765 research outputs found

    Does a Sovereign State Immunity Say More than We Think? ITLOS’s Decision in ARA LIBERTAD Case

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    Nation’s immunity from the jurisdiction of other nations’ Courts has been recognized and codified by many nations under the term of ‘Sovereign States Immunity’. But, States still have to emphasize on the scope of this immunity in order to prevent conflicts of States’ sovereignty from enjoyment of other States immunity on their territory. Thus, many nations have provided for a ‘restrictive immunity’ in their domestic law. Following the path of these nations, the 2004 UNCSI has also provided for a ‘restrictive immunity’. However, the 1982 UNCLOS has addressed the issue of Sovereign State Immunity too. Surprisingly or interestingly, the interpretation of UNCLOS Article 32 by ITLOS in Libertad Case demonstrates that unlike to many pretentions or understandings, UNCLOS provides Sovereign States for an ‘absolute immunity’ for warships. This paper will try to find out some justifications for ITLOS’s position before coming to the conclusion that rather than a creative role, ITLOS played its role of interpretation. Keywords: Sovereign State Immunity; Warship; Restrictive immunity; Absolute immunity; ITLOS

    Entender la postmodernidad literaria: una hermenĂ©utica desde la “segunda fila”

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    Local sports public policies put to the test by the COVID 19 pandemic

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    COVID-19 has had a negative impact on different sectors of social life in Senegal, not sparing the public sports policies. This naturally prompted players in the field to adapt to the new context of the pandemic. It was, therefore, necessary to reflect on the readjustments of public sports policies in local communities using a mixed, quantitative and qualitative methodological approach. It was noted, on the one hand, a lethargy of public sports policies, following the advent of COVID-19, and, on the other hand, a redeployment of local sports policies towards the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. These strategies for readjusting public sports policies at regional level have been based on adaptation strategies focused on available resources, on resources to be acquired and on capacities to be transformed

    Les relations Union européenne-OTAN

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    L’analyse des relations entre l’Union europĂ©enne et l’Organisation du TraitĂ© de l’Atlantique Nord nĂ©cessite une dĂ©marche chronologique afin de saisir la nature et l’ampleur des relations dĂ©veloppĂ©es entre les deux institutions. Le contexte historique dans lequel elles ont Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă© dĂ©termine largement l`objectif visĂ© dans le cadre de cette coopĂ©ration. Cette coopĂ©ration s’est dĂ©veloppĂ©e non seulement dans le temps mais aussi et surtout dans l`espace avec les diffĂ©rents Ă©largissements intervenus depuis leur crĂ©ation respective. Ainsi donc, au lendemain de la deuxiĂšme guerre mondiale, l’Europe se trouve profondĂ©ment divisĂ©e par une opposition idĂ©ologique et politique de la guerre froide

    Information feedback to local communities of HDSS sites using infographics: the case of niakhar HDSS site

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (MSc) in Epidemiology - Research Data Management June 2017Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) sites are institutions that primarily collect periodic demographic and health related data within a defined geographical area. The data are then analysed and the research findings are published in peer-reviewed journals or presented at conferences and workshops. However, In some sites there are processes for disseminating the research findings to the participating communities. The dissemination of research findings using infographics can enable health care service providers and community decision makers to make effective use and incorporate such findings into their strategies, policies and planning to improve heath outcome of the population. In this project, we have implemented a visualization web platform that can be used by researchers, community decision makers and public health policy-makers to better identify trends associated with the research findings. We implemented this platform on top of the core HDSS dataset. An Extract Transform and Load (ETL) process feeds processed data to our layer which then provides the requisite utility tools for visualization. We have provided a framework that allows other cohort studies that utilize the HDSS core dataset as baseline data to be plugged in for additional infographics displays. We tested and prototyped our tool using Niakhar HDSS Site core HDSS datasets. The project also provides some generic guidelines that allow this tool to be used in other HDSS sites.MT201
