12 research outputs found

    Qutrit witness from the Grothendieck constant of order four

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    In this paper, we prove that KG(3)<KG(4)K_G(3)<K_G(4), where KG(d)K_G(d) denotes the Grothendieck constant of order dd. To this end, we use a branch-and-bound algorithm commonly used in the solution of NP-hard problems. It has recently been proven that KG(3)≤1.4644K_G(3)\le 1.4644. Here we prove that KG(4)≥1.4841K_G(4)\ge 1.4841, which has implications for device-independent witnessing dimensions greater than two. Furthermore, the algorithm with some modifications may find applications in various black-box quantum information tasks with large number of inputs and outputs.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Bounding the persistency of the nonlocality of W states

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    The nonlocal properties of the W states are investigated under particle loss. By removing all but two particles from an NN-qubit W state, the resulting two-qubit state is still entangled. Hence, the W state has high persistency of entanglement. We ask an analogous question regarding the persistency of nonlocality introduced in [Phys. Rev. A 86, 042113]. Namely, we inquire what is the minimal number of particles that must be removed from the W state so that the resulting state becomes local. We bound this value in function of NN qubits by considering Bell nonlocality tests with two alternative settings per site. In particular, we find that this value is between 2N/52N/5 and N/2N/2 for large NN. We also develop a framework to establish bounds for more than two settings per site.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Beating one bit of communication with and without quantum pseudo-telepathy

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    According to Bell's theorem, certain entangled states cannot be simulated classically using local hidden variables (LHV). But if can we augment LHV by classical communication, how many bits are needed to simulate them? There is a strong evidence that a single bit of communication is powerful enough to simulate projective measurements on any two-qubit entangled state. In this study, we present Bell-like scenarios where bipartite correlations resulting from projective measurements on higher dimensional states cannot be simulated with a single bit of communication. These include a three-input, a four-input, a seven-input, and a 63-input bipartite Bell-like inequality with 80089, 64, 16, and 2 outputs, respectively. Two copies of emblematic Bell expressions, such as the Magic square pseudo-telepathy game, prove to be particularly powerful, requiring a 16Ă—1616\times 16 state to beat the one-bit classical bound, and look a promising candidate for implementation on an optical platform.Comment: 11 pages, 4 table

    1 Summary Substructural Functional Programming

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    Graph rewriting is a suitable technique to implement lazy functional languages efficiently.[1] A computation in a graph rewrite system is specified by a set of graph rewrite rules that are used to rewrite a given initial graph to its final result. The intermediate graphs are called data graphs. Consider the following facts: – Functional expressions can express any data graph. – During graph rewriting cyclic structures are preserved. More precisely: if two arcs in the data graph point to the same node A, they will point to the same node B until they will be garbage-collected (A and B might be the same). This could be a background for efficient implementation of graph algorithms, but at least two features are missing: – An expression should be able to distinguish that two arcs in the graph point to the same node or not. This is the comparing feature. – Suppose that we would like to alter a graph a little bit, and we know that the old value will not be used any more. In this case the graph could be destructively update

    Certification of qubits in the prepare-and-measure scenario with large input alphabet and connections with the Grothendieck constant

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    Abstract We address the problem of testing the quantumness of two-dimensional systems in the prepare-and-measure (PM) scenario, using a large number of preparations and a large number of measurement settings, with binary outcome measurements. In this scenario, we introduce constants, which we relate to the Grothendieck constant of order 3. We associate them with the white noise resistance of the prepared qubits and to the critical detection efficiency of the measurements performed. Large-scale numerical tools are used to bound the constants. This allows us to obtain new bounds on the minimum detection efficiency that a setup with 70 preparations and 70 measurement settings can tolerate