1,387 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Dan Kinerja Pegawai

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    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut: (1) Variabel Konpensasi (X1) dan Variabel Lingkungan Kerja (X2 ) berkontribusi secara simultan signifikan terhadap variabel Kepuasan Kerja (Y1). variabel Konpensasi (X1) dan Variabel Lingkungan Kerja (X2 ) berkontribusi secara simultan signifikan terhadap variabel Kepuasan Kerja (Y1). (2) Variabel Konpensasi (X1) memiliki pengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap variabel Kepuasan Kerja (Y1). (3) variabel Lingkungan Kerja (X2) memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap variabel Kepuasan Kerja (Y1). (4) variabel Kepuasan kerja (Y1) memiliki pengaruh positif  signifikan terhadap variabel Kinerja Pegawai. Kata Kunci : Kompensasi, Lingkungan kerja, Kepuasan, Kinerj

    Perlindungan Hukum Industri Garmen Dalam Negeri, Terhadap Impor Pakaian Bekas

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    Tulisan ini mengenai, Perlindungan Hukum Industri Garmen Dalam Negeri, Terhadap Impor Pakaian Bekas. Rumusan Masalah yaitu, Bagaimanakah perlindungan hukum industri garmen dalam negeri, terhadap impor pakaian bekas ? dan Apasajakah kendala hukum dalam proteksi impor pakaian bekas yang merugikan industri garmen dalam negeri..? Tujuan Penelitian yaitu, Untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari perlindungan hukum industri garmen dalam negeri, terhadap impor pakaian bekas dan Untuk menganalisis kendala hukum dalam proteksi terhadap impor pakaian bekas yang merugikan indutri garmen dalam negeri. Penulis menggunakan teknik pendekatan Penelitian Hukum Normatif yaitu, suatu penelitian yang mengkaji berbagai norma-norma aturan berupa hukum positif yang terkait dengan objek penelitian. Pentingnya perlindungan industri dalam negeri dari praktik dumping sehingga dapat diperoleh gambaran mengenai peraturan perlindungan industri dalam negeri yang memproduksi barang sejenis dari praktik dumping, kriteria yang dijadikan ukuran adanya kerugian dan upaya-upaya yang dilakukan oleh produsen dalam negeri akibat terjadinya praktik dumping. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh produsen dalam negeri yang memproduksi barang sejenis dari praktik dumping adalah mereka dapat menempuh prosedur-prosedur yang telah dinyatakan oleh Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 34 Tahun 1996 Tentang Bea Masuk Anti Dumping dan Bea Masuk Imbalan dan adanya PP 34 Tahun 2011 Tentang Tindakan Anti Dumping, Tindakan Imbalan, dan Tindakan Pengamanan Perdagangan

    Gluon Vortices and Induced Magnetic Field in Compact Stars

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    The natural candidates for the realization of color superconductivity are the extremely dense cores of compact stars, many of which have very large magnetic fields, especially the so-called magnetars. In this paper we discuss how a color superconducting core can serve to generate and enhance the stellar magnetic field without appealing to a magnetohydrodynamic dynamo mechanism.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the VII Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications. Cusco (Peru) June 200

    Prävention der koronaren Herzkrankheit: Erste Längsschnittdaten zur ­Qualität in Hausarztpraxen

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    Wie viele Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung erreichen Blutdruck- und Cholesterin-Zielwerte? Dank des FIRE-Projekts liegen erstmals Langzeitdaten über die Qualitätsentwicklung der Sekundärprävention in Schweizer Hausarztpraxen vor. Sie zeigen, wie diffizil das Thema «Qualität» ist

    Measuring Neutrino Oscillations with Nuclear Reactors

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    Since the first direct observations of antineutrino events by Reines and Cowan in the 1950's [1], nuclear reactors have been an important tool in the study of neutrino properties. More recently, the study of neutrino oscillations has been a very active area of research. The pioneering observation of oscillations by the KamLAND experiment has provided crucial information on the neutrino mixing matrix. New experiments to study the remaining unknown mixing angle are currently under development. These recent studies and potential future developments will be discussed

    Magnetic Phases in Dense Quark Matter

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    In this paper I discuss the magnetic phases of the three-flavor color superconductor. These phases can take place at different field strengths in a highly dense quark system. Given that the best natural candidates for the realization of color superconductivity are the extremely dense cores of neutron stars, which typically have very large magnetic fields, the magnetic phases here discussed could have implications for the physics of these compact objects.Comment: Presented at VII Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications, El Cusco, Peru, June 200

    Weiterbildungsangebote für Hausarztmedizin in der Schweiz – eine Bestandsaufnahme

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    Über den Hausärztemangel wird viel diskutiert. Eine zukunftsgerichtete Lösung sind spezifische Weiterbildungsprogramme. Eine Studie analysiert die Charakteristika der aktuell bestehenden Angebote in der Schweiz

    Stres Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja, Kesehatan Fisik, Kesalahan Kerja Dan Kecelakaan Kerja Teknisi Pesawat Udara

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    The study examines job stress, job satisfaction, physical health, work accidents and faulty work. Study was involving 100 aircraft technicians PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines. Occupational injuries is measured by Safety Related Injuries Scale. Work was measured with a scale error faulty work by the job description of aircraft maintenance division that has been standard. Physical health was measured by Physical Health Questionnaire (PHQ). Job satisfaction was measured by job satisfaction scale developed by researchers. Work stress was measured by Job Stress Survey (JSS). Data occupational accidents, faulty work, physical health, job satisfaction and job stress were analyzed with statistical regression analysis. The analysis showed job stress did not predict an increase in accidents and faulty work. Job stress did not predict decline in physical health and job satisfaction. High and low occupational accidents, faulty work, physical health, and aircraft technician job satisfaction can not be predicted through the high and low job stress

    An advanced design approach to support urban transformations through multi-stakeholder collaborations

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    Urban transformations depend on the uses of the city by “old” and new citizens (residents, workers, migrants, refugees, students, seasonal, homeless individuals, tourists, city-users, commuters), and on their relation within urban spaces and resources, triggering regenerative opportunities, networking and empowerment processes. Considering the city and its heritage as a common good, in which each citizen could access and play for the knowledge, management, conservation and transformation of urban contexts, the contribute illustrates the results of experimental actions in Bologna (IT) finalized to test new stakeholder engagement processes and to develop new tools for participatory practices and new productions for the reactivation of the city. In the last years Bologna represents a field of experimentation for different forms of collaborative approaches with the aim to test and innovate tools and policies for the public space. The paper presents the results of specific projects linked to EU funding schemes (ROCK project) and local multi-stakeholder initiatives, such as the Bologna Design Week, which are part of the research and experimentation carried out by the research unit team. This article illustrates a model to improve the regenerative capacities of the city, by reinforcing local identity and culture, fostering participation through active engagement of all relevant stakeholders, allowing a diversity of responses of groups of actors with different roles and different strengths
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