21 research outputs found

    Elastic and Diffractive Scattering after AdS/CFT

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    At high energies, elastic hadronic cross sections are believed to be dominated by vacuum exchange. In leading order of the leading 1/Nc1/N_c expansion this exchange process has been identified as the BFKL {\em Pomeron} or its strong AdS dual the closed string graviton \cite{Brower:2006ea}. However difference of particle anti-particle cross sections are given by a so-called {\em Odderon} carrying C = -1 quantum numbers identified in weak coupling with odd numbers of exchanged gluons. Here we show that the dual description associates this with the Neveu-Schwartz (BμνB_{\mu\nu}) sector of closed string theory. We also discuss the extension of the strong coupling treatment to central diffractive Higgs production at LHC.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; presented at International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering, EDS'09, CERN, July 3, 200

    Being a Christian or a Muslim -How?- The Question Is Now

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    Christianity and Islam can do a great deal for the cause of human justice and interethnic peace. The most important task today is to work on reconciliation and on creating an atmosphere of mutual t1ust. This is the only way in which we can avoid the Balkans being once again, in the future, a region with an excess of history. But as regards the Church and Islam, they must work on a theology that will ensure mutual respect and eliminate mutual prejudices. However, a theology of this kind has yet to feature in our Eastern Orthodoxy

    From Religious Tolerance to Mutual Cooperation in the Balkans

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    Saturation and Confinement: Analyticity, Unitarity and AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    In 1/Nc1/N_c expansion, analyticity and crossing lead to crossing even and odd (C=±1C=\pm 1) vacuum exchanges at high-energy, the {\em Pomeron} and the {\em Odderon}. We discuss how, using {\em String/Gauge duality}, these can be identified with a reggeized {\em Graviton} and the anti-symmetric {\em Kalb-Ramond fields} in AdSAdS background. With confinement, these Regge singularities interpolate with glueball states. We also discuss unitarization based on eikonal sum in AdSAdS.Comment: more references added. presented at ISMD 2008, 15-20 Sept. 200

    Conformal Pomeron and Odderon in Strong Coupling

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    We discuss how exact conformal invariance in the strong coupling leads naturally through AdS/CFT correspondence to a systematic expansion for the Pomeron and Odderon intercepts in power of λ−1/2\lambda^{-1/2}, with λ=g2Nc\lambda=g^2N_c the 't Hooft coupling. We also point out the importance of confinement for a realistic treatment of DIS in the HERA energy range.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, presented at the 2013 Low-x Workshop, May 30 - June 4 2013, Rehovot and Eilat, Israe

    Olanzapine-focus on the cardiometabolic side effects

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    In this article, we review the recent findings concerning weight gain, diabetes mellitus (DM), hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular side effects in patients receiving olanzapine. It will consider the OLZ is associated with an increase in metabolic syndrome or cardiovascular events, and knowledge of these risks is crucial for further monitoring of patients with OLZ-treatment. Although it is one of the most commonly prescribed and effective AATPs, olanzapine causes the most weight gain and metabolic impairments in humans. As not-ed with glucose abnormalities and antipsychotics, olanzap-ine has the greatest propensity for causing proatherogenic hyperlipidemia. The mechanism of dyslipidemia with OLZ is poorly understood, but OLZ has been shown to increase lipogenesis, reduce lipolysis, and enhance the antilipolytic effects of insulin in adipocytes. Olanzapine can induce car-diomyopathy in selected patients. Taken together, all mentioned data indicate that interventions aimed at the amelioration of obesity and cardiovascular illness need to be as multipronged and complex as the contrib-uting psychosocial, behavioural, and biological factors that make obesity and cardiovascular illness more likely in patients with severe mental illness, including schizophrenia

    Sagnac Rotational Phase Shifts in a Mesoscopic Electron Interferometer with Spin-Orbit Interactions

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    The Sagnac effect is an important phase coherent effect in optical and atom interferometers where rotations of the interferometer with respect to an inertial reference frame result in a shift in the interference pattern proportional to the rotation rate. Here we analyze for the first time the Sagnac effect in a mesoscopic semiconductor electron interferometer. We include in our analysis Rashba spin-orbit interactions in the ring. Our results indicate that spin-orbit interactions increase the rotation induced phase shift. We discuss the potential experimental observability of the Sagnac phase shift in such mesoscopic systems

    Quantum bistability and spin current shot noise of a single quantum dot coupled to an optical microcavity

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    Here we explore spin dependent quantum transport through a single quantum dot coupled to an optical microcavity. The spin current is generated by electron tunneling between a single doped reservoir and the dot combined with intradot spin flip transitions induced by a quantized cavity mode. In the limit of strong Coulomb blockade, this model is analogous to the Jaynes-Cummings model in quantum optics and generates a pure spin current in the absence of any charge current. Earlier research has shown that in the classical limit where a large number of such dots interact with the cavity field, the spin current exhibits bistability as a function of the laser amplitude that drives the cavity. We show that in the limit of a single quantum dot this bistability continues to be present in the intracavity photon statistics. Signatures of the bistable photon statistics manifest themselves in the frequency dependent shot noise of the spin current despite the fact that the quantum mechanical average spin current no longer exhibits bistability. Besides having significance for future quantum dot based optoelectronic devices, our results shed light on the relation between bistability, which is traditionally viewed as a classical effect, and quantum mechanics