25 research outputs found


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    Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) is an infectious disease caused by BoHV-1 and belongs to the Herpesviridae family. IBR is endemic in India including north eastern states of the country. Hence the study was undertaken to understand the seroprevalence of IBR in north eastern parts of the country. A total of 3125 cattle (Holstein Friesian crossbred) serum samples from 35 districts of five north eastern states (Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, and Sikkim) of India were screened for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus antibodies using Avidin biotin ELISA.  A two-stage random sampling methodology was followed for the collection of samples. Results from the present study revealed that the overall seropositivity was reported around 29.50% while the highest and lowest seropositivity of 43.39% and 16.66% were reported in the states of Sikkim and Assam respectively, followed by Mizoram (42.16%), Manipur (29.86%) and Meghalaya (27.40%). Cattle of higher age groups showed the highest seropositivity compared to younger ones. A higher percent of IBR antibodies in cattle of NE states is a cause of concern and a detailed study on IBR prevalence comprising of a large number of the bovine population need to be undertaken

    Advances in Random Utility Models

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    In recent years, major advances have taken place in three areas of random utility modeling: (1) semiparametric estimation, (2) computational methods for multinomial probit models, and (3) computational methods for Bayesian stimation. This paper summarizes these developments and discusses their implications for practice

    Botany, chemistry, and pharmaceutical significance of Sida cordifolia: a traditional medicinal plant

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    Sida cordifolia Linn. belonging to the family, Malvaceae has been widely employed in traditional medications in many parts of the world including India, Brazil, and other Asian and African countries. The plant is extensively used in the Ayurvedic medicine preparation. There are more than 200 plant species within the genus Sida, which are distributed predominantly in the tropical regions. The correct taxonomic identification is a major concern due to the fact that S. cordifolia looks morphologically similar with its related species. It possesses activity against various human ailments, including cancer, asthma, cough, diarrhea, malaria, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, obesity, ulcer, Parkinson’s disease, urinary infections, and many others. The medical importance of this plant is mainly correlated to the occurrence of diverse biologically active phytochemical compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, and steroids. The major compounds include β-phenylamines, 2-carboxylated tryptamines, quinazoline, quinoline, indole, ephedrine, vasicinone, 5-3-isoprenyl flavone, 5,7-dihydroxy-3-isoprenyl flavone, and 6-(isoprenyl)- 3-methoxy- 8-C-β-D-glucosyl-kaempferol 3-O-β-D-glucosyl[1–4]-α-D-glucoside. The literature survey reveals that most of the pharmacological investigations on S. cordifolia are limited to crude plant extracts and few isolated pure compounds. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate many other unexplored bioactive phytoconstituents with evidences so as to justify the traditional usages of S. cordifolia. Furthermore, detailed studies on the action of mechanisms of these isolated compounds supported by clinical research are necessary for validating their application in contemporary medicines. The aim of the present chapter is to provide a detailed information on the ethnobotanical, phytochemical, and pharmacological aspects of S. cordifolia

    Lipase catalyzed esterification of cresols

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    1068-1071Esters of m-and p-cresols with organic acids having carbon chain lengths C2-C18 have been prepared by using lipases from porcine pancreas and Rhizomucor Miehei. Gram level conversions are carried out under non-solvent conditions in case of shake flask experiments and continuous removal of water at bench-scale levels.Addition of 0.1 mL of 0.1 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.0 to the reaction mixture shows better conversions. Optimization studies have been carried out for p-cresyl laurate synthesis using Rhizomucor miehei lipase which show a maximum conversion of 74.4 %. Better conversions are obtained with larger amounts of enzyme. Porcine pancreas lipase catalyzed synthesis of m- and p-cresyl esters show that under identical reaction conditions acids with lower carbon chain lengths (C2-C4) give ester yields above 30%, while those with longer carbon chain lengths give ester yields <30%

    Alzheimer's disease and Type 2 diabetes mellitus: the cholinesterase connection?

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    Abstract Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus tend to occur together. We sought to identify protein(s) common to both conditions that could suggest a possible unifying pathogenic role. Using human neuronal butyrylcholinesterase (AAH08396.1) as the reference protein we used BLAST Tool for protein to protein comparison in humans. We found three groups of sequences among a series of 12, with an E-value between 0–12, common to both Alzheimer's disease and diabetes: butyrylcholinesterase precursor K allele (NP_000046.1), acetylcholinesterase isoform E4-E6 precursor (NP_000656.1), and apoptosis-related acetylcholinesterase (1B41|A). Butyrylcholinesterase and acetylcholinesterase related proteins were found common to both Alzheimer's disease and diabetes; they may play an etiological role via influencing insulin resistance and lipid metabolism.</p

    Optimizing logistics operations in a country's currency supply network

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    <p>We optimize a large country's currency supply network for its central bank. The central bank provides currency to all branches (who in turn serve consumers and commerce) through its network of big vaults, regional vaults, and retail vaults. The central bank intends to reduce its total transportation cost by enlarging a few retail vaults to regional vaults. It seeks further reductions by optimizing the sourcing in the updated currency network. We develop an optimization model to select the retail vaults to upgrade, so that the total cost is minimized. Optimally choosing which retail vaults to upgrade is strongly NP-hard, so we develop an efficient heuristic that provides solutions whose costs average less than 3% above the optimum for realistic problem instances. An implementation of our methodology for a particular state has generated a total cost reduction of approximately 57% (equivalently, $2 million). To optimize the sourcing, we propose an alternative delivery process that further reduces the transportation cost by over 31% for the actual collected data and by over 38% for randomly generated data. This alternative optimizes the sourcing within the new currency network and requires significantly less computational effort.</p

    Exploring the Impact of Climate Variables on Livestock Anthrax Outbreaks: A Machine Learning Approach

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    Anthrax, a globally significant disease, poses substantial threats to both livestock and human populations. Timely identification of anthrax outbreaks is paramount to mitigate its impact on animal health, human health, and public safety. This study aims to construct a predictive model for livestock anthrax disease occurrence. By leveraging the potential of advanced Machine-Learning techniques, we projected the likelihood of anthrax outbreaks across India, through incorporating a diverse set of meteorological, and remote sensing parameters. The ultimate goal is to establish a spatial risk map that can serve as an early warning system, aiding in the anticipation and management of future anthrax outbreaks in India's livestock population. Our analysis revealed elevated risk zones for anthrax outbreaks in the southern and north-eastern regions of India, contrasting with medium to low-risk areas in the central parts. Notably, Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), rainfall, soil moisture, and wind speed emerged as pivotal variables driving the model's predictive accuracy. Among the employed models, the random forest, adaptive boosting, and classification tree analysis approaches showcased superior performance in livestock anthrax risk assessment. The risk map was generated using significant variables by exploiting best fitted models. These findings hold profound implications for policymakers, guiding the targeted deployment of control strategies against anthrax outbreaks. The dynamic risk maps generated through this study enhance public awareness, equipping decision-makers with vital insights for informed action. By spotlighting risk management endeavours, these maps further enhance governance and risk mitigation efforts

    Practice Prize Article—: A Multichannel, Multiregion Sales Forecasting Model and Decision Support System for Consumer Packaged Goods

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    We discuss the development and implementation of , a sales forecasting model, by pack size, category, channel, region, customer account and a Web-based decision support system (DSS) for consumer packaged goods. In addition to capturing the effects of such variables as past sales, trend, own and competitor prices and promotional variables, and seasonality, the model accounts for the effects of temperature, significant holidays, new product introductions, trading day corrections, and adjustments to the wholesale level. In general, the model forecasts sales volume satisfactorily for a leading consumer packaged goods company. The DSS enables top- and mid-level executives in sales, marketing, strategic planning, and finance to develop accurate forecasts of sales volume, plan prices, and promotional activities over a long time horizon; to track sales response to marketing actions over time; and to simulate forecast scenarios based on possible marketing decisions and other variables. is being rolled out for more users and more divisions in the company. The key take-aways are that successful development and implementation of a rigorous marketing science model require a strong internal champion, a careful balance between modeling sophistication and practical relevance, good diagnostic features, regular validations, and greater attention to the development of a fast and responsive DSS.forecasting, econometric models, channels, decision support system, marketing mix, pricing, promotions, strategic planning

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    Not AvailableBackground and aim: Torque teno viruses (TTVs) are circular, single-stranded DNA viruses, which infect a wide range of animals including livestock and companion animals. Swine TTVs (torque teno sus viruses [TTSuVs]) are thought to act as a primary or coinfecting pathogen in pathological conditions such as porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome and post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome. So far, the presence of the virus has not been reported in India. Considering that TTSuVs have the potential to cross the species barrier into humans and that pork consumption is common in North-Eastern states of India, the current study aims to investigate the presence of TTSuV in the Indian pig population. Materials and methods: A total of 416 samples were collected during 2014-2018, from both apparently healthy pigs and also from pigs suspected of having died from classical swine fever and/or porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome. These samples were screened for TTSuV infection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing techniques. Results: The presence of the virus was confirmed in 110 samples from 12 different states of India. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences obtained from the PCR products indicated the presence of viruses of both Iotatorquevirus and Kappatorquevirus genera in India. Conclusion: The study is the first report on the presence of TTSuVs in India and highlights the circulation of both genera of the virus in the country.Not Availabl