40 research outputs found

    The implementation of problem-based learning in Ukrainian higher educational institutions

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    The article deals with the problem-based learning (PBL) that combines theoretical knowledge and practice in the educational process. PBL is an effective learning method through which the students become responsible and initiative. PBL main goals, principles and steps of implementation are observed in the article. PBL is a constructive, self-directed, collaborative and contextual process and has the potential to prepare students more effectively for future learning and profession. The main objectives of PBL are described in the article: constructing an extensive and flexible knowledge base; developing effective problem-solving abilities; becoming effective collaborators; being motivated to learn, work and research. It is cleared up that PBL focuses on practical learning where students solve real life badly structured problems. It is shown that the educational process is organized around the interdisciplinary problems and it can help students to learn integrally. The participants of problem-based learning process have to plan, monitor and evaluate the learning process actively, interpret prior knowledge and experience and after their self-study and mutual interaction within the group, they are able to construct and reconstruct their knowledge networks. The author states that implementation of PBL in the educational process gives students a sense of ownership over their learning and empowers participants with valuable skills that motivate students to learn and ability to achieve good results. The main ways of implementation of PBL in Ukrainian higher educational institutions and some recommendations are given in the article


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    The article deals with the problem of using multimedia presentations in the English lessons. Effectiveness of teaching is impossible without introducing new forms of organising the studying process. One of the main ways to implement this idea is using multimedia technologies. Using multimedia presentations gives teachers an opportunity to intensify the process of teaching English, to make it more visual anddynamic


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    Despite the numerous benefits of ICT, their rapid and constant development has created a number of rather negative side effects. One of these is the problem of cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying is defined as an aggressive, intentional act made by a group or an individual using electronic forms of contact repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him- or herself. Cyber-bullying refers to bullying and harassment of others by means of new electronic technologies, primarily mobile phones and the Internet. Currently cyber-bullying has received significant media attention as certain cases have resulted in civil and criminal law suits filed against a perpetrator and/or a school. This article thus highlights the limitation of on rights of cyber-bullying victims among teenagers; authors discuss potential problems with such an approach. They also discuss current cyber-bullying prevention practices. The results have important implications for the types of strategies used to enhance the approachability of school staff and families to provide appropriate help and support for young people being bullied.


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    The article is devoted to the problem-based learning that creates a link between theoretical knowledge and practice in the educational process. Main goals of the PBL are considered in the paper. These are: developing group learning environments; helping students to learn and understand curriculum contents; helping students to acquire problem solving skills (to be used in future professional practice); improving communication and professional interaction

    Урахування індивідуального навчального стилю про¬фесійно орієнтованого англомовного спілкування в умовах автономного навчання студента

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    The article is devoted to the problem of considering the student’s individual learning styles in the process of foreign language learning in the autonomous learning environment. The article provides a definitive analysis of the term “learning style”. It is cleared up that learning styles are composed of three groups of factors that influence the intellectual and psychological processes of the foreign language learning: channels of perception; psychological types; styles of thinking. Each group of factors consists of a series of cognitive styles that are based on the classifications of different researchers. The channels of perception include: visual, auditory and tactile (kinesthetic and mechanical). The bases of psychological types are various combinations of the following types: introverted and extroverted, random and sequential, concrete and intuitive, perceptive and evaluative. Styles of thinking or cognitive educational styles include such binary properties as field-dependent and field-independent, impulsive and reflective, global and particular, synthesizing and analytic, sharpeners and levelers, deductive and inductive, metaphoric and literal and others. It has been discovered that all types of thinking styles can be combined into a common two-way concept, which is divided into two groups: holistic and analytic. The article describes the types of educational activities that are inherent in different educational styles. It is proved that the proposed classification of three groups of factors is optimal for the further development of autonomous learning of professionally oriented English-speaking communication of students. In the article the interrelated aspects of educational styles are observed, as well as the algorithm of organization of educational activities of students with different individual educational styles is considered.Стаття присвячена проблемі врахування індивідуального навчального стилю студента у процесі вивчення іноземної мови в умовах автономного навчання. У статті подано дефінітивний аналіз терміну “начальний стиль” і з’ясовано, що навчальні стилі формуються з трьох груп факторів, які впливають на інтелектуальні і психологічні процеси засвоєння іноземної мови: канали сприйняття; психологічні типи; стилі мислення. Кожна група факторів складається з низки когнітивних стилів, які взяті за основу класифікацій різних дослідників. У статті описані види навчальної діяльності, які притаманні різним навчальним стилям. Доведено, що запропонована класифікація за трьома групами факторів є оптимальною для подальшого розвитку автономного навчання професійно орієнтованого англомовного спілкування студентів. У статті розглянуто взаємопов’язані аспекти навчальних стилів, а також запропоновано алгоритм організації навчальної діяльності з урахуванням індивідуальних навчальних стилів студентів


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    The problem-based learning of a foreign language is aimed to develop students’ creativity, increase their motivation, autonomy, experience future profession tasks, and improve cognitive and communicative skills. The purpose of the article is to justify the efficiency of forming communicative skills of intending educators by means of problem-based tasks within the discipline “English for Professional Communication”. The objective of the article is to report about the results of using problem-based tasks in students’ acquisition of course content and in formation of students’ linguistic competence. In order to test the theoretical statements of using problem-based tasks in foreign language acquisition, a diagnostic experimental study was conducted. It was aimed at identifying cognitive-communicative needs and opportunities of students in solving problem tasks. The study included: experimental training, diagnostic tests and questionnaires for students and teachers. As a result, the cognitive and communicative needs and opportunities of students to solve problem tasks were determined; the prospects of application of problem tasks in the development of creative thinking in the process of formation and development of skills of foreign language communication were revealed. The experiment data enable to conclude that regular using of problem-based tasks marked positive impact on formation of students’ linguistic competence. Phonetic, lexical and grammatical skills have improved due to communication with peers and self-control during solving problem tasks. The overall results of the study affirm the enhancement of students’ speaking skills (monologue, dialogue, polylogue skills).   


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    The article is dedicated to the problem of using learning strategies in the process of ESP acquisition of intending educators. The authors analyzed the methodological literature on the research topic, on the basis of which the definitions and main characteristics of learning strategies, as well as the implicit and explicit ways of using the strategies in the process of ESP acquisition of intending educators, are presented. R. Oxford’s explicit model of using the instruction-based learning strategies is considered in detail: an algorithm for its use is presented, as well as the basic rules that should be followed in the process of using the model. During the experimental teaching of ESP of intending teachers, R. Oxford’s explicit model of using the instruction-based learning strategies was tested. At the beginning and the end of the experimental training, the questionnaires were conducted to establish the level of proficiency in the learning strategies, as well as the control testing was performed to define the level of ESP acquisition of intending educators. The results of the research confirmed the effectiveness of the used model, which showed an increase in the level of proficiency in the strategies: effective memorization, mental processes, compensatory ability, organization of education and its assessment, management of emotions and collaboration with other students. In turn, the increase in the level of proficiency in the learning strategies was positively reflected in the level of ESP acquisition of intending educators.

    Wind-driven summer surface hydrography of the eastern Siberian shelf

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    High interannual variability of summer surface salinity over the Laptev and East Siberian Sea shelves derived from historical records of the 1950s–2000s is attributed to atmospheric vorticity variations. In the cyclonic regime (positive vorticity) the eastward diversion of the Laptev Sea riverine water results in a negative salinity anomaly to the east of the Lena Delta and farther to the East Siberian Sea, and a positive anomaly to the north of the Lena Delta. Anticyclonic (negative) vorticity results in negative salinity anomalies northward from the Lena Delta due to freshwater advection toward the north, and a corresponding salinity increase eastward


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    The study intends to expand a methodology of shaping intending educators’ ethical culture. The examples of effective techniques that were used in a teacher-training process are provided. Some samples of authentic pedagogical cases created by teachers and students are presented. The main stages of work on the formulation of the “Teacher’s Code of Ethics” are revealed. Such interaction methods as “Brain Storming”, “Decision Tree” are given. Fragments of the lesson “Pedagogical techniques in the structure of pedagogical communication of a teacher” are described, where students analyze videos on pedagogical topics, identify phrases that violate the ethical norms of the teaching profession and choose alternatives.The excerpts from the works of intending educators, where students reflect on the teachers’ functions and responsibilities, are analysed. A structured set of traditional (lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes) and innovative (brainstorming, role-playing, case studies, decision tree, pedagogical marathon, etc.) methods, which accelerate students’ gradual progress to the highest creative level of ethic culture is presented. Such organization of the educational process reflects the developmental changes from intuitive actions in different situations on the basis of initial ethics knowledge to the willingness of intending educators to work independently, guided by high-minded principles and norms in professional situations.

    Explicit models for foreign language strategy learning of pre-service teachers at university level

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    The purpose of the article is to prove theoretically and check experimentally the effectiveness of explicit models for language learning strategies based on the instructions in the process of professionally oriented English communication. The hypothesis of the research implies that the level of professional English communicative competence will increase in the case of combining such models as “top-down” and “bottom-up” while professionally oriented English communication. The study employed the mixed research design method as quantitative (Likert’s scale, Bespalko’s learning coefficient, Fisher’s criterion) and qualitative (interpretation of questionnaire results) methods. The levels of explicit models using for language learning strategies are defined by the results of the conducted survey of 116 pre-service teachers of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. One of the conditions of experimental learning is a sequence of stages in the process of applying two explicit models for language strategy learning instruction “top-down” and “bottom-up” in the process of pre-service teachers’ professionally oriented English communication. Findings. The results of the control test at the final step of the experiment have confirmed the effectiveness of two variants of explicit models for language strategy learning instruction in the process of professionally oriented English communication. The analysis of experimental training results has shown the formation of professionally oriented English communicative competence at the level B2, as well as a significant increase in the participants’ knowledge, skills and abilities of foreign language learning strategies. Implications for research and practice. Combining “top-down” and “bottom-up” explicit models for language learning strategy instruction contributes to more effective assimilation and expansion of the repertoire of learning and communicative strategies and improves professionally oriented English communicative competence of pre-school teachers at university level