190 research outputs found


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    Bacan Island, located in South Halmahera, North Maluku Province, is a potential region with a variety of important sectors, such as plantations, fisheries, mining, tourism, industry and trade. Until recently, this potential has not been exploited fully due to lack of transportation infrastructure systems. The government has prepared the plan to construct the road network systems, which consist of five road segments connecting the potential regions. With limited funding available, it would be impossible to build the road in the same time. Therefore, an optimum and carefully planned prioritization program should be applied. The purpose of this study was to determine the priority of road construction on the island of Bacan using Important Performance Analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process methods. The result shows that the criteria considered important in determining the prioritization of road construction are as follows: (a) accessibility, (b) linkage, (c) land use, (d) cost, (e) technical aspects, (f) economic, and (g) environment. It is recommended that the construction phases of the road network in Bacan Island are Labuha-Babang, Babang-Songa, Songa-Wayaua, Labuha-Sawadai, Sawadai-Kubung, Babang-Yaba, Labuha-Belang-belang, Belang-belang-Yaba, Songa-Wayatim, and Wayatim-Wayaua, consecutively.Keywords: road construction, Importance Performance Analysis , Analytical Hierarchy Proces


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    Bacan Island, located in South Halmahera, North Maluku Province, is a potential region with a variety of important sectors, such as plantations, fisheries, mining, tourism, industry and trade. Until recently, this potential has not been exploited fully due to lack of transportation infrastructure systems. The government has prepared the plan to construct the road network systems, which consist of five road segments connecting the potential regions. With limited funding available, it would be impossible to build the road in the same time. Therefore, an optimum and carefully planned prioritization program should be applied. The purpose of this study was to determine the priority of road construction on the island of Bacan using Important Performance Analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process methods. The result shows that the criteria considered important in determining the prioritization of road construction are as follows: (a) accessibility, (b) linkage, (c) land use, (d) cost, (e) technical aspects, (f) economic, and (g) environment. It is recommended that the construction phases of the road network in Bacan Island are Labuha-Babang, Babang-Songa, Songa-Wayaua, Labuha-Sawadai, Sawadai-Kubung, Babang-Yaba, Labuha-Belang-belang, Belang-belang-Yaba, Songa-Wayatim, and Wayatim-Wayaua, consecutively.Keywords: road construction, Importance Performance Analysis , Analytical Hierarchy Proces

    Pengaruh Penambahan Aditif Terhadap Kinerja Campuran Beraspal Porus

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    One of the challenges in implementing the porous asphalt mix is its low stability, which in some cases as low as 500 kg, making it hard to be implemented even in the collector road system. The objective of the research is to evaluate addition of Gilsonite and Latex additives to the porous mix, in search of better or higher stability. Evaluation in this study follows the Marshall procedure. The result shows that adding Gilsonite increases mix stability up to 900 kg and it also performs better compared with the latex-added mix. However, it reduces the permeability capability of the mix, for some points. In the future, further research could be conducted to evaluate gradation modification for increasing its permeability

    Truck Driver Behavior and Travel Time Effectiveness Using Smart GPS

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    The pattern of coal transportation is very dependent on the behaviour of the driver, which influences the effectiveness of travel time. Good driver behaviour will affect the optimization of travel time, and scenarios need to reduce travel time wastage. This study aims to optimize travel time and sensitivity analysis based on the influence of driver behaviour, truck travel movements and the use of travel time on coal haul roads. The research method uses a field survey with a GPS tracker, a smart GPS server 3.3, google earth and statistics. The results showed that the driver's behaviour greatly influenced the pattern of use of travel time and truck travel speed. Coal transportation in the morning can be more optimal than night so that that travel time wastage can reduced by 40%. The proposed optimization scenarios can save 36.7% - 48.61% of the existing travel time and the transport cycle can be increased to four to five times. So that with the addition of the cycle, it will increase the income of the transport company and the driver's income. With smart GPS, companies can improve the performance of transportation services in company management, get coal supplies on time


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    Abstract During road reconstruction period, a negative impact was imposed on road users and the surrounding environment. These impacts are the result of the work zone which is used as working space and road reconstruction. This work zone is potential to influence the drivers' stress and to decrease road traffic performance such as travel delays, congestions and road accidents. Guidelines for green (environmentally friendly) infrastructure defined in New Road Construction Concept (NR2C) in European infrastructure vision 2040 concept, can be used to mitigate this negative impact. Twenty projects of Balai V National Roads Improvement in East Java, and Balai VIII in Bali for fiscal year 2013 is used as a case study. Descriptive method used for the discussion of case studies. Management traffic safety in work zones assessed the suitability of the setting up of signs, markings and guardrail. Shift arrangements work during the day (peak hours) or night (off peak hour), is used as an indicator of the negative impact of road users and the environment. The analysis showed that the work zone management in the implementation of national road reconstruction projects toward green (environmentally friendly) construction concept. It is shown from the implementation of safety attributes average 68%, and the implementation of the reconstruction in the off peak hours by 55% of the projects. Keywords: road reconstruction, work zone, negative impact, green construction  Abstrak Pada saat pelaksanaan rekonstruksi jalan, dampak negatif akan  terjadi pada pengguna jalan dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Dampak ini akibat zona pekerjaan yang digunakan untuk pekerjaan rekonstruksi. Zona pekerjaan ini berpotensi membuat pengemudi strees dan menurunnya kinerja lalulintas seperti tundaan perjalanan, kemacetan dan kecelakaan lalulintas. Pedoman untuk infrastruktur hijau (ramah lingkungan) menetapkan konsep konstruksi jalan baru (NR2C) dalam Visi Infrastruktur Eropa 2040. Konsep ini dapat memitigasi dampak negatif ini. Dua puluh proyek pada Balai V Jalan Nasional di Jawa Timur dan Bali VIII di Bali pada tahun fiscal 2013 digunakan untuk kasus studi. Metode deskriptif digunakan untuk  dalam diskusi kasus studi. Manajemen keselamatan lalulintas di lokasi kerja dinilai terhadap keberlanjutan penempatan rambu, marka dan pagar pelindung. Pengaturan  perubahan kerja pada siang hari (jam sibuk) atau malam hari (jam tidak sibuk) digunakan untuk indikator dampak negative pada pengguna jalan dan lingkungan. Dari analisis menunjukan manajemen zona kerja pada implementasi proyek-proyek rekonstruksi jalan nasional menuju konsep konstruksi hijau (ramah lingkungan). Terlihat dalam implementasi atribut keselamatan rata-rata 68% dan implementasi pada jam tidak sibuk hanya 55%. Kata-kata kunci: konstruksi jalan, zona kerja, dampak negatif, konstruksi hijau


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    There are two road condition survey methods commonly used, the roughness-based equipment such as NAASRA and the distress and severity type road evaluation method as presented by ASTM D-6433. The objective of the study is to evaluate the relationship between road condition obtained from roughness type equipment and road distress. To achieve the objective, a condition survey using the two methods were performed on two road segments in the East Java Provincial road system. Data obtained from the field was evaluated to obtain International Roughness Index (from NAASRA) and Present Condition Index value (from field condition survey). The results show that the two methods provide a comparable result when the distress type is of un-even surface such as rutting and bumping. A slight different result is observed when the major distress occurred in the road is of crack-type such as fatigue and block cracking

    Evaluation of Road Roughness and Road Deterioation

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    There are two road condition survey methods commonly used, the roughness-based equipment such as NAASRA and the distress and severity type road evaluation method as presented by ASTM D-6433. The objective of the study is to evaluate the relationship between road condition obtained from roughness type equipment and road distress. To achieve the objective, a condition survey using the two methods were performed on two road segments in the East Java Provincial road system. Data obtained from the field was evaluated to obtain International Roughness Index (from NAASRA) and Present Condition Index value (from field condition survey). The results show that the two methods provide a comparable result when the distress type is of un-even surface such as rutting and bumping. A slight different result is observed when the major distress occurred in the road is of crack-type such as fatigue and block cracking

    Pengaruh Asbuton Terhadap Karakteristik Marshall Perkerasan Daur Ulang Dengan Peremaja Oli Bekas Dan Solar

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    Teknologi perkerasan daur ulang dapat mengembalikan kekuatan perkerasan, mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap material baru, dan mengurangi limbah perkerasan yang saat ini pemanfaatannya kurang optimal. Untuk mengembalikan kekuatan perekerasan daur ulang dibutuhkan peremaja. Peremaja yang digunakan yaitu oli bekas dan solar dengan proporsi oli bekas : solar yaitu 0 : 100, 25 : 75, 50 : 50, 75 : 25, dan 100 : 0, dengan kadar peremaja yang dicampurkan 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, dan 10% terhadap berat benda uji. Selain itu digunakan asbuton sebagai filler untuk mengisi rongga yang kosong dalam agregat perkerasan daur ulang. Kadar asbuton yang dicampurkan yaitu 3%, 6%, 9% dan 12% terhadap berat benda uji. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode grafik. Berdasarkan hasil dari metode tersebut, asbuton memberikan pengaruh bagi nilai stabilitas yang dihasilkan. Semakin banyak asbuton yang dicampurkan maka nilai stabilitas semakin meningkat. Proporsi yang paling optimum yaitu 75 : 25 dengan kadar asbuton 12% dan peremaja 2,9%. Dari nilai stabilitas benda uji yang diperoleh, nilai stabilitas benda uji tidak memenuhi standar Laston, namun dapat dijadikan alternatif pengganti Latasir