544 research outputs found

    In situ measurements of tropospheric volcanic plumes in Ecuador and Colombia during TC^4

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    A NASA DC-8 research aircraft penetrated tropospheric gas and aerosol plumes sourced from active volcanoes in Ecuador and Colombia during the Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling (TC^4) mission in July–August 2007. The likely source volcanoes were Tungurahua (Ecuador) and Nevado del Huila (Colombia). The TC^4 data provide rare insight into the chemistry of volcanic plumes in the tropical troposphere and permit a comparison of SO_2 column amounts measured by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura satellite with in situ SO_2 measurements. Elevated concentrations of SO_2, sulfate aerosol, and particles were measured by DC-8 instrumentation in volcanic outflow at altitudes of 3–6 km. Estimated plume ages range from ~2 h at Huila to ~22–48 h downwind of Ecuador. The plumes contained sulfate-rich accumulation mode particles that were variably neutralized and often highly acidic. A significant fraction of supermicron volcanic ash was evident in one plume. In-plume O_3 concentrations were ~70%–80% of ambient levels downwind of Ecuador, but data are insufficient to ascribe this to O_3 depletion via reactive halogen chemistry. The TC^4 data record rapid cloud processing of the Huila volcanic plume involving aqueous-phase oxidation of SO_2 by H_2O_2, but overall the data suggest average in-plume SO_2 to sulfate conversion rates of ~1%–2% h^(−1). SO_2 column amounts measured in the Tungurahua plume (~0.1–0.2 Dobson units) are commensurate with average SO_2 columns retrieved from OMI measurements in the volcanic outflow region in July 2007. The TC^4 data set provides further evidence of the impact of volcanic emissions on tropospheric acidity and oxidizing capacity

    In situ measurements of tropospheric volcanic plumes in Ecuador and Colombia during TC

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    A NASA DC‐8 research aircraft penetrated tropospheric gas and aerosol plumes sourced from active volcanoes in Ecuador and Colombia during the Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling (TC4 ) mission in July–August 2007. The likely source volcanoes were Tungurahua (Ecuador) and Nevado del Huila (Colombia). The TC4 data provide rare insight into the chemistry of volcanic plumes in the tropical troposphere and permit a comparison of SO2 column amounts measured by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura satellite with in situ SO2 measurements. Elevated concentrations of SO2, sulfate aerosol, and particles were measured by DC‐8 instrumentation in volcanic outflow at altitudes of 3–6 km. Estimated plume ages range from ∼2 h at Huila to ∼22–48 h downwind of Ecuador. The plumes contained sulfate‐rich accumulation mode particles that were variably neutralized and often highly acidic. A significant fraction of supermicron volcanic ash was evident in one plume. In‐plume O3 concentrations were ∼70%–80% of ambient levels downwind of Ecuador, but data are insufficient to ascribe this to O3 depletion via reactive halogen chemistry. The TC4 data record rapid cloud processing of the Huila volcanic plume involving aqueous‐phase oxidation of SO2 by H2O2, but overall the data suggest average in‐plume SO2 to sulfate conversion rates of ∼1%–2% h−1 . SO2 column amounts measured in the Tungurahua plume (∼0.1–0.2 Dobson units) are commensurate with average SO2 columns retrieved from OMI measurements in the volcanic outflow region in July 2007. The TC4 data set provides further evidence of the impact of volcanic emissions on tropospheric acidity and oxidizing capacit

    The integration of 'omic' disciplines and systems biology in cattle breeding

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    Enormous progress has been made in the selection of animals, including cattle, for specific traits using traditional quantitative genetics approaches. Nevertheless, considerable variation in phenotypes remains unexplained, and therefore represents potential additional gain for animal production. In addition, the paradigm shift in new disciplines now being applied to animal breeding represents a powerful opportunity to prise open the 'black box' underlying the response to selection and fully understand the genetic architecture controlling the traits of interest. A move away from traditional approaches of animal breeding toward systems approaches using integrative analysis of data from the 'omic' disciplines represents a multitude of exciting opportunities for animal breeding going forward as well as providing alternatives for overcoming some of the limitations of traditional approaches such as the expressed phenotype being an imperfect predictor of the individual's true genetic merit, or the phenotype being only expressed in one gender or late in the lifetime of an animal. This review aims to discuss these opportunities from the perspective of their potential application and contribution to cattle breeding. Harnessing the potential of this paradigm shift also poses some new challenges for animal scientists - and they will also be discussed

    Spatially Resolved Temperature and Water Vapor Concentration Distributions in Supersonic Combustion Facilities by TDLAT

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    Detailed knowledge of the internal structure of high-enthalpy flows can provide valuable insight to the performance of scramjet combustors. Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS) is often employed to measure temperature and species concentration. However, TDLAS is a path-integrated line-of-sight (LOS) measurement, and thus does not produce spatially resolved distributions. Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Tomography (TDLAT) is a non-intrusive measurement technique for determining two-dimensional spatially resolved distributions of temperature and species concentration in high enthalpy flows. TDLAT combines TDLAS with tomographic image reconstruction. More than 2500 separate line-of-sight TDLAS measurements are analyzed in order to produce highly resolved temperature and species concentration distributions. Measurements have been collected at the University of Virginia's Supersonic Combustion Facility (UVaSCF) as well as at the NASA Langley Direct-Connect Supersonic Combustion Test Facility (DCSCTF). Due to the UVaSCF s unique electrical heating and ability for vitiate addition, measurements collected at the UVaSCF are presented as a calibration of the technique. Measurements collected at the DCSCTF required significant modifications to system hardware and software designs due to its larger measurement area and shorter test duration. Tomographic temperature and water vapor concentration distributions are presented from experimentation on the UVaSCF operating at a high temperature non-reacting case for water vitiation level of 12%. Initial LOS measurements from the NASA Langley DCSCTF operating at an equivalence ratio of 0.5 are also presented. Results show the capability of TDLAT to adapt to several experimental setups and test parameters

    The effects of altering milking frequency and/or diet in early lactation on the energy balance, production and reproduction of dairy cows.

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    End of Project ReportIt has been suggested that negative energy balance (NEB) in the immediate post-partum period is potentially an important factor in the association between increasing milk output and declining reproductive performance. The objective of this project was to design an experimental model that could be used to impose different degrees of NEB immediately after calving and to examine the effect of this model on dry matter intake (DMI), milk production, energy balance (EB), metabolic and reproductive hormonal profiles, the onset and pattern of post-partum ovarian cyclicity and reproductive physiology around AI. Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of milking frequency and diet on DMI, production, energy balance and blood metabolites and hormones in the first 4 weeks after calving and subsequent reproduction. Reducing milking frequency from either thrice or twice daily to once daily reduced DMI but also reduced milk production. This resulted in a better EB in once daily milked cows in both experiments, the reduction being significant in the first. Milk production during the 4-week treatment period was reduced by 23 and 20 percent by reducing milking frequency from thrice to once daily in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. There was a reduction of approximately 10 percent in the cumulative yield up to week 20 of lactation in experiment 1 and of approximately 9 percent in total lactation yield in experiment 2. Reducing milking frequency resulted in increased plasma glucose, insulin and IGF-1 concentrations and reduced non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and beta hydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentrations. Conception rates to first service or overall pregnancy rates were not different between milking frequency treatments but once daily milking resulted in a shorter interval to first ovulation than thrice daily milking, due to a higher proportion of cows on this treatment ovulating the first post-partum dominant follicle. Increasing the energy density 2 of the diet increased DMI and milk production with no consequent effect on energy balance. Logistic regression on the combined data from the two experiments showed that lower energy intake, greater NEB and lower milk protein content and were significantly associated with poorer conception to first service. Lower plasma IGF-1 concentrations in experiment 2 were also associated with a lower conception rate to first service. A third experiment which investigated protein concentration in the concentrate combined with concentrate feeding level post calving (for two groups of cows in different body condition score at calving) showed no effect of post calving diet on BCS change. Overall the results suggest that reducing milking frequency to once per day during the first 4 weeks of lactation reduces NEB and appears to be a suitable strategy for altering energy balance at this time. However, the short-term reduction in milking frequency immediately post partum reduces total lactation yields. Blood metabolite and hormonal concentrations indicate better energy balance for cows milked once daily. Increasing dietary energy density or reducing the protein content of the diet does not appear to be effective in changing energy balance in early lactation. Decreased NEB in the first 4 weeks post-partum is associated with an improved conception rate to first service

    Comparison of chemical characteristics of 495 biomass burning plumes intercepted by the NASA DC-8 aircraft during the ARCTAS/CARB-2008 field campaign

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    This paper compares measurements of gaseous and particulate emissions from a wide range of biomass-burning plumes intercepted by the NASA DC-8 research aircraft during the three phases of the ARCTAS-2008 experiment: ARCTAS-A, based out of Fairbanks, Alaska, USA (3 April to 19 April 2008); ARCTAS-B based out of Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada (29 June to 13 July 2008); and ARCTAS-CARB, based out of Palmdale, California, USA (18 June to 24 June 2008). Approximately 500 smoke plumes from biomass burning emissions that varied in age from minutes to days were segregated by fire source region and urban emission influences. The normalized excess mixing ratios (NEMR) of gaseous (carbon dioxide, acetonitrile, hydrogen cyanide, toluene, benzene, methane, oxides of nitrogen and ozone) and fine aerosol particulate components (nitrate, sulfate, ammonium, chloride, organic aerosols and water soluble organic carbon) of these plumes were compared. A detailed statistical analysis of the different plume categories for different gaseous and aerosol species is presented in this paper. The comparison of NEMR values showed that CH4 concentrations were higher in air-masses that were influenced by urban emissions. Fresh biomass burning plumes mixed with urban emissions showed a higher degree of oxidative processing in comparison with fresh biomass burning only plumes. This was evident in higher concentrations of inorganic aerosol components such as sulfate, nitrate and ammonium, but not reflected in the organic components. Lower NOx NEMRs combined with high sulfate, nitrate and ammonium NEMRs in aerosols of plumes subject to long-range transport, when comparing all plume categories, provided evidence of advanced processing of these plumes

    Boreal forest fire emissions in fresh Canadian smoke plumes: C_1-C_(10) volatile organic compounds (VOCs), CO_2, CO, NO_2, NO, HCN and CH_3CN

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    Boreal regions comprise about 17% of the global land area, and they both affect and are influenced by climate change. To better understand boreal forest fire emissions and plume evolution, 947 whole air samples were collected aboard the NASA DC-8 research aircraft in summer 2008 as part of the ARCTAS-B field mission, and analyzed for 79 non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) using gas chromatography. Together with simultaneous measurements of CO_2, CO, CH_4, CH_2O, NO_2, NO, HCN and CH_3CN, these measurements represent the most comprehensive assessment of trace gas emissions from boreal forest fires to date. Based on 105 air samples collected in fresh Canadian smoke plumes, 57 of the 80 measured NMVOCs (including CH_2O) were emitted from the fires, including 45 species that were quantified from boreal forest fires for the first time. After CO_2, CO and CH_4, the largest emission factors (EFs) for individual species were formaldehyde (2.1 ± 0.2 g kg^(−1)), followed by methanol, NO_2, HCN, ethene, α-pinene, β-pinene, ethane, benzene, propene, acetone and CH_3CN. Globally, we estimate that boreal forest fires release 2.4 ± 0.6 Tg C yr^(−1) in the form of NMVOCs, with approximately 41% of the carbon released as C_1-C_2 NMVOCs and 21% as pinenes. These are the first reported field measurements of monoterpene emissions from boreal forest fires, and we speculate that the pinenes, which are relatively heavy molecules, were detected in the fire plumes as the result of distillation of stored terpenes as the vegetation is heated. Their inclusion in smoke chemistry models is expected to improve model predictions of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. The fire-averaged EF of dichloromethane or CH_2Cl_2, (6.9 ± 8.6) × 10^(−4)gkg^(−1), was not significantly different from zero and supports recent findings that its global biomass burning source appears to have been overestimated. Similarly, we found no evidence for emissions of chloroform (CHCl_3) or methyl chloroform (CH_3CCl_3) from boreal forest fires. The speciated hydrocarbon measurements presented here show the importance of carbon released by short-chain NMVOCs, the strong contribution of pinene emissions from boreal forest fires, and the wide range of compound classes in the most abundantly emitted NMVOCs, all of which can be used to improve biomass burning inventories in local/global models and reduce uncertainties in model estimates of trace gas emissions and their impact on the atmosphere

    Characterizing Van Kampen Squares via Descent Data

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    Categories in which cocones satisfy certain exactness conditions w.r.t. pullbacks are subject to current research activities in theoretical computer science. Usually, exactness is expressed in terms of properties of the pullback functor associated with the cocone. Even in the case of non-exactness, researchers in model semantics and rewriting theory inquire an elementary characterization of the image of this functor. In this paper we will investigate this question in the special case where the cocone is a cospan, i.e. part of a Van Kampen square. The use of Descent Data as the dominant categorical tool yields two main results: A simple condition which characterizes the reachable part of the above mentioned functor in terms of liftings of involved equivalence relations and (as a consequence) a necessary and sufficient condition for a pushout to be a Van Kampen square formulated in a purely algebraic manner.Comment: In Proceedings ACCAT 2012, arXiv:1208.430

    Harmonic Analysis of Boolean Networks: Determinative Power and Perturbations

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    Consider a large Boolean network with a feed forward structure. Given a probability distribution on the inputs, can one find, possibly small, collections of input nodes that determine the states of most other nodes in the network? To answer this question, a notion that quantifies the determinative power of an input over the states of the nodes in the network is needed. We argue that the mutual information (MI) between a given subset of the inputs X = {X_1, ..., X_n} of some node i and its associated function f_i(X) quantifies the determinative power of this set of inputs over node i. We compare the determinative power of a set of inputs to the sensitivity to perturbations to these inputs, and find that, maybe surprisingly, an input that has large sensitivity to perturbations does not necessarily have large determinative power. However, for unate functions, which play an important role in genetic regulatory networks, we find a direct relation between MI and sensitivity to perturbations. As an application of our results, we analyze the large-scale regulatory network of Escherichia coli. We identify the most determinative nodes and show that a small subset of those reduces the overall uncertainty of the network state significantly. Furthermore, the network is found to be tolerant to perturbations of its inputs