19 research outputs found

    Konrad Adenauer dan pemodenan semula Jerman Barat

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    Perang Dunia Kedua telah membawa kemusnahan Jerman sebagai sebuah entiti politik. Lebih signifikan lagi Jerman kehilangan segala-galanya termasuk kedaulatan. Namun kemunculan Konrad Adenauer pada tahun 1949 sebagai Canselor Jerman Barat yang pertama (1949-1963), diperkukuhkan lagi dengan pengaruh kuasa Berikat terutamanya Amerika Syarikat telah membuka laluan ke arah pemodenan dan kebangkitan semula Jerman Barat selepas pembahagian Jerman kepada dua entiti. Makalah ini membincangkan tentang peranan Adenauer dalam kebangkitan semula Jerman sehingga dianggap sebagai bapa Jerman moden. Beberapa perkara telah dilakukan Adenauer. Pertama mengukuhkan demokrasi sebagai satu ideology baru masyarakat Jerman Barat pasca perang melalui pelaksanaan Basic Law atau Undang-undang Asas. Kedua, dasar domestic diteruskan dengan memperkukuhkan ekonomi Jerman Barat melalui Rancangan Marshall Plan atau Rancangan Marshall dan pengenalan Ekonomi Pasaran sehingga mencapai tahap yang dikatakan sebagai economic miracle atau ekonomi yang menakjubkan. Seterusnya, status-quo sewaktu era Perang Dingin telah membolehkan Jerman Barat merealisasikan kerja sama ekonomi dan ketenteraan Eropah melalui ECSC, EEC dan NATO yang mencerminkan pengiktirafan semula pihak Barat terhadap kedaulatan dan maruah Jerman sebagai salah satu kuasa di Eropah Barat. Kerjasama rapat yang ditunjukkan bersama-sama pihak Barat serta usaha bersungguh-sungguh yang dilakukan oleh Adenauer akhirnya membolehkan Jerman Barat kembali memperoleh kedaulatan semula pada 1955 yang telah hilang sepuluh tahun sebelum itu

    Indonesian Shipbuilding Industry in the perspective of Collaborative Manufacturing Network (CMN)

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    The Indonesian shipbuilding industry must get involved in a collaboration network in order to be survived in the global competitiveness. The competitiveness level of Indonesian shipbuilding industry is low with only about 1.6 percent of International market share. Most of the proportion is contributed by PT PAL Indonesia with its maximum 50.000 DWT of shipbuilding capacities. The reason can be identified as the Indonesian domestic shipyards are still working as a single company respectively. This fact is contradicted with the tendency of international shipbuilding industry in the current global competitiveness to do collaboration among them to increase their production capacities. Successful example of the shipyard collaboration in order to get the most of the shipbuilding international market is collaboration among shipyards in South Korea and China. Both of these countries have integrated their shipyards and hence have increased significantly their shipbuilding production capacities. Currently, they have been recognized as a shipbuilder country. This paper discuss the condition of Indonesian shipbuilding industry and the potency to get involved in a collaborative manufacturing network in order to increase its global competitiveness

    Conceptual Model for Transfer of Technology in a Shipyard

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    Transfer of technology is an important program to be done by a shipyard if the respective shipyard is to maintain and increase its competitiveness. But sometimes, some aspects that need to be considered in a transfer of technology program are ignored. Before any transfer of technology program is to be conducted in any shipyard, identification of the required technology to be transferred and why the changes in shipyard technology are needed must be done. These identifications will lead to the identification of the current shipyard competitiveness and the identification of the shipyard hardware and software technology components performances. Decision will be made which is based on these identifications. If the software technology components show good performances, then maximum advantages will be obtained from the current facilities and any investment in hardware technology components will tend to reduce the cost per unit of output. On the contrary, if the software technology components show bad performances, then any investment in hardware technology components will tend to increase the cost per unit of output. In this paper, a conceptual model of transfer of technology in a shipyard is developed. The proposed model is expected to be a reference model for a shipyard practitioners when a transfer of technology program is about to be conducted and hence prevent losses of investment mistake and obtain maximum advantages from the transfer of technology process

    Simulating Utilization of Waste Heat of Motor Vehicles-Based On Thermoelectric Generator

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    The main power source of motor vehicle is combustion engines which use fossil fuels (diesel, gasoline, pertamax etc.) as fuel. The total heat supplied to the engine in the form of fuel, 30-40% of fuel is converted into mechanical work, heat remaining is released through the exhaust pipe and the engine cooling system. The unused heat source in motor vehicles could potentially be used to generate electricity as a supplier of electricity needs in a vehicle. The technology used to convert the heat energy into electrical energy known as the thermoelectric generator, which uses the Seebeck theory as the basis of the principle works. This study uses a cylinder with a heating element inside (heater) as a heat source such as the exhaust pipes designed in a motor vehicle. Cylinder temperature is simulated as the temperature of the exhaust pipes of motor vehicles by varying the input voltage supplied to the heater (150V, 175V, 200V and 225V). This study also uses sub-sonic wind tunnel as a source of wind to vary the speed of exhaled air to test equipment to simulate the vehicle speed (20 km/h, 30 km/h, 40 km/h, 50 km/h and 60 km/h). By using 8 thermoelectric modules arranged in series electrical, power (P) generated a maximum of 0.88 Watt with voltage difference (ΔV) 11:13V and a maximum temperature difference (ΔT) 47.61°C. This condition is obtained on the input voltage at 225V heater with air velocity 20 km/h.

    Initial Model Development of an Integrated Shipbuilding Industry in Indonesia: a Case Study of Indonesian State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Shipyards

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    Capacities of the world shipbuilding industry have been dominated by three major countries which are South Korea, China and Japan. The ship tonnage proportion they have been built is approximately 90% of the total ship tonnage in the world. Indonesia with the rest of the shipbuilding countries only share the rest of the proportion which are far less than the total capacities of those three countries. Indonesia has its potency to increase its shipbuilding industry capacity significantly with the support of 250 shipyards in this country. The increasing capacities can be fulfilled if those shipyards are getting involved in collaboration. The increasing capacity of Indonesian shipyard is need to be actualized to prevent order of shipbuilding rejection from overseas as a consequence of shipyard insufficient capacity. In this paper, an initial model for shipyard collaboration in Indonesia is developed. The number of shipyards to get involved in this initial model is limited to 4 BUMN shipyards. The selection of those shipyards is based on the consideration that those shipyards are under central coordination of Indonesian BUMN Ministry. Some aspects related to the model development are discussed and in the end, an initial model of an integrated shipbuilding industry in Indonesia is proposed

    Pengaruh Jenis Alat Giling dan Varietas terhadap Kualitas Beras di Sulawesi Selatan

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    The Effect Of Mill Types And Variety On Rice Quality In South Sulawesi. The aim of this research was find out the effect of mill types and variety on rice quality in South Sulawesi. This assessment was conducted on the farmer\u27s land in Pinrang Regency on August to December 2005. Cultivation Technologies applied were recommended by Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura South Sulawesi. Experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design with two factors. The first factor was three varieties such as Pepe, Cimelati and Cigeulis. The second factor was three types of mills such as portable, RMU (compact rice mill) and complete big rice mill. The result showed that percentage of total rice, head rice, brokens, and moisture content of head rice was influenced significantly by interaction between type of mill and variety. The highest of head rice rendemen was Cigeulis with portable mill (74,6%) and followed by Cimelati with portable mill (73,17%). Palatability characteristics after cooking was influenced significantly by type of mill only. The best rice eaten was complete big rice mill with rice cooked had characteristics as delicious, softly, white color, bright and aromatic of variety Pepe, Cigeulis and Cimelati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis alat giling terhadap kualitas beras beberapa varietas padi di Sulawesi Selatan. Pengkajian dilaksanakan di lahan petani Kabupaten Pinrang pada musim tanam Agustus hingga Desember 2005. Teknologi budidaya yang digunakan adalah yang direkomendasikan oleh Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama yaitu varietas sebanyak 3 faktor adalah Pepe, Cimelati dan Cigeulis. Sedangkan faktor kedua adalah alat giling sebanyak 3 faktor yaitu portable dengan kapasitas giling 50 g, RMU (Rice milling Unit) kapasitas 100 kg dan gilingan besar milik PT Pertani (sistem kontinyu dengan paddy polisher) kapasitas minimal 250 kg. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen beras total, beras kepala, beras pecah, dan kadar air beras kepala dipengaruhi secara nyata oleh interaksi antara tipe alat giling dan varietas. Rendemen beras kepala tertinggi adalah varietas Cigeulis dengan gilingan kecil (74,6%) diikuti varietas Cimelati dengan gilingan kecil (73,17%) dan varietas Cigeulis dengan gilingan RMU (72,24%). Mutu citarasa nasi dari semua varietas yang diuji hanya dipengaruhi secara nyata oleh alat giling. Cita rasa nasi yang disukai adalah yang digiling dengan penggilingan besar. Beberapa karakteristiknya adalah agak lembek, rasa enak, warna putih mengkilat, pulen, beraroma dan kelekatan sedang baik varietas Pepe, Cigeulis maupun Cimelati

    Modelling Maintenance System of a Fishing Vessel Using Markov Process Method

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    Reliability analysis on a ship system have developed as the increasing demand on the level of safety and reliability of the ship design. There are some significantly important of ship systems which support the ship operationalization. Failure on one system component can influence the functionality of the respective system and even can damage the whole ship function. If this is happen, the safety of the passengers and cargoes on the ship will be threatened. A comprehensive evaluation on the ship systems must be conducted so that the failure level of the system can be predicted. For the safety of the maintenance action on a system, model of the ship system maintenance must be designed. One common approach to be used on a maintenance modelling of a system is markov approach or markov modelling. The final result of the appoach is an availability index of a system as a consequences of the ship system maintenance. Output from this approach will become input for designing ship system maintenance strategy. This paper discusses the use of markov process approach in modelling maintenance of a ship system. In the final part of the paper, a maintenance modelling case for a ship fresh water cooling system is presented

    Regulatory Approaches to Managing Skilled Migration: Indonesian Nurses in Japan

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    This article examines the Japan–Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement, an agreement that has allowed Japan to supplement its local healthcare workforce while continuing to sidestep the thorny issue of labour and immigration policy reform and Indonesia to increase its skilled workers’ access to the Japanese labour market at a time when it was making a concerted effort to reorient migrant labour flows away from informal sector occupations. Despite the programme’s many problems, it has contributed to the use of trade agreements as a mechanism for regulating labour migration, and so to the normalisation of migrant labour as a tradable commodity rather than a discrete area of policy-making, with all the attendant risks that normalisation brings

    Peranan Kelompok Tani dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Usahatani Bawang Merah di Desa Bumi Beringin: The Role Of Farmer Groups In Increasing Onion Farming Income In Bumi Beringin Village

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Bumi Beringin Kecamatan Luwuk Utara. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah petani bawang merah yang termasuk dalam anggota kelompok tani. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian diperoleh rata–rata pendapatan yang diterima sebesar Rp. 2.921.260/MT yang diperoleh dari rata–rata penerimaan sebesar Rp.7.464.000/MT dan rata–rata biaya yang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp. 4.542.740/MT dan R/C Ratio sebesar 1,64 hal ini berarti usahatani bawang merah di Desa Bumi Beringin layak untuk diusahakan. Berdasarkan analisis bahwa indikator kelas belajar sebesar 88% dan indikator unit produksi sebesar 81% tergolong dalam kategori sangat setuju. Indikator wahana kerja sama sebesar 77% tergolong kategori setuju, berarti kelompok tani berperan dalam usahatani bawang merah. Hasil pengujian chi square terhadap hubungan peranan kelompok tani terhadap pendapatan usahatani bawang merah sebesar 6,40 dan Nilai chi square tabel dari taraf nyata 5% atau 0,05 dengan derajat bebas (db) kedua sebesar 5,99. Jika chi square hitung lebih besar dari pada chi square tabel maka terdapat hubungan nyata antara peranan kelompok tani terhadap pendapatan usahatani bawang merah. The research was conducted in Bumi Beringin Village, North Luwuk District. The sample study shallot farmers who were members of the farmer groups. The data obtained this study consisted of primary and secondary. The results show that the average income received was Rp. 2,921,260 / MT obtained from the average revenue of Rp. 7,464,000 / MT and average cost incurred is Rp. 4,542,740 / MT and R / C Ratio of 1.64, this means that shallot farming in Bumi Beringin Village feasible to be cultivated. Based on the analysis, the learning class indicator is 88% and the production unit indicator 81% classified as agree. The indicator for cooperation vehicles by 77% is classified as agree, meaning that the farmer group plays a role in shallot farming. The results of the chi square test on the relationship between the role of farmer groups on shallot farming income 6.40 and the chi square table value of the real level was 5% or 0.05 with the second degree of freedom (db) of 5.99. the calculated chi square is greater than the chi square table, there is significant relationship between the role of farmer groups on shallot farming income