442 research outputs found

    An Effective Private Data storage and Retrieval System using Secret sharing scheme based on Secure Multi-party Computation

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    Privacy of the outsourced data is one of the major challenge.Insecurity of the network environment and untrustworthiness of the service providers are obstacles of making the database as a service.Collection and storage of personally identifiable information is a major privacy concern.On-line public databases and resources pose a significant risk to user privacy, since a malicious database owner may monitor user queries and infer useful information about the customer.The challenge in data privacy is to share data with third-party and at the same time securing the valuable information from unauthorized access and use by third party.A Private Information Retrieval(PIR) scheme allows a user to query database while hiding the identity of the data retrieved.The naive solution for confidentiality is to encrypt data before outsourcing.Query execution,key management and statistical inference are major challenges in this case.The proposed system suggests a mechanism for secure storage and retrieval of private data using the secret sharing technique.The idea is to develop a mechanism to store private information with a highly available storage provider which could be accessed from anywhere using queries while hiding the actual data values from the storage provider.The private information retrieval system is implemented using Secure Multi-party Computation(SMC) technique which is based on secret sharing. Multi-party Computation enable parties to compute some joint function over their private inputs.The query results are obtained by performing a secure computation on the shares owned by the different servers.Comment: Data Science & Engineering (ICDSE), 2014 International Conference, CUSA

    Statistical Relation of CMEs Related Geomagnetic Storms With Interplanetary Magnetic Fields

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    We have studied geomagnetic storm (Dst?-150 nT), associated with Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), observed during the period of 2000-2011 with Interplanetary Magnetic Fields. It is observed that coronal mass ejections (CMEs) related geomagnetic storms are found to be association rates of halo and partial halo CMEs  are 18(90%) and 02(10%) respectively. From the further analysis, positive co-relation has been found between magnitude of CMEs related geomagnetic storms and speed of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), with correlation coefficient 0.50. Positive co-relation has been found between magnitude of CMEs related geomagnetic storms and magnitude of change in interplanetary magnetic fields, with correlation coefficient 0.55, positive co-relation has been found between magnitude of CMEs related geomagnetic storms and peak value of change in interplanetary magnetic fields, with correlation coefficient 0.56. Keywords– Geomagnetic Storms, Coronal Mass Ejection and Interplanetary Magnetic Fields


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    The aim of the presentation is to produce vermicomposting from organic kitchen solid wastes using two types of earthworms such as Eisenia fetida and Perionyx excavatus and check the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium level between E. fetida and P. excavatus. This study examines the potential of the E. fetida and P. excavatus in the vermicompost of kitchen waste. As kitchen waste is rich in organic material. Physical and biochemical parameters were analyzed during the period of 60 days. Pre-decomposition is 15 days and subsequent vermicomposting is 60 days indicates, the rule of these species of vermitechnology increase was found in all the parameters such as total nitrogen (%), available phosphorus (%), and exchangeable potassium (%) while a decrease was found in pH and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio in E. fetida as the timing of vermicomposting increased from 0 days to 60 days


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    Software Reliability Growth Model is a scientific model that helps in how the operating system trustworthiness improves as faults are detected and corrected. The dense of SRGM is judged by its proficiency to fit the shareware deficiency data. How good does an analytical create fit to the data and accuracy of shareware is granted in the flood card. The current representation is Gompertz sculpt. MLE purpose is to predict the wear specifications. To evaluate the drama of the treated Software Relistrength Growth Model, we have drifting out the framework reckoning on the real groupware bankruptcy data sets

    Development and validation of new analytical method for the simultaneous estimation of amitriptyline and perphenazine in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form by RP-HPLC

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    A new, simple, precise, accurate and reproducible RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of Amitriptyline and Perphenazine in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations was developed. Separation of Amitriptyline and Perphenazine was successfully achieved on Inertsil ODS (250x4.6mm) 5µm column in an isocratic mode utilizing Methanol: ACN: Water (50:30:20) at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min and eluents were monitored at 253nm with a retention time of 2.440 and 5.503 minutes for Amitriptyline and Perphenazine respectively. The method was validated and it was found to be linear. The values of the correlation coefficient were found to 0.992 for Amitriptyline and 0.9992 for Perphenazine respectively. The LOD for Perphenazine and Amitriptyline were found to be and 33.8µg/ml and 4.2 µg/ml. The LOQ for Perphenazine and Amitriptyline were found to be 20.88µg/ml and 12.12µg/ml respectively. The percentage recoveries for Amitriptyline and Perphenazine were found to be within the limit indicates that the proposed method is highly accurate. The method was extensively validated according to ICH guidelines


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    Objective: Piper betal and Piper nigrumare traditional medicinal plants that have antifungal activity against Candida albicans, a combination of these two plants have not been known for its activity against this fungus. The purpose of this research was to formulate topical gel, a combination of P. betal and P. nigram which has antifungal activity against Candida albicans.Methods: The antifungal activity test of P. betal and P. nigrum using agar well diffusion method was carried out. Thereafter, a topical gel formulation was prepared using Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose as a gelling agent of concentration 1; 1.5 and 2%. Test parameters for topical gel includes organoleptic, pH, extrudability, spreadability, diffusion, and stability test.Result: The results of this study showed that P. betel and P. nigrum extracts had antifungal activity. Antifungal activity combination of P. betel and P. nigrum leaf extract is synergistic. For the formulation materials, the concentration chosen is 1: 1 (P. betel: P. nigrum) because in that combination the value of the resistor area is still categorized well. The stability test results stated that all the formulas were stable even after 30 d of stability studies.Conclusion: This is the first report on the scientific evaluation of betel and pepper leaf extracts combination as a gel for antifungal activity. Thus our study reveals both leaf extracts to be good antifungals; their methanolic hydro extracts may be formulated as hydrogels with satisfactory physicochemical parameters

    Leadership Qualities Among Women Leaders in Educational Institutions at Bangalore City

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    Purpose: First, it seeks to investigate the factors that influence women's leadership traits within academic institutions located in Bangalore. Second, it aims to gain a deeper understanding of the evolving role of women in leadership positions within modern society.   Design/Methodology/Approach: To achieve its objectives, this study employs a qualitative research approach. Researchers conduct interviews and surveys within academic institutions in Bangalore. By gathering and analyzing this data, they intend to uncover key themes and patterns that shed light on the factors impacting women's leadership traits.   Findings: The findings of this research reveal several noteworthy insights. It becomes evident that women's leadership traits are significantly influenced by societal perceptions and economic circumstances. Furthermore, the progression of women in their professional lives has played a crucial role in altering societal views. The study also acknowledges the importance of India's long-standing policy efforts to promote women's development. Additionally, it highlights the remarkable achievements of women in various fields, including academia and athletics.   Research, Practical & Social implications: In terms of implications, this study carries significance on multiple fronts. From a research standpoint, it offers valuable insights into the factors that shape women's leadership roles within academic institutions. Practically, the findings can inform strategies and initiatives aimed at promoting and enhancing women's leadership within the educational sector. On a broader social level, the study underscores the evolving role of women in Indian society, emphasizing the importance of gender equality as a key societal value.   Originality/Value: In terms of originality, this research distinguishes itself by focusing on the specific context of academic institutions in Bangalore. Its value lies in its contribution to a deeper understanding of women's leadership within a culturally diverse context, shedding light on the unique factors at play in this region

    A molecular approach to reveal the genetic identity of parrot mussel and other sympatric mussel species distributed along the Kerala coast

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    Two commercially important mussel species are recorded from the Indian coast: green mussel Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) and brown mussel P. indica (Kuriakose and Nair, 1976). Apart from this, a third type referred to as parrot mussel, which has shell shape of brown mussel, but with green shell colouration and suspected to be the hybrid of the above two species has also been reported from Kollam coast of Kerala, where both the species co-occur. In the present work, genetic identity of parrot and sympatric mussel species was determined using protein and genomic DNA markers. Protein markers viz. Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and allozymes and the genomic DNA marker Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were used for determining genetic identity of the three mussel groups. The green and brown mussels could be clearly differentiated using SDS PAGE. The parrot mussel protein pattern was similar to that of brown mussel, except for an additional band of molecular weight 48.7 Kda which is unique to brown mussel. Genus specific protein bands for Perna viz. 66 Kda, 43 Kda and 14.3 Kda, were detected in this study. Allozyme electrophoresis also followed a similar pattern. Of the 10 allozyme loci studied, seven revealed speciesspecific diagnostic differences between P.viridis and P.indica. They were AAT-1* (Aspartate Amino Transferase-1*), AAT-2*, ME (Malic Enzyme)*, PGM-2*(Phospo Gluco Mutase-2*), EST-1* (Esterase- 1*), EST-2*, IcDH* (Isocitrate Dehydrogenase)*. Parrot mussel shared all the alleles of brown mussel, and no hybrid pattern was observed. Species-specific alleles clearly differentiated green mussel from both brown and parrot mussel. The genetic distance of green mussel from brown mussel, estimated from allozyme data was 1.1145 and with parrot mussel it was 1.105. The genetic distance between parrot mussel and brown mussel was negligibly low (0.0005). Using allozyme and RAPD data, the Nei’s Unbiased Measures of genetic distance were calculated and the dendograms prepared based on these values clearly depicted the separation of parrot mussel from green mussel as well as the close resemblance of parrot mussel with brown mussel. The higher gene flow (1.1539) determined using RAPD marker also hints that brown and parrot mussel may be acting as single interbreeding population. Hence this study using molecular tools to test the genetic identity of parrot mussel has helped to conclude that parrot mussel is only a morphotype of brown mussel and not a true hybrid of the two