163 research outputs found

    Uso de variables de mercado en la predicción de dificultades financieras para las empresas que cotizan en Vietnam

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    This paper aims to investigate the classification power of market variables as predictors in the financial distress prediction model for listed companies in a frontier market as Vietnam securities market. Data is collected from 70 financially distressed companies that suffer a loss in 3 consecutive years and 156 non-financially distressed companies in Vietnam from 2010 to 2017. Four different models have been constructed using Logit regression and SVM analysis technique to make a prediction in 1 to 3-year ahead. The analysis results show that combining accounting ratios with market variables such as price volatility and P/E can improve the classification ability of the ex-ante model. In addition, contrary to the results of related previous researches in emerging markets, in this study, Logit models outperform SVM models. Therefore, for future research, models that apply other machine learning classifiers such as Decision Tree (DT) or Neural Network (NN) should be investigated.Este artículo tiene como objetivo investigar el poder de clasificación de las variables del mercado como factores predictivos en el modelo de predicción de dificultades financieras para las empresas que cotizan en bolsa en un mercado fronterizo como el mercado de valores de Vietnam. Los datos se recopilan de 70 compañías con dificultades financieras que sufrieron una pérdida en 3 años consecutivos y 156 empresas sin dificultades financieras en Vietnam desde 2010 a 2017. Se han construido cuatro modelos diferentes utilizando regresión Logit y la técnica de análisis de SVM para hacer una predicción en 1 a 3 años por delante. Los resultados del análisis muestran que la combinación de ratios contables con variables de mercado como la volatilidad de los precios y el P / E puede mejorar la capacidad de clasificación del modelo ex ante. Además, a diferencia de los resultados de investigaciones anteriores relacionadas en mercados emergentes, en este estudio, los modelos Logit superan a los modelos SVM. Por lo tanto, para futuras investigaciones, se deben investigar los modelos que aplican otros clasificadores de aprendizaje automático, como el Árbol de decisiones (DT) o la Red neuronal (NN)

    The Impact of Education on Child Abuse Prevention

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    This research investigates the impact of education on child abuse prevention in Vietnam by using Vietnamese government's reports (2012 – 2019) on child abuse. In order to analyze the impact of education on child abuse prevention, this study focuses on reviewing the previous policies in preventing child abuse, surveying three main determinants of parents, teachers and children and testing the data collected from the survey. The result shows that education plays an important role in improving the ability to take actions against child abuse. Some recommendations to parents, teachers, children and the government are also proposed for encouraging improvements in child abuse prevention education. Keywords: Child Abuse Prevention, Education, Vietnam DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-20-09 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Targeting effect of folate on cancer cell through curcumin carrier nano-system

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    Folate receptor (FR) is well known for its overexpression on surface of various cancer cell lines, which is identical to normal tissue. Folic-based targeting drug delivery systems, therefore, are one of the most effective targeting carriers that effectively bind to FR up-regulated cancer cells. Curcumin was used both for labeling and chemotherapy. The materials were characterized and structurally confirmed by FT-IR spectra, fluorescent images and FE-SEM images. Bioassays were conducted on HeLa and HT29 cancer cell lines after 4 and 12 hours. Results show that folic acid significantly enhanced both targeting efficiency and internalization of curcumin to FR-expressing cancer cells

    Carrot hairy roots (Daucus carota L.) characterisation and optimisation for high β‐carotene extraction

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    Hairy roots are widely known as a biological system for the production of highly diverse biomolecules. β‐carotene – a precursor for vitamin A – is known to be an anti‐oxidant and anti‐gastric cancer and protection agent against cardiovascular disease, heart disease and stroke. β‐carotene has been chemically synthesised and consumed by humans. However, the chemical process often produces a by‐product that may be harmful to human health. Therefore, this study established a protocol to induce hairy roots (HRs) from a Vietnamese carrot variety and produce natural β‐carotene. The Rhizobium rhizogenes ATCC15834 harbouring Ri plasmid and a Vietnamese carrot variety were used as materials for genetic transformation and HR induction studies. The result showed that approximately 50 HR lines were obtained. Culture medium supplemented with 30 mg/L of sucrose that gave the highest biomass of HR was shown in carrot HR line 30, which had a doubling time of 6.5 days. The highest content of β‐carotene extraction, at 128 mg/100g hairy roots, was achieved with a ratio volume (v/v) of 2‐propanol and plant samples of 20:1, followed by two hours’ incubation with 2‐propanol at 60 °C. Our study reveals a highly efficient protocol for Vietnamese carrot hairy root establishment and multiplication. A very efficient protocol for β‐carotene extraction from the hairy root was established to produce natural β‐carotene that achieves the same β‐carotene quantity as that produced by normal roots. This study provides new insight into the production of high‐content and natural β‐carotene for therapeutic application

    The effect of trust on consumers’ online purchase intention: An integration of TAM and TPB

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of different factors on Vietnamese consumers’ online shopping intention based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). A questionnaire was designed and sent directly to the respondents through the Internet. After 5 months period of collecting the necessary data, 423 valid replies were collected and analyzed. The data were analyzed in accordance with exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and multiple regression techniques. The results show that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, subjective norm and trust had positive effects on consumers’ online shopping intention

    Investigation of Sodium Manganese Oxide Nanowires Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method for Alkaline Ion Battery

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    Sodium Manganese Oxide (NaxMnO2) has attracted much attention as cathode materials for alkaline ion battery due to the ability of fast charge and discharge ion Na+, in particular in nanoscale. We report on the synthesis of NaxMnO2 nanowires via hydrothermal synthesis route from Mn2O3 and NaOH solution. The morphological observation indicates that the obtained Na0.44MnO2 nanowires with diameters of about 20-30 nm, length up to several micrometers were formed by this process. The electrochemical properties of fabricated materials were investigated by means of cyclic voltammetry technique and show that Sodium Manganese Oxide (NaxMnO2) is a promising material in the field of research and fabrication alkaline ion battery

    Nanoparticles as a control for cyanobacterial bloom

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    This study aims to investigate the toxicity of copper material synthesized by chemical reduction method and effects of environmental variables on growth of phytoplankton community (dominated by Microcystis genus) in the Tien eutrophic lake, Hanoi, Vietnam. The variables analyzed include: physical (pH and Turbidity), chemical (content of NH4+, PO43- and copper metal), biological (content of Chlorophyll-a, cell density). The characteristic of nanomaterial was confirmed by using UVvisible spectrophotometer, XRD, SEM and TEM methods. The CuNPs showed they spherical form and uniform size about 20-40 nm. The experimental results showed that the treated with CuNPs inhibition on growth against phytoplankton after 8 days. The cell density of phytoplankton community and Microcystis genus in samples exposure with CuNPs declined after 8 days from 647.037 and 467.037 down to 381.111 and 202.592, respectively.Mục đích của nghiên cứu này là khảo sát độc tính của vật liệu nano đồng được tổng hợp bằng phương pháp khử hóa học và ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố môi trường đến sinh trưởng và phát triển của quần xã thực vật nổi (chủ yếu là chi Microcystis) trong nước hồ Tiền phú dưỡng, tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam. Các thông số phân tích bao gồm: thủy lý (pH và độ đục), hóa học (hàm lượng amoni, photphat và hàm lượng đồng kim loại), sinh học (hàm lượng chất diệp lục, mật độ tế bào). Đặc trưng của vật liệu được xác định bằng các phương pháp quang phổ UV-VIS, XRD, SEM và TEM. Vật liệu nano đồng có dạng hình cầu, kích thước đồng nhất từ 20 đến 40 nm. Kết quả thử nghiệm sau 8 ngày cho thấy các mẫu có bổ sung vật liệu nano đồng ức chế sinh trưởng quần xã thực vật nổi ở nồng độ 1mg/l. Mật độ quần xã thực vật nổi và chi Microcystis trong mẫu xử lý với CuNPs đã giảm tương ứng sau 8 ngày từ 647.037 và 467.037 xuống còn 381.111 và 202.592

    Factors Influence on Promotion Mix in E-marketing: Case of Technology Services Enterprise in Vietnam

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    Purpose: The objective of this study is to clarify factors affecting the promotion mix in E-Marketing, with specific target audience being enterprises operating in the technology service industry in Vietnam.   Theoretical framework: Based on the promotion theory and social exchange theory, this study focuses on the factors that influence on the promotion decision in firms.   Design/Methodology/Approach: This study applies both qualitative and quantitative methods with data collected from a questionnaire survey.   Findings: There are 4 factors respectively Sales Promotion, Advertising, Public Relations and Personal Selling that affect the mixed promotion activities in E-Marketing of technology service enterprises in Vietnam.   Research, practical & social implications: This study propose solutions to improve the promotion activities in the e – marketing of firms in Vietnam.   Originality/Value: This study is one of the early studies that have focused in this field in Vietnam.Propósito: El objetivo de este estudio es aclarar los factores que afectan la combinación de promoción en E-Marketing, con un público objetivo específico que son las empresas que operan en la industria de servicios de tecnología en Vietnam. Marco teórico: Basado en la teoría de la promoción y la teoría del intercambio social, este estudio se centra en los factores que influyen en la decisión de promoción en las empresas. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: este estudio aplica métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos con datos recopilados de una encuesta de cuestionario. Hallazgos: Existen 4 factores, respectivamente, Promoción de Ventas, Publicidad, Relaciones Públicas y Ventas Personales que afectan las actividades mixtas de promoción en E-Marketing de las empresas de servicios de tecnología en Vietnam. Implicaciones de investigación, prácticas y sociales: este estudio propone soluciones para mejorar las actividades de promoción en el marketing electrónico de las empresas en Vietnam. Originalidad/valor: Este estudio es uno de los primeros que se han centrado en este campo en Vietnam.Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é esclarecer os fatores que afetam o mix de promoção no E-Marketing, tendo como público-alvo específico as empresas que operam no setor de serviços de tecnologia no Vietnã.. Referencial teórico: Com base na teoria da promoção e na teoria das trocas sociais, este estudo se concentra nos fatores que influenciam a decisão de promoção nas empresas.. Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: Este estudo aplica métodos qualitativos e quantitativos com dados coletados de uma pesquisa por questionário. Resultados: Existem 4 fatores, respectivamente, Promoção de Vendas, Publicidade, Relações Públicas e Vendas Pessoais que afetam as atividades de promoção mista em E-Marketing de empresas de serviços de tecnologia no Vietnã. Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: Este estudo propõe soluções para melhorar as atividades de promoção no e – marketing de empresas no Vietnã. Originalidade/valor: Este estudo é um dos primeiros estudos que se concentraram neste campo no Vietnã. Palavras-chave:  Mix de promoção; E-Marketing; Serviços de tecnologia; Vietn

    Targeting effect of folate on cancer cell through curcumin carrier nano-system

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    Folate receptor (FR) is well known for its overexpression on surface of various cancer cell lines, which is identical to normal tissue. Folic-based targeting drug delivery systems, therefore, are one of the most effective targeting carriers that effectively bind to FR up-regulated cancer cells. Curcumin was used both for labeling and chemotherapy. The materials were characterized and structurally confirmed by FT-IR spectra, fluorescent images and FE-SEM images. Bioassays were conducted on HeLa and HT29 cancer cell lines after 4 and 12 hours. Results show that folic acid significantly enhanced both targeting efficiency and internalization of curcumin to FR-expressing cancer cells

    Short Tandem Repeats Used in Preimplantation Genetic Testing of Î’-Thalassemia: Genetic Polymorphisms For 15 Linked Loci in the Vietnamese Population

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    BACKGROUND: β-thalassemia is one of the most common monogenic diseases worldwide. Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) of β-thalassemia is performed to avoid affected pregnancies has become increasingly popular worldwide. In which, the indirect analysis using short tandem repeat (STRs) linking with HBB gene to detect different β-globin (HBB) gene mutation is a simple, accurate, economical and also provides additional control of contamination and allele-drop-out ADO. AIM: This study established microsatellite markers for PGT of Vietnamese β-thalassemia patient. METHODS: Fifteen (15) STRs gathered from 5 populations were identified by in silico tools within 1 Mb flanking the HBB gene. The multiplex PCR reaction was optimized and performed on 106 DNA samples from at-risk families. RESULTS: After estimating, PIC values were ≥ 0.7 for all markers, with expected heterozygosity and observed heterozygosity values ranged from 0.81 to 0.92 and 0.53 to 0.86, respectively. One hundred percent of individuals had at least seven heterozygous markers and were found to be heterozygous for at least two markers on either side of the HBB gene. The STRs panel was successfully performed on one at-risk family. CONCLUSION: In general, a pentadecaplex marker (all < 1 Mb from the HBB gene) assay was constituted for β-thalassemia PGT on Vietnamese population