31 research outputs found

    The ability of contrasting ericaceous ecosystems to buffer nitrogen leaching

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    Much attention has been given to the carbon balance of peatland and heathland ecosystems and their role as global carbon stores. They are also important as buffers for atmospheric nitrogen (N) pollution, locking N into the soil and vegetation through tight nutrient cycling and preventing the leaching of soluble N into freshwater ecosystems. We compared mean annual soil exchangeable N, mineralisation and soil solution nitrogen at three contrasting ericaceous-dominated ecosystems: a lowland heath, an upland heath and an ombrotrophic raised bog at intermediate altitude, all of which were sites of long-term N-manipulation experiments. We expected that soil leachate N would be associated with soil C/N and total soil C, and that sites with higher C % and soil C/N would have greater ability to buffer N deposition before N saturation and leaching began. However, although soil solution N responded to N deposition at all the sites, we found that only the heathland sites were consistent with this expectation. The bog, with the highest C/N and largest C pool, was not the most strongly buffered. The upland heath was most effective at retaining N (extractable NH4+-N +3900 % from control) compared to the lowland heath (extractable NH4+-N +370 % from control) and the bog (extractable NH4+-N, +140–240 % from control). We concluded that the absence of a definable Calluna litter layer at the lowland heath and the bog, and the anoxic conditions at the bog, explained the earlier onset of leaching and that carbon and nitrogen cycles appeared more closely coupled in the heathlands but became decoupled at the bog due to the strong controlling effect of hydrology

    Temporal variations in the stable carbon isotopic composition of methane emitted from Minnesota peatlands

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    The stable carbon isotopic composition of methane (δ13C) emitted from two peatland sites in the Marcell Experimental Forest in northern Minnesota was investigated during the snow‐free season of 1989–1990. A seasonal range in δ13C values of 13‰ was seen for a forested bog with heavier (13C enriched) methane emitted during the wanner summer months. This shift was correlated with water table level suggesting control by microbial oxidation. Methane from a nearby poor fen transitional to bog dominated by Carex oligosperma showed a similar temporal trend but with a much smaller range of 5‰ during the same time period and with no water table level correlation. The methane emitted from the fen was consistently heavier than that emitted by the bog

    The impact of air pollution on terrestrial managed and natural vegetation

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    Although awareness that air pollution can damage vegetation dates back at least to the 1600s, the processes and mechanisms of damage were not rigorously studied until the late twentieth century. In the UK following the Industrial Revolution, urban air quality became very poor, with highly phytotoxic SO2 and NO2 concentrations, and remained that way until the mid-twentieth century. Since then both air quality, and our understanding of pollutants and their impacts, have greatly improved. Air pollutants remain a threat to natural and managed ecosystems. Air pollution imparts impacts through four major threats to vegetation are discussed through in a series of case studies. Gas-phase effects by the primary emissions of SO2 and NO2 are discussed in the context of impacts on lichens in urban areas. The effects of wet and dry deposited acidity from sulfur and nitrogen compounds are considered with a particular focus on forest decline. Ecosystem eutrophication by nitrogen deposition focuses on heathland decline in the Netherlands, and ground-level ozone at phytotoxic concentrations is discussed by considering impacts on semi-natural vegetation. We find that, although air is getting cleaner, there is much room for additional improvement, especially for the effects of eutrophication on managed and natural ecosystems. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue ‘Air quality, past present and future’

    Nitrogen : too much of a vital resource : Science Brief

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    It is now clear that the nitrogen problem is one of the most pressing environmental issues that we face. But in spite of the enormity of our influence on the N cycle and consequent implications for the environment and for human well-being, there is surprisingly little attention paid to the issue. While biodiversity loss and climate change have spawned huge budgets to create national and multidisciplinary programs, global organizations, political and media attention, the N challenge remains much less apparent in our thinking and actions. This is because we are educated with the important role that N plays with regard to food security. This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the N challenge, and to provide options for decreasing the negative impacts of excess N

    How to make complexity look simple? Conveying ecosystems restoration complexity for socio-economic research and public engagement

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    Ecosystems degradation represents one of the major global challenges at the present time, threating people’s livelihoods and well-being worldwide. Ecosystem restoration therefore seems no longer an option, but an imperative. Restoration challenges are such that a dialogue has begun on the need to re-shape restoration as a science. A critical aspect of that reshaping process is the acceptance that restoration science and practice needs to be coupled with socio-economic research and public engagement. This inescapably means conveying complex ecosystem’s information in a way that is accessible to the wider public. In this paper we take up this challenge with the ultimate aim of contributing to making a step change in science’s contribution to ecosystems restoration practice. Using peatlands as a paradigmatically complex ecosystem, we put in place a transdisciplinary process to articulate a description of the processes and outcomes of restoration that can be understood widely by the public. We provide evidence of the usefulness of the process and tools in addressing four key challenges relevant to restoration of any complex ecosystem: (1) how to represent restoration outcomes; (2) how to establish a restoration reference; (3) how to cope with varying restoration time-lags and (4) how to define spatial units for restoration. This evidence includes the way the process resulted in the creation of materials that are now being used by restoration practitioners for communication with the public and in other research contexts. Our main contribution is of an epistemological nature: while ecosystem services-based approaches have enhanced the integration of academic disciplines and non-specialist knowledge, this has so far only followed one direction (from the biophysical underpinning to the description of ecosystem services and their appreciation by the public). We propose that it is the mix of approaches and epistemological directions (including from the public to the biophysical parameters) what will make a definitive contribution to restoration practice

    N leaching across European forests: derivation and validation of empirical relationships using data from intensive monitoring plots

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    Empirical relationships to predict the leaching flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in forested ecosystems as a function of N-deposition and stand and site characteristics have been derived using an updated version of the UN-ECE/EC intensive monitoring database, including data for the period up to the year 2000. These relationships were validated on an independent database with literature data. For the model development, reliable N budgets were available for 57 forest sites in Europe for a median period of 5 years. Multiple regression analysis showed that the measured N leaching fluxes could be well explained by a number of different empirical relationships. The simplest model included only the N throughfall flux and explained 30% of the variance in observed leaching fluxes. The most complex model showed a positive relationship between N leaching fluxes and N throughfall flux, temperature and the pH of the mineral topsoil and a negative relationship with the C/N ratio of the organic layer. This relationship explained 42% of the observed variance in leaching fluxes. The empirical equations explained 47-64% of the observed variation in leaching flux in an independent validation database. The best relationships were the one that included only N throughfall as a predictor, and a relationship that also included the C/N ratio of the organic layer as a factor to express differences in reaction above or below a critical C/N ratio. The median error was 211 mol/(ha year) for the relationship with N throughfall and 240 mol/(ha year) for the relationship that also included the C/N ratio. The median relative errors were 70 and 50%, respectively, for the two relationships. These large errors are mainly due to a general overestimation of N leaching fluxes at sites with a nitrogen-leaching fraction below 0.3. These are primarily Nordic sites with low total N-deposition levels and mid-latitude sites with relatively high C/N ratios