11,024 research outputs found

    High-frequency eddy current measurements using sensor-mounted electronics

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    Eddy current techniques are used widely for the detection of surface-breaking cracks in metal samples and the detection of such defects in metals with low electrical conductivity is challenging. To achieve good sensitivity to small surface cracks, the electromagnetic skin depth of the eddy current needs to be small, which often means operating at MHz frequencies. One of the major challenges in high-frequency eddy current testing is that the capacitance of the cable between the instrument electronics and the sensor head becomes significant in the MHz range, making the system unstable and introducing noise into the system as the cable moves and interacts electrically with objects close to it. There are significant benefits to locating the electrical circuitry directly behind the eddy current sensor coils, reducing issues with cable-induced electrical noise, enabling the detection of smaller defects at earlier stages of growth. Materials such as nickel-based super-alloys, titanium, austenitic steel and carbon fibre composites are often used in safety-critical applications, where the ability to detect surface cracks at the earliest possible stage is vital. Examples are presented that show the detection of small defects in a range of challenging materials at eddy current frequencies up to more than 15 MHz

    Classification of Standard Model Particles in E6E_6 Orbifold Grand Unified Theories

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    We classify the standard model fermions, which originate from bulk fields of the 27\bf{27} or 27ˉ\bar{\bf{27}} representation after orbifold breaking, in E6E_6 grand unified theories on 5 or 6-dimensional space-time, under the condition that qq, ece^c and ucu^c survive as zero modes.Comment: 24 pages, typos corrected, to appear in IJMP

    Constructing the Tree-Level Yang-Mills S-Matrix Using Complex Factorization

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    A remarkable connection between BCFW recursion relations and constraints on the S-matrix was made by Benincasa and Cachazo in 0705.4305, who noted that mutual consistency of different BCFW constructions of four-particle amplitudes generates non-trivial (but familiar) constraints on three-particle coupling constants --- these include gauge invariance, the equivalence principle, and the lack of non-trivial couplings for spins >2. These constraints can also be derived with weaker assumptions, by demanding the existence of four-point amplitudes that factorize properly in all unitarity limits with complex momenta. From this starting point, we show that the BCFW prescription can be interpreted as an algorithm for fully constructing a tree-level S-matrix, and that complex factorization of general BCFW amplitudes follows from the factorization of four-particle amplitudes. The allowed set of BCFW deformations is identified, formulated entirely as a statement on the three-particle sector, and using only complex factorization as a guide. Consequently, our analysis based on the physical consistency of the S-matrix is entirely independent of field theory. We analyze the case of pure Yang-Mills, and outline a proof for gravity. For Yang-Mills, we also show that the well-known scaling behavior of BCFW-deformed amplitudes at large z is a simple consequence of factorization. For gravity, factorization in certain channels requires asymptotic behavior ~1/z^2.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamics of test bodies with spin in de Sitter spacetime

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    We study the motion of spinning test bodies in the de Sitter spacetime of constant positive curvature. With the help of the 10 Killing vectors, we derive the 4-momentum and the tensor of spin explicitly in terms of the spacetime coordinates. However, in order to find the actual trajectories, one needs to impose the so-called supplementary condition. We discuss the dynamics of spinning test bodies for the cases of the Frenkel and Tulczyjew conditions.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex forma

    Amplitudes and Spinor-Helicity in Six Dimensions

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    The spinor-helicity formalism has become an invaluable tool for understanding the S-matrix of massless particles in four dimensions. In this paper we construct a spinor-helicity formalism in six dimensions, and apply it to derive compact expressions for the three, four and five point tree amplitudes of Yang-Mills theory. Using the KLT relations, it is a straightforward process to obtain amplitudes in linearized gravity from these Yang-Mills amplitudes; we demonstrate this by writing down the gravitational three and four point amplitudes. Because there is no conserved helicity in six dimensions, these amplitudes describe the scattering of all possible polarization states (as well as Kaluza-Klein excitations) in four dimensions upon dimensional reduction. We also briefly discuss a convenient formulation of the BCFW recursion relations in higher dimensions.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures. Minor improvements of the discussio

    Inherited Twistor-Space Structure of Gravity Loop Amplitudes

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    At tree-level, gravity amplitudes are obtainable directly from gauge theory amplitudes via the Kawai, Lewellen and Tye closed-open string relations. We explain how the unitarity method allows us to use these relations to obtain coefficients of box integrals appearing in one-loop N=8 supergravity amplitudes from the recent computation of the coefficients for N=4 super-Yang-Mills non-maximally-helicity-violating amplitudes. We argue from factorisation that these box coefficients determine the one-loop N=8 supergravity amplitudes, although this remains to be proven. We also show that twistor-space properties of the N=8 supergravity amplitudes are inherited from the corresponding properties of N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory. We give a number of examples illustrating these ideas.Comment: 32 pages, minor typos correcte

    All Non-Maximally-Helicity-Violating One-Loop Seven-Gluon Amplitudes in N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory

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    We compute the non-MHV one-loop seven-gluon amplitudes in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, which contain three negative-helicity gluons and four positive-helicity gluons. There are four independent color-ordered amplitudes, (- - - + + + +), (- - + - + + +), (- - + + -+ +) and (- + - + - + +). The MHV amplitudes containing two negative-helicity and five positive-helicity gluons were computed previously, so all independent one-loop seven-gluon helicity amplitudes are now known for this theory. We present partial information about an infinite sequence of next-to-MHV one-loop helicity amplitudes, with three negative-helicity and n-3 positive-helicity gluons, and the color ordering (- - - + + ... + +); we give a new coefficient of one class of integral functions entering this amplitude. We discuss the twistor-space properties of the box-integral-function coefficients in the amplitudes, which are quite simple and suggestive.Comment: 54 pages, v3 minor correction

    Revising Pediatric Vancomycin Dosing Accounting for Nephrotoxicity in a Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Model

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    This study aimed to suggest an initial pediatric vancomycin dose regimen through population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling. A population pharmacokinetic approach was used to analyze vancomycin concentration-time data from a large pediatric cohort. Pharmacokinetic target attainment for patients with bloodstream isolates was compared with clinical outcome using logistic regression and classification and regression trees. Change in serum creatinine during treatment was used as an indicator of acute nephrotoxicity. Probability of acute kidney injury (50% increase from baseline) or kidney failure (75% increase from baseline) was evaluated using logistic regression. An initial dosing regimen was derived, personalized by age, weight, and serum creatinine, using stochastic simulations. Data from 785 hospitalized pediatric patients (1 day to 21 years of age) with suspected Gram-positive infections were collected. Estimated (relative standard error) typical clearance, volume of distribution 1, intercompartmental clearance, and volume of distribution 2 were (standardized to 70 kg) 4.84 (2.38) liters/h, 39.9 (8.15) liters, 3.85 (17.3) liters/h, and 37.8 (10.2) liters, respectively. While cumulative vancomycin exposure correlated positively with the development of nephrotoxicity (713 patients), no clear relationship between vancomycin area under the plasma concentration-time curve and efficacy was found (102 patients). Predicted probability of acute kidney injury and kidney failure with the optimized dosing regimen at day 5 was 10 to 15% and 5 to 10%, increasing by approximately 50% on day 7 and roughly 100% on day 10 across all age groups. This study presents the first data-driven pediatric dose selection to date accounting for nephrotoxicity, and it indicates that cumulative vancomycin exposure best describes risk of acute kidney injury and acute kidney failure

    MHV Rules for Higgs Plus Multi-Gluon Amplitudes

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    We use tree-level perturbation theory to show how non-supersymmetric one-loop scattering amplitudes for a Higgs boson plus an arbitrary number of partons can be constructed, in the limit of a heavy top quark, from a generalization of the scalar graph approach of Cachazo, Svrcek and Witten. The Higgs boson couples to gluons through a top quark loop which generates, for large top mass, a dimension-5 operator H tr G^2. This effective interaction leads to amplitudes which cannot be described by the standard MHV rules; for example, amplitudes where all of the gluons have positive helicity. We split the effective interaction into the sum of two terms, one holomorphic (selfdual) and one anti-holomorphic (anti-selfdual). The holomorphic interactions give a new set of MHV vertices -- identical in form to those of pure gauge theory, except for momentum conservation -- that can be combined with pure gauge theory MHV vertices to produce a tower of amplitudes with more than two negative helicities. Similarly, the anti-holomorphic interactions give anti-MHV vertices that can be combined with pure gauge theory anti-MHV vertices to produce a tower of amplitudes with more than two positive helicities. A Higgs boson amplitude is the sum of one MHV-tower amplitude and one anti-MHV-tower amplitude. We present all MHV-tower amplitudes with up to four negative-helicity gluons and any number of positive-helicity gluons (NNMHV). These rules reproduce all of the available analytic formulae for Higgs + n-gluon scattering (n<=5) at tree level, in some cases yielding considerably shorter expressions.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures; v2, references correcte
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