89 research outputs found

    New cyclic oligothiophenes and their co-oligomers derivatives ofmolecular engineering interest

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    International audienceThe electronic properties of several series of bridged oligomers and their co-oligomers derivatives of five-membered biheterocycles (bithiophene, bipyrrole, bifuran bridged by CO or CS group) in their linear and cyclic structures (planar rings and crowns), have been studied using Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. The stability of ring forms of bridged oligo(6)biheterocycles is evidenced. Moreover, when replacing the CO bridging group by the CS one, in all oligomers the HOMO-LUMO energy gap is reduced, due mainly to the strongest stabilization of the LUMO. This energy gap is further reduced with the introduction of bridged bithiophene or bridged bifuran in the cyclic chain of bridged bipyrrole, thus suggesting an improvement of the conductivity properties of such species. The CS bridged co-oligo(3)(bithiophene-bipyrrole) and CS bridged co-oligo(3)(bifuran-bipyrrole) seems to be promising candidates for molecular engineering applications

    Robotic Drilling of Aluminum Alloy: Performance and Hole Quality

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    This paper presents an experimental approach to evaluate the ability of a six-axis industrial robot to drill aluminum alloy parts. A strategy based on statistical tests has been studied to quantify and predict the relative contribution of cutting parameters on cutting force and shape errors during drilling. This technique is based on the identification of relevant sources of error during high-speed robotic fitting. The machining quality was quantified in terms of dimensional and geometric tolerance, chip formation and evacuation, burr formation, edge build-up, tool wear and surface damage. Statistical analysis of the experimental results reveals a strong dependence between part accuracy and drilling force. An experimental model was developed to represent and predict the cutting force during drilling and an accurate error prediction capability was distinguished. It was found that at high cutting speed and feed rate, the cutting force was the main source of error affecting the accuracy of the machined parts. Verification experiments are performed, and the results reveal that dimensional defects are significantly reduced by a heat treatment effect (90 HRE) and the thrust force decreases with an increase in cutting speed. The recommended cutting speed for robotic drilling is 6000 rpm with a feed rate of 0.15 mm/min. This study provides important technical guidance for improving the robotic drilling of aluminum alloy in practice

    The pragmatic mastery of styles-shifting amongst EFL learners and teachers: case of Abu-Bakr BelkaĂŻd University, Tlemcen

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    Abstract : Language use is conditioned by the context in which such use occurs. Therefore, foreign language learners, just like native speakers, are required to know how to use language appropriately in different contexts. Among the aspects of appropriate use is the choice of the speech style. Therefore, the present research aimed to probe style shifting amongst EFL learners. The point was to investigate which style they use the most when interacting with classmates in comparison to conversing with their teachers, and whether they switch between the different styles or they keep the same style as long as the participant does not change. The study considered a sample of 136 learners and 55 teachers in the department of English at Tlemcen University, Algeria. The study was built on participant observation and online questionnaires. The results revealed that EFL learners and teachers alike systematically employ switch between the different styles regardless of the social status and relational distance between the interlocutors. This indicates that learners master the pragmatic use and shift of styles in relation to context. Keywords: Context; conversation strategies; EFL learners; pragmatically competent; style shiftin

    Contraste sociolinguistique, dynamique socioculturelle et variation dialectale, Cas de deux familles d’Adrar installĂ©es Ă  Tlemcen

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    Sociolinguistic Contrast between the North and the South of Algeria – Sociocultural Dynamics and Dialectal Variations, Case of Two Families from Adrar settled in Tlemcen ABSTRACT: The Maghreb countries are known for their linguistic diversity due to ethnic mixing and the different waves of migration brought by Islamic conquests and colonial constraints. Today, each city and each region bears within them, to different degrees, the marks of this history which is rather combined in the plural. This contribution focuses on the correlation between social mobility and dialectal variety to justify certain phenomena such as transculturalism and bidialectism cause of phonetic distortions and semantic changes. An investigation is proposed to validate these phenomena. RÉSUMÉ : Les pays du Maghreb sont connus pour leurs diversitĂ©s linguistiques dues au brassage ethnique et aux diffĂ©rentes vagues migratoires apportĂ©es par les conquĂȘtes islamiques et les invasions coloniales. Aujourd’hui, chaque ville et chaque rĂ©gion porte en elles, Ă  des degrĂ©s diffĂ©rents, les marques de cette histoire qui se conjugue plutĂŽt au pluriel. Cette contribution s’intĂ©resse Ă  la corrĂ©lation entre mobilitĂ© sociale et variĂ©tĂ© dialectale pour justifier certains phĂ©nomĂšnes tels que la transculturation et le bidialectisme, causes de distorsions phonĂ©tiques et de changements sĂ©mantiques. Une enquĂȘte de terrain est proposĂ©e pour analyser et comprendre ces phĂ©nomĂšnes  

    Identification et étude de la valeur nutritionnelle des espÚces fourragÚres spontanées de la région de Doucen wilaya de Biskra

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    L’alimentation des ruminants domestiques est constituĂ©e essentiellement par une vĂ©gĂ©tation annuelle spontanĂ©e des pĂąturages naturels, des jachĂšres ainsi que par les rĂ©sidus de l'agriculture. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a pour objectif l'identification et l'Ă©tude de la valeur nutritionnelle des espĂšces fourragĂšres spontanĂ©es de la rĂ©gion de Doucen de la wilaya de Biskra. Les relevĂ©s floristiques effectuĂ©s dans quatre stations de pĂąturage, ont permis de recenser 28 espĂšces qui se rĂ©partissent en16 familles, nos rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© la dominance des PoacĂ©es, AstĂ©raceae et ChĂ©nopodiacĂ©es qui semblent bien adaptĂ©es Ă  l'ariditĂ© du milieu. L’étude nutritive a dĂ©voilĂ© que les Zygophylaceae, Brassicaceae, Apocynaceae prĂ©sentent des taux Ă©levĂ©es en MAT (22.08%, 14.46% et 13,18%) respectivement, donc expriment une valeur nutritive importante , alors que les asteraceae prĂ©sentent les teneurs les plus importantes en CB avec 38,46 % de la MS suivie par les Poaceae et les Plantaginaceae (31.51% et 28,77%) respectivement et sont de moindre valeurs nutritionnelle. L'Ă©tude de l'ACP, a rĂ©parti les espĂšces en groupes homogĂšnes distincts et nous a permis de caractĂ©riser chaque station. L’un des point majeurs c'est de rĂ©flĂ©chir Ă  une gestion durable des parcours de pĂąturage

    Muslim women’s dynamics of empowerment in the US public space since the 1970s : genealogy and sociology of a women’s activism within Islam

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    Dans l’histoire religieuse des États-Unis, la fĂ©minisation des dĂ©nominations protestantes a constituĂ© un processus long et progressif. Cette fĂ©minisation a Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©e par la participation croissante des femmes dans les institutions religieuses, en tant que fidĂšles mais aussi en tant que leaders religieux. Bien que l’islam soit considĂ©rĂ© comme une religion minoritaire rĂ©cemment transplantĂ©e aux États-Unis, des indices tendent Ă  montrer qu’à l’instar d’autres religions transplantĂ©es dans ce pays, comme le judaĂŻsme rĂ©formĂ© et le bouddhisme, les institutions islamo-amĂ©ricaines connaissent un processus de fĂ©minisation. L’émergence d’une thĂ©ologie fĂ©ministe islamique depuis les annĂ©es 1970, communĂ©ment appelĂ©e « fĂ©minisme islamique », et le dĂ©veloppement d’un militantisme de terrain, plus particuliĂšrement depuis les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, ont contribuĂ© Ă  la fĂ©minisation de l’islam. Les militantes musulmanes amĂ©ricaines revendiquent une visibilitĂ© dans l’espace public et dans le champ religieux islamo-amĂ©ricain. Quels sont leurs revendications, leurs dĂ©fis et leurs stratĂ©gies ? Quels sont les facteurs internes et externes qui ont conduit Ă  la visibilitĂ© croissante des femmes et la focalisation autour de la problĂ©matique fĂ©minine au sein de l’islam amĂ©ricain ? Comment, de façon concrĂšte, la participation croissante des femmes transforme-t-elle les institutions islamo-amĂ©ricaines, les croyances et les pratiques ? Voici certaines des questions que nous soulevons dans notre thĂšse. Les rĂ©sultats sont notamment basĂ©s sur une Ă©tude qualitative exploratoire (entretiens semi-directif et observations participantes). Nous mobilisons Ă©galement les donnĂ©es d’une Ă©tude quantitative sur l’inclusion des femmes au sein de l’espace cultuel publiĂ©e en 2013, afin de mettre l’accent sur les transformations du champ religieux islamo-amĂ©ricain.In American religious history, the feminization of Protestant denominations has been a long and gradual process. This feminization has been characterized by the increasing participation of women within religious institutions, not only as worshippers but also as religious leaders. Although Islam is considered to be a newly transplanted minority religion in the United-States, there are indicators revealing that, like many other transplanted religions in the United States, such as Reform JudaĂŻsm and Buddhism, Muslim religious institutions are undergoing a process of feminization. These indicators have included the development of an Islamic feminist theology since the 1970s onwards, commonly called "Islamic feminism", and the emergence of a religious grass-root activism, more significantly since the 9/11 attacks. American Muslim women activists claim visibility in the public sphere and within the US Islamic religious landscape. What are their demands, challenges and strategies ? What are the internal and external factors that have led up to the growing visibility of women and women's issues in American Islam ? How specifically has the increased role of women affected American-Islamic institutions, beliefs or practices ? Those are some of the questions we raise in our thesisThe results are based on a fieldwork (semi-directive interviews and participant observation). We also use the data of a report on the inclusion of women within the American mosque published in 2013. The transformations linked to the increasing women’s participation in the mosque are emphasized

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