9 research outputs found

    344. Radiobiological supplying of oncological patient radial therapy

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    AimThe examination of radiobiological peculiarities of therapeutic ionizing radiation source action gives an opportunity of preferable choice of exposure requirements of the oncological patients. The therapeutic ionizing radiation source, inlet into operation, should pass radiobiological examination, including with the purpose of definition of relative biological effectiveness (RBE) depending on quality, radiation dose, radiosensitiveness of cells etc.Materials and methodsThe cytogenetic dosimetry is carried out at an exposure of man Iymphocyte culture the on therapeutic source 137Cs, 60Co, neutrons with average energy 6 and 22 MeV.ResultsIs shown that isoeffective distribution of the neutron energy does not correspond with physical isodose distribution allowing for RBE constant value. For the first time is shown that for optimization of patient exposure therapeutic effect rationally to use neutron RBE variable values. For the first time is shown that RBE value of 137Cs gamma-quantum used for intracavitary radiotherapy, exceed 1 (in comparison with 60Co) and in dose range 0,15 – 5,0 Gy makes 3,5 – 1,2 accordingly. The method of approximating of association “dose - effect” on basis of spline regression which is characterized by smaller values of model parameter errors for various cytogenetic indexs and enables to forecast effect of calibrating curve outlet on a plateau is designed and proposed.ConclusionThe dose curves for RBE definition of therapeutic ionizing radiation source on the basis of spline regression model have to be taken into consideration for decrease of frequency and expressiveness of radiocomplications at an oncological patient exposure

    Repair: En digital studenterudstilling: Antropologisk vidensformidling under en pandemi

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    Som årlig tradition, opsætter 4. semester på antropologi i Aarhus en udstilling på Moesgaard Museum i løbet af juni måned som en del af kurset Antropologisk Vidensformidling. Som konsekvens af COVID-19, kunne udstillingen i år ikke opsættes i fysiske rammer. I sidste øjeblik blev der dog udtænkt et alternativ. Vi fik i stedet lov til at udvikle en – for os – hidtil uafprøvet formidlingsform: Digital udstilling. I denne artikel beskriver vi vores oplevelse af de ændrede forhold under pandemien, mulighederne og begrænsningerne for det digitale medie som formidlingsplatform, samt hvordan vi håndterede mødet med et antropologisk grundvilkår: at blive kastet ud i ukendt territorium

    Improving the understanding of autumn events for middle school children at the center of the science field

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    Darba autors ir Līga Djomina. Kvalifikācijas darba temats - Vidējā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu rudens norišu izpratnes pilnveide dabaszinību mācību jomas centrā. Darba mērķis - teorētiski un praktiski pētīt vidējā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu rudens norišu izpratnes pilnveides iespējas dabaszinību macību centra darbībā. Darba uzdevumi: 1. analizēt pedagoģisko un psiholoģisko zinātnisko literatūru par bērnu izpratni; 2. raksturot vidējā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu izziņu ietekmējošos faktorus; 3. organizēt empīrisko pētījumu; 4. analizēt empīriskā pētījuma rezultātus. Teorētiskā daļa ar 2 apakšnodaļām veltīta problēmas teorētiskai apzinašanai.Empīriskā daļa ar 2 apakšnodaļām veltīta situācijas konstatācijai, izmeginājuma darbībai, empīriskā pētījuma rezultātu analīzei, lai noteiktu bērnu izpratnes attīstības dinamiku. Pamatojoties uz veseluma pieeju, tiek noskaidrots vidējā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu vecumposma raksturojums. Empīriskajā daļā, ievērojot bērnu vecumposma attīstības likumsakarības, izstrādāti un aprobēti pedagoģiskie paņēmieni. Veikta skolotāju, kas strādā ar vidējā vecumposma pirmsskolas bērniem, anketēšana, izzinot viņu pedagoģiskos paņēmienus. Tiek analizēti iegūtie dati. Kvalifikācijas darbs sastāv no ievada, 2 nodaļām, 4 apakšnodaļām, secinājumiem, priekšlikumiem un pielikuma. Pētījuma apjoms: 46.lpp, 6 tabulas, 1 pielikums, 24 literatūras avoti. Atslēgas vārdi: dabas zinību centrs, rudens norises, 4 – 5 gadus veci bērni.The authot of the work ir Līga Djomina. The topic of the qualifications work is Improving the understanding of autumn events for pre - school children at the center of the science field. The aim of the work is theoretically and practically study the possibilities of improving the understanding of the autumn precesses of pre – school children in the center of natural sciences. Work tasks: analyze the pedagogical and psyhological literature an the events of autumn nature and children development; organize an empirical study; analyze empirical study results. The work cinsists of an introduction, 2 chapters, 4 subsections, conclusion and an appendix. The forst chapter with 2 subsections is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the problem. The second chapter with 3 subsections is devoted to the study of practical work in the environment of enriching the image of pre – school children about autumn. Based on the holistic approach, the average pre – school age is determined age characteristics. In the empirical part, taking into account the development of childrens age empirical researc organized by regularity. A survey of teachers who work with middle – aged pre – school children was conducted, finding aut their pedagogical techniques. The obtained data are analyzed. Qualification work consists of an indroduction, 2 chapters, 4 subsections, conclusions, proposals and an appendix. Key words: natural sciences center, autumn events, children aged 4 to 5 years. The size of the dicument consists: 46 pages, 6 tables, 1 attachment and 24 literatures and saurces