are depicted in glimpses in their long journey which is from their early life to their very old age. Starting from the very first story titled “A Short History of Hairdressing,” the main character’s kind of metamorphosis into an old man is narrated with ruptures and gaps which seem to be loopholes to be completed for the reader. That the narrator leaves these means of evasion can be evaluated in light of Derrida’s reversal of the traditional ordered pairs like presence/absence. While the first term is viewed as primary and original, the second one is derivative in the Western epistemology. Yet, for Derrida this priority is not intact and can easily be reversed as both the primary and the secondary terms are dependent on each other while bearing the traces of one another. In this axis of binary oppositions, man is associated with either presence or primary; on the contrary, woman is absent or subordinate. In the stories under scrutiny here, male protagonists are fully depicted and most of their actions are mostly legitimized. However, female characters are not let contribute to the flow of the fiction; that is, they are accessories and almost show no presence. In this hierarchical space, women is naturally degraded, which in turn prevents men from achieving any kind of intersubjectivity with anyone. Thus, the course of events including even some of the most intimate details about the characters act as a screen for absence; that is, they fail to give any worthy information about them. The so-called presence of incidents is indeed absence. In this light, it can be concluded that what goes on or what does not go in Barnes’ stories can be discovered amidst the slippery ground where the primary and the secondary terms are reversed and intermingled.Julian Barnes Limon Masası isimli öykü derlemesinde ağırlıklı olarak kayıp ve ölüm temasına odaklanmış ve karakterlerini genelde çok genç yaşlarından yaşlılıklarına uzanan yolculuklarında ele almaya çalışmıştır. Derlemedeki “Kuaförlüğün Kısa Hikayesi” isimli ilk öyküden başlayarak, ana karakterin yaşlı bir adama dönüşümü okuyucu tarafından doldurulmayı bekleyen boşluklarla anlatılmıştır. Anlatıcının bu tip kaçış noktaları bırakması Derrida’nın geleneksel olarak eşleştirilmiş varlık/yokluk gibi ikililerin tersine çevrilmesi ışığında değerlendirilebilir. Batı epistemolojisinde, bu ikilinin ilk ayağı birincil ve orijinal olarak görülürken, ikincisi genellikle ikincil veya türev olarak görülür. Fakat, Derrida için birincilin önceliğinin dokunulmazlığı yoktur ve bu ikili zıtlık tersine çevrilebilir. Böyle ikili zıtlıklar ekseninde, öykülerde incelenen erkek karakterler varlık ya da birincillikle, kadın karakterler ise tabi veya yoklukla ilişkilendirilmiştir. Erkek karakterlerin hareketleri ve motivasyonları açıklanıp mazur gösterilirken, kadın karakterlerin olay akışına etki etmesine izin verilmemiş aksine kadınlar basit bir aksesuar olarak konumlandırılıp hemen hemen hiç varlık göstermemişlerdir. Kadının hor görüldüğü bu hiyerarşik uzamda, erkek de hiçbir bağlamda öznelerarasılı bir ilişkiyi başaramaz. Bu teorik açıklamalar ışığında, Barnes’in öykülerinde gerçekleşen ya da gerçekleşmeyenler birincil ve ikincil terimlerin tersine çevrildiği ya da iç içe geçirildiği kaygan bir zeminde incelenecektir
Inland Dredging v. Sanchez United States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit 468 F.3d 864 (Decided October 27, 2006)
Sıcaksu tanklarında hem depolama kapasitesini yükseltmen hem de tanktan eldeedilebilecek sıcak su miktarını arttırmak için kullanılabilecek en elverişliyöntemlerden biri tank içerisine faz değiştiren malzeme yerleştirmektir. Buçalışmada 450 litrelik bir düşey mantolu sıcak su tankının içerisine fazdeğiştiren malzeme olarak parafinin kapsüller içerisinde yerleştirilmesindekapsül hacminin etkisi deneysel olarak araştırılmıştır. Kapsüller, toplam hacmi65 litre ve kapsül içerisindeki parafin miktarı 32.5 kg olacak şekilde 5, 3 ve1 litrelik kapsüllerde tank içerisine yerleştirilmiştir. İçerisinde kapsülolmayan normal tank testi ile beraber toplam 4 farklı deney yapılmıştır. Herbir deney iki defa tekrarlanmıştır. Yapılan deneylerin sonucunda; içerisinesilindirik kapsüller içerisinde parafin yerleştirilen bir düşey mantolu sıcaksu tankında tanktan maksimum miktarda sıcak su elde etmek için parafinlerindüşük hacimli kapsüller içerisinde yerleştirilmesi gerektiği görülmüştür.Normal tanktan 490 litre sıcak su elde edilirken, 5 litrelik kapsülkullanılması durumunda 590 litre, 3 litrelik kapsül kullanılması durumunda 620litre ve 1 litrelik kapsül kullanılması durumunda ise 670 litre sıcak su eldeedilmiştir.In hot water tanks, one of the most convenient methodsfor increasing the storage capacity and increasing the amount of hot water thatcan be obtained from the tank is to place phase change material in the tank. Inthis study, the effect of capsule volume on the placement of paraffin as aphase changing material in a 450-liter vertical mantle hot water tank wasinvestigated experimentally. The capsules were placed in 5, 3 and 1-litercapsules with a total volume of 65 liters and the amount of paraffin in thecapsule was 32.5 kg. A total of 4 different experiments were performed withnormal tank test without capsules. Each experiment was repeated twice. As aresult of the experiments; it has been found that in a vertical mantle hotwater tank in which paraffin is placed in cylindrical capsules, the paraffinmust be placed in low volume capsules to obtain the maximum amount of hot waterfrom the tank. While 490 liters of hot water were obtained from the normal tank,590 liters were used in the case of 5-liter capsules, 620 liters in the case of3-liter capsules and 670 liters of hot water in the case of 1-liter capsules.</p
Protecting Android Devices from Malware Attacks: A State-of-the-Art Report of Concepts, Modern Learning Models and Challenges
Advancements in microelectronics have increased the popularity of mobile devices like
cellphones, tablets, e-readers, and PDAs. Android, with its open-source platform, broad device support,
customizability, and integration with the Google ecosystem, has become the leading operating system for
mobile devices. While Android's openness brings benefits, it has downsides like a lack of official support,
fragmentation, complexity, and security risks if not maintained. Malware exploits these vulnerabilities for
unauthorized actions and data theft. To enhance device security, static and dynamic analysis techniques can
be employed. However, current attackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they are employing
packaging, code obfuscation, and encryption techniques to evade detection models. Researchers prefer
flexible artificial intelligence methods, particularly deep learning models, for detecting and classifying
malware on Android systems. In this survey study, a detailed literature review was conducted to investigate
and analyze how deep learning approaches have been applied to malware detection on Android systems. The
study also provides an overview of the Android architecture, datasets used for deep learning-based detection,
and open issues that will be studied in the future
Retinal Fundus Anjiyografi Görüntülerinde Drusen Alanlarının Otomatik Tespiti ve Hesaplanması
Computer aided detection (CAD) systems are widely used in the analysis of biomedical images. In this paper, we present
a novel CAD system to detect age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) on retinal fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA)
images, and we provide an areal size calculation of pathogenic drusen regions. The purpose of this study is to enable identification
and areal size calculation of ARMD-affected regions with the developed CAD system; hence, we aim to discover the
condition of the disease as well as facilitate long-term patient follow-up treatment. With the aid of this system, assessing the
marked regions will take less time for ophthalmologists and observing the progress of the treatment will be a simpler process.
The CAD system consists of four stages, a) preprocessing, b) segmentation, c) region of interest detection and d)feature extraction
and drusen area detection. Detection through CAD and calculation of drusen regions were performed with a dataset
composed of 75 images. The results obtained from the developed CAD system were examined by a specialist ophthalmologist,
and the performance criteria of the CAD system are reported as conclusions. As a result, with 66 correct detections and
9 incorrect detections, the developed CAD system achieved an accuracy rate of 88%.Bilgisayar destekli tespit (BDT) sistemleri biyomedikal görüntülerin analizinde geniş bir kullanım alanına sahiptir. Bu
çalışmada retinal fundus anjiyografi görüntüleri üzerinde yaşa bağlı makula dejenerasyonu (YBMD) hastalığının tespiti
için bir BDT sistemi gerçekleştirilmiş ve patojenik drusen alanlarının büyüklüğünün hesaplanması sağlanmıştır. Çalışmanın
amacı YBMD hastalığının görüldüğü alanların tespitinin ve büyüklüğünü hesaplamanın yanında hastalığa karşı uygulanan
tedavinin sonucunun takibini de sağlamaktır. Geliştirilen sistemin yardımıyla optalmoloji uzmanları işaretlenen alanları kısa
sürede tespit edebilecek ve hastalığın tedaviye verdiği cevabı basit bir şekilde gözlemleyebileceklerdir. Geliştirilen BDT
sistemi 4 aşamadan oluşmaktadır, a) önişleme aşaması, b) bölütleme aşaması, c) ilgi alanı tespiti ve d) öznitelik çıkarma
ve tespit aşaması. Geliştirilen BDT sistemi 75 görüntüden oluşan bir verisetiyle test edilmiştir. BST sisteminin elde ettiği
sonuçlar bir optalmoloji uzmanıyla karşılaştırılarak sonuç bölümünde sunulmuştur. Geliştirilen BDT sistemi 66 doğru, 9 hatalı
tespit yaparak %88 doğruluk oranı sağlamıştır
Anatomical and histological analysis of the salpinx and ovary in Anatolian wild goat (Capra aegagrus aegagrus)
Background: This study determined the anatomical and histological structure of the salpinx and ovary of the Anatolian wild goat (C. aegagrus aegagrus). Materials and methods: The salpinges and ovaries from four wild goats of similar ages were used. These goats were brought to the Kafkas University Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (Kars, Turkey) for various reasons such as traffic accidents or firearm injury, but either could not be saved or were euthanased. Results: The mean length of the ovary was 13.22 +/- 1.27 mm, width was 8.46 +/- +/- 0.88 mm, thickness was 5.67 +/- 0.79 mm, and weight was 0.59 +/- 0.17 g. The mean length of the salpinx was 58.11 +/- 14.02 mm, width was 0.80 +/- 0.22 mm, thickness was 0.41 +/- 0.01 mm, and weight was 0.30 +/- 0.08 g. The salpinx consisted of three different regions (infundibulum, ampulla, and isthmus). These regions consisted of tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis, and tunica serosa. Prismatic epithelial cells were observed in the lamina epithelialis of the tunica mucosa in every region. Conclusions: The data resulting from this study regarding anatomical and histological structures of the salpinx and ovary in the genital system organs of Anatolian wild goat will support other studies seeking to improve reproductive efficiency and eliminate the danger of extinction of this species
Exploration of video e-learning content with smartphones
Nowadays computer users prefer to learn or complement their studies with video materials. While there are many video e-learning resources available on the internet, video sharing platforms such as YouTube which provide these resources, do not structure the presented material in the prerequisite order. Furthermore, they do not track the background of the users when recommending the next material to watch. Our aim is to overcome this limitation of the existing video on demand systems. In this paper we describe the architecture of the e-learning system that we are developing which allows users to search and watch video materials organized with respect to their background and presented in prerequisite order. One of the key features of our e-learning platform is to enable users to explore the video content with mobile devices. We propose a new visual metaphor based on lists for mobile devices which reflect the prerequisite graph structure, utilizing the limited screen size more effectively
An LED-Based Structured Illumination Microscope Using A Digital Micromirror Device And GPU Accelerated Image Reconstruction
When combined with computational approaches, fluorescence imaging becomes one of the
most powerful tools in biomedical research. It is possible to achieve resolution figures
beyond the diffraction limit, and improve the performance and flexibility of high-resolution
imaging systems with techniques such as structured illumination microscopy (SIM) reconstruction. In this study, the hardware and software implementation of an LED-based superresolution imaging system using SIM employing GPU accelerated parallel image reconstruction is presented. The sample is illuminated with two-dimensional sinusoidal patterns
with various orientations and lateral phase shifts generated using a digital micromirror
device (DMD). SIM reconstruction is carried out in frequency space using parallel CUDA
kernel functions. Furthermore, a general purpose toolbox for the parallel image reconstruction algorithm and an infrastructure that allows all users to perform parallel operations on
images without developing any CUDA kernel code is presented. The developed image
reconstruction algorithm was run separately on a CPU and a GPU. Two different SIM reconstruction algorithms have been developed for the CPU as mono-thread CPU algorithm and
multi-thread OpenMP CPU algorithm. SIM reconstruction of 1024 × 1024 px images was
achieved in 1.49 s using GPU computation, indicating an enhancement by *28 and *20 in
computation time when compared with mono-thread CPU computation and multi-thread
OpenMP CPU computation, respectively
The frequency of Duchenne muscular dystrophy/Becker muscular dystrophy and Pompe disease in children with isolated transaminase elevation: results from the observational VICTORIA study
IntroductionElevated transaminases and/or creatine phosphokinase can indicate underlying muscle disease. Therefore, this study aims to determine the frequency of Duchenne muscular dystrophy/Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD/BMD) in male children and Pompe disease (PD) in male and female children with isolated hypertransaminasemia.MethodsThis multi-center, prospective study enrolled patients aged 3–216 months with serum alanine transaminase (ALT) and/or aspartate transaminase (AST) levels >2× the upper limit of normal (ULN) for ≥3 months. Patients with a known history of liver or muscle disease or physical examination findings suggestive of liver disease were excluded. Patients were screened for creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) levels, and molecular genetic tests for DMD/BMD in male patients and enzyme analysis for PD in male and female patients with elevated CPK levels were performed. Genetic analyses confirmed PD. Demographic, clinical, and laboratory characteristics of the patients were analyzed.ResultsOverall, 589 patients [66.8% male, mean age of 63.4 months (standard deviation: 60.5)] were included. In total, 251 patients (188 male and 63 female) had CPK levels above the ULN. Of the patients assessed, 47% (85/182) of male patients were diagnosed with DMD/BMD and 1% (3/228) of male and female patients were diagnosed with PD. The median ALT, AST, and CPK levels were statistically significantly higher, and the questioned neurological symptoms and previously unnoticed examination findings were more common in DMD/BMD patients than those without DMD/BMD or PD (p < 0.001).DiscussionQuestioning neurological symptoms, conducting a complete physical examination, and testing for CPK levels in patients with isolated hypertransaminasemia will prevent costly and time-consuming investigations for liver diseases and will lead to the diagnosis of occult neuromuscular diseases.
Trial RegistrationClinicaltrials.gov NCT04120168
Worldmaking via construction of language acts
In 1978, Nelson Goodman coined the term “worldmaking” to show that several other “worlds” may exist along with the single “world” that most think they know. To be after a single absolute meaning of the “world” in the post-Derridean and post-Saussurean world may already sound anachronistic. With the help of new ways of reading in the post-modern world, we can get help from creative works of popular culture in reinscribing, revisiting and having a critical eye over their working mechanisms. In the face of globalizing trends, meaning can be traced within the cross-cultural relationships between natural, political, cultural and linguistic worlds. At the same time, the constantly deferred meaning can be analysed by laying the working principles of logocentric thought bare, which is a long running organizing principle of Western thought. Paul de Man defines it as a mode of thought as follows: logos “divides the world into a binary system of oppositions organised along an inside/outside axis and then proceeds to exchange the properties on both sides of this axis on the basis of analogies and potential identities” (qtd. in McQuillan 10). This paper aims to decipher “the uncanny ability” of logocentric thought in McQuillan‟s wording and to lay the working mechanisms of this thought bare in undoing its logic and its system of thought by putting popular texts under close scrutiny (McQuillan 11). This analysis, first of all, tries to pinpoint the binary oppositions, then to deconstruct the hierarchy between these binaries; and finally, it will display how the work undermines its own working mechanisms by focusing on the impasses of meaning. In the end, it is discovered that the popular text in question seems to build itself on the hierarchical play between primary vs secondary legs of the binary oppositions; however, the constructed world falls into the trap of logical fallacies such as sweeping generalization and appealing to the popular assumptions
Zeki öğretim sistemlerinde veri madenciliği kullanılması
ÖZETZEKİ ÖĞRETİM SİSTEMLERİNDE VERİ MADENCİLİĞİ KULLANILMASIEğitim-öğretim faaliyetlerinde yardımcı ders yazılımı olarak kullanılan, zeki öğretim sistemleri (ZÖS), öğrencinin seviyesine göre bireysel davranması özelliği ile eğitim-öğretim faaliyetlerine olumlu katkı sağlamaktadır. Öğrenciyle ilgili farklı verileri içeren bu tür sistemlerde yer alan verilerin analiz edilmesi; bu sistemlerden üst düzeyde yararlanmayı, bulunan analiz sonuçlarına göre sistemin geliştirilmesine devam edilmesini, öğrencilere sınıf ortamında bu sonuçlara göre kılavuzluk yapılmasını sağlayacaktır. Veri analizinde ise, veriden kullanışlı, önceden bilinmeyen ve anlaşılır bilgiler elde etmek için veri madenciliği kullanılmaktadır. Veri madenciliği yöntemlerinin, zeki öğretim sistemlerindeki öğrenci verisi üzerinde kullanılması ile, bu sistemlerdeki verilerin analiz edilmesi mümkündür. Bu tez çalışmasında, zeki öğretim sisteminde veri madenciliği uygulamaları için dört ayrı yazılım tasarlanmıştır.Bu yazılımlardan birincisi, kaplama öğrenci modeli kullanan zeki öğretim sistemidir. Bu sistemde, konu alanı olarak Marmara Üniversitesi, Teknik Eğitim Fakültesi, Elektronik-Bilgisayar Eğitimi Bölümü’nde 8.dönemde yer alan “Bilgisayar Sistemleri” dersi belirlenmiştir. Sistemi, örgün ve ikinci öğrenci öğretimde toplam 103 öğrenci kullanmıştır. Zeki öğretim sisteminden alınan verilerin analiz edilmesi için ise, veri madenciliği tekniklerinden “birliktelik kuralları” ve “kümeleme analizi” kullanılmıştır. İkinci yazılımda, veri madenciliğini tek boyutlu birliktelik kuralı analizi ile gerçekleştiren program tasarlanmıştır. Bu program, ZÖS’den alınan verilerde, aynı konu içerisinde birlikte yanlış yapılan veya doğru yapılan soruları tek boyutlu birliktelik kuralı analizi ile bulmaktadır. Bu program ile, öğrencilerin birlikte başarılı veya başarısız olduğu konuların da bulunması mümkündür. Üçüncü yazılım ise, herhangi bir sorudaki yanlış veya doğru cevabın farklı konulardaki diğer soruları ne şekilde etkilediğini bulmak için analiz yapmaktadır. Bu program, ZÖS’den alınan öğrenci verilerinde farklı konulardaki sorular arasında, birlikte yanlış veya doğru yapılan soru dizilerini çok boyutlu birliktelik kuralı analizi ile bulmaktadır. Geliştirilen programlarda farklı destek değerleri ile analiz yapılabilmektedir ve analiz sonucunda çıkan kuralların güven değerleri programda hesaplanmaktadır. Dördüncü yazılımda, kümeleme analizi için, k-means algoritmasını kullanan program tasarımı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu program ile, öğrencilerin ZÖS’de konulardan aldıkları başarı puanlarına göre, kümeleme işlemi gerçekleştirilmektedir. Kümeleme analizi sonucunda, öğretmen istediği konulardaki başarı puanlarına ait öğrenci dağılımını görerek, sınıfta oluşan öğrenci kümelerinin ne şekilde yoğunlaştığını belirler ve bu sonuçlara göre öğretim etkinliklerini düzenler. Kümeleme işleminde, k-means algoritmasının rasgele başlangıç merkezi seçiminden etkilenmesini engellemek için, tekrarlı yapıda çalışan k-means algoritması tasarlanmış ve programda kullanılmıştır. Kümeleme işlemi, öğretmen tarafından belirlenen konulardaki başarı puanları için yapılmaktadır. Belirlenen herhangi iki konuya ait başarı puanlarına göre kümeleme yapıldıktan sonra, sonuçların görselleştirilmesi için tasarlanan kümeleme programı kullanılmaktadır. Kümeleme işlemi için belirlenen konu sayısı üç veya daha fazla ise, k-means programından alınan kümeleme analizi sonuçlarının görselleştirilmesi için, paralel koordinat sistemi kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntem ile çok boyutlu veriler, anlaşılır, kullanılabilir ve kolayca sonuç çıkarılabilecek şekilde, boyut indirgemesi ve veri kaybı olmadan görselleştirilmiştir. Veri madenciliğinin ZÖS’de kullanılmasına ilişkin bu tezin, öğrenciler üstündeki uygulama sonuçları eğitim açısından değerlendirilmiştir.Bu çalışma; zeki öğretim sisteminden alınan verilerde; veri madenciliği tekniklerinden, tek ve çok boyutlu birliktelik kuralı analizi, kümeleme analizinin yapılmasını ve kümeleme analizi sonuçlarının görselleştirilmesini sağlayarak bu alana katkı sağlamıştır. ABSTRACTUSING DATA MINING ON INTELLIGENT TUTORING SYSTEMSIntelligent tutoring systems(ITS) have been used in teaching and learning activities as a supplementary software. These systems make contributions in education activities, because they can behave adaptively to the students’ learning level and they are capable of collecting vast amounts of data about students. Analyzing data which resides in ITS provides more benefit from these systems. The teacher can improve ITS and guide students in the classroom according to the analyze results. For analyzing data and getting useful, extracting unknown knowledge and understandable information, data mining is used. It is also possible to analyze data in ITS applying by data mining techniques.In this thesis for we designed four different software to apply data mining techniques on ITS. The first designed software is ITS which uses overlay student model. The domain model of ITS is “Computer Systems” course. It is 8th term course at Marmara University at Technical Education Faculty in Electronic-Computer Education Department. ITS is used by 103 students and students’ data in this system is analyzed by association rule mining and clustering techniques.The second software analyses and finds interesting association rules about students’ correct or incorrect answers by single dimensional association rule mining. This program also finds interesting association rules about concepts which are students successful or unsuccessful together.The third software finds interesting association rules about correct or incorrect answers in different concepts by multidimensional association rule mining. Designed software can make analysis with different support values and also confidence values are calculated in the program.The fourth software makes data mining application using clustering analysis. This program makes clustering analysis with k-means algorithm on the students’ concept success value. Teacher can perceive distributions of students’ concept success values and student clusters with this software. To prevent k-means algorithm initial randomly selected cluster center effect, recursive k-means algorithm is designed and used in the clustering software. Cluster analysis is made for concepts which are defined by the teacher. For visualizing any two concept success values’ clustering result, designed program is used. If defined concepts are more than three, clustering analysis result is visualized on parallel coordinate system. This visualization method is understandable, usable and it doesn’t require dimension reduction.This thesis propose an application of data mining on ITS. The application results which were taken from students are demonstrated and evaluated for educational aspect.The contribution of this study is using ITS data for data mining analysis . Data mining analysis in this study include single and multi dimensional association rule analysis, clustering analysis and visualization clustering results
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