331 research outputs found

    Uticaj nivoa proteina u obroku na proizvodne rezultate i mortalitet fazančića gajenih u kontrolisanim uslovima

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    The effects of different levels of dietary protein content and population density in growing pheasants, up to the age of 42 days, on production results and mortality have been studied in this paper. The experiment was set as a two factorial study (2 x 2). Factor A was the influence of crude proteins in the diet (A1 = 26% up to 4 weeks of age and 20% from 4 up to 6 weeks of age; A2 = 30% crude proteins up to 4 weeks of age and 24% from 4 up to 6 weeks of age). Factor B was the population density (B1 = 450 and B2 = 550 birds/group). The total number of birds in the trial was n= 2000. Body mass was measured at hatching, 15 and 42 days of age. Up to 15 days of age the pheasants were housed in cages, but thereon they were reared under floor conditions with free access to outdoors. The highest body mass measured at 42 days of age (457.07 g) and the utmost daily body mass increase (4.22 for the first period of growth and 13.31 for the second) was achieved by the pheasants which were fed a diet with the highest protein content (30% in the first stage and 24% in the second) and reared at a lower population density (450 birds/group). These differences were significant (p lt 0.01). On comparison with the available literature data the mortality was at a satisfactory level (1.27 - 3.00%) and was not influenced by the studied factors. The mortality values were numerically higher for all treatments for the period up to 15 days (0.73 - 2.70%) compared to the period from 15 up to 42 days of age (0.44-1.00%). Based upon the obtained results and the previously published literature data it can be concluded that feedstuff protein content is the key factor required in order to obtain satisfactory final body weight and subsequently good quality material for the repopulation of hunting grounds.U eksperimentu je ispitivan uticaj nivoa proteina u obroku i gustine naseljenosti fazančića u odgajivalištima, do 42. dana starosti, na proizvodne rezultate i procenat mortaliteta. Eksperiment je postavljen kao dvofaktorijalni ogled (2x2), gde je faktor A bio procenat sirovih proteina u obroku (A1 = 26% do kraja 4. nedelje i 20% od kraja 4. do kraja 6. nedelje života; A2=30% do kraja 4. nedelje i 24% od kraja 4. do kraja 6. nedelje) a faktor B gustina naseljenosti (B1=450 i B2=550 jedinki po grupi). Ukupan broj životinja u eksperimentu je bio 2000. Merenje mase fazančića vršeno je odmah po rođenju, 15. i 42. dana života. Do 15. dana života fazančići su držani u kavezima a u drugoj fazi gajenja u podnom sistemu sa ispustima. Najveću telesnu masu izmerenu 42. dana starosti (457,07 g) i najveći dnevni prirast (4,22 g za prvi period odgajivanja i 13,31 g za drugi period) ostvarili su fazančići koji su hranjeni smešom sa većim nivoom proteina (30% u prvoj fazi odnosno 24% u drugoj fazi), kao i pri manjoj gustini naseljenosti (450 jedinki po grupi). Ove razlike su bile signifikantne (p lt 0,01). U poređenju sa drugim literaturnim podacima, mortalitet fazančića je bio zadovoljavajući (1,27-3,00%) i nije bio pod uticajem ispitivanih faktora. Vrednosti mortaliteta su bile numerički veće u svim tretmanima za period odgajivanja do 15. dana (0,73-2,7%) u odnosu na period od 15. do 42. dana (0,44-1%). S obzirom na rezultate iz ovog eksperimenta kao i na brojne literaturne podatke, može se zaključiti da je odgovarajući nivo proteina u smeši za odgoj fazanskih pilića ključni faktor za postizanje visokih završnih masa, a samim tim i za dobijanje kvalitetnog materijala kojim će se naseljavati lovišta

    p-Adic and Adelic Harmonic Oscillator with Time-Dependent Frequency

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    The classical and quantum formalism for a p-adic and adelic harmonic oscillator with time-dependent frequency is developed, and general formulae for main theoretical quantities are obtained. In particular, the p-adic propagator is calculated, and the existence of a simple vacuum state as well as adelic quantum dynamics is shown. Space discreteness and p-adic quantum-mechanical phase are noted.Comment: 10 page

    Continuity of spectrum and approximate point spectrum on operator matrices

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    AbstractLet X and Y be given Banach spaces. For A∈B(X), B∈B(Y) and C∈B(Y,X), let MC be the operator defined on X⊕Y by MC=[AC0B]. In this paper we give conditions for continuity of τ at MC through continuity of τ at A and B, where τ can be equal to the spectrum or approximate point spectrum

    Wetting and drying numerical treatments for the Roe Riemann scheme

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis via the DOI in this recordAccurate characterization of wetting-drying fronts in free surface flows is challenging because it is difficult and computationally demanding to track the exact position of the interface. This work presents a novel numerical treatment of the wetting-drying fronts applied to an approximate Roe Riemann solver and compares it to four other approaches. The numerical treatments were implemented both for the shallow water equations and for the local inertial equations. The results of this comparison overall showed a good agreement. For the tests conducted it was verified that element removal numerical treatments with global distributing of water can introduce errors and degenerate the solution introducing or displacing water upstream. Local correction and flux restricting numerical treatments show the best results. The negative depth numerical treatments provided similar results to the local correction and flux restricting numerical treatment, although with mass conservation errors.This research was funded by the FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) through the doctoral grant [SFRH/BD/81869/2011] financed through the POPH/FSE (Programa Operacional Potencial Humano/Fundo Social Europeu) and the strategic project UID/MAR/04292/2013 granted by FCT to MARE

    p-Adic and Adelic Free Relativistic Particle

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    We consider spectral problem for a free relativistic particle in p-adic and adelic quantum mechanics. In particular, we found p-adic and adelic eigenfunctions. Within adelic approach there exist quantum states that exhibit discrete structure of spacetime at the Planck scale.Comment: 9 page

    Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Nile River Basin

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    This is the final version of the poster. Available from the Dresden Nexus Conference via the link in this recordThe Nile - a transboundary river • 11 riparian countries and home for about 250 million people • Rapid population, economic and urbanization growth are projected • Basin-wide planned development can result in regional cooperation or trigger conflicts • The nexus approach is relevant for addressing broader interdependency and managing interlinked resources in a holistic manne

    A novel approach to flood risk assessment: the Exposure-Vulnerability matrices

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    The classical approach to flood defence, focused on reducing the probability of flooding through hard defences, has been gradually substituted by flood risk management approach, which accepts the idea of coping with floods, and aims at reducing both probability and the consequences of flooding. In this view, the concept of vulnerability becomes central, such as the (non-structural) measures for its increment. However, the evaluations for the effectiveness and methods of non-structural measure and the vulnerability are less studied, compared to the structural solutions. In this paper, we adopted the Longano catchment in Sicily, Italy, as the case study. The methodology developed in the work enabled a qualitative evaluation of the consequences of floods, based on a crisscross analysis of vulnerability curves and classes of exposure for assets at risk. A GIS-based tool was used to evaluate each element at risk inside an Exposure-Vulnerability matrix. The construction of an E-V matrix allowed a better understanding of the actual situation within a catchment and the effectiveness of non-structural measures for a site. Referring directly to vulnerability can also estimate the possible consequences of an event even in those catchments where the damage data are absent. The instrument proposed can be useful for authorities responsible for development and periodical review of adaptive flood risk management plans

    The Nile Water, Food and Energy Nexus - A system dynamics model

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    This is the author accepted manuscript.Water, Food and Energy (WFE) are inextricably linked and the action in one sector would not only affect that sector but could have significant impacts on the other sectors. The WFE Nexus is challenging in transboundary rivers. Due to rapid population and economic growth in the riparian countries, each riparian country plans to utilize its own resources to meet the growing demands for WFE. This might boost cooperation or increase the potential conflict among the riparian countries, that makes the Nexus is a suitable approach for studying the WFE in a transboundary river like the Nile basin in the context of the Nexus approach. A System Dynamics model was built for the entire Nile River to investigate the WFE conditions in the basin. The model was tested for sensitivity to determine the most sensitive model parameters. Moreover, the developed model will be used to investigate the future of the WFE in the basin through stochastic simulations. Different filling policies of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, the dam operation after the filling process and their implications on the WFE on the basin will be assessed in the context of the WFE Nexus

    Flood risk assessment using a novel exposure-vulnerability matrices approach

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