12 research outputs found

    Evaluation de la fonction rénale chez les patients atteints de maladie cardio vasculaire (MCV) : comparaison entre la créatinine et la cystatine C

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    L’évaluation de la fonction rĂ©nale est indispensable dans la prise en charge des nĂ©phropathies. L’objectif de l’étude Ă©tait d’apprĂ©cier l’apport de la cystatine C dans l’évaluation de la fonction rĂ©nale. Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude transversale rĂ©alisĂ©e chez 107 sujets des deux sexes, ĂągĂ©s de plus de 18 ans, rĂ©partis en deux groupes. Un groupe de 30 sujets apparemment sains et un groupe de 77 patients atteints de maladies cardiovasculaires reparti comme suit : 30 patients atteints d’hypertension artĂ©rielle, 28 atteints d’accident vasculaire cĂ©rĂ©bral et 19 atteints d’infarctus du myocarde. Les sĂ©rums, obtenus aprĂšs traitement des prĂ©lĂšvements sanguins, ont servi au dosage des diffĂ©rents paramĂštres. Il ressort de l’étude que, pour les stades prĂ©coces de l’insuffisance rĂ©nale (IR), MDRD (Modification of diet in renal disease) sous-estime le dĂ©bit de filtration glomĂ©rulaire (DFG) alors que la formule de Larsson le surestime; il existe une augmentation exponentielle significative plus nette pour la cystatine C (p = 0,0283) que pour la crĂ©atinine (p = 0,0534) en passant d’un stade de l’IR Ă  un autre. La cystatinĂ©mie C est un meilleur marqueur du DFG que la crĂ©atininĂ©mie. Cependant, l’estimation du DFG par les formules basĂ©es sur la cystatine C ne prĂ©sente pas d’avantage par rapport aux formules classiques basĂ©es sur la crĂ©atinine.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: Cystatine C, crĂ©atinine, insuffisance rĂ©nale, dĂ©bit de filtration glomĂ©rulaire, maladies cardiovasculairesEnglish Title: Evaluation of the renal function in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD): comparison of creatinine and cystatin CEnglish AbstractAssessment of renal function is indispensable in the treatment of kidney diseases. The objective of the study was to assess the contribution of cystatin C in the assessment of renal function. This was a crosssectional study in 107 subjects of both sexes, aged over 18 years, divided into two groups. A group of 30  apparently healthy subjects and a group of 77 patients with cardiovascular disease allocated as follows: 30 patients with high blood pressure, 28 with stroke and 19 with myocardial infarction. Serum obtained after treatment of blood samples, were used for the determination of the different parameters. According to the study: for the early stages of renal failure, MDRD underestimates GFR while the Larsson formula overestimates GFR; there is a sharper significant exponential increase for cystatin C (p=0.0283) than creatinine (p=0.0534) when passing from one stage to another. Serum cystatin C is a better marker of GFR than creatinine. However, estimates of GFR by formulas based on cystatin C shows no advantage over conventional formulations based on creatinine.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: cystatin C, creatinine, renal failure, glomerular filtration rate, cardiovascular diseas

    IntĂ©rĂȘt du sang veineux de cordon ombilical dans le diagnostic de l’hypoglycĂ©mie nĂ©onatale

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    La confirmation de l’hypoglycĂ©mie nĂ©onatale au laboratoire nĂ©cessite du sang veineux. Devant les difficultĂ©s de prĂ©lĂšvement chez les nouveau-nĂ©s, une alternative s’impose. L’objectif de l’étude Ă©tait d’apprĂ©cier l’intĂ©rĂȘt du sang de cordon dans le diagnostic de l’hypoglycĂ©mie nĂ©onatale. Il s’agissait d’une étude transversale rĂ©alisĂ©e chez 150 nouveau-nĂ©s. Ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans l’étude tous les nouveau-nĂ©s des deux sexes, nĂ©s par voie basse ou par cĂ©sarienne. Chaque nouveau-nĂ© a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de deux prĂ©lĂšvements de sang, au talon et cordon. En salle d’accouchement, dix microlitres du sang de cordon et le sang capillaire ont servi à doser la glycĂ©mie avec un glucomĂštre. Au Laboratoire de Biochimie, le sang de cordon a servi Ă  doser la glycĂ©mie par la mĂ©thode enzymatique Ă  la glucose oxydase. Il ressort au terme de l’étude que : le plus fort taux d’hypoglycĂ©mie (12,67%) a Ă©tĂ© obtenu avec le sang de cordon ; la diffĂ©rence observĂ©e entre les hypoglycĂ©mies au cordon et capillaires n’était pas statistiquement significative (p=0,58) ; les glycĂ©mies au cordon Ă©taient bien corrĂ©lĂ©es avec les glycĂ©mies capillaires (r = 0,98). Devant les difficultĂ©s de prĂ©lĂšvement de sang veineux chez le nouveau-nĂ©, le sang de cordon apparaĂźt comme une alternative fiable pour la confirmation de l’hypoglycĂ©mie.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: HypoglycĂ©mie, nouveau-nĂ©, diagnostic, cordon ombilical, glucomĂštreEnglish Title: Interest of venous umbilical cord blood in the diagnosis of neonatal hypoglycemiaEnglish AbtractConfirmation of neonatal hypoglycemia in the laboratory requires venous blood. In front of the sampling difficulties in newborns, an alternative is needed. The objective of the study was to evaluate the benefits of cord blood in the diagnosis of neonatal hypoglycemia. This was a cross-sectional study in 150 newborns. Were included in the study all the newborns of both sexes born vaginally or by caesarean section.  Two samples of blood were taken from each new born at the level of the heel and the cord. In the delivery room, ten microliters of cord blood and capillary blood was used to assay the glucose with a glucometer. The Laboratory of Biochemistry, cord blood was used to assay the glucose by enzymatic method with glucose oxidase. It appears at the end of the study that: the highest rates of hypoglycemia (12.67%) was obtained with the cord blood; the observed difference between the cord and hair hypoglycemia was not statistically significant (p = 0.58); blood glucose in the cord correlated well with capillary blood glucose (r = 0.98). In front of the venous blood sampling difficulties in the newborn, the cord blood appears to be a reliable alternative for confirmation of hypoglycemia.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Hypoglycemia, newborn, diagnosis, umbilical cord, glucomete

    Etude de l’effet d’un rĂ©gime riche en huile de palme sur l’expression gĂ©nĂ©tique des facteurs myogĂ©niques

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    Un niveau Ă©levĂ© d'acides gras saturĂ©s (AGS) dans le sang a un effet dĂ©lĂ©tĂšre sur les muscles squelettiques en inhibant Ă  la fois la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration des fibres musculaires et la synthĂšse des protĂ©ines musculaires. Du fait de sa richesse en AGS, l’huile de palme est controversĂ©e. Cette Ă©tude avait pour objectif d’étudier l’effet d’un rĂ©gime riche en huile de palme (brute et raffinĂ©e) sur l’expression des facteurs myogĂ©niques dans le muscle de rats sĂ©dentaires et le comparer avec un rĂ©gime riche en huile d’olive et en Lard. Quarante rats mĂąles Wistar ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©partis en 5 groupes de 8 rats chacun : 1 groupe tĂ©moin et 4 groupes nourris par des rĂ©gimes riches en graisse (HFD) contenant respectivement de l’huile de palme brute, de l’huile de palme raffinĂ©e, de l’huile d’olive et du lard. AprĂšs 12 semaines de rĂ©gime, les rats ont Ă©tĂ© sacrifiĂ©s et les tissus prĂ©levĂ©s L'expression de Pax7, Myf5, MyoD et MyoG a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e par RT-qPCR dans les muscles gastrocnĂ©miens. Aucune diffĂ©rence significative n’a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e entre rĂ©gime tĂ©moin et HFD concernant les expressions de Pax7, Myf5 et MyoG. L’expression de MyoD s’est avĂ©rĂ©e significativement plus Ă©levĂ©e dans les animaux HFD (p=0,0004) par rapport au tĂ©moin ; en particulier dans le rĂ©gime riche en huile d’olive par rapport aux autres rĂ©gimes HFD (p=0,05). Aucune altĂ©ration significative de l’expression des gĂšnes des facteurs de rĂ©gulation myogĂ©nique n’a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e avec l’huile de palme sous ses 2 formes, brute et raffinĂ©e. En conclusion, l’huile de palme, malgrĂ© sa richesse en AGS, n’a pas d’effet dĂ©lĂ©tĂšre sur la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration du muscle squelettique.Mots clĂ©s : RĂ©gime riche graisses, muscle squelettique, Pax7, Myf5, MyoD, MyoG

    Influence d’un rĂ©gime riche en huile de palme sur le statut antioxydant, la fonction mitochondriale et les dĂ©sordres mĂ©taboliques associĂ©s Ă  l'obĂ©sitĂ©

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    Palm oil is the most consumed vegetable oil in the world. Because of its high content of saturated fatty acids (SFA), particularly palmitic acid, this oil is considered by some authors as potentially harmful to health. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of palm oil (red or olein), olive oil (considered good for health) and lard (rich in SFA), on health. To do this, 40 male Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups of 8 rats each: 1 control group et 4 groups fed by high fat diet (HFD) containing respectively red palm oil, palm olein, olive oil or lard. After 12 weeks of diet, the rats were sacrificed and the tissues removed. Tissue tests have shown that palm oil (red or olein) induces an antioxidant status and a lipid profile superimposed on those of olive oil. All HFD contributed to weight gain, impaired mitochondrial function, and disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism by the induction of insulin resistance. The study shows that olive oil is more deleterious to the liver than palm oil (red or olein) and lard. Apart from red palm oil, palm olein, olive oil and lard negatively influence adipose tissue. Studies on the aorta have shown that the vascular effects of palm oil are less deleterious to the aorta than lard and olive oil.Overall, the results of this study show that harmfull effects of palm oil (red or olein) were not worse than that of olive oil on organ that were analyzedL’huile de palme est l’huile vĂ©gĂ©tale la plus consommĂ©e au monde. Du fait de sa teneur Ă©levĂ©e en acides gras saturĂ©s (AGS), notamment en acide palmitique, cette huile est considĂ©rĂ©e par certains auteurs comme potentiellement nocive pour la santĂ©. Cette Ă©tude avait pour objectif de comparer les effets de l’huile de palme (rouge ou olĂ©ine), Ă  l’huile d’olive (rĂ©putĂ©e bonne pour la santĂ©) et aux saindoux (riche en AGS), sur la santĂ©. Pour rĂ©aliser cette Ă©tude, 40 rats mĂąles Wistar ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©partis en 5 groupes de 8 rats chacun : 1 groupe contrĂŽle et 4 groupes nourris par des rĂ©gimes obĂ©sogĂšnes contenant respectivement de l’huile de palme rouge, de l’olĂ©ine de palme, de l’huile d’olive ou du saindoux. AprĂšs 12 semaines de rĂ©gime, les rats ont Ă©tĂ© sacrifiĂ©s et les tissus prĂ©levĂ©s. Les examens rĂ©alisĂ©s sur les tissus ont montrĂ© que l’huile de palme (rouge ou olĂ©ine) induit un statut antioxydant et un profil lipidique superposables Ă  ceux de l’huile d’olive. Tous les rĂ©gimes obĂ©sogĂšnes ont favorisĂ© la prise de poids, l’altĂ©ration de la fonction mitochondriale et la perturbation du mĂ©tabolisme glucidique par l’induction d’une insulino-rĂ©sistance. Il ressort de cette Ă©tude que l’huile d’olive est plus dĂ©lĂ©tĂšre pour le foie que l’huile de palme (rouge ou olĂ©ine) et le saindoux. Hormis l’huile de palme rouge, l’olĂ©ine de palme, l’huile d’olive et le saindoux influencent nĂ©gativement les tissus adipeux. Les Ă©tudes menĂ©es sur l’aorte ont montrĂ© que les effets vasculaires de l’huile de palme sont moins dĂ©lĂ©tĂšres pour l’aorte que le saindoux et l’huile d’olive.Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude indiquent que globalement, l’huile de palme (rouge ou olĂ©ine) n’a pas d’effets dĂ©lĂ©tĂšres supĂ©rieurs Ă  ceux de l’huile d’olive concernant les organes qui ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©

    Influence of a diet rich in palm oil on antioxidant status, mitochondrial function and metabolic disorders associated with obesity

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    L’huile de palme est l’huile vĂ©gĂ©tale la plus consommĂ©e au monde. Du fait de sa teneur Ă©levĂ©e en acides gras saturĂ©s (AGS), notamment en acide palmitique, cette huile est considĂ©rĂ©e par certains auteurs comme potentiellement nocive pour la santĂ©. Cette Ă©tude avait pour objectif de comparer les effets de l’huile de palme (rouge ou olĂ©ine), Ă  l’huile d’olive (rĂ©putĂ©e bonne pour la santĂ©) et aux saindoux (riche en AGS), sur la santĂ©. Pour rĂ©aliser cette Ă©tude, 40 rats mĂąles Wistar ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©partis en 5 groupes de 8 rats chacun : 1 groupe contrĂŽle et 4 groupes nourris par des rĂ©gimes obĂ©sogĂšnes contenant respectivement de l’huile de palme rouge, de l’olĂ©ine de palme, de l’huile d’olive ou du saindoux. AprĂšs 12 semaines de rĂ©gime, les rats ont Ă©tĂ© sacrifiĂ©s et les tissus prĂ©levĂ©s. Les examens rĂ©alisĂ©s sur les tissus ont montrĂ© que l’huile de palme (rouge ou olĂ©ine) induit un statut antioxydant et un profil lipidique superposables Ă  ceux de l’huile d’olive. Tous les rĂ©gimes obĂ©sogĂšnes ont favorisĂ© la prise de poids, l’altĂ©ration de la fonction mitochondriale et la perturbation du mĂ©tabolisme glucidique par l’induction d’une insulino-rĂ©sistance. Il ressort de cette Ă©tude que l’huile d’olive est plus dĂ©lĂ©tĂšre pour le foie que l’huile de palme (rouge ou olĂ©ine) et le saindoux. Hormis l’huile de palme rouge, l’olĂ©ine de palme, l’huile d’olive et le saindoux influencent nĂ©gativement les tissus adipeux. Les Ă©tudes menĂ©es sur l’aorte ont montrĂ© que les effets vasculaires de l’huile de palme sont moins dĂ©lĂ©tĂšres pour l’aorte que le saindoux et l’huile d’olive.Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude indiquent que globalement, l’huile de palme (rouge ou olĂ©ine) n’a pas d’effets dĂ©lĂ©tĂšres supĂ©rieurs Ă  ceux de l’huile d’olive concernant les organes qui ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©sPalm oil is the most consumed vegetable oil in the world. Because of its high content of saturated fatty acids (SFA), particularly palmitic acid, this oil is considered by some authors as potentially harmful to health. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of palm oil (red or olein), olive oil (considered good for health) and lard (rich in SFA), on health. To do this, 40 male Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups of 8 rats each: 1 control group et 4 groups fed by high fat diet (HFD) containing respectively red palm oil, palm olein, olive oil or lard. After 12 weeks of diet, the rats were sacrificed and the tissues removed. Tissue tests have shown that palm oil (red or olein) induces an antioxidant status and a lipid profile superimposed on those of olive oil. All HFD contributed to weight gain, impaired mitochondrial function, and disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism by the induction of insulin resistance. The study shows that olive oil is more deleterious to the liver than palm oil (red or olein) and lard. Apart from red palm oil, palm olein, olive oil and lard negatively influence adipose tissue. Studies on the aorta have shown that the vascular effects of palm oil are less deleterious to the aorta than lard and olive oil.Overall, the results of this study show that harmfull effects of palm oil (red or olein) were not worse than that of olive oil on organ that were analyze

    Impact of Highly Saturated versus Unsaturated Fat Intake on Carbohydrate Metabolism and Vascular Reactivity in Rat

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    International audiencePalm olein (PO) and lard are considered harmful to health because of their highly saturated fatty acid content. On the contrary, olive oil (OO) with its high level of polyunsaturated fatty acids is considered healthier. This study aims to evaluate the effects of high consumption of these oils on carbohydrate metabolism and vascular function. Male Wistar rats were fed ad libitum for 12 weeks with different high fat diets (HFD) containing 30% of each oil. Systemic glycemia, insulinemia, and lipidemia were assessed by routine methods or by ELISA. GLUT4 muscular expression and hepatic and muscular Akt phosphorylation were analyzed by western blot. Vascular function was evaluated, ex vivo, on aortic rings and on the variations of isometric tensions. The results show that fasting blood glucose was increased with PO and OO diets and decreased with lard. Compared to control diet, this increase was significant only with PO diet. The area under the curve of IPGTT was increased in all HFD groups. Compared to control diet, this increase was significant only with PO. In contrast, stimulation of the pathway with insulin showed a significant decrease in Akt phosphorylation in all HFD compared to control diet. KCl and phenylephrine induced strong, dose-dependent vasoconstriction of rat aortas in all groups, but KCl EC50 values were increased with lard and OO diets. The inhibitory effect of tempol was absent in PO and lard and attenuated in OO. Vascular insulin sensitivity was decreased in all HFD groups. This decreased sensitivity of insulin was more important with PO and lard when compared to OO diet. In conclusion, the results of this study clearly show that high consumption of palm olein, olive oil, and lard can compromise glucose tolerance and thus insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, palm olein and lard have a more deleterious effect than olive oil on the contractile function of the aorta. Excessive consumption of saturated or unsaturated fatty acids is harmful to health, regardless of their vegetable or animal origin

    Impact of diets rich in olive oil, palm oil or lard on myokine expression in rats

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    International audienceIt has recently emerged that myokines may be an important skeletal muscle adaptive response to obesogenic diets in sedentary subjects (who do not exercise). This study aimed to assess the influence of various high fat (HF) diets rich in either crude palm oil (cPO), refined palm oil (rPO), olive oil (OO) or lard on the modulation of myokine gene expression in the gastrocnemius. Five groups of 8 rats were each fed HF or control diet for 12 weeks. Systemic parameters concerning glucose, insulin, inflammation, cholesterol, triglycerides (TG) and transaminases were assessed by routine methods or ELISA. Akt and ACC phosphorylation were analyzed by WB in the soleus. Mitochondrial density, inflammation, and the gene expression of 17 myokines and the apelin receptor (Apj) were assessed by qPCR in the gastrocnemius. We found that HF diet-fed rats were insulin resistant and Akt phosphorylation decreased in the soleus muscle, but without any change in Glut4 gene expression. Systemic (IL-6) and muscle inflammation (NFÎșB and IÎșB) were not affected by the HF diets as well as TBARS, and ASAT level was enhanced with OO diet. Soleus pACC phosphorylation and gastrocnemius mitochondrial density were not significantly altered. The gene expression of some myokines was respectively increased (myostatin and Il-15) and decreased (Fndc5 and apelin) with the HF diets, whatever the type of fat used. The gene expression of two myokines with anti-inflammatory properties, Il-10 and myonectin, was dependent on the type of fat used and was most increased respectively with cPO or both rPO and OO diets. In conclusion, high-fat diets can differentially modulate the expression of some myokines, either in a dependent manner or independently of their composition

    Peripancreatic Adipose Tissue Remodeling and Inflammation during High Fat Intake of Palm Oils or Lard in Rats

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    International audienceExcessive fat consumption leads to the development of ectopic adipose tissues, affecting the organs they surround. Peripancreatic adipose tissue is implicated in glucose homeostasis regulation and can be impaired in obesity. High palm oil consumption’s effects on health are still debated. We hypothesised that crude and refined palm oil high-fat feeding may have contrasting effects on peripancreatic adipocyte hypertrophy, inflammation and lipid oxidation compound production in obese rats. In Wistar rats, morphological changes, inflammation and isoprostanoid production following oxidative stress were assessed in peripancreatic adipose tissue after 12 weeks of diets enriched in crude or refined palm oil or lard (56% energy from fat in each case) versus a standard chow diet (11% energy from fat). Epididymal white and periaortic brown adipose tissues were also included in the study. A refined palm oil diet disturbed glucose homeostasis and promoted lipid deposition in periaortic locations, as well as adipocyte hypertrophy, macrophage infiltration and isoprostanoid (5-F2c-isoprostane and 7(RS)-ST-Δ8-11-dihomo-isofuran) production in peripancreatic adipose tissue. Crude palm oil induced a lower impact on adipose deposits than its refined form and lard. Our results show that the antioxidant composition of crude palm oil may have a protective effect on ectopic adipose tissues under the condition of excessive fat intak

    Determination of reverse transcriptase inhibitor resistance mutations in HIV-1 infected children in Cîte d’Ivoire

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    Treatment scale-up is leading to a progressive increase in HIV resistance to antiretrovirals, especially in children. To assess resistance to reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs) in HIV-1 infected children in Cîte d’Ivoire, genotypic resistance tests were performed and interpreted using the ANRS algorithm (www.hivfrenchresistance.org). Phylogenetic trees were created using BioEdit v7 and Mega7 software. The frequency of resistance to at least one RTI was 79%. It was 88% for nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), 71% for non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), and 63% for both classes (NRTI + NNRTI). The frequency of resistance was 50% for the ZDV + 3TC + EFV combination, 42% for the ABC + 3TC + EFV combination, and 8% for the TDF + 3TC + EFV combination. Frequently encountered resistance mutations were for NRTIs: M184V (88%), TAMs (67%), T215F/I/V/Y (33%), and L74I/V (24%); for NNRTIs: K103N/S (74%), P225H (26%), and G190A/E/Q (24%). The synthesis of phylogenetic analyses showed the predominance of the viral subtype CRF02_AG (85%). These results show a high prevalence of resistance to RTIs in children infected with HIV-1. Hence the interest of a more accessible monitoring of viral load and genotypic resistance tests in HIV-1 infected children undergoing treatment in Cîte d’Ivoire.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    High dietary intake of palm oils compromises glucose tolerance whereas high dietary intake of olive oil compromises liver lipid metabolism and integrity

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    International audiencePurpose Palm (PO) and olive oils (OO) are the two most consumed and/or used oils in the world for food elaboration. These oils should not be confused with the solid palm stearin which is widely used in pastry making. Large number of studies was reported dealing with adverse/beneficial cardiovascular effects of PO and OO, whereas few studies were conducted to compare their potential effects on hepatic steatosis and liver lipid metabolism. The aim of this study was to compare the metabolic effects of high intake of POs (both crude and refined) and virgin OO on surrogate parameters of glucose tolerance, hepatic lipid metabolism and liver integrity. Methods Thirty-two young male Wistar rats were divided into four equal groups and fed either control diet (11% energy from fat) or three high-fat diets rich in crude or refined POs or in OO (56% energy from fat), during 12 weeks. Systemic blood and liver biochemical parameters linked to glucose and lipid metabolism as well as hepatic steatosis and liver fatty acid composition were explored. The inflammation and oxidative stress status as well as the expression of several genes/proteins were also analyzed. ResultsThe major effects of POs intake concerned glucose metabolism and liver fatty acid composition, whereas the major effects of OO intake concerned hepatic TG accumulation, inflammation, and cytolysis. Conclusions In conclusion, high dietary intake of PO compromises glucose tolerance whereas high dietary intake of OO compromises hepatic lipid composition and liver integrity. However, adverse hepatic effects of OO observed in this study may not be transposed to human since, (a) the rodent model could lead to different effects than those observed in humans and (b) the average normal OO amounts ingested in the population are lower than those corresponding to a high-fat diet. So, further studies are needed to determine a maximum non-invasive dietary intake of OO