88 research outputs found

    An Ethylene-Protected Achilles' Heel of Etiolated Seedlings for Arthropod Deterrence

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    A small family of Kunitz protease inhibitors exists in Arabidopsis thaliana, a member of which (encoded by At1g72290) accomplishes highly specific roles during plant development. Arabidopsis Kunitz-protease inhibitor 1 (Kunitz-PI;1), as we dubbed this protein here, is operative as cysteine PI. Activity measurements revealed that despite the presence of the conserved Kunitz-motif the bacterially expressed Kunitz-PI;1 was unable to inhibit serine proteases such as trypsin and chymotrypsin, but very efficiently inhibited the cysteine protease RESPONSIVE TO DESICCATION 21. Western blotting and cytolocalization studies using mono-specific antibodies recalled Kunitz-PI;1 protein expression in flowers, young siliques and etiolated seedlings. In dark-grown seedlings, maximum Kunitz-PI;1 promoter activity was detected in the apical hook region and apical parts of the hypocotyls. Immunolocalization confirmed Kunitz-PI;1 expression in these organs and tissues. No transmitting tract (NTT) and HECATE 1 (HEC1), two transcription factors previously implicated in the formation of the female reproductive tract in flowers of Arabidopsis, were identified to regulate Kunitz-PI;1 expression in the dark and during greening, with NTT acting negatively and HEC1 acting positively. Laboratory feeding experiments with isopod crustaceans such as Porcellio scaber (woodlouse) and Armadillidium vulgare (pillbug) pinpointed the apical hook as ethylene-protected Achilles? heel of etiolated seedlings. Because exogenous application of the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and mechanical stress (wounding) strongly up-regulated HEC1-dependent Kunitz-PI;1 gene expression, our results identify a new circuit controlling herbivore deterrence of etiolated plants in which Kunitz-PI;1 is involved

    Implication of the oep16-1 mutation in a flu-independent, singlet oxygen-regulated cell death pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Singlet oxygen is a prominent form of reactive oxygen species in higher plants. It is easily formed from molecular oxygen by triplet–triplet interchange with excited porphyrin species. Evidence has been obtained from studies on the flu mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana of a genetically determined cell death pathway that involves differential changes at the transcriptome level. Here we report on a different cell death pathway that can be deduced from the analysis of oep16 mutants of A. thaliana. Pure lines of four independent OEP16-deficient mutants with different cell death properties were isolated. Two of the mutants overproduced free protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) in the dark because of defects in import of NADPH:Pchlide oxidoreductase A (pPORA) and died after illumination. The other two mutants avoided excess Pchlide accumulation. Using pulse labeling and polysome profiling studies we show that translation is a major site of cell death regulation in flu and oep16 plants. flu plants respond to photooxidative stress triggered by singlet oxygen by reprogramming their translation toward synthesis of key enzymes involved in jasmonic acid synthesis and stress proteins. In contrast, those oep16 mutants that were prone to photooxidative damage were unable to respond in this way. Together, our results show that translation is differentially affected in the flu and oep16 mutants in response to singlet oxygen

    Programmed chloroplast destruction during leaf senescence involves 13-lipoxygenase (13-LOX)

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    Mammals including humans use highly specific pathways for tissue differentiation. One such pathway is operative in reticulocytes and involves the programmed destruction of the cell?s organellar complement by 15-lipoxygenase (15-LOX), which oxygenates polyunsaturated membrane fatty acids and provokes organelle leakage. As we report here, plants make use of a similar LOX pathway to degrade their chloroplasts during leaf senescence. The enzyme involved is a 13-LOX with unique positional specificity and molecular terms. Because 15-LOX and 13-LOX pathway products likewise operate in biological defense, a mechanism of cross-kingdom conservation of pathway regulation and function was uncovered for multicellular eukaryotes

    Pattern of Protein Expression in Developing Wheat Grains Identified through Proteomic Analysis

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    Grain development is one of the biological processes, which contributes to the final grain yield. To understand the molecular changes taking place during the early grain development, we profiled proteomes of two common wheat cultivars P271 and Chinese Spring (CS) with large and small grains, respectively at three grain developmental stages (4, 8, and 12 days post anthesis). An iTRAQ (isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation) based proteomics approach was used for this purpose. More than 3,600 proteins were reported to accumulate during early grain development in both wheat cultivars. Of these 3,600 proteins, 130 expressed differentially between two wheat cultivars, and 306 exhibited developmental stage-specific accumulation in either or both genotypes. Detailed bioinformatic analyses of differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) from the large- and small-grain wheat cultivars underscored the developmental differences observed between them and shed light on the molecular and cellular processes contributing to these differences. In silico localization of either or both sets of DEPs to wheat chromosomes exhibited a biased genomic distribution with chromosome 4D contributing largely to it. These results corresponded well with the earlier studies, performed in common wheat, where chromosome 4D was reported to harbor QTLs for yield contributing traits specifically grain length. Collectively, our results provide insight into the molecular processes taking place during early grain development, a knowledge, which may prove useful in improving wheat grain yield in the future

    Insect peptide metchnikowin confers on barley a selective capacity for resistance to fungal ascomycetes pathogens

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    The potential of metchnikowin, a 26-amino acid residue proline-rich antimicrobial peptide synthesized in the fat body of Drosophila melanogaster was explored to engineer disease resistance in barley against devastating fungal plant pathogens. The synthetic peptide caused strong in vitro growth inhibition (IC50 value ∼1 μM) of the pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum. Transgenic barley expressing the metchnikowin gene in its 52-amino acid pre-pro-peptide form under the control of the inducible mannopine synthase (mas) gene promoter from the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens displayed enhanced resistance to powdery mildew as well as Fusarium head blight and root rot. In response to these pathogens, metchnikowin accumulated in plant apoplastic space, specifying that the insect signal peptide is functional in monocotyledons. In vitro and in vivo tests revealed that the peptide is markedly effective against fungal pathogens of the phylum Ascomycota but, clearly, less active against Basidiomycota fungi. Importantly, germination of the mutualistic basidiomycete mycorrhizal fungus Piriformospora indica was affected only at concentrations beyond 50 μM. These results suggest that antifungal peptides from insects are a valuable source for crop plant improvements and their differential activities toward different phyla of fungi denote a capacity for insect peptides to be used as selective measures on specific plant diseases

    The Outer Chloroplast Envelope Protein OEP16-1 for Plastid Import of NADPH:Protochlorophyllide Oxidoreductase A in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The outer plastid envelope protein OEP16-1 was previously identified as an amino acid-selective channel protein and translocation pore for NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase A (PORA). Reverse genetic approaches used to dissect these mutually not exclusive functions of OEP16-1 in planta have led to descriptions of different phenotypes resulting from the presence of several mutant lines in the SALK_024018 seed stock. In addition to the T-DNA insertion in the AtOEP16-1 gene, lines were purified that contain two additional T-DNA insertions and as yet unidentified point mutations. In a first attempt to resolve the genetic basis of four different lines in the SALK_024018 seed stock, we used genetic transformation with the OEP16-1 cDNA and segregation analyses after crossing out presumed point mutations. We show that AtOEP16-1 is involved in PORA precursor import and by virtue of this activity confers photoprotection onto etiolated seedlings during greenin

    Ethylene supports colonization of plant roots by the mutualistic fungus Piriformospora indica

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    The mutualistic basidiomycete Piriformospora indica colonizes roots of mono- and dicotyledonous plants, and thereby improves plant health and yield. Given the capability of P. indica to colonize a broad range of hosts, it must be anticipated that the fungus has evolved efficient strategies to overcome plant immunity and to establish a proper environment for nutrient acquisition and reproduction. Global gene expression studies in barley identified various ethylene synthesis and signaling components that were differentially regulated in P. indica-colonized roots. Based on these findings we examined the impact of ethylene in the symbiotic association. The data presented here suggest that P. indica induces ethylene synthesis in barley and Arabidopsis roots during colonization. Moreover, impaired ethylene signaling resulted in reduced root colonization, Arabidopsis mutants exhibiting constitutive ethylene signaling, -synthesis or ethylene-related defense were hyper-susceptible to P. indica. Our data suggest that ethylene signaling is required for symbiotic root colonization by P. indica

    The phytotron in Stockholm

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    En beskrivning lämnas av fytotronanläggningens olika utrymmen och dess utrustning. Sedan redogöres för resultat erhållna i den första försöksserien. Fytotronen med dess klimatiserade växthus och klimatrum innehåller 195 m2 odlingsareal med fullt kontrollerade miljöbetingelser. 1300 m2 upptagas av maskineri till klimatisering, av belysningsanordningar, av kontrollerande och regulerande organ samt av planterings- och laboratorieutrymmen. Termoperioder mellan + 40°C och 0°C kan användas i klimatutrymmena och temperaturer till -25°C kan erhållas i frysrummet. Valfria fotoperioder med lysintensiteter upp till 40.000 lux kan köras automatiskt. Speciellt noggrann fuktighetskontroll kan uppnås i ett av rummen. Flera skogsträdsarter, jordbruks- och trädgårdsväxter samt vilda växter har odlats framgångsrikt i fytotronen, varvid både kort- och långdagsbetingelser har studerats. Olika lysrörstyper har jämförts under identiska foto- och termoperiodiska betingelser. Tydliga skillnader mellan sydliga och nordliga raser av gran och tall har kunnat fastställas, när dessa odlades under långdags- och kortdagsbetingelser