558 research outputs found

    Dust cloud evolution in sub-stellar atmospheres via plasma deposition and plasma sputtering

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    Context. In contemporary sub-stellar model atmospheres, dust growth occurs through neutral gas-phase surface chemistry. Recently, there has been a growing body of theoretical and observational evidence suggesting that ionisation processes can also occur. As a result, atmospheres are populated by regions composed of plasma, gas and dust, and the consequent influence of plasma processes on dust evolution is enhanced.Aim. This paper aims to introduce a new model of dust growth and destruction in sub-stellar atmospheres via plasma deposition and plasma sputtering.Methods. Using example sub-stellar atmospheres from DRIFT-PHOENIX, we have compared plasma deposition and sputtering timescales to those from neutral gas-phase surface chemistry to ascertain their regimes of influence. We calculated the plasma sputtering yield and discuss the circumstances where plasma sputtering dominates over deposition.Results. Within the highest dust density cloud regions, plasma deposition and sputtering dominates over neutral gas-phase surface chemistry if the degree of ionisation is ≳10−4. Loosely bound grains with surface binding energies of the order of 0.1–1 eV are susceptible to destruction through plasma sputtering for feasible degrees of ionisation and electron temperatures; whereas, strong crystalline grains with binding energies of the order 10 eV are resistant to sputtering.Conclusions. The mathematical framework outlined sets the foundation for the inclusion of plasma deposition and plasma sputtering in global dust cloud formation models of sub-stellar atmospheres

    Critical velocity ionisation in substellar atmospheres

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    The observation of radio, X-ray and Hα emission from substellar objects indicates the presence of plasma regions and associated high-energy processes in their surrounding envelopes. This paper numerically simulates and characterises Critical Velocity Ionisation, a potential ionisation process, that can efficiently generate plasma as a result of neutral gas flows interacting with seed magnetized plasmas. By coupling a Gas-MHD interactions code (to simulate the ionisation mechanism) with a substellar global circulation model (to provide the required gas flows) we quantify the spatial extent of the resulting plasma regions, their degree of ionisation and their lifetime for a typical substellar atmosphere. It is found that the typical average ionisation fraction reached at equilibrium (where the ionisation and recombination rates are equal and opposite) ranges from 10-5 to 10-8, at pressures between 10-1 and 10-3 bar, with a trend of increasing ionisation fraction with decreasing atmospheric pressure. The ionisation fractions reached as a result of Critical Velocity Ionisation are sufficient to allow magnetic fields to couple to gas flows in the atmosphere

    Gas-plasma compressional wave coupling by momentum transfer

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    Pressure disturbances in a gas-plasma mixed fluid will result in a hybrid response, with magnetosonic plasma waves coupled to acoustic waves in the neutral gas. In the analytical and numerical treatment presented here, we demonstrate the evolution of the total fluid medium response under a variety of conditions, with the gas-plasma linkage achieved by additional coupling terms in the momentum equations of each species. The significance of this treatment lies in the consideration of density perturbations in such fluids: there is no 'pure' mode response, only a collective one in which elements of the characteristics of each component are present. For example, an initially isotropic gas sound wave can trigger an anisotropic magnetic response in the plasma, with the character of each being blended in the global evolution. Hence sound waves do not remain wholly isotropic, and magnetic responses are less constrained by pure magnetoplasma dynamics

    Evolution of spheroidal dust in electrically-active sub-stellar atmospheres

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    Context. Understanding the source of sub-stellar polarimetric observations in the optical and near-infrared is key to characterising sub-stellar objects and developing potential diagnostics for determining properties of their atmosphere. Differential scattering from a population of aligned, non-spherical dust grains is a potential source of polarization that could be used to determine geometric properties of the dust clouds.Aims. This paper addresses the problem of spheroidal growth of dust grains in electrically-activated sub-stellar atmospheres. It presents the novel application of a mechanism whereby non-spherical, elongated dust grains can be grown via plasma deposition as a consequence of the surface electric field effects of charged dust grains.Methods. We numerically solve the differential equations governing the spheroidal growth of charged dust grains via plasma deposition as a result of surface electric field effects in order to determine how the dust eccentricity and the dust particle eccentricity distribution function evolve with time. From these results we determine the effect of spheroidal dust on the observed linear polarization.Results. Numerical solutions show that e ≈ 0.94 defines a watershed eccentricity, where the eccentricity of grains with an initial eccentricity less than (greater than) this value decreases (increases) and spherical (spheroidal) growth occurs. This produces a characteristic bimodal eccentricity distribution function yielding a fractional change in the observed linear polarization of up to ≈ 0.1 corresponding to dust grains of maximal eccentricity at wavelengths of ≈ 1”m, consistent with the near infrared observational window. Order of magnitude calculations indicate that a population of aligned, spheroidal dust grains can produce degrees of polarization P ≈ O(10−2 − 1%) consistent with observed polarization signatures.Conclusions. The results presented here are relevant to the growth of non-spherical, irregularly-shaped dust grains of general geometry where non-uniform surface electric field effects of charged dust grains are significant. The model described in this paper may also be applicable to polarization from galactic dust and dust growth in magnetically confined plasmas

    Bernstein modes in a weakly relativistic electron-positron plasma

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    The kinetic theory of weakly relativistic electron-positron plasmas, producing dispersion relations for the electrostatic Bernstein modes was addressed. The treatment presented preserves the full momentum dependence of the cyclotron frequency, albeit with a relaxation on the true relativistic form of the distribution function. The implications of this new treatment were confined largely to astrophysical plasmas, where relativistic electronpositron plasmas occur naturally

    Post-hoc derivation of SOHO Michelson doppler imager flat fields

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    <p><b>Context:</b> The SOHO satellite now offers a unique perspective on the Sun as it is the only space-based instrument that can provide large, high-resolution data sets over an entire 11-year solar cycle. This unique property enables detailed studies of long-term variations in the Sun. One significant problem when looking for such changes is determining what component of any variation is due to deterioration of the instrument and what is due to the Sun itself. One of the key parameters that changes over time is the apparent sensitivity of individual pixels in the CCD array. This can change considerably as a result of optics damage, radiation damage, and aging of the sensor itself. In addition to reducing the sensitivity of the telescope over time, this damage significantly changes the uniformity of the flat field of the instrument, a property that is very hard to recalibrate in space. For procedures such as feature tracking and intensity analysis, this can cause significant errors.</p> <p><b>Aims:</b> We present a method for deriving high-precision flat fields for high-resolution MDI continuum data, using analysis of existing continuum and magnetogram data sets.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> A flat field is constructed using a large set (1000-4000 frames) of cospatial magnetogram and continuum data. The magnetogram data is used to identify and mask out magnetically active regions on the continuum data, allowing systematic biases to be avoided. This flat field can then be used to correct individual continuum images from a similar time.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> This method allows us to reduce the residual flat field error by around a factor 6-30, depending on the area considered, enough to significantly change the results from correlation-tracking analysis. One significant advantage of this method is that it can be done retrospectively using archived data, without requiring any special satellite operations.</p&gt

    Relativistic Landau damping of longitudinal waves in isotropic pair plasmas

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    Landau damping is described in relativistic electron-positron plasmas. Relativistic electron-positron plasma theory contains important new effects when compared with classical plasmas. For example, there are undamped superluminal wave modes arising from both a continuous and discrete mode structure, the former even in the classical limit. We present here a comprehensive analytical treatment of the general case resulting in a compact and useful form for the dispersion relation. The classical pair-plasma case is addressed, for completeness, in an appendix

    The evolution of electron overdensities in magnetic fields

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    When a neutral gas impinges on a stationary magnetized plasma an enhancement in the ionization rate occurs when the neutrals exceed a threshold velocity. This is commonly known as the critical ionization velocity effect. This process has two distinct timescales: an ion–neutral collision time and electron acceleration time. We investigate the energization of an ensemble of electrons by their self-electric field in an applied magnetic field. The evolution of the electrons is simulated under different magnetic field and density conditions. It is found that electrons can be accelerated to speeds capable of electron impact ionization for certain conditions. In the magnetically dominated case the energy distribution of the excited electrons shows that typically 1% of the electron population can exceed the initial electrostatic potential associated with the unbalanced ensemble of electrons

    Magnetized electron-positron plasmas

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    Electrostatic oscillations in cold electron-positron plasmas can be coupled to a propagating electromagnetic mode if the background magnetic field is inhomogeneous. Previous work considered this coupling in the quasi-linear regime, successfully simulating the electromagnetic mode. Here we present a stability analysis of the non-linear problem, perturbed from dynamical equilibrium, in order to gain some insight into the modes present in the system.Comment: Proceedings of the 363. WE-Heraeus Seminar on: Neutron Stars and Pulsars (Posters and contributed talks) Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, May.14-19, 2006, eds. W.Becker, H.H.Huang, MPE Report 291, pp.145-14
