181 research outputs found

    Social network analysis of a landscape-scale conservation initiative in South Africa

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    Assessment of social relations, including social network analysis, is central to understanding collaborative processes for environmental decision-making and action. The capacity of network role players to learn and adapt appropriately to uncertainty and change is a critical determinant of the resilience of social-ecological systems. Poor social network structure can predispose failure. In this study, we used social network analysis to explore learning capacity and network resilience in a multi-authority conservation initiative on the West Coast of South Africa (Dassenberg Coastal Catchment Partnership). Our analysis focused on structural variables for network learning and resilience, namely connectivity, heterogeneity, and centrality. The governance network was found to be structurally connected, with the interaction between heterogeneous organisations and sectors, and centralised around a core group of actors. The network had good structural features to enable learning. However, the high level of centrality, and dependence on a small number of core actors, rendered the network potentially vulnerable to dealing with complex challenges. We recommend that core actors (1) reflect on their core functions and whether the network can absorb these functions if they were to leave and (2) tap into the knowledge potential of actors on the network periphery or invite new actors to the network when dealing with complex challenges. This may require the network to diverge into decentralised subgroups to deal with complex issues. We further suggest that the Dassenberg Coastal Catchment Partnership network incorporate social network research with qualitative monitoring into a long-term plan to monitor the movement and influence of actors as the initiative evolves. Significance: This study illustrates how social network analysis can help researchers, public-sector organisations, and donor agencies to monitor the structural features of governance networks that enable or disable learning and resilience within landscape-scale conservation initiatives. Our results illustrate how social network analysis can assist public-sector actors to reflect on their roles and whether there is redundant competency within the network to maintain its resilience

    The suitability of remote sensing for prioritising management of invasive plants in the Garden Route South Africa

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    Invasive tree species pose a huge problem in the Garden Route and are particularly damaging to aquatic ecosystems, including wetlands, riparian zones, lakes and estuaries. Therefore, this study aimed to determine priority areas for invasive tree species management, with a focus on aquatic ecosystems. This was achieved by using existing literature to identify priority species, based on their impact on aquatic ecosystems and their associated ecosystem services, and then testing the suitability of SPOT-6 and WorldView-3 multispectral data at detecting these focal species. The priority species identified were: Acacia cyclops (rooikrans), Acacia longifolia (long-leaved wattle), Acacia mearnsii (black wattle), Acacia melanoxylon (blackwood), Acacia saligna (Port Jackson willow), Eucalyptus camaldulensis (red river gum), Pinus pinaster (cluster pine) and Pinus radiata (radiata pine). The Random Forest classifier on SPOT-6 data achieved an overall accuracy of 62.5% and this method was consequently deemed ineffective at separating invasive tree species from other tree species in the Garden Route. The overall accuracy of the WorldView-3 classifier was higher (78.9%) but the cost of the data limited the use of more images for the detection of the focal species throughout the Garden Route. Therefore, to identify priority areas for invasive tree management, criteria derived from existing literature were input into spatial conservation planning software. The analysis identified the: Saasveld section of the Garden Route National Park, the Wilderness Lakes, Knysna Forest, Knysna Estuary, Tsitsikamma Forest around Stormsriver and a disturbed area of fynbos southeast of Kareedouw as management priorities. Currently spatial conservation planning software proved to be cost-affordable and useful tool and is recommended for invasive tree management in the Garden Route

    Deliberate introduction of invisible invaders:A critical appraisal of the impact of microbial inoculants on soil microbial communities

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    Non-target effects of deliberately released organisms into a new environment are of great concern due to their potential impact on the biodiversity and functioning of ecosystems. Whereas these studies often focus on invasive species of macro-organisms, the use of microbial inoculants is often expected to have specific effects on particular functions but negligible overall effects on resident microbial communities. Here, we posit that such introductions often impact native microbial communities, which might influence ecosystem processes. Focusing on soil communities, we used a literature search to examine the impact of microbial inoculation (often the release of beneficial microorganisms in agricultural systems) on resident microbial communities. Of 108 studies analyzed, 86% showed that inoculants modify soil microbial communities in the short or long term. In addition, for studies analyzing the consequences of microbial inoculants in the longer term, 80% did not observe the resilience (return to the initial state) of the resident community following inoculation. Through the knowledge gathered from each study, we propose a synthetic and mechanistic framework explaining how inoculants may alter resident microbial communities. We also identify challenges as well as future approaches to shed more light on this unseen reality

    The impact of protozoa addition on the survivability of <i>Bacillus</i> inoculants and soil microbiome dynamics

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    Protists’ selective predation of bacterial cells is an important regulator of soil microbiomes, which might influence the success of bacterial releases in soils. For instance, the survival and activity of introduced bacteria can be affected by selective grazing on resident communities or the inoculant, but this remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated the impact of the introduction in the soil of two protozoa species, Rosculus terrestris ECOP02 and/or Cerocomonas lenta ECOP01, on the survival of the inoculants Bacillus mycoides M2E15 (BM) or B. pumilus ECOB02 (BP). We also evaluated the impact of bacterial inoculation with or without protozoan addition on the abundance and diversity of native soil bacterial and protist communities. While the addition of both protozoa decreased the survival of BM, their presence contrarily increased the BP abundance. Protists’ selective predation governs the establishment of these bacterial inoculants via modifying the soil microbiome structure and the total bacterial abundance. In the BP experiment, the presence of the introduced protozoa altered the soil community structures and decreased soil bacterial abundance at the end of the experiment, favouring the invader survival. Meanwhile, the introduced protozoa did not modify the soil community structures in the BM experiment and reduced the BM + Protozoa inoculants’ effect on total soil bacterial abundance. Our study reinforces the view that, provided added protozoa do not feed preferentially on bacterial inoculants, their predatory behaviour can be used to steer the soil microbiome to improve the success of bacterial inoculations by reducing resource competition with the resident soil microbial communities

    Interactions between bacterial inoculants and native soil bacterial community:The case of spore-forming <i>Bacillus</i> spp

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    Microbial diversity can restrict the invasion and impact of alien microbes into soils via resource competition. However, this theory has not been tested on various microbial invaders with different ecological traits, particularly spore-forming bacteria. Here we investigated the survival capacity of two introduced spore-forming bacteria, Bacillus mycoides (BM) and B. pumillus (BP) and their impact on the soil microbiome niches with low and high diversity. We hypothesized that higher soil bacterial diversity would better restrict Bacillus survival via resource competition, and the invasion would alter the resident bacterial communities’ niches only if inoculants do not escape competition with the soil community (e.g. through sporulation). Our findings showed that BP could not survive as viable propagules and transiently impacted the bacterial communities’ niche structure. This may be linked to its poor resource usage and low growth rate. Having better resource use capacities, BM better survived in soil, though its survival was weakly related to the remaining resources left for them by the soil community. BM strongly affected the community niche structure, ultimately in less diverse communities. These findings show that the inverse diversity-invasibility relationship can be valid for some spore-forming bacteria, but only when they have sufficient resource use capacity

    Relational values about nature in protected area research

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    Protected areas are increasingly expected to justify their existence in terms of their importance to society. However, this importance, and the complex ways in which people relate to protected areas, cannot be captured by instrumental and intrinsic value framings alone. Rather, our understanding of the role of protected areas in society needs to take account of people’s relational values about nature. Here we review the literature on values associated with human-nature connection and related concepts to highlight which approaches are currently being used to understand expressions of relational values in empirical protected area research. Our results highlights seven ‘application domains’ for relational values research, highlighting expressions of relational values, and the stakeholder focus of each. Place-focused and psychological theories were most common across these domains. This work represents a first step in developing the foundations of a relational value research agenda in protected areas

    A history of extreme disturbance affects the relationship between the abundances of nitrifiers in soil

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    To understand how and to what extent single or multiple perturbations can alter the relationships between the abundances of different nitrifier groups and nitrification, soil microcosms were exposed to six disturbance treatments: a heat shock, cold shock, or control conditions applied to undisturbed soils or to soils that had previously been subjected to a first heat shock. We monitored the recovery of the abundances of four main nitrifier groups (ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria, AOA and AOB, respectively, andNitrobacterandNitrospiranitrite oxidizers) as well as nitrification activity for 25 days. AOA were sensitive to cold shocks, whereas AOB were not; the latter were sensitive to heat shock. Despite the variations, both groups were resilient to the first disturbance. In contrast,Nitrobacterwas affected by both disturbances, whereasNitrospirawas resistant to both shocks. Prior exposure to a heat shock affected each group's responses as well as the relationships between them. For example, AOB were more vulnerable to heat shock in pre-exposed soils, whereas under the same circumstances, AOA were resilient. Nitrification activity was resistant to the first disturbances, but a legacy effect was observed, and nitrification was highest in Heat-Heat and lowest in Heat-Cold treatments. Overall, our study shows that within soil nitrifiers, temporal patterns and legacy effects interact to result in complex disturbance responses

    Learning to bridge the gap between adaptive management and organisational culture

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    Adaptive management is the problem-solving approach of choice proposed for complex and multistakeholder environments, which are, at best, only partly predictable. We discuss the implications of this approach as applicable to scientists, who have to overcome certain entrained behaviour patterns in order to participate effectively in an adaptive management process. The challenge does not end there. Scientists and managers soon discover that an adaptive management approach does not only challenge conventional scientific and management behaviour but also clashes with contemporary organisational culture. We explore the shortcomings and requirements of organisations with regard to enabling adaptive management. Our overall conclusion relates to whether organisations are learning-centred or not. Do we continue to filter out unfamiliar information which does not fit our world view and avoid situations where we might fail, or do we use new and challenging situations to reframe the question and prepare ourselves for continued learning? Conservation implications: For an organisation to effectively embrace adaptive management, its mangers and scientists may first have to adapt their own beliefs regarding their respective roles. Instead of seeking certainty for guiding decisions, managers and scientists should acknowledge a degree of uncertainty inherent to complex social and ecological systems and seek to learn from the patterns emerging from every decision and action. The required organisational culture is one of ongoing and purposeful learning with all relevant stakeholders. Such a learning culture is often talked about but rarely practised in the organisational environment

    The relevance of cross-scale connections and spatial interactions for ecosystem service delivery by protected areas: Insights from southern Africa

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    The ecosystem services (ES) concept can frame the value of protected areas (PAs) to society and identify management actions that bridge biodiversity conservation and human benefits. In this special issue on ES flows to and from southern African PAs we consider two themes: (1) water as a biophysical and social-ecological connector; and (2) cross-scale interactions and connections as influences on cultural ecosystem service (CES) provision. Freshwater flows have supporting, regulating, and cultural elements, leading to complexities in governance as well as place attachment, intellectual, and recreational services. Scale dependence in CES creates trade-offs that challenge the usefulness of the ES framework for PA management. Ecosystem service production can potentially create political support for PAs and helps to build connections and feedbacks that increase PA resilience. Papers in the feature highlight a need to understand trade-offs in optimising for biodiversity vs. particular bundles of ES; impacts of investment in built infrastructure on ES use; how managers facilitate ES; scale and heterogeneity as influences; the role of adaptive monitoring of PAs as social–ecological systems; and services and benefits from PAs that are not well-articulated in ES classifications. PA research can thus add nuance, depth and substance to broader thinking around CES

    Beyond calendars and maps: Rethinking time and space for effective knowledge governance in protected areas

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    Protected area managers rely on relevant, credible, and legitimate knowledge. However, an increase in the rate, extent, severity, and magnitude of the impacts of drivers of change (e.g., climate change, altered land use, and demand for natural resources) is affecting the response capacity of managers and their agencies. We address temporal aspects of knowledge governance by exploring time-related characteristics of information and decision-making processes in protected areas. These areas represent artefacts where the past (e.g., geological periods and evolutionary processes), the present (e.g., biodiversity richness), and the future (e.g., protection of ecosystem services for future generations) are intimately connected and integrated. However, temporal horizons linked with spatial scales are often neglected or misinterpreted in environmental management plans and monitoring programs. In this paper, we present a framework to address multi-dimensional understandings of knowledge-based processes for managing protected areas to guide researchers, managers, and practitioners to consider temporal horizons, spatial scales, different knowledge systems, and future decisions. We propose that dealing with uncertain futures starts with understanding the knowledge governance context that shapes decision-making processes, explicitly embracing temporal dimensions of information in decision-making at different scales. We present examples from South Africa and Colombia to illustrate the concepts. This framework can help to enable a reflexive practice, identify pathways or transitions to enable actions and connect knowledge for effective conservation of protected areas
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