566 research outputs found

    Distribution and Management of Phytophthora Species on Lavender in the United States

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    Phytophthora root and crown rot (PRCR) is currently the most important disease on lavender (Lavandula spp.) in the United States. The disease was first described on English lavender (L. angustifolia) in a Maryland nursery in 1991, with Phytophthora nicotianae as the causal agent. Since that time, the disease has been reported on multiple continents and as caused by several species of Phytophthora. This study examined the distribution and pathogenicity of Phytophthora species on lavender in the United States, requested lavender grower feedback regarding their production and concerns, and examined efficacy of selected management options. Lavender is grown in all regions of the United States, with L. angustifolia and L. ×intermedia as the most common species planted. In collaboration with the U. S. Lavender Growers Association, samples of diseased lavender plants were collected from growers across the country over a 5-year period, 2015-2019. PRCR was found to be caused primarily by P. nicotianae, which was found in each of the 24 states from which PRCR positive samples were obtained, making it also the most widespread of the causal agents. Phytophthora palmivora and P. citrophthora were the next most abundant species found associated with symptomatic lavender; P. cinnamomi, P. tropicalis, P. cryptogea, P. sansomeana, P. cactorum, P. drechsleri, and P. megasperma were recovered from plant samples infrequently. Using Koch’s postulates, P. nicotianae, P. palmivora, and P. cinnamomi were documented for the first time as pathogenic on L. ×intermedia; P. cryptogea and P. drechsleri as pathogenic on L. angustifolia; P. nicotianae as pathogenic on L. heterophylla; and P. tropicalis as potentially pathogenic on L. ×intermedia. Additionally, first reports of pathogenicity of P. palmivora and P. citrophthora on L. angustifolia in the United States were documented. Some fungicides that target oomycete plant pathogens were shown to effectively manage P. nicotianae on L. angustifolia under greenhouse conditions. The phosphonate products, containing the active ingredients mono- and di-potassium salts of phosphorous acid or aluminum tris (O-ethyl phosphonate), provided the best protection in repeated trials based on several disease parameters. Attempts to remediate infested field soil using a quaternary ammonia product had some success but did not eradicate the pathogen. This study serves as a foundation for future research on Phytophthora root and crown rot of lavender, the most significant disease affecting this increasingly important specialty crop, in the United States


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    In fragmenting the human figure, I hope to express loss of control or the inability to know one’s future. On a daily basis, I am bombarded with this anxiety-ridden dilemma. In my work, this struggle manifests itself in the figures’ expressions and poses. The seamless integration of figures into the background can be seen as their successful ability to merge with their changing environment; in other words, a positive adaptation of self. At other times, the figure-background dichotomy represents the struggle to adapt to change and maintain a constantly evolving, healthy self. In some works, the figures are rooted in their environments, and in others they are more detached. The loss of the figure’s foundation represents his or her inability to adapt to a given situation. Some figures reach out blindly with closed eyes; others are upside-down, lost in vertigo. The different situations the figures are placed in abstractly represent their issues: the cards they are given and how they choose to play them. The paintings shown here are executed on Homasote board rather than traditional canvas. The board supports mark-making techniques such as scraping, incising and stabbing which the canvas cannot; the surface records my approach to painting, by turns aggressive and delicate. I use rigid fragmentation of space and perspective as well as inverted figures to express the internal conflict that arises from making everyday decisions. This conflict, an argument with oneself, is represented through the multiple depictions of a single individual. There is a sense of irony to my work. Even as the figures strive for answers, I believe people try too hard to seek them. I think it is more important to focus on questions and to wrestle with them. This is analogous to the process of making a painting; I want my work to contain a spirit of questioning as well as the struggle to find answers

    The Employment Relation from the Transactions Cost Perspective

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    Reintroducing Invention to Innovation: Investigating the White Space in Marketing Innovation

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    This project investigates the relationship between rhetorical theory and marketing innovation as practiced in the consumer packaged goods industry. Marketing innovation, or the development of new products, product features (including packaging and messaging), and services, is a process-heavy practice often resulting in incremental or novelty innovations that do not drive long-term marketplace success for consumer packaged goods companies. The history of innovation in consumer packaged goods companies is generally rooted in new-to-world innovations that meet a defined consumer audience\u27s need or fill a gap in the marketplace. Over the past seven decades, this included developing packaged products that helped people live their everyday lives a bit more easily, like packaged food products. From post-World War II through the late 1980\u27s, consumer packaged goods companies, through their marketing innovation efforts, launched thousands of innovations, flooding the marketplace with new products, both new-to-world products and incremental innovations. Beginning in the mid 2000\u27s, the consumer packaged goods industry began to experience significant sales declines that continue today, forcing industry consolidation and a renewed charge for true innovation in the industry. The primary question driving this project is, can rhetorical theory provide ground for an alternative approach to marketing innovation, favoring true innovation over novelty? In investigating the consumer packaged goods innovation process, it was discovered that the practice of marketing innovation often emphasizes process over content. Working with the concepts of rhetorical invention as designed by Cicero and Aristotle, it is proposed that key principles within invention may offer a starting point for refocusing the innovation process toward content and away from process. This study will explore the background of the consumer packaged goods industry and its roots in the American economy and within the communities in which its companies operate. It will review the standard consumer packaged goods innovation process, followed by an exploration of Cicero and Aristotle\u27s concepts of rhetorical invention. It will then offer support via prominent marketplace literature and real world case studies that demonstrate the potential for invention as a grounding principle for the innovation process

    And There Is a Man

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    Simulation approach for a solution of turbocharger rotordynamic noise

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    The paper presents results of systematic computational and experimental investigations of rotordynamic induced vibrations and noise of turbochargers. The proposed solution approach is based on a combination of a virtual turbocharger and finite element method calculations of structural or acoustic domains. The virtual turbocharger is a computational model enabling simulations of rotordynamics in the time domain by multibody dynamics software. Structural vibrations and emitted noise of the turbocharger are computed by finite element method based on excitation forces calculated by the virtual turbocharger. The solution approach is proposed to rapidly calculate vibroacoustic behaviour of newly designed turbochargers in a development phase. Main results are applied on a turbocharger of diesel engine of heavy-duty vehicle

    Der Septin-assoziierte RhoGEF:Ein neuer Interaktionspartner des Zellpolaritäts- und Gerüstproteins PATJ

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    Zellpolarität ist für alle eukaryoten Zellen eine fundamentale Eigenschaft und für Zelldifferenzierung, Zellmigration sowie Morphogenese entscheidend. Für ein besseres Verständnis von Zellpolarität in Podozyten wurde mit dem Zellpolaritäts- und Gerüstprotein PATJ mittels eines Hefesystems nach neuen Interaktionspartnern gescreent. Es wurde SA-RhoGEF als besonders interessanter Interaktionspartner aufgrund des engen Zusammenhangs zwischen Zellpolarität und Aktinzystoskelett identifiziert und die Interaktion mit PATJ verifiziert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass für die Interaktion die PDZ 2-Domäne von PATJ und das PDZ-Bindungsmotiv von SA-RhoGEF mitverantwortlich sind. Zudem wurde SA-RhoGEF in verschiedenen tubulären und podozytären Strukturen der Niere identifiziert. Die Ergebnisse deuten daraufhin, dass PATJ SA-RhoGEF zur Vermittlung lokaler GTPase- Aktivität rekrutiert, was Veränderungen im Aktinzytoskelett bewirkt und zum Aufbau von Zellpolarität beiträgt

    Four Poems

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