9 research outputs found

    Uticaj kalcifikacije na promene agrohemijskih osobina pseudogleja i prinos lucerke

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    The paper examines the effects of lime application at the rate of 3 t/ha on pseudogley soil agrochemical changes and alfalfa yield during a two-year period. The applied lime in combination with mineral fertilizers significantly decreased acidity in H20 (by 0.6 pH units) and in nKCl (by 0.81 pH units). At the same time, there was increase in phosphorus availability (from 6.2 mg/100g of soil, control, to 19.1 mg/100 g of soil, variant with lime) and soil base saturation percentage in the 0-30 cm arable horizon. The performed liming intensified organic matter mineralization, which caused decrease of humus content as well as of mobile Al and Fe content compared to control. Moderate liming improved pseudogley agrochemical properties, which was manifested by increased alfalfa yield. In the first study year 19.7 t/ha of forage and 5.7 t/ of hay, respectively, was produced in control variant, while 28.5 t/ha of forage and 8.2 t/ha of hay, respectively, was produced in a variant with liming. Even higher yield was achieved in the second year of alfalfa utilization (8.5 t/ha of forage and 2.2 t/ha of hay, respectively, was produced in control, and 71 t/ha of forage and 16.3 t/ha of hay, respectively, in a variant with liming). .LoÅ”e agrofizičke, a naročito agrohemijske osobine pseudoglejnih zemljiÅ”ta okoline Kraljeva su ograničavajući faktor za gajenje lucerke. Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se melirativnom đubrenjem zemljiÅ”ta-primenom kalcifikacije poprave agrohemijska svojstva pseudogleja i povisi prinos zelene krme i sena lucerke. Rezultati ovih istraživanja pokazuju da se umerenom kalcifikacijom od 3 t/ha kreča može značajno smanjiti kiselost za 0,6 pH jedinica u r^O, i za 0,81 pH jedinicu u nKCl. Smanjenjem kiselosti povećana je pristupačnost fosfora (sa 6,2 mg/100g zemljiÅ”ta, kontrola, na 19,1 mg/100g zemljiÅ”ta varijanta sa primenom kreča) i povećan stepen zasićenosti zemljiÅ”ta bazama u oraničnom horizontu od 0-30cm. Izvedena kalcifikacija pojačala je mineralizaciju organske materije Å”to je uticalo na smanjenje sadržaja humusa, a takođe smanjenje i sadržaja mobilnog Al i Fe u odnosu na kontrolu varijantu. Popravljena agrohemijska svojstva pseudogleja doprinela su povećanju prinosa krme i sena lucerke. U prvoj godini na kontrolnoj varijanti ostvaren je prinos krme od 19,7 t/ha, odnosno 5,7 t/ha sena, dok na varijanti sa primenom kreča 28,5 t/ha krme, odnosno 8,2 t/ha sena. To povećanje prinosa joÅ” je vise bilo izraženo u drugoj godini iskoriŔćavanja lucerke (kontrola 8,5 t/ha krme, odnosno 2,2 t/ha sena, a varijanta sa krečom 71,4 t/ha krme, odnosno 16,3 t/ha sena)

    Prinos krompira sorte 'Kondor' u zavisnosti od načina sečenja semenskih krtola

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    This paper shows possibilities and ways of cutting potato tubers. In potato seed production, besides standard tuber size (28-55 mm), some part of yield is made of tubers large than 55 mm In ware potato production, when does not exist enough certified seed, or the aim is to gel a high yield of marketable tubers, is possible to use like seed tubers larger than 55 mm in a certain way. There are some questions about economical aspects of exploiting large size tubers for planting, and about relations between yield achieved by planting tuber parts or by planting whole tuber, one and the same size. During two-year study (2001-2002), we tried to find differences in potato crops when we sow whole tubers and when we sow their parts. For the research we choose potato variety Kondor, tuber size 55-65 mm, with evenly spaced 5-6 eye. The cutting was done one month before sowing, in three different ways (in two, three and four parts). That month was the pre-sprouting period. During that period tubers were kept in trays at temperature 16-180C and 85-90% of relative air moisture. The results showed that higher total and marketable yield (tubers heavier than 70 g) was achieved by cutting the tubers in two and three parts, comparing to sowing of whole tubers or cut in four parts.U radu su proučavane mogućnosti i načini sečenja krtola krompira U proizvodnji semenskog krompira osim standardne veličine krtola (28-55 mm) dobijaju se i određene količine semenskog krompira frakcije veće od 55 mm. Zbog nedostatka dovoljne količine kvalitetnog deklarisanog semenskog materijala. u proizvodnji konzumnog krompira je moguće koristiti krupne krtole na određen način, naročito ako se ili dobiti Å”to veći udeo krupnih krtola u prinosu. Postavlja se pitanje kako najbolje iskoristili za sadnju ovakve krtole. Posmatrano sa ekonomskog stanoviÅ”ta nameće se pitanje opravdanosti sadnje krupnih krtola pri najboljim proizvodnim uslovima. Takođe je interesantan i odnos prinosa postignut od sečenih i celih krtola iste semenske frakcije. Dobijeni rezultati sečenih krtola frakcije iste krupnoće-Jakovljević i sar. (1965), pokazuju da je razlika u visini prinosa između pojedinih semenskih frakcija sečenih, znatno veća nego razlika pri sadnju celih krtola iste frakcije, Å”to znači da sečene krtole jače reaguju na veličinu semenskih krtola za sadnje. Iz ovoga proizilazi da se u krupnijih semenskih frakcija pojavljuje manja razlika u korist celih krtola Å”to znači da sečenje krtola ove frakcije može u izvesnim slučajevima biti opravdano. ako je reč samo o visini prinosa, jer je razlika u prinosu neznatna. Tokom 2001. i 2002. godine pokuÅ”ali smo da utvrdimo da li i u kojoj meri postoje razlike u usevima krompira kada se sade cele krtole i kada se sade njihovi delovi. Za sečenje je odabrana sorta Kondor, frakcije 55-65 mm, koje imaju najmanje 5-6 pravilno raspoređenih okaca na krtoli. Krtole su sečene na tri načina mesec dana pred sadnju (uzdužno, na tri dela i na četiri dela), i do sadnje su ostavljene da formiraju klicu, na temperaturi 16-18Ā°C pri relativnoj vlažnosti 85-90 %. Na osnovu rezultata može se zaključiti da se najbolji efekat u pogledu ukupnog i tržiÅ”nog prinosa (krtole veće od 40 mm) ostvaruje koriŔćenjem sečenja na polovinu i trećinu krtola u odnosu na sadnju celih krtola ili sečenjem na četvrtine

    Uticaj plodoreda na rezerve semena korovskih biljka u zemljiŔtu

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    Crop rotation, soil cultivation and weed control measures are in direct correlation with the content of the weed seed bank in the soil. Knowing the weed seed bank and the dynamics of the weed emergence is the basis for planning and implementing the measures for effective weed control. The research was carried out on the plots of the long-term stationary experiment 'Plodoredi' of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. During August of 2014, following the soybean harvest, the soil from the plots under different cultivation systems was sampled: soybean monoculture and 3-field (soybean, wheat, corn). Two methodological procedures were used to evaluate the reserve of seeds in the plough layer and the under plough soil layer. The physical extraction of seeds has determined the total content of weed species in the seed bank, while seed germinarion was used to determine which of the observed species are capable of germinating in the following period. The method of physical extraction has determined that the highest number of seeds was present in the soil samples from the soybean monoculture, in the depth layer of 15-30 cm. The under plough soil layer was characterized by a lower number of seeds, in both variants. In the study of germination, which was conducted under controlled conditions 18 months after the sampling, the best seed germination was recorded for the seeds of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Chenopodium hybridum L. and Chenopodium album L.Plodored, obrada zemljiÅ”ta i nega useva koja uključuje mere suzbijanja korova su u direktnoj korelaciji sa sadržajem rezervi semena korovskih biljaka u zemljiÅ”tu. Poznavanje rezervi semena i praćenje dinamike pojave korova je osnova u planiranju i sprovođenju mera za efikasno suzbijanje korova. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na viÅ”egodiÅ”njem stacionarnom ogledu 'Plodoredi' Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Tokom meseca avgusta 2014. godine, nakon žetve soje uzorkovano je zemljiÅ”te sa parcela pod različitim sistemom gajenja: monokultura soje i 3-polje (soja, pÅ”enica, kukuruz). Za procenjivanje rezervi semena korovskih biljaka oraničnog i podoraničnog sloja koriŔćena su dva metodoloÅ”ka postupka. Fizičkom ekstrakcijom semena utvrđena je ukupna zastupljenost semena korovskih vrsta u rezervi semena, dok su naklijavanjem utvrđene vrste čija su semena sposobna da klijaju u narednom periodu. Metodom fizičke ekstrakcije utvrđeno je da je najveća brojnost semena bila u sistemu monokulture soje iz sloja zemljiÅ”ta 15-30 cm. Podoranični sloj je generalno u obe varijante sadržao značajno manji broj semena. U ogledu za naklijavanje, koji je sproveden u kontrolisanim uslovima 18 meseci nakon uzorkovanja, najveću klijavost semena pokazale su vrste: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L, Chenopodium hybridum L., i Chenopodium album L

    Morfologija semena odabranih vrsta korovskih biljaka

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    In order to cope with all the natural phenomena and survive on different types of soil and in different climatic conditions, plants have perfected their means of propagation. Weed seeds are characterized by high diversity in all segments, both physical and chemical. Knowledge of the morphological characteristics of seeds and fruits of weed plants (mass, size, shape, colour, luster, odor, appearance of surface structures) is of great importance in the planning of weed control measures. The subject of this study were the seeds of the species Chenopodium album, C. hybridum, Anagallis arvensis, Veronica hederifolia and Amaranthus retroflexus, which were isolated during the weed seed bank assessment in the soil. After the physical extraction from the soil samples, the seeds were separated from the admixture, determined and then photographed with a stereomicroscope. The dimensions (length, width, seed thickness and length of the navel) were measured and any changes in the seed coat produced as a result of physical damage were monitored. The aim of this research was to expand the database, which should contribute to a more efficient determination of weed seeds. It was found that the seeds of the species studied in this paper were often broken and damaged, although in most cases with similar morphological features, as indicated by the literature data. The seeds of the species C. album were an exception, with dimensions significantly different from the data available in the literature. This occurrence can be explained by the diversity of seed anatomy in the Chenopodiaceae family and also by the fact that during their stay in the soil, permanent changes in the seed surface structures are possible.Da bi se izborili sa svim pojavama prirode i opstali na različitim tipovima zemljiÅ”ta i različitim klimatskim uslovima biljke su usavrÅ”ile svoje načine Å”irenja. Seme korova se odlikuje velikom raznolikoŔću u svim segmentima, kako fizičkim tako i hemijskim. Poznavanje morfoloÅ”kih osobina semena i plodova korovskih biljaka (masa, veličina, oblik, boja, sjaj, miris, izgled povrÅ”inskih struktura) ima veliki značaj u planiranju mera za suzbijanje korova. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada bila su semena vrsta Chenopodium album, C. hybridum, Anagallis arvensis, Veronica hederifolia i Amaranthus retroflexus izdvojena tokom procene rezerve semena korovskih biljaka u zemljiÅ”tu. Nakon fizičke ekstrakcije iz zemljiÅ”nih uzoraka semena su odvojena od primesa, urađena je determinacija semena a zatim su semena slikana stereomikroskopom. Izmerene su dimenzije (dužina, Å”irina, debljina semena i dužina pupka) a praćene su i eventualne promene na semenjači koje su nastale kao posledica fizičkih oÅ”tećenja. Cilj ovog istraživanja je proÅ”irivanje baze podataka koja bi trebalo da doprinese efikasnijoj determinaciji semena korovskih vrsta. Ustanovljeno je da su semena vrsta koja su bila predmet proučavanja u ovom radu često bila polomljena i oÅ”tećena, mada u većini slučajeva sličnih morfoloÅ”kih osobina kao Å”to ukazuju podaci iz literature. Izuzetak su bila semena vrste C. album, čije su se dimenzije značajno razlikovale od podatka dostupnih u literature. Ova činjenica se može objasniti raznolikoŔću anatomske građe semena vrsta iz familije Chenopodiaceae ali i saznanjem da je tokom boravka semena u zemljiÅ”tu moguća trajna promena povrÅ”inske strukture

    The Effect of Biotic Stress in Plant Species Induced by ā€˜Candidatus Phytoplasma solaniā€™ā€”An Artificial Neural Network Approach

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    Infections with phytoplasma present one of the most significant biotic stresses influencing plant health, growth, and production. The phytoplasma ā€˜Candidatus Phytoplasma solaniā€™ infects a variety of plant species. This pathogen impacts the physiological and morphological characteristics of plants causing stunting, yellowing, leaf curling, and other symptoms that can lead to significant economic losses. The aim of this study was to determine biochemical changes in peony (Paeonia tenuifolia L.), mint (Mentha Ɨ piperita L.), and dill (Anethum graveolens L.) induced by ā€˜Ca. Phytoplasma solaniā€™ in Serbia as well as to predict the impact of the biotic stress using artificial neural network (ANN) modeling. The phylogenetic position of the Serbian ā€˜Ca. Phytoplasma solaniā€™ strains originated from the tested hosts using 16S rRNA (peony and carrot strains) and plsC (mint and dill strains) sequences indicated by their genetic homogeneity despite the host of origin. Biochemical parameters significantly differed in asymptomatic and symptomatic plants, except for total anthocyanidins contents in dill and the capacity of peony and mint extracts to neutralize superoxide anions and hydroxyl radicals, respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed a correlation between different chemical parameters and revealed a clear separation among the samples. Based on the ANN performance, the optimal number of hidden neurons for the calculation of TS, RG, PAL, LP, NBT, ā€¢OH, TP, TT, Tflav, Tpro, Tant, DPPH, and Car was nine (using MLP 8-9-13), as it produced high r2 values (1.000 during the training period) and low SOS values. Developing an effective early warning system for the detection of plant diseases in different plant species is critical for improving crop yield and quality

    Biodiesel production from camelina oil: Present status and future perspectives

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    Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz is an oilseed crop with favorable potentials for biodiesel production, such as the high plant yield, high oil content in the seed, high net energy ratio, and low oil production cost. This review paper deals with the present state and perspectives of biodiesel production from camelina oil. First, important issues of camelina seed pretreatment and biodiesel production are reviewed. Emphasis is given to different biodiesel technologies that have been used so far worldwide, the economic assessment of the camelina oil biodiesel (COB) production, the camelina-based biorefineries for the integrated biodiesel production, the COB life cycle analysis, and impact human health and ecosystem. Finally, the perspectives of COB production from the techno-economic and especially genetic engineering points of view are discussed

    Rezerve semena korovskih biljaka u zemljiŔtu

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    Various biological characteristics of weed seeds were investigated. Weed seeds differ in many aspects from those of agricultural seeds. The difference results from a centuries-long struggle against the forces of nature, and especially from human activities aimed at controlling them. Weed seeds differ from those of agricultural crops regarding their biological (anatomical, morphological, physiological), and physical characteristics. The biological characteristics especially include: seed production, irregularity of maturing periods, seed viability, dormancy and germination intervals while the physical characteristics of weed seeds relate to: seed and fruit shape, size, character of the seed surface, absolute and specific mass, etc. Knowing the biological characteristics of weed seeds has great practical value both for forecasting weediness of a particular crop, and for planning and applying control measures, while data on the physical characteristics are relevant to the expansion of weeds, their identification and steps to be taken to acquire pure agricultural seeds. Research of the mechanisms of genetic, physiological and biological control of different phenomena and processes in weed seeds could prove invaluable for creating new cultivars and hybrids of agricultural crops.U radu se razmatraju osnovne bioloÅ”ke karakteristike semena korovskih biljaka (produkcija, neravnomernost sazrevanja, dugovečnost i životna sposobnost, klijanje, periodičnost klijanja, primarna i sekundarna dormantnost semena). Posebno je ukazano na rezerve semena u zemljiÅ”tu naročito u uslovima jake zakorovljenosti, raspored semena u zavisnosti od sistema obrade, kao i uticaj različitih faktora i mera na količine semena u zemljiÅ”tu. Ukazuje se i na zakonitosti i mogućnosti upravljanja ovim procesima, kako bi se, na osnovu toga, moglo znati kada i koliko semena će klijati u određenim klimatskim i zemljiÅ”nim uslovima

    Rezerve semena korovskih biljaka u konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja kukuruza

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    Crop rotation and tillage systems are the most important agrotechical measures that interaction with the suppression of weeds and affect the size and composition of the weed seed bank and are in direct correlation with their content in the soil. Knowing seed bank, as well as monitoring the dynamics of the appearance of weed species, constitute the basis for planning and implementation of measures for their effective suppression. The paper presents the evaluation of weed infestation of maize grown in monoculture, 2-year crop rotation (maize, wheat) and 3-year crop rotation (maize, soybeans, wheat) on long-term experiment "Crop Rotation" of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. Soil samples, taken after the harvest of corn from a depth of 0ā€“15 cm, 15ā€“30 cm and 30ā€“40 cm, were used for the analysis of weed seed bank. By applying the methods of physical extraction, soil samples were irrigated through a system of sieves of different sizes, and by using binoculars and a guide for the determination, a separate determination of seeds was made. The data obtained made it possible to view the number of seeds present in the soil, as well as the vertical distribution of weed species in both arable and subsoil layer.Plodored i sistemi obrade zemljiÅ”ta spadaju u najvažnije agrotehničke mere koje u interakciji sa suzbijanjem korova utiču na veličinu i sastav rezervi semena korovskih biljaka i u direktnoj su korelaciji sa njihovim sadržajem u zemljiÅ”tu. Poznavanje rezervi semena, kao i praćenje dinamike pojave korovskih vrsta predstavljaju osnovu u planiranju i sprovođenju mera za njihovo efikasno suzbijanje. U radu je prikazana procena zakorovljenosti kukuruza gajenog u monokulturi, dvopoljnom (kukuruz, pÅ”enica) i tropoljnom plodoredu (kukuruz, soja, pÅ”enica) na viÅ”egodiÅ”njem stacionarnom ogledu ā€žPlodorediā€œ Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Uzorci zemljiÅ”ta uzeti nakon žetve kukuruza sa dubine 0ā€“15 cm, 15ā€“30 cm i 30ā€“40 cm poslužili su za analizu rezervi semena korovskih biljaka. Primenom metode fizičke ekstrakcije, zemljiÅ”ni uzorci su ispirani kroz sistem sita različite finoće, a koriŔćenjem binokulara i priručnika za determinaciju izvrÅ”ena je determinacija odvojenog semena. Dobijeni podaci su omogućili da se prikaže brojnost prisutnog semena u zemljiÅ”tu, kao i vertikalna distribucija semena korovskih vrsta kako u oraničinom, tako i podoraničnom sloju

    Biodiesel production from corn oil: A review

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    This paper deals with biodiesel production from corn oil as a feedstock via the transesterification and esterification reactions. To date, corn oil has not been considered a viable biodiesel feedstock because of its high edible value and relatively high price, but some industrial corn processing co-products, such as corn germ and dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS), have potential for this application after the extraction of corn distillers oil (CDO). Here, after brief discussion of the issues related to corn botany, cultivation, and use, as well as the corn germ and oil composition, properties and use, the methods of corn processing for germ and DDGS recovery are presented. In addition, the mechanical and solvent extraction techniques for oil recovery from whole ground corn kernels, germs, and DDGS are considered. Furthermore, biodiesel production from corn oil, waste frying corn oil, and CDO is critically analyzed. It is expected that further investigation will be directed toward developing simpler, more effective and energy-saving technologies for biodiesel production from corn oil-based feedstocks, especially from CDO. The integration of biodiesel production directly into corn-based ethanol production will advance the overall economy of industrial plants. Furthermore, the fuel properties, performances and exhaust gas emissions of corn-based biodiesel and its blends with diesel fuel are discussed, taking into account the biodiesel quality standards. Finally, issues related to the environmental and socio-economic impacts of corn-based biodiesel production and use are also tackled