12 research outputs found

    La experiencia de un docente que hace no tanto era alumno

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    En este trabajo presento cómo ha sido mi primera experiencia docente en el marco universitario, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que quería aprovechar la ventaja de haber estudiado en la misma universidad en la que ahora imparto docencia. Los cambios introducidos en la asignatura de Sistemas Distribuidos se basan tanto en mi opinión de estudiante de años atrás como en las opiniones del alumnado de este año. Se muestra desde los primeros pasos recabando las ideas de los alumnos, hasta los cambios introducidos y los problemas surgidos de cambiar una asignatura sobre la marcha.In this work I present my first teaching experience in a university context, taking into account that I aimed at making the best of having studied in the same university where I am now a lecturer. The changes that have been introduced in the subject of Distributed Systems are based on both my experience as a student and the feedback obtained from the current students. The first changes, the opinions of the students and the problems that have arisen from modifying a subject on its way are also shown

    Nuevas experiencias para un docente que hace no tanto era alumno

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    En este trabajo presento cómo ha sido mi segunda experiencia docente en el marco universitario. Se han introducido cambios en la asignatura de Sistemas Distribuidos, como el aprendizaje basado en retos, prácticas no guiadas y corrección entre los estudiantes, siguiendo las recomendaciones y consejos recibidos de expertos con una amplia experiencia en la docencia de informática. Los cambios han tenido efectos positivos tanto en la asignatura como en el interés de los estudiantes.In this work I present my second teaching experience in a university context. Several changes have been made within the subject of Distributed Systems following the recommendations and tips from experts with a wide experience in teaching computer science, such as challenge based learning, unguided laboratory exercises and peer correction. Such changes had a positive impact on both the subject and student’s interest.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Vicerrectorado de Profesorado de la Universidad de La Rioja a través de un proyecto de innovación docente

    Experiencia con una herramienta para automatizar la comprobación de requisitos de los trabajos HTML-CSS de Sistemas Informáticos

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    La llegada del Plan Bolonia supuso un importante cambio en la enseñanza universitaria en España, dotando de más peso a las prácticas de laboratorio y a los trabajos (individuales o en grupo). En el ámbito de la Ingeniería Informática esto tiene varias consecuencias: para el profesorado la corrección de código se convierte en una tarea ardua y pesada, y para los estudiantes no es fácil comprobar si sus entregas cumplen los requisitos mínimos exigidos. Por ello se extendió el uso de tests automáticos, especialmente para ejercicios de programación. Sin embargo, la comprobación de requisitos en otras asignaturas a veces no es fácil con las herramientas ya existentes, incluso en ocasiones no es posible y conviene desarrollar herramientas ad-hoc. En este artículo se presenta una herramienta desarrollada para facilitar a los estudiantes la comprobación de los requisitos exigidos en la realización de un trabajo de la asignatura de Sistemas Informáticos (impartida en primer curso del Grado en Ingeniería Informática y del Grado en Matemáticas): el diseño y desarrollo de una página web. Dicha herramienta ha permitido reducir el esfuerzo de los profesores al corregir, además de mejorar notablemente el número de estudiantes que cumplen con los requisitos exigidos en la entrega.Bologna Process imposed an important change with respect to the usual way of teaching at Spanish universities, mainly by increasing the number and importance of practical lessons and exercises. In the Degree in Computer Science, this has many consequences: correcting code exercises becomes tedious and cumber-some, whereas students can find it difficult to check whether their practical work satisfy the established requirements. To this end, the use of automatic tests was widely adopted, specially involving programming-exercises. However, when other subjects are involved this could not be so easy with the existing tools, even sometimes is not possible and could be desirable to develop ad-hoc tools. In this work, we present a tool devoted to easing the check of the requirements of an exercise of the Computer Systems subject (taught at the first course in the Degree in Computer Science and the Degree in Mathematics): the design and development of a website. This tool allows us to decrease teacher’s effort when correcting the exercises as well as it significantly improves the number of students that satisfy the requirements.Trabajo parcialmente financiado por el Vicerrectorado de Profesorado de la Universidad de La Rioja a través de un proyecto de innovación docente

    Modelos de inteligencia artificial para asesorar el proceso evaluador de trabajos informáticos complejos

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    Planteamos el uso de modelos de inteligencia artificial (IA) para asesorar el proceso evaluador de trabajos informáticos complejos, con componentes técnica y creativa. El objetivo es generar un procedimiento para analizar las variables principales que describen la evaluación realizada, descubrir posibles sesgos y discrepancias y generar rúbricas adecuadas que los eviten. La metodología propuesta se ha aplicado a una asignatura de introducción a la informática (grados de informática y matemáticas, primer curso) en que una tarea consiste en la elaboración de una página web por parte de los estudiantes. Dicho trabajo debe cumplir unos requisitos técnicos (compatibilidad con estándares, número de documentos HTML y CSS, etc.) y tiene una componente creativa (maquetación, aspecto, etc.). Se han desarrollado modelos de IA optimizados mediante algoritmos evolutivos para identificar las variables que intervinieron en la calificación de dichos trabajos durante cinco cursos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten extraer conclusiones sobre la práctica evaluadora, posibles mejoras para la objetividad de la evaluación y la posibilidad de generar rúbricas adecuadas para la evaluación de este tipo de trabajos. La metodología es aplicable a otras materias al ser esta tipología técnica-creativa frecuente en trabajos universitarios.We propose the use of artificial intelligence (AI) models to help evaluate complex projects in computer science courses that involve technical and creative components. The goal is to provide a methodology to analyze the main variables that describe the evaluation, to discover possible biases and discrepancies, and to generate appropriate rubrics that avoid them. The proposed methodology has been applied to a first-year introductory course on computer science, which is taught in both computer science and mathematics degrees. In that course, the students must develop a web page according to some technical requirements (compatibility with standards, number of HTML and CSS files, etc.), but it also possesses a creative component (layout, appearance, etc.). Optimized AI models have been developed using evolutionary algorithms to identify the most important variables that took part in the evaluation of these projects during five courses. The results obtained allow us to draw conclusions about the evaluation process, possible improvements in the impartiality of the evaluation, and the possibility of generating suitable rubrics for grading assignments. The methodology is applicable to projects in other subjects since this technical-creative typology is frequent in university tasks

    A verified algorithm for computing the Smith normal form of a matrix

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    This work presents a formal proof in Isabelle/HOL of an algorithm to transform a matrix into its Smith normal form, a canonical matrix form, in a general setting: the algorithm is parameterized by operations to prove its existence over elementary divisor rings, while execution is guaranteed over Euclidean domains. We also provide a formal proof on some results about the generality of this algorithm as well as the uniqueness of the Smith normal form. Since Isabelle/HOL does not feature dependent types, the development is carried out switching conveniently between two different existing libraries: the Hermite normal form (based on HOL Analysis) and the Jordan normal form AFP entries. This permits to reuse results from both developments and it is done by means of the lifting and transfer package together with the use of local type definitions

    Formalisation and execution of Linear Algebra: theorems and algorithms

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    This thesis studies the formalisation and execution of Linear Algebra algorithms in Isabelle/HOL, an interactive theorem prover. The work is based on the HOL Multivariate Analysis library, whose matrix representation has been refined to datatypes that admit a representation in functional programming languages. This enables the generation of programs from such verified algorithms. In particular, several well-known Linear Algebra algorithms have been formalised involving both the computation of matrix canonical forms and decompositions (such as the Gauss-Jordan algorithm, echelon form, Hermite normal form, and QR decomposition). The formalisation of these algorithms is also accompanied by the formal proofs of their particular applications such as calculation of the rank of a matrix, solution of systems of linear equations, orthogonal matrices, least squares approximations of systems of linear equations, and computation of determinants of matrices over Bézout domains. Some benchmarks of the generated programs are presented as well where matrices of remarkable dimensions are involved, illustrating the fact that they are usable in real-world cases. The formalisation has also given place to side-products that constitute themselves standalone reusable developments: serialisations to SML and Haskell, an implementation of algebraic structures in Isabelle/HOL, and generalisations of well-established Isabelle/HOL libraries. In addition, an experiment involving Isabelle, its logics, and the formalisation of some underlying mathematical concepts presented in Voevodsky's simplicial model for Homotopy Type Theory is presented

    Perron-Frobenius Theorem for Spectral Radius Analysis

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    The spectral radius of a matrixAis the maximum norm of alleigenvalues ofA. In previous work we already formalized that for acomplex matrixA, the values inAngrow polynomially innif andonly if the spectral radius is at most one. One problem with the abovecharacterization is the determination of allcomplexeigenvalues. In caseAcontains only non-negative real values, a simplification is possiblewith the help of the Perron-Frobenius theorem, which tells us that itsuffices to consider only therealeigenvalues ofA, i.e., applying Sturmsmethod can decide the polynomial growth ofAn.We formalize the Perron-Frobenius theorem based on a proof viaBrouwers fixpoint theorem, which is available in the HOL multivari-ate analysis (HMA) library. Since the results on the spectral radius isbased on matrices in the Jordan normal form (JNF) library, we fur-ther develop a connection which allows us to easily transfer theoremsbetween HMA and JNF. With this connection we derive the combinedresult: ifAis a non-negative real matrix, and no real eigenvalue ofAis strictly larger than one, thenAnis polynomially bounded in