120 research outputs found

    A stock-flow matching approach to evaluation of public training program in a high unemployment environment

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    Monthly panel (1998-2003) data from regional labor offices in Latvia are used to analyze the matching process in a high unemployment – low labor demand environment and to evaluate the impact of active labor market policy programs on outflows from unemployment. Results suggest that the hiring process is driven by a stock-flow rather than by a traditional matching function: the stock of unemployed at the beginning of the month and flow of vacancies arriving during the month are the key determinants of outflows from unemployment to employment, while stock of vacancies and inflow of unemployed do not play any significant role. We find positive and significant effect of training programs on outflows from unemployment to employment, thus providing strong evidence against recent cuts in training expenditures.stock-flow matching, augmented matching function, labor market policy, training, transition countries

    Gravity and magnetic study of the Luusika potential field anomaly

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    The high positive gravity anomaly values discovered by Estonian Land Board in 2010-2011 indicated gravity increase of 6.3 mGal in Luusika area. The ground-based magnetic survey identified magnetic anomaly within Luusika area and gave new information of the underlying rock unit magnetic properties. The ground-based magnetic measurements showed good correlation to the observed Bouguer anomaly. The depth estimation was done on the basis of Bouguer anomaly profiles. The calculations suggested that Luusika rock unit does likely not outcrop under sedimentary cover. The mean anomaly-mass center point (z) was estimated to be 2500 m whereas the calculated result of maximum limiting depth (zT) of the body top is 3000 m. The data were sufficient for creating models of causative source and testing different lithologies. For magnetic modeling the orientation of remanent magnetization was necessary to produce reliable model. Remanent magnetization was characterized by age-appropriate direction. The lithologies of Alutaguse domain and post-orogenic and anorogenic intrusions were simulated. Conclusions of the modelling are: 1. The depth (zT) to the top of the body is 600 ... 1800 m. 2. The density of Luusika Bouguer anomaly causative source is 2760 … 2920 kg/m3. 3. Magnetic anomaly is produced by rock unit with very high magnetic susceptibility values of = 20000 … 56000 × 10-6 SI compared to the background. Similar petrophysical properties are documented for post-orogenic and anorogenic plutons occurring in Estonian basement. The Luusika anomaly lies within the Middle-Estonia fault zone, which hosts several post-orogenic intrusions; as a result, it could be interpreted as Taadikvere-like rock unit. Also, a few rapakivi related intrusions (Abja and Sigula) discovered in Precambrian basement of Estonia could be proposed to be the source of the potential field anomalies. The modeling and comparison of petrophysical properties of lithologies suggest that Luusika causative source is intermediate to mafic rock by composition, similar to Abja, Sigula, or Taadikvere and probably related to presence of Middle-Estonian fault zone

    Transnational Municipal Networks: Local action on climate change through global networks

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    Transnational Municipal Networks (TMNs) are prominent networks in the international climate governance arena serving as drivers of and advocates for local action on climate change. The main objective of this exploratory research is to establish the relation between the internal governance structure of the TMNs and their ability to carry out certain types of activities. Internal governance encompasses the means through which a TMN regulates the authority and structure within the organization. External governance refers to interaction of the network with other stakeholders and the ability to respond to external pressures as well as to position the operation of the network in the multi-level climate governance arena. From the examined cases, namely ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40), and 100 Resilient Cities (100RC), and a networking event, it is clear that there is a considerable amount of similar internal governance practices utilised by networks with different historical backgrounds and structures. The applied analytical criteria, based on a framework developed by Kern and Bulkeley (2009), constituted such arrangements as information and communication, project funding and cooperation, and recognition, benchmarking and certification. These can be seen to be instrumental in delineating internal governance formation of the network. Considering key functional aspirations of TMNs which include learning, advocacy and financing, the examination of their internal governance architecture lead to the suggestion that there are preferred methods of internal governing capable of synergistic relation with the external governance dimensions and, hence, facilitating performance of their functions. Established patterns were evaluated in the context of international climate governance to reveal the importance of collaborative and cooperative interactions, climate negotiations and climate financing mechanisms in determining the factors potentially affecting the internal governance composition of TMNs

    Does training increase outflows from unemployment: evidence from Latvian regions

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    Monthly panel (1998-2003) data from regional labor offices in Latvia are used to conclude on the specificity of matching process in this transition economy and to evaluate the impact of active labor market policy programs on outflows from unemployment. Results confirm that the hiring process is driven by stock-flow matching rather than by traditional matching function: stock of unemployed at the beginning of the month and vacancies arriving during the month are the key determinants of outflow from unemployment to employment, while stock of vacancies and inflow of unemployed are not significant. In the context of such “correct” specification of the matching process, the policy evaluation is performed. We find positive and very significant effect of training on outflows from unemployment to employment, thus providing some evidence against cuts in training expenditures. Fixed effects estimates allow discriminating between regions in terms of matching efficiency. JEL: J41, J64, J68 Keywords: stock-flow matching, augmented matching function, labour market policy, trainin

    A Hybrid WKB-Galerkin Method and its Application

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    40% percent of crops are lost every year due to plant diseases. It is physically difficult for people to detect plant diseases in large-scale fields, especially at an early stage. The paper deals with the YoloV5 neural network training using different technologies. The neural network is trained to classify plant species and their diseases using photographs. The open access dataset PlantDoc was used for training. PlantDoc provides 2,569 images of 13 plant species and 27 classes for image classification and object detection. For the purity of the experiment, training was performed 10 times without changing the parameters. As a result of each training, we had obtained testing data on which we could draw conclusions

    Pakri poolsaare Uuga paljandi läbilõike magnetiline vastuvõtlikkus

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    The Luusika potential field anomaly, eastern Estonia: modelling results

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    This study considers the anomalous gravity and magnetic fields in the Alutaguse petrological–structural domain, eastern Estonia. A 10 km wide local maximum (+6.26 mGal) Bouguer anomaly field was discovered at 58.96°N, 26.61°E from the ground gravity data by the Estonian Land Board in 2010–2011. The ground magnetic field intensity measurements indicated a positive magnetic anomaly of 600 nT, in addition to the local gravity maximum. Based on depth estimations, the centre of the anomaly source is placed at 2500–3000 m within the ~1.8 to 1.9 Ga Svecofennian basement. To provide information on the physical properties of the causative source of the anomalies, the geophysical modelling of potential fields was carried out by testing a number of lithologies as sources. The lithologies considered were the known post-orogenic and anorogenic magmatic intrusions in the Estonian basement, as well as typical metamorphic rocks of the Alutaguse domain. The obtained models indicate that the Luusika feature has a range of densities from 2760 to 2920 kg/m3 and magnetic susceptibilities from 20 000 × 10–6 to 56 000 × 10–6 SI. These models suggest that the Luusika causative source is an intermediate to the mafic rock unit, similar to post-orogenic or anorogenic massifs of the Svecofennian basement of Estonia

    Magnetic susceptibility of Middle Ordovician sedimentary rocks, Pakri Peninsula, NW Estonia

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    Magnetic susceptibility (MS), its frequency-dependence and anisotropy of the Middle Ordovician Dapingian and Darriwilian sedimentary sequence from three sites (Uuga, Testepere and Leetse) in the Pakri Peninsula, NW Estonia are analysed in combination with the mineralogical composition. The study is based on 463 cores drilled at intervals of a few centimetres to a maximum of about 1 m. All the samples show low and positive MS, which suggests the presence of small quantities of paraand/or ferromagnetic minerals. The stratigraphic units of the three studied sites have a similar along-section appearance, which provides a base for a composite curve. The relatively higher susceptibilities are carried by secondary Fe-Ti oxides (Toila Formation), goethite ooids (Kandle Formation) and ferrous dolomite (Pae Member), whereas paramagnetic minerals are mostly responsible for the rest of the sequence. Considering the dependence of MS on regressive transgressive cycles (high/low MS within deposits of regressive/transgressive parts of the cycles, respectively), the MS data do not agree with sedimentologically derived sea-level compilations. The measured changes in MS in the Pakri Peninsula outcrops correlate at certain characteristic levels with those deposited in the deeper part of the palaeobasin (Viki core), indicating that the post-depositional iron mobilization within the sediments took place at least at a regional level. Because of post-depositional reorganization of ferromagnetic carrier minerals, the MS values may, however, not be used as a detrital proxy.Peer reviewe