22 research outputs found
The effect of teaching methods on cognitive achievement in biology studying
The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of usage of sequential teaching method on the academic achievement and retention level of students. Three student groups of biology students in University “Goce Delcev”, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Institute of Biology, - Stip, R. Macedonia were offered a topic on general characteristics of Proteins: Their Biological Functions and Primary Structure with different sequences of 3 teaching methods. The teaching methods were Laboratory method (student experiment), slide demonstration and lecture method. The first group started to course with experiments in the laboratory, then the relevant theory of proteins was given lecture method, and then the slides was shown (Group I). The sequence of these three teaching methods used in the first group was changed in both second and third group as follow: The lecture methods, slide show and experiment in Group II, and slide show, experiment and lecture method in Group III, respectively. Laboratory method used in the study was focused on the topic of This diversity and abundance reflect the central role of proteins in virtually all aspects of cell structure and function. An extraordinary diversity of cellular activity is possible only because of the versatility inherent in proteins, each of which is specifically tailored to its biological role. The pattern by which each is tailored resides within the genetic information of cells, encoded in a specific sequence of nucleotide bases in DNA proteins activity, a student experiment was designed for this reason, and including to examine its features, effective factors, and relation between the structure and function of the proteins. This experiment was carried out by students. Slide demonstration method included slides about protein structure and function. The slides were shown by teachers. Lecture method was performed by teachers as usual. Effectiveness of different sequential teaching methods was measured quantitatively by an achievement test. Achievement test contained 20 questions, testing the knowledge of facts as well as the ability to transfer the knowledge and problem solving ability. This test was used as pre-test before methods’ application, post-test after the methods’ application and retention test after 30 days from methods’ applied
Biophilic architecture: nature-based design solutions for health and well-being in living spaces
This research focuses on improving the well-being and health of citizens in
terms of the design and development of living spaces in harmony with nature. In
the contemporary moment, most cities suffer from health and environmental
problems. Also, the growing awareness of climate change issues makes it even more
apparent and essential to bring nature into our living spaces. Scientific studies have
pointed out on a multiplicity of benefits of nature for people, especially for children
and older populations. Bringing nature indoor causes increased participation in
physical activities, improved mental health and cognitive function and an increase
in social interaction between people. Nature and its elements have great power
on the human body. The concept of biophilia advocates that there is an innate
connection between humans and nature and that people tend to show a positive
response when they experience a connection with nature. Accordingly, biophilic
design is the design of spaces that promotes and encourages the interaction of
humans with nature and natural systems. This paper researches different design
methodologies, strategies, principles, scales, and concepts according to patterns of biophilic design and with a focus on their influence on the health and well-being of
users. The research also opens further discussions about the potentials of sensitive
and responsive biophilic design to improve the health and environmental problems of
contemporary urban areas
Sojne razlike u toksičnosti antagoniste vitamina K varfarina kod pacova
Warfarin (3-(alpha-acetonylbenzy1)-4-hydroxy coumarin) is a vitamin K (VK) antagonist that inhibits vitamin K-dependent (VKD) processes, such as blood coagulation. It also exerts an influence on some non-VKD-related activities. In this study, the effect of sub-acute (30-day) oral warfarin (2 and 1 mg L-1) intake on hematological parameters was examined in two rat strains, Albino Oxford (AO) and Dark Agouti (DA), that differ in their sensitivity to certain chemicals. Greater susceptibility to the anticoagulant effect of 2 mg L-1 of warfarin was observed in AO rats and was associated with an increase in the relevant hematological parameters in this strain. Although both strains responded to 2 mg L-1 of warfarin with quantitative changes in the peripheral blood leukocytes, differential bone marrow and lung responses were observed. Strain-related differences in the pro-inflammatory activity of peripheral blood granulocytes and in mononuclear cell IFN-gamma production were observed. Recognition of differences in quantitative and qualitative effects of oral warfarin on processes other than hemostasis might be of relevance for those humans who are on warfarin therapy.Varfarin (3-α-acetonilbenzil)-4–hidroksikumarin) je antagonist vitamina K (VK) koji inhibira procese zavisne od ovog vitamina, uključujući koagulaciju krvi. Osim toga, on ispoljava i aktivnosti koje ne zavise od vitamina K kao što su anti-tumorska i imunomodulatorna aktivnost. U ovom radu je ispitan efekat subakutnog (30 dana) oralnog unosa varfarina na hematološke parametre i aktivnost leukocita periferne krvi kod dva soja pacova Albino Oxford (AO) i Dark Agouti (DA) koji se raz- likuju u osetljivosti na iste hemijske agense. Kod jedinki AO soja zapažena je veća smrtnost nakon konzumiranja doze od 4 mg L–1 kao i veća osetljivost na antikoagulantno dejstvo varfarina pri nižim dozama (2 mg L–1) koje je praćeno povećanjem nekih hematoloških parametara. Iako kod jedinki oba soja dolazi do povećanja broja neutrofilnih leukocita periferne krvi pri dozi od 2 mg L–1, promene u osnovnim proinflamatornim aktivnostima ovih ćelija su zapažene samo kod jedinki DA soja. Promene u broju neutrofilnih leukocita u krvi DA jedinki su praćene povećanjem broja granulocitnih prekursora u koštanoj srži, dok prisustvo neutrofila u plućima AO jedinki ukazuje na razmenu ćelija između periferne krvi i plućnog intravaskularnog pula ćelija. Diferencijalne sojno–zavisne promene u aktivnosti mononuklearnih ćelija periferne krvi su takođe zapažene. Razlike u efektu oralno unetog varfarina mogu da imaju implikacije za osobe na oralnoj varfarinskoj terapiji
Биологија на клетка
Биологијата на клетката е научна дисциплина која ја проучува клетката од различни аспекти, односно ја проучува нејзината форма, големина, структура, организација, нејзиниот развиток, физиологијата, интеракцијата со средината, животниот циклус, делбата и смрт. Современите сознанијата дека сите животни процеси се одвиваат на клеточно ниво, ја претставуваат и како наука на иднината. Тоа и овозможува значајно место и примена во многу други биолошки дисциплини, како што се физиологијата, генетиката, микробиологијата и др. За постигнатиот развиток големо значење имаат научните достигнувања од областа на хемијата и биохемијата. Биологијата на клетката, порано цитологијата (kytos = клетка, длабнатина, јама, празнина, λογία = наука) сé повеке се трансформира како интегрален дел на молекуларната биологија бидејки за многу прашања по однос на одделни клеточни системи и начинот на нивното дејствување одговорот сé повеке се бара на ниво на молекулите.
Практикумот по Биологија на клетка е наменет за студентите од прв циклу кои го изучуваат истоимениот предмет на Факултетот по природни и технички науки
The effect of teaching methods on cognitive achievement in biology studying
The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of usage of sequential teaching method on the academic achievement and retention level of students. Three student groups of biology students in University “Goce Delcev”, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Institute of Biology, - Stip, R. Macedonia were offered a topic on general characteristics of Proteins: Their Biological Functions and Primary Structure with different sequences of 3 teaching methods. The teaching methods were Laboratory method (student experiment), slide demonstration and lecture method. The first group started to course with experiments in the laboratory, then the relevant theory of proteins was given lecture method, and then the slides was shown (Group I). The sequence of these three teaching methods used in the first group was changed in both second and third group as follow: The lecture methods, slide show and experiment in Group II, and slide show, experiment and lecture method in Group III, respectively. Laboratory method used in the study was focused on the topic of This diversity and abundance reflect the central role of proteins in virtually all aspects of cell structure and function. An extraordinary diversity of cellular activity is possible only because of the versatility inherent in proteins, each of which is specifically tailored to its biological role. The pattern by which each is tailored resides within the genetic information of cells, encoded in a specific sequence of nucleotide bases in DNA proteins activity, a student experiment was designed for this reason, and including to examine its features, effective factors, and relation between the structure and function of the proteins. This experiment was carried out by students. Slide demonstration method included slides about protein structure and function. The slides were shown by teachers. Lecture method was performed by teachers as usual. Effectiveness of different sequential teaching methods was measured quantitatively by an achievement test. Achievement test contained 20 questions, testing the knowledge of facts as well as the ability to transfer the knowledge and problem solving ability. This test was used as pre-test before methods’ application, post-test after the methods’ application and retention test after 30 days from methods’ applied
Applying appropriates methods for teaching cell biology
Cell biology is an important basic subject of modern life sciences, consisting of fundamental life activities of the cell at the microscopic, sub microscopic and molecular levels. The cell is the basic unit of living things, with all of the activities of life taking place in the cell and with is eases also due to abnormal changes of cells. With the current framework of teaching quality reform in higher education, this paper will review the current curriculum of a cell biology course and the ways in which it has been taught in the “Goce Delcev” University, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Biology studies, Stip, R. Macedonia. Reasons for introducing new teaching methodologies to improve student-centred learning and self-directed learning will be discussed and three possible approaches which are considered more suitable for the
large classes of first year students in cell biology will be considered: case study, team work and concept. The proposal will also make a case for the urgent development of an online student- centred learning environment, including possible activities that would be included in the course. A combination of multiple teaching approaches is necessary for changing students learning from surface learning to deep learning, passive learning to active learning, over-dependent learning to independent learning, and developing students in the ‘generic skills’ of a scientist and the skills for ‘lifelong’ learning including problem solving skills, communication skills, and cooperative skill
Genomic Diversity Analyses of Some Indigenous Montenegrin Sheep Populations
Montenegro has a great diversity of indigenous and locally developed sheep breeds, adapted to different regions and climates. However, the current trend of the steady decline in sheep populations means that some of them are threatened with extinction. The aim of this study was the investigation of the genetic diversity and population structure of five Montenegrin sheep populations, using the OvineSNP50K BeadChip. Data from the studied sheep were supplemented with publicly available genotypes of worldwide breeds to determine admixture contributions and genetic relationships. Higher genetic diversity and low inbreeding were observed in Pivska Pramenka and Sjenicka sheep, with Ho = 0.411, He = 0.423, and FROH>2Mb = 0.056 and Ho = 0.421, He = 0.421, and FROH>2Mb = 0.041, respectively. Zetska Zuja had much lower FIS (0.001) and high FROH inbreeding (0.090), indicating a small population size and genetic drift. An analysis of the genetic population structure showed that Montenegrin sheep populations are genetically distinct populations. This analysis revealed the presence of admixture in most sheep populations (high heterogeneity), while genetic purity was observed in Zetska Zuja. The obtained results will help in the conservation management of endangered Montenegrin sheep populations
An Experimental Investigation of the Environmental Risk of a Metallurgical Waste Deposit
The aim of this study is to investigate the environmental risk of long-term metallurgical waste disposal. The investigated site was used for the open storage of lead and zinc waste materials originating from a lead smelter and refinery. Even after remediation was performed, the soil in the close vicinity of the metallurgical waste deposit was heavily loaded with heavy metals and arsenic. The pollutants were bound in various compounds in the form of sulfides, oxides, and chlorides, as well as complex minerals, impacting the pH values of the investigated soil, such that they varied between 2.8 for sample 6 and 7.34 for sample 8. In order to assess the environmental risk, some eight soil samples were analyzed by determining the total metal concentration by acid digestion and chemical fractionation of heavy metals using the BCR sequential extraction method. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used to determine six elements (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Ni). Total concentrations of the elements in the tested soil samples were in the range of 3870.4–52,306.18 mg/kg for As, 2.19–49.84 mg/kg for Cd, 268.03–986.66 mg/kg for Cu, 7.34–114.67 mg/kg for Ni, 1223.13–30,339.74 mg/kg for Pb, and 58.21–8212.99 mg/kg for Zn. The ratio between the mean concentrations of the tested metals was determined in this order: As > Pb > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cd. The BCR results showed that Pb (50.7%), Zn (49.2%), and Cd (34.7%) had the highest concentrations in mobile fractions in the soil compared to the other metals. The contamination factor was very high for Pb (0.09–33.54), As (0.004–195.8), and Zn (0.14–16.06). According to the calculated index of potential environmental risk, it was confirmed that the mobility of Pb and As have a great impact on the environment