89 research outputs found

    The Influence of Information Technology Capability, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management Capability on Organizational Performance (A Study of Banking Branches Company in Southern Kalimantan Province)

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    This research aims to test and analyze the impact of Information Technology Capability, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management Capability on Organizational Performance, as well as to provide academic horizon for  academics and practicing, and applicable references for  banking offices in Southern Kalimantan Province. Knowledge- based recourses supported by Information Technological Capacity will enhance Organizational Performance and efficiently. 72 samples of Banking Branch Offices in Southern Kalimantan Province used saturated sample. Respondents consist of Heads of bank branch office for 3 years, from 2009 to 2011. Data collection used questionnaires regarding to perception of head of bank branch office. There were 69 questionnaires collected and quantitative data analysis approach with Partial Least Square.  4 variables were used in this research consist of Information Technology Capability, Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management Capability and Organizational Performance with 6 Hypotheses. 5 significant hypotheses are the impact of the Information Technology Capability on Organizational Learning, the impact of the Information Technology Capability on Knowledge Management Capability, the impact of the Information Technology Capability on Organizational Performance, the impact of the Organizational Learning on Organizational Performance, and the impact of the Knowledge Management Capability on Organizational Performance, and 1 non significant hypothesis  is the impact of the Organizational Learning on  Knowledge Management Capability. Keywords: Information Technology Capability, Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management Capability and Organizational Performance

    Hospital Readiness in Implementing Phase One Global Budget Trial in Sumedang District

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    BPJS Kesehatan initiated an operational study on the implementation of the INA-CBGs and Global Budget mixed- method hospital payment system. Since 2018, trials have been carried out in 5 districts and 30 hospitals. In contrast to the INA-CBGS system, the Global budget is a method of hospital funding paid in advance by BPJS Kesehatan for all services/activities for one year that in its calculation it will consider the number of services in the previous year, upcoming activities to be carried out, and hospital performance. The trial will carry out in three stages, namely the Non-Risk Global Budget, the Partial Risk Global Budget and the Full Risk Global Budget. In its implementation, although the global budget has been initiated since 2018, the model or formulation in implementing the global budget policy still requires further study. The purpose of this study is to see the process of implementing the trial and obstacles arises to find the most suitable implementation model. The research method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach. The research subjects were Sumedang District General Hospital, Pakuwon Hospital and Harapan Keluarga Hospital. Since September 2020 they begin to receive real quarterly payments with a non-risk stage to hospitals. The amount of withhold used in this study is 30%. The amount of the budget is calculated based on the calculation of the last three years from the hospital's financial records. Preliminary results, shows that this trial is still ongoing and to continue the payment system for the second stage, the hospital withdrawn their participation is this program as there are discrepancies in the way of calculating finances in setting the budget, determining of the amount of risk that must be borne by both parties and the withhold policy. which is considered burdensome by the hospital, especially for regional general hospitals

    Analysis and Design Marketing Information System to Improve Competitive Advantage in East Java SMEs

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    The existence of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ( SMEs ) have a very important role in the economic structure of a country , including Indonesia . SMEs can be regarded as a business sector that is elastic because it can move and survive in the midst of turmoil and economic crisis. However, SMEs also have some problems in the development of its business in the midst of intense competition not only with the products of the domestic, but also from the invasion of the products from abroad . This study aims to determine the problems experienced by the SMEs in the area of Sidoarjo and Pasuruan , East Java, Indonesia especially in the marketing activities . Based on the existing conditions in the field, can be determined appropriate marketing information system to be applied to support the marketing activities of SMEs in Pasuruan and Siodarjo. The method used is action research by taking a sample of 39 leading SMEs in Sidoarjo and Pasuruan as informants. The results of this study found several factors that cause the problems that arise in the SMEs. The solution offered is to design a marketing information system based on SMS ( Short Message Service ) Gate Way or called mobile marketing . The consideration is choosing this technology because the technology by using mobile tools tend to be more applicable to SMEs and are user friendly. Keywords: SMEs, Marketing Information System, Competitive Advantage, SMS Gate Wa

    The Effect of Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) and Service Quality to Corporate Image, Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty

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    This study aims at analyzing and explaining the effect of CRM and Service Quality toward Corporate Image, Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty on Customers of Sharia Banks in East Java at the branches of Bank Muamalat and Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) Surabaya, Malang, Kediri, and Jember involving 278 respondents. The study uses Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). The results show 14 (fourteen) direct relationships and indirect relationships (1) CRM has a significant effect on corporate image; (2) service quality has a significant effect on corporate image; (3) CRM has a significant effect on customer values; (4) service quality has a significant effect on customer value; (5) CRM has a significant effect on customer values; (6) service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction; (7) CRM has a significant effect on customer loyalty; (9) corporate image has a significant effect on customer values; (10) corporate image has a non-significant effect on customer satisfaction; (12) customer value has a significant effect on customer loyalty; (13) customer value has a non-significant effect on customer loyalty; and (14) customer satisfaction has a non-significant value on customer loyalty. The strongest CRM indicator is communication, the strongest service quality indicator is assurance, the strongest corporate image indicator is product features, the strongest value indicator is benefit, the strongest satisfaction indicator is satisfaction on overall service, the strongest customer loyalty indicator is customers supporting products or loyal. Keywords: CRM, Service Quality, Corporate Image, Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, and Sharia Bankin

    The Effects of Leadership Style to the Employees’ Performance of “Bank Kalsel” through Communication Satisfaction Mediation Variable, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

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    Various studies related to employees' performance have been seriously focused by many researchers as these principles have direct influence in order to realize the objectives of the organizations. Some variables which have direct influences to the employees’ performance are organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). These two variables according to previous studies have inspiration which is controlled by communication satisfaction and leadership style. Using logical positivism approach, this study addresses particular questions as follows: 1. Does the leadership style significantly affect communication satisfaction? 2. Does the communication satisfaction significantly affect the organizational commitment of the employees? 3. Does the leadership Style significantly affect the organizational commitment? 4. Does the leadership Style significantly affect organizational citizenship Behavior (OCB)? 5. Does the leadership Style significantly affect the employees’ performance? 6. Does the organizational commitment significantly affect the OCB? 7. Does the organizational commitment significantly affect the employees’ performance; 8. Does the OCB significantly affect the employees’ performance? This study was conducted at PT Bank Kalsel Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan) and seized the employees in their branches around South Kalimantan as the population of the study. There were 207 (two hundreds and seven) respondents who were selected by using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The primary data was collected through questionnaire and examined by descriptive analysis and Partial Least Square (PLS) model, on the base of Smart PLS computer programming. It is finally concluded that there are significant corrrelations within these variables; between the leadership style and communication satisfaction, communication satisfaction and organizational commitment, organizational commitment and OCB, and as well as OCB and employees performance. On the contrary, there are not significant correlation satisfaction a long with these variabel between the leadership style and organizational commitment, leadership style and OCB, leadership style and employees’ performance, and lastly, also between the organizational commitment and employee’s performance. Keywords: leadership style, organizational commitmen, employees’ performance, organizational citizenship Behavior (OCB), and communication satisfaction

    Kebijakan Bisnis

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    Faktor-faktor Yang Mendorong Karyawan Mengambil Program Pensiun Dini (Studi Pada Pensiunan Karyawan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Witel Jatim Selatan Malang Yang Lulus Program Pensiun Dini)

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    This study aims to determine the factors that encourage Employees in Taking Early Retirement Program. In this study the author uses the theory of intuition, theory of dismissal, theory of retirement and theory of early retirement. This research type is descriptive with qualitative approach. Respondents generally are all employees who apply for and passed the early retirement in 2016 at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Witels South of East Java Malang, amounting to eight employees. The instruments used are researchers, observation and interview guides. The analysis used an interactive model analysis. The results showed there were seven factors that encourage employees to take early retirement program. The first factor is a factor because their children are already independent and mature, second factor is a factor because they want to enjoy old age and retirement, the third factor is a factor where their husband / wife of the employees concerned retired in advance and who will soon retire, fourth factor is a factor because of their other works and activities, the fifth factor is fa actor where the employees want to take advantage of opportunities and programs offered by the company, the sixth factor is the health factor, and the seventh factor is a factor where the employees feel that their work performance was declining.

    Pеngaruh Kompеnsasi Tеrhadap Kеpuasan Kеrja Dan Komitmеn Organisasional ( Studi Pada Karyawan PT. Sеmеstaraya Abadijaya Kabupatеn Grеsik )

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    This rеsеarch has an aim to analyzе and dеscribе thе еffеct of compеnsation towards job satisfaction and organizational commitmеnt. Thе rеsеarch typе usеd is еxplanatory rеsеarch using quantitativе approach. Thе rеsеarchеr took thе samplе of 82 pеoplе from 450 еmployееs of PT. Sеmеstaraya Abadijaya in Grеsik Rеgеncy. Thе rеsеarchеr usеd Judgеmеnt Sampling tеchniquе which takеs thе samplе from thе mеmbеr of populationbasеd on thе cеrtain considеration and was gainеd slovin formula. Thе data in this rеsеarch was gainеd from by sprеading thе quеstionnairе. Thе data analysis procеss usеd dеscriptivе analysis and path. This rеsеarch showеd that thе financial compеnsation and non-financial compеnsation signifant еffеct on job satisfaction, financial compеnsation and non-financial compеnsation significant еffеct on organizational commitmеnt, and job satisfaction significant influеncе organizational commitmеnt. Thе rеsult of thе analysis showеd that thе fair givеn compеnsation will significantly еffеct thе job satisfaction and organizational commitmеnt of thе еmployее. Kеywords: Compеnsation, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitmеn