7 research outputs found


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    Permanente dans la gestion des hĂ©ritages des dĂ©biteurs, la fraude successorale compromet considĂ©rablement les chances de paiement des dettes hĂ©rĂ©ditaires. Se traduisant tantĂŽt par le recel successoral de la part des hĂ©ritiers, tantĂŽt par le dĂ©tournement de pouvoir de la part des mandataires chargĂ©s de gĂ©rer les biens successoraux, elle entraĂźne une altĂ©ration du gage gĂ©nĂ©ral des crĂ©anciers successoraux Ă  cause de la diminution du patrimoine du dĂ©biteur dĂ©funt. Il en rĂ©sulte une fragilisation du droit Ă  l’exĂ©cution des crĂ©anciers hĂ©rĂ©ditaires. Il importe dĂšs lors de bien Ă©lucider les liens Ă©troits qui s’établissent entre l’efficacitĂ© du droit Ă  l’exĂ©cution des crĂ©anciers et la fraude successorale aprĂšs la mort du dĂ©biteur. Ce qui permettra d’éluder le sacrifice du droit Ă  l’exĂ©cution du crĂ©ancier sur l’autel du crĂ©dit

    Mechanical Properties and Chemical Stability of Bathroom Wall Composites Manufactured from Recycle Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Mixed with Cocoa Hull Powder

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    The recovery of plastic waste and agricultural residues has led us to develop composites based on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) filled with cocoa shell powder. These shells have been previously treated with the organosolv process to improve the fiber-matrix interaction. The objective of this work is to develop wall covering materials to replace tiles which require a lot of energy and from PET. The composites were made by the method of melt mixing followed by compression molding. The mechanical, physico-chemical properties and stability to environmental conditions were evaluated. The results showed that the incorporation of 20–30% of powder in the matrix made of PET gave rise to a composite material with good properties for application in construction, as a wall covering replacing the tile. The study showed that the optimum powder weight ratio for optimum composite properties was achieved at a powder weight ratio of 30%. The maximum tensile strength of 60.3 MPa, bending strength of 19.5 MPa, impact strength of 10.3 MPa and water absorption of 1.34% were obtained. Compared with ceramic tile, this water absorption test value is within the range and shows that this composite tile is suitable for use as a bathroom tile

    Paradoks Papua

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    Availability of Therapies and Services for Parkinson\u27s Disease in Africa: A Continent-Wide Survey

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    Background: The growing burden of Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) in Africa necessitates the identification of available therapies and services to improve patient care. Objective: To investigate the availability, affordability, frequency of usage, and insurance coverage of PD therapies (pharmacological, surgical, physical, and speech therapies) and services including specialized clinics, specialists, and nurses across Africa. Methods: A comprehensive web-based survey was constructed and distributed to neurologists/physicians with a special interest in PD across Africa. The survey instrument includes components that address availability, affordability, frequency of use, and insurance coverage of different therapies and services. Results: Responses were received from 28 (of 43 contacted) countries. Levodopa-based oral preparations were always available in 13 countries (46.4%) with variable affordability and “partial or no” insurance coverage in 60% of countries. Bromocriptine was the most available (50%) and affordable ergot dopamine agonists (DA), whereas non-ergot DA was always available in only six countries (21.4%). Trihexyphenidyl was the most available and affordable anticholinergic drug (46.4%). Tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors were available in most countries (89.3% and 85.7% respectively), with variable affordability. Quetiapine and clozapine were less available. Specialized clinics and nurses were available in 25% and 7.1% of countries surveyed, respectively. Other services were largely unavailable in the countries surveyed. Conclusion: PD-specific therapies and services are largely unavailable and unaffordable in most African countries. The data provide a platform for organizing strategies to initiate or scale up existing services and drive policies aimed at improving access to care and tailoring education programs in Africa