38 research outputs found

    El surgimiento del constitucionalismo moderno y las constituciones latinoamericanas tempranas

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    Este artĂ­culo intenta establecer el origen del constitucionalismo moderno como un fenĂłmeno universal, explica sus principios y hace un corto recorrido por su historia, analizando su desarrollo en las primeras constituciones latinoamericanas

    Conventions in comparative constitutional law. Research Paper in Law 4/2003

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    Introduction. “Convention” is an ambiguous term, not only for lawyers, containing a wide variety of different meanings. Even when restricted to denote an assembly it may be used for all sorts of gatherings. In the context of constitutional law a convention is a very specific instrument, and the question is to what extent it is actually known in European constitutional law and whether the “Convention on the Future of Europe” as called forth by the Declaration of Laeken conforms to what is understood in constitutional law by “convention”.1 Or did the Laeken Council pick up a term without any foundation in European constitutional law, rarely practiced and even less understood, the only precedents of which are supposed to be the American Federal Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 and the convention that drafted the European Charter on Fundamental Rights, as can be read time and again? 2 As it is the privilege of the constitutional historian to make aware the evolution of legal institutions and to analyze their conferred meaning so that they will be available in political discourse, I shall examine the meaning of “convention” in constitutional history and comparative constitutional law in a first part, while a second part will place the Convention on the Future of the European Union according to its composition and commission into the context of constitutional conventions as understood in law

    El surgimiento del constitucionalismo moderno y las constituciones latinoamericanas tempranas

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    Este artĂ­culo intenta establecer el origen del constitucionalismo moderno como un fenĂłmeno universal, explica sus principios y hace un corto recorrido por su historia, analizando su desarrollo en las primeras constituciones latinoamericanas

    Constitucionalismo moderno. IntroducciĂłn a una Historia que necesita ser escrita.

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    La historia del constitucionalismo moderno es una historia que necesita ser escrita. Este texto trata solamente esbozan un borrador con la intención de incitar un nuevo pensamiento sobre la historia constitucional en general y sobre su impacto en diferentes países en particular. Se demostrará que se reclama una perspectiva nueva para que brinde nuevas luces en la historia constitucional de todos los países involucrados. La historia del constitucionalismo moderno se aleja de los pasos de la historia constitucional nacional e inicia una perspectiva global

    Die Entwicklung des modernen Konstitutionalismus in Lateinamerika

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    Originating in North America in 1776, modern constitutionalism with its ten core principles was taken up in the French Revolution and spread across Europe during the subsequent centuries. The same became true for Latin America from the early 19th century on with an amazing number of 19th century constitutions documenting this process. However, until the 1970s universal principles, constitutional supremacy, limited government, and judicial independence were the principles most heavily embattled due to major cultural differences and legal education. In recent decades, modern constitutionalism made further progress while at the same time due to the ethnic make-up several countries tried their own way.Ausgehend von der These, dass sich 1776 in Nordamerika das Modell des modernen Konstitutionalismus mit zehn Verfassungsprinzipien herausbildete, das mit der Französischen Revolution auf Europa übergriff und hier im Laufe der Zeit übernommen wurde, soll gezeigt werden, dass sich diese Entwicklung ebenso in Lateinamerika mit dem Beginn der Verfassungsgebung nachzeichnen lässt. Ungeachtet vieler herausragender Beispiele im 19. Jahrhundert blieben universelle Prinzipien, der Vorrang der Verfassung, begrenzte Regierung und richterliche Unabhängigkeit bis in die 1970er Jahre am stärksten umkämpft. Kulturelle Prägungen und ethnische Bedingungen führen heute zu weiteren Angleichungen oder Sonderformen

    Constitutions of the world: 1776 to the present. Presentation of two publication projects

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    Condorcet et la discussion des constitutions américaines en France avant 1789

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    Il y avait en France, dans la décennie qui précède 1789, un débat relatif à deux conceptions concurrentes des constitutions : l’une traditionnelle liée aux idées de Montesquieu, l’autre moderne et trouvant son origine dans la révolution américaine. Nous examinons les positions de Turgot, de Brissot et surtout de Condorcet dans ce débat. La discussion porte notamment sur l’existence d’une ou de deux chambres. Constitution à l’américaine dans sa forme, à la française dans son contenu : tel est le discours français à l’aube de 1789.In France, during the decade that preceded 1789, a debate on two competing conceptions of constitutions took place: the traditional one connected with Montesquieu’s ideas, and the other, which was modern, and had its origins in the American Revolution. We examine the positions of Turgot, Brissot, and especially of Condorcet in this debate. The discussion concerns, in particular, the existence of one or two houses. A constitution that was American in its form and French in its content: such was what dominated French discourse at the dawn of 1789